Fanalis of Middle Earth

By SpaciestUnicorn

43K 1.3K 127

Morgiana was taking her last breath after defeating Zagan but what Morgiana didn't expect is to wake up in fr... More

Things to know before reading
Strange wakening
Mr: Pointy Hat?
Dwarf cuteness
The Quest
Hitting the Road
Troubled Thoughts
It's Time To Ruuuummmmbbbllee!
Don't underestimate me!
Radagast the Brown?

Is this the end?

4.5K 133 3
By SpaciestUnicorn


Not many people fully know Morgiana who happens to be a pure blood Fanalis. Many thought she was a cold, emotionless, and what most call...a monster..oh! that word was what she despised the most, it made her feel so little and useless that it felt like all she could do even though she was a strong warrior, was suffer in silence.

Morgiana has been chained down for so long, that she thought it was nearly impossible to experience the freedom that the bird's had. But thanks to Aladdin and Alibaba she was saved from from horrors of being chained down by a certain man. Sadly, to this day there are still people who wanted to destroy her freedom. They wanted her for what she was and for her amazing strength.  

Morgiana was glad though, that she had Aladdin and Alibaba as they had saved her many times both physically and mentally. If someone asked her if she would giver her life for them, she wouldn't miss a heartbeat to say she would as she would easily jump off a cliff of certain death for them. That's why the situation they were in now had caused sheer terror for her as she saw Aladdin, Alibaba, Hakuryuu, and herself falling through a trapped door where the real body of Zagan lays, waiting to devour them. She didn't care for herself but for the other's, she didn't want to feel so angry at the fact she was so useless.

Tears had start to gather in her eye's as she and the other's continue to fall. The panic in the other's made her feel worse, she wanted to take away there stress, pain and fear so they would smile...there smiles meant so much to her because they showed so many emotions through their smiles.

All Morgiana could think about as they continued to fall through this long dark tunnel was how Aladdin said she was like bird, but truthfully she wasn't she couldn't sore through the sky freely like the birds she oh so wised to be.

'Why? Why can't I do something? Why am I so useless?! Why can't I have wings?' thought Morgiana as more tears were shed.

Suddenly an orange glowed had started glow around Morgiana's shackles. Her eye's widened at them but quickly made them narrow as the chain's from the shackles has been released. She made the chains grab Aladdin, Alibaba, and Hakuryuu, which shocked Aladding and Alibaba as they saw here using her household vessel. Morgiana started to use the chain's like arms as she climbed up the tunnel.

Zagan was surprised as the small group popped out of the tunnel, yet turned wicked as the tiny red haired female jumped back in the tunnel towards Zagan's real body is. "You're a fool for going jumping back in now your gonna be a tasty treat for me now!" he laughed loudly making sure the red haired female heard him.

Morgiana who speeding down the long dark tunnel was determined to destroy Zagan for her friends and showing them she could be even more useful. When she got close to Zagan's body she notice with wide eye's, as she saw Zagan's real body opening up it's mouth to show a hideous sight of sharp teeth and dangerous looking fluids. Sweat was dripping from her forehead as gave a glare at Zagan's real body in frustration. Why must everything in this world always try to make her feel useless, she hated being a burden to her friends with a great burning passion.

Out of no where, her shackles glowed but this time glowing a burning bright white light. She looked at her shackles with wide eye's as she thought 'hot'. Suddenly a flaming white bird flew through air flying slightly above Morgiana make her look up in awe.

"Ask for power. I am the household. Created by the djin of flames, Amon, I am the household of sweltering heat!"
The flaming bird said to her with an outer worldly voice.

The bird and it's bright surroundings disappeared once Morgiana turned to Zagan's body and raised her shackled arm's as the chain's burst into blinding flames, bringing them harshly down as the chain's were wrapped around Zagan's body. The flames that engulfed the chain's had started to burn Zagan alive.

"I-impossible! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Zagan's screams started to fade into nothing, only the still burning flames on Zagan's corpse was all that could be heard.

Morgiana landed on the ground with crouched position. Lifting herself up she smiled with excitement as she finally can be more useful to her friends. Morgiana was so wrapped in her own head she didn't notice the real condition she was in, blood had started to down Morgiana's eye's and mouth. Her body weaking by the second, she smiled weakly even with blood streaming down her face "I-I did it!" was all she get out of her weaken state.

Her weaking state finally took a toll as she let her body fall towards the cold concrete, her chain's rattled as they too fell with her. Morgiana's vision was blurred from the blood in her eye's but she still tried to see if her friends tried to come for her, even though she was motionless on the ground.

She can feel it, she can feel that she slipping away to the eternal darkness but she just wants to see her friends

Closing her eye's for a moment she heard familiar voice shout out to her.

She felt her upper body get pulled up a bit so she was leaning against a chest, she opened her heavy eye lids to look up at the faces she had come to be quite fond of. Alibaba was the one holding her while Aladdin and Hakuryuu were behind him giving Morgiana a very worried look.

She looked at them with a weak smile, tears started to form and mixed with blood in her eye's. "I-I'm S-sorry" was all she could say as the blood in her mouth was making it hard for her.

She didn't get to see the looks she got when said those words because she finally let the darkness win over as she closed her eyelids for what she knows would be the last time. Body going limp in Alibaba's arms but before the anyone could do anything Morgiana's body seemed to start to burst into flames. The flames weren't hurting Alibaba's arm's, the flames seemed to only be interested in Morgiana's body.

The flames had started to burn so bright that the rest couldn't help but look away which ended up them missing the scene where Morgiana's body had completely disappeared into the flames.

Is this really the end?

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