Against Fate (Eternal Love of...


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This is a 'Modern Love Story' fanfiction based on Eternal Love of Dream drama series/Ten Miles Pillow Book No... More

Against Fate - Introduction
1. Reincarnation
2. Who are you?
3. Invisible
4. Repayment
5. Realization
6. Jealousy
7. Enough is enough
8. Confrontation
9. Moving On
10. Friendship
11. New Beginning
12. Starting Over
13. Back To Square One
14. Guardian Angel
15. Who am I?
16. Keeping It A Secret
17. Forgetting
18. Love Rival
19. Concealment
20. Cohabitation
21. The First Night
22. Getting Closer
23. Movie Night
24. Dreams
25. A Small Gathering
26. Stranger Danger
27. Back To Reality
28. Truth Hurts
29. Staying Strong
30. Dilemma
31. Facing Your Fears
32. Sports Meet
33. Lasting Impression
34. Curiosity
35. Beach Day
36. Kindness Pays Off
37. Hot Springs
38. Taking Back What's Mine
39. Rumours
40. Evil Plans
41. Protectors
42. New Colleagues
43. Harem
44. Creating Opportunities
45. Gossip Duo
46. Mrs. Claus
47. Plan C-offee
48. Knight In Shining Armour
49. Fighting My Own Battles
50. Journey to the 'Art Gallery'
51. The Art Of Jealousy
52. The Game Has Begun
53. The Final Winner
54. True Feelings
56. Promises
57. What Goes Around Comes Around
58. Reassurance
59. Birthday Dinner
60. Slumber Party
61. Misunderstandings
62. Coffee, Tea or Me?
63. Love Cuisine
64. Plan F-ish
65. Battle Of The Designers
66. False Rumours
67. Designers VS Presidents
68. A Pleasant Surprise
69. Stepping Back
70. Secret Santa
71. Christmas Eve
72. A Blessing In Disguise
73. All I Want For Christmas Is You
74. Baking Up Some Love
75. Christmas Bromance
76. Heavenly Cookies
77. Su Moye Saves The Day
78. Pick-up Chicks 101
79. The Escape Plan
80. New Year's Eve
81. Taking Responsibilities
82. The Hangover
83. Fireworks
84. Unofficially Dating
85. Straight From The Horse's Mouth
Author's Note
86. Get One's Wires Crossed
87. The Tea Trio
88. Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
89. Another One Bites The Dust

55. Confessions

1.6K 69 114

"Did you notice those two are acting really weird?" Feng Jiu asked.

Cheng Yu and Yu Xi nodded their head in agreement. Cheng Yu then said, "It looks like they are up to something. Like as if their personalities switched. But their acting is horrible!"

"Yeah, it's weird to see Si Ming talks like this too." Yu Xi giggled, and then she added on, "But it's still pretty cute."

Feng Jiu said, "I need to find out what they are up to." Cheng Yu then replied, "Let's start plan A."

Yu Xi looked confused, and Feng Jiu explained to her, "Since you're one of us now, we will teach you all about our plans and secret codes."

"Oh, wow! That sounds fun! Thanks for including me in your group. I promise I won't leak out any secrets." Yu Xi replied excitedly.

Then they gathered around, and Cheng Yu whispered, "Okay. So plan A means 'Act normal and play along with their game.'

"What if that plan fails?" Yu Xi asked curiously.

"Then we have plan B. Plan B is beating them up! I'm just kidding, don't do that. It means 'beat them at their game.' And if worse comes to worst, we have to bring out plan C, "confuse them by switching personalities too."

"Oh, but I'm not too good at doing all these. I think I'll just keep quiet and let you girls handle it." Yu Xi said.

"No worries, Yu Xi. Just take the back seat and watch us do the dirty work." Cheng Yu replied.

Feng Jiu then held out her hand with her palm facing downwards, and she told Yu Xi to put her hand over hers. After that, they said their mini cheer, "Go Girls, Go Girls! Take them down. Break their hearts and break their face."

"Wait, why break their hearts and break their face?" Yu Xi asked confusedly.

Cheng Yu chuckled and replied, "It's a long story, so I'll make it short. So we came up with this cheer back then because Feng Jiu had too many suitors. She was breaking hearts all day long. And if those guys were persistent, she would scare them off with her kickboxing skills."

Feng Jiu then laughed, "Good memories. I actually missed school."

Yu Xi chuckled and replied, "Now I get it! I guess I need to learn some kickboxing from Feng Jiu! So whenever another girl comes near Si Ming, I'll kick her away too!"

Everyone then laughed out loud, and Feng Jiu replied, "I'd be glad to teach you some moves. But don't worry, Si Ming is a very loyal and faithful man. Once he has his heart set on you, he won't do anything to hurt you."

Yu Xi then smiled warmly, "That's why I fell for him. I have never met someone like him, and I promise you that I won't break his heart too!"

Feng Jiu then smiled back at her, "Both of you really deserve each other. But we still need to settle that Su Moye guy. Don't worry; we will come up with a plan."

Cheng Yu then peeped out of the kitchen and noticed that the gossip duo was still 'acting.' Then she whispered to the two girls, "Okay. Let's start Plan A now. Act normal, and don't acknowledge the fact that they are acting weird."


"You girls took so long to wash your hands." Lian Song said in a serious tone.

Cheng Yu then sat down and replied, "Yeah. I wash my hands of you." Lian Song then ignored her sarcastic remark and replied calmly, "Come, have some fish." Then he picked up the fish with his chopsticks and placed it on her plate.

Si Ming then laughed out loud awkwardly and replied, "Talking about washing hands, I have a good joke." Yu Xi then looked at him and replied, "Oh. Tell us about it!"

"Sometimes I don't wash my hands before I eat dinner, I just have to come clean. You know, 'come clean.'" Then he winked awkwardly at everyone.

Lian Song then replied with a serious face, "Only you would come up with such nonsense." Si Ming immediately replied, "Because I'm a fun and funny guy." Lian Song then replied, "Yeah. You're so funny!" Then the gossip duo started laughing awkwardly.

The three girls were on the verge of 'puking' upon seeing them acting this way. Then they decided to carry out phase two of Plan A. They continued talking like normal as if they didn't notice Si Ming and Lian Song acting differently.

The gossip duo then realized that their plans were not working. Lian Song then said, "Si Ming, you want some tea?"

"Oh, yes. I need some tea now." Si Ming replied. Then they both headed towards the kitchen to get their 'tea.'

Feng Jiu then commented, "I don't even know why they like tea so much. You should see how many times they drank tea in the office!" Cheng Yu then smiled and replied, "Hope Lian Song gets the runs from drinking so much tea."

Then she whispered to the girls, telling them to start on plan B after the gossip duo is back from the kitchen. Plan B is to beat them at their game.


"Weird, why is our plan not working?" Lian Song asked. Si Ming then shrugged his shoulders and replied, "What should we do now? Come up with Plan B now!"

"Wait, don't rush me. I can't think when someone is rushing me." Lian Song then pondered on their next step. It seemed that he had met his match, and he couldn't beat Cheng Yu at her game.

"Damn it! I can't seem to think straight whenever it comes to Cheng Yu." Lian Song whined. Si Ming then patted his back and said, "This is what love does to you. I think we should just cancel all our plans. It feels weird to be acting like a different person."

Lian Song sighed, "Yeah. I'm useless when it comes to Cheng Yu. I just want her to be mine so badly, but I let her down in the past. All my attempts to make it up to her proved futile."

"Maybe you can try a different approach to chase her. I'm not good at giving ideas on what to do, but it might be something for you to consider."

"Thanks, bud. I really needed that encouragement." Then they smiled gently at each other and headed back to the living room.

For the first time in a long time, Lian Song actually broke down and talked about his real thoughts. In the past, he tried so hard to fit in with his peers, so he became the funny guy. But in the end, he lost Cheng Yu, and he had regretted that choice to this day.

They were like soulmates, but due to that one mistake, Cheng Yu refused to open up her heart to him again.


"You guys took so long to get tea." Cheng Yu said.

"Why? You missed me?" Lian Song cheekily replied, and raised his eyebrows at her. Cheng Yu then stared at Feng Jiu, and they 'talked' through their minds. "They switched back?"

Cheng Yu then decided to skip to Plan C, confusing your enemy. Then she used three fingers to tap on the table, hinting Feng Jiu that it was time to execute their 3rd plan. Feng Jiu also used three fingers to tap on the table to signal Cheng Yu that she had gotten the hint.

Cheng Yu then said sweetly to Lian Song, "Come, have some fish." Then she also picked some fish and placed it on his bowl. He was instantly confused, and he looked back at her with a puzzled face. Cheng Yu then smiled sweetly to him and said, "What's wrong? You don't like eating fish?"

"No, no. I just..." Lian Song said, and then Cheng Yu interrupted with a sweet voice, "Just what?"

Lian Song thought to himself, "Why is Cheng Yu so nice to me? Wait! Is there poison in this fish?! But if she wants me to die, I'll willingly do so for her. I hope it would be a quick death." Then he nervously replied, "Oh, nothing. Do you really want me to eat this fish?"

"Yes, of course. It's nice, try it." Then she smiled sweetly and nudged him to eat the fish.

Lian Song's hands were shaking, and he carefully picked up the small piece of fish with his chopsticks, and then he slowly put it in his mouth. He then closed his eyes and braced himself for the moment where he would just pass out and die.

At the same time, he was thinking back on all his happy moments with Cheng Yu. And he also thought to himself, "I guess, your life really does flash before your eyes before you die."

He waited for 5 seconds and realized nothing was happening to him. Then he opened his eyes slowly and asked, "Where am I? Am I dead yet?"

Si Ming chuckled and replied, "You're still very much alive. What were you even thinking about? You even had your eyes closed."

"Oh. Nothing. I was just resting my eyes." Lian Song then did a fake yawn, to convince Si Ming.

Cheng Yu immediately turned over to Lian Song and said worryingly, "Oh my, are you okay? You should sleep more. I'm so worried about you."

"Uh..uhh, I think so?"

Lian Song immediately furrowed his brows and looked at Feng Jiu, trying to see if she knows about Cheng Yu's weird behaviour. Feng Jiu totally avoided his gaze, and she acted busy with eating. Then he looked at Si Ming, but he only gave him back a puzzled look.

"Are you sure you're okay, Lian Song? You're even sweating now." Cheng Yu asked. Then she took a napkin and gently wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Lian Song immediately stood up and slammed the table. "I can't take this anymore!" Cheng Yu and Feng Jiu kept up with their acting and asked in a concerned tone, "Huh? What's wrong?"

He pointed at Cheng Yu and exclaimed, "You're acting differently! If you're out to kill me, please just grant me a quick death. I can't handle you treating me this way, and it's sending shivers down my spine."

"Oh? You don't like it?" Cheng Yu continued to tease Lian Song. At this point, Si Ming shook his head and laughed out loud. Then he said calmly, "Sit down, Lian Song. Can't you see that Cheng Yu already knew about everything?"

Feng Jiu and Cheng Yu then laughed out loud as well. Then Cheng Yu said to Lian Song, "This is your lesson for trying to trick us, and we outplay your little game."

Lian Song then frowned and said to Cheng Yu, "Please don't be mad at me again. I was just kidding." But she continued to ignore him, and then Si Ming said, "Yeah, Cheng Yu. It's my fault as well, and I also played a part in this plan. Forgive Lian Song, and you can stay mad at me instead."

Cheng Yu then replied to Si Ming, "Fine. I'll forgive Lian Song this time because you spoke up for him. But the next time, I'll definitely not forgive him!"

Lian Song immediately smiled and replied, "I'll do everything that you say."

This is also the reason why Lian Song's plans would never work on Cheng Yu. It's because she knows him far too well, and she was always one step ahead of him. If only Lian Song started to be more serious, maybe he would get the chance to prove his sincerity towards her.

Then everyone continued to talk and have fun while eating their dinner. Yu Xi and the girls got closer, and they quickly became good friends. Everyone enjoyed themselves that night.


Soon, it was time to head home.

"Are you sure you don't want me to send you back, Feng Jiu?" Si Ming asked. Feng Jiu then pushed him back into the apartment, "No, I can take the bus back. You should help Yu Xi clean up the place. And spend some time with her." Then she winked at him.

Si Ming then smiled shyly and replied, "Alright, I will do that. Be safe and text me when you reached home safely."

Cheng Yu then bid goodbye to everyone and dashed out. Lian Song chased after her and said, "Let me send you home, Cheng Yu." She immediately replied rudely, "No, it's fine. I can take the bus with Feng Jiu."

Lian Song then looked over to Feng Jiu, and his eyes were begging her for help. Feng Jiu then turned to Cheng Yu and said, "Yeah, let Lian Song send you home. His apartment is in the same direction as yours, and we are heading in different directions anyway."

"Fine, I'll go with him as I'm getting tired too. Are you sure you'll be fine taking the bus alone, Feng Jiu? Maybe Lian Song can send you back too."

"Yeah, I don't mind sending you back too." Lian Song said.

Feng Jiu then shook her head lightly, "I do this all the time, so don't worry about me! It's not that far anyway, and I need to take a stroll to digest the food we just ate."

The three of them left, and then Lian Song drove Cheng Yu back home.

"Let's go back in, Yu Xi. I'll help you clean up the place. Don't worry, and it's Sunday tomorrow, so I don't have to work."


They started cleaning up the table, and they brought the dishes back into the kitchen. Both of them began to wash the dishes, with Si Ming washing and Yu Xi putting it away.

Si Ming noticed Yu Xi was quiet, so he asked her, "Are you tired? Go rest if you are tired, and I'll do the rest of the cleaning."

Yu Xi then bowed her head and replied softly, "I'm just thinking..."

Si Ming then put away the rest of the dishes, washed his hands and brought Yu Xi to the living room. Then they sat down on the sofa and started talking.

"What's wrong? You can talk to me about everything."

"Si Ming... Be honest with me, do you have feelings for me?"

Si Ming panicked, and he didn't know what to say because he was nervous and caught off guard. Yu Xi then stood up and said, "Never mind. I guess you won't ever admit it, and I won't force you. I'm going back to the kitchen."

"Wait." Then he sighed and uttered, "I do have feelings for you, but I know I'm not good enough for you."

Yu Xi immediately turned around, and hugged Si Ming tightly. "I'm so happy to hear this from you, and I don't even care about anything else. All I want now is to be with you!" She started sobbing uncontrollably, and Si Ming tried to calm her down. He wiped her tears away gently, then he replied, "But... I can't give you a good life, and I'm just a nobody. Your parents won't be able to accept me, and you'll suffer with me."

"I don't care about what they think, even if they are going to disown me. Look at me now. I'm living alone and surviving well. I learned how to cook simple dishes, and I could even do household chores now. As long as you are by my side, I'm willing to give up everything for you."


Before Si Ming could finish his sentence, Yu Xi closed her eyes and kissed him on the lips.

Si Ming widened his eyes with shock at first, and he eventually started to kiss her back. "I need to have more confidence in myself, and I promise not to let Yu Xi suffer." He thought to himself.

After kissing for a while, they sat apart at the end of each corner. Their faces were flushed, and their hearts were pounding non-stop.

Si Ming then slowly slid over to her corner and said, "I know I'm not good with my words, and I'm not romantic like other guys. I just want to let you know that you mean a lot to me in my heart. Will you be my girlfriend...?" Then he quickly bowed his head and avoided eye contact.

"No." Yu Xi replied firmly.

"I'm sorry. I know it's too fast. Just pretend that I didn't say anything." Si Ming panicked, and he was feeling helpless.

Yu Xi saw the helpless look on Si Ming's face, and she burst into laughter. Then she quickly held on to his hand and replied, "Of course, it's a yes!"

Si Ming immediately held her hand back and smiled widely, "You almost gave me a heart attack! But I promise to treat you well, and I won't break your heart."

Si Ming then stayed overnight at her apartment, but he slept in the guest room. Si Ming was also a gentleman, and he didn't want to rush things with Yu Xi even though they had started dating.


On the other hand, Cheng Yu and Lian Song were driving back to her apartment. There was also total silence between them as Cheng Yu was still a little mad at him.

Lian Song: Hey, don't be mad at me. I know it was my fault, so please forgive me.

Cheng Yu: I don't want to.

Lian Song: Why are you always so cold to me?

Cheng Yu: You should know the answer more than anyone else.

Lian Song: Because of the past? It's been a few years, Cheng Yu. When will you ever forgive me?

Cheng Yu: Never.

Lian Song: Just give me one last chance to prove it to you. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you anymore.

Cheng Yu: No.

Right at this moment, a car came crashing into the back of their vehicle. Cheng Yu jerked forward in her seat due to the impact. Before she hit her head on the car dashboard, Lian Song quickly held out his hand in front of her to prevent her from getting hurt.

"Are you okay, Cheng Yu?! Look at me, let me check if you're injured." Lian Song panicked and started touching her head to check for any injuries. Cheng Yu looked at him while thinking to herself, "Lian Song seems a little different, and he looks really worried about me. That's nice. Wait! What am I thinking?! I won't fall into his trap again, like what I did back then."

Then she smacked his hand away and said, "I'm fine. Go check on the car and the people behind."

"Okay, I'll be back soon. Wait for me in the car, and let me know if you feel any pain suddenly." Lian Song then stood outside his car and discussed with the other driver about the car's damages.

The middle-aged driver who hit them was driving a taxi. He was panicking, and he apologized profusely, "Is there anyone injured? I'm so sorry, Sir. I had an emergency family situation, and I couldn't focus on the road. I'll definitely pay for your car's damages, just let me know how much it is."

Lian Song then tried to calm the driver down, "Hey, no worries, nobody got injured. If you have an emergency family situation to handle, you should just quickly leave and head home. But remember to drive safe on the way, as I don't want you to get into another accident."

"Thank you very much, sir." Then the driver took out his wallet and tried to give Lian Song all his money. He then added on, "Will this be enough for the car damages? I'm sorry that's all I have now, business hasn't been good all week. If it's not enough, please allow me some time to earn money to pay you back. I promise that I'll pay you back."

Lian Song then looked at the man's car and his empty wallet, and he thought to himself, "His income would definitely be affected since he can't work with a damaged car. It might be hard for him to pay me back."

Then he said to the driver, "It's just a small dent, so you don't have to pay me any money. Keep your money, and you'll probably need it since you won't be able to work with a damaged car. And here, take some money too." Then he took out some cash and offered it to the driver.

"No, no, Sir. I can't take this!"

"Please, just accept this. I know how hard it is to be working all day, and you also mentioned that you have a family emergency. This small amount of money might help you with it."

Lian Song then stuffed the money into the guy's hands and kept nudging him to keep it.

Finally, the driver gave in and accepted the money. He bowed to Lian Song and thanked him. "Thank you so much, Sir. You're so kind-hearted, and I hope that you'll receive good merit for this. Thank you again."

"No problem, and drive safe! Quick, get going now. Your family must be waiting." Lian Song then waved goodbye and went back into the car.

Cheng Yu had overheard their conversation, and she thought to herself, "Hmm... I didn't know that Lian Song is this kind-hearted." Then she said to Lian Song, "I'm just curious, why did you not take the guy's money and instead gave him money?"

"It's because I know it's not easy for him to earn money, and I can easily afford to pay for the car damages too. It's not really his fault as well, and people make mistakes too."

"Oh. That's nice of you to do so."

"Oh! So do you still feel okay? Sorry if I'm being naggy, but I'm just worried and want to make sure that you're not hurt." Lian Song then touched her head lightly again to check for any injuries.

"Yes. I'm fine! Don't worry about me."

Lian Song then drove off and continued his way to Cheng Yu's apartment. "So... what were we talking about before this? Oh, wait, I remembered. Cheng Yu, I really want to prove to you that I'm a changed man now." He said.

Cheng Yu pondered for a while, and she replied softly, "I'll consider it."

"What?! Did you just say that you'll consider it?" He exclaimed. Lian song then stopped the car at the side of the road to calm himself down. Then he turned over to Cheng Yu and added on, "Did I mishear it?"

Cheng Yu smiled and nodded her head lightly. Then she said, "Yeah, but don't think too much! I mean, we are just going to start as friends first. And I will need time to learn how to trust you again."

"Yes, being friends first is fine with me! I'm so happy that I'm actually speechless for once." Lian Song was feeling so touched, and tears started to well up in his eyes.

"Wait, are you crying?!" Cheng Yu exclaimed.

"Huh? No. Sand got into my eyes."

Lian Song quickly turned away and wiped the tears off. Cheng Yu then thought to herself, "We are in the car, so why would there be sand here? He must be feeling embarrassed."

Then she replied, "Let's just get going now. It's getting late, and I'm feeling a little tired."

"Yes, Mdm! I'll do anything that you say! You can take a nap first, and we will be there shortly."

Cheng Yu then closed her eyes and took a nap. She also thought to herself silently, "I hope that Lian Song won't disappoint me again."


While the two other couples were progressing well, Feng Jiu just got out of the bus, and she began walking home. It would take her 10-15 minutes to walk home from the bus stop to her apartment.

*Buzz Buzz Buzz* Her phone started ringing, and Feng Jiu looked down at her screen to see a Private Number calling her.

Feng Jiu: Hello?

Unknown Caller: Hi, is this Miss Bai Feng Jiu? We are calling from 'Hao Chi BBQ Skewers,' located at Tao Hua street. Do you remember having dinner here recently?

Feng Jiu: Oh? I remember eating there a few nights ago. Is there a reason why you're calling me?

Unknown Caller: We are just calling to inform you that we held a lucky draw for all recent diners at our restaurant, and you have been selected as the winner. Congratulations, you have won a month of unlimited free BBQ skewers at our restaurant, starting from tomorrow onwards.

Feng Jiu: Oh my gosh! Really?! So this means that I can order as many skewers as I want, right?

Unknown Caller: No. You're still a glutton.

Feng Jiu: Huh? What did you just call me?

Unknown Caller: It's me.

Feng Jiu: Who? Wait, why does your voice sound so familiar?

Unknown Caller: It's Dong Hua. You still get so excited when you hear free food.

Feng Jiu: Dong Hua?! You tricked me again, and I thought it was real! Hmph! Wait, how did you even get my phone number?

Dong Hua: Did you forget that you saved your own number on my phone?

Feng Jiu: Wait... So why did you call me? Don't tell me you just called me to tease me.

Dong Hua: Yes, and no. I was just calling to make sure that you're not slacking at work.

Feng Jiu: What?! It's Saturday, and technically it's off work hours so you can't deduct my salary!

Dong Hua: Oh, right. I forgot it's Saturday because I'm still working. I just ended a meeting with a big client, and I'm back at the hotel.

Feng Jiu: Oh? Are you already on your business trip? I thought you're only leaving on Monday.

Dong Hua: Oh? Why? Did you miss me already?

Feng Jiu: What?! You were only gone for a day. Besides, why would I miss you?! You're calling me, so shouldn't it be you who was missing me?!

Dong Hua: Yeah. I missed you... making Coffee for me. The coffee here is horrible, and I prefer yours.

Feng Jiu: See, I told you so! My coffee is really good. It's okay, I'll make you some good coffee when you're back.

Dong Hua: I wish you were make me Coffee. I don't know how I will survive without good Coffee.

Feng Jiu: It's okay, a week will pass by quickly. Also, I'll be making you a nice seafood meal when you're back. I'm a great cook, and it won't disappoint you for sure!

Dong Hua: Yeah, I can't say the same about myself about cooking.

Feng Jiu: By the way, you don't have to check up on me! I won't slack at work for sure, but you better keep your promise on giving me free meals on Monday. If not, I'll spam call your phone until I get it!

Dong Hua: Oh? Spam calling me? That sounds nice.

Feng Jiu: Yeah! Nice for sure. Your phone will be buzzing non stop while you're in the meeting, and everyone will stare at you.

Dong Hua: There is a thing called "switching my phone off."

Feng Jiu: Hmph! Then you'll suffer when you come back. I'll add a lot of chilli powder in your food on Saturday.

Dong Hua: Oh? Are you going to kill me again? I guess there wouldn't be any more free meals since I'm going to die anyway.

Feng Jiu: No! I take that back. But we already made a pinky promise, and you need to keep your promise!

Dong Hua: Fine, fine. I'll make sure you have your free meals. And I'll also pay for your BBQ skewers since I tricked you. Sounds good to you?

Feng Jiu: Yes! That's better. Okay, it's late now, and you need to sleep! Do you have work tomorrow?

Dong Hua: Yes, I'll be busy for the next few days. But I'll still check up on you to make sure that you don't slack at work.

Feng Jiu: Don't worry, I won't slack! For the sake of the free meals! Wait, you better be regularly eating as well. Eat more meals, and rest more too.

Dong Hua: Yes, boss. I will remember to take my meals, and I'll send you a picture of my meal every time I eat it to prove it to you. I know you well enough to know that you need proof of it. Anything else that you want to remind me about?

Feng Jiu: Hmm... That's all for now. Good, make sure to send me those pictures! I'm only checking up on you because...

Dong Hua: I know, I know. Because I'll die and you'll lose your job.

Feng Jiu: Glad that you know! And it's also because you're my good friend and I care about all my friends. Okay, go to bed now. Immediately!

Dong Hua: Yes, yes. I'll be going to bed soon. Are you home now? I remembered you said that you're meeting your friends for dinner.

Feng Jiu: Yeah, I was walking home when you called me. I just reached home now, and I'm going to bed after washing up. I'm so tired!

Dong Hua: Okay. Make sure to rest more, so that you won't fall sick. I'm only saying this because If you fell sick, who would make coffee for me?

Feng Jiu: I know that. I won't fall sick, so you don't have to worry. Okay, good night and sleep well.

Dong Hua: Good night.

*Phone call ended*

"I already miss her." - Dong Hua

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