My Neighbor's Friend

By BettieBurton

39.8K 2.3K 284

Everybody has a past. Everybody has made mistakes. The important thing is to always try and learn from them a... More

CHAPTER 2: Gunner
CHAPTER 4: Gunner
CHAPTER 6: Gunner
CHAPTER 8: Gunner
CHAPTER 10: Gunner
CHAPTER 11: Arya
CHAPTER 12: Gunner
CHAPTER 13: Arya
CHAPTER 15: Arya
CHAPTER 16: Gunner
CHAPTER 17: Arya
CHAPTER 18: Gunner
CHAPTER 19: Arya
CHAPTER 20: Gunner
CHAPTER 21: Arya
CHAPTER 22: Gunner
CHAPTER 24: Gunner
CHAPTER 25: Arya
CHAPTER 26: Gunner
5 Years Later.....

CHAPTER 14: Gunner

1.3K 90 13
By BettieBurton

I know I should have told her. I chickened out, what can I say?! I had the perfect opportunity in telling her what exactly it is that I do and to mention also that this new 'project' I have been given was on her and the so called 'life' she left behind her. 

I had read the EMAIL the following day after I talked to my boss and have been trying to work on the case in getting information and sending EMAIL's back and forth with my boss and everything then after taking her to dinner tonight and as soon as she brought the moment up where I could have told her everything and possibly had her tell me about her past life and why she left and so on and so on but I just didn't and I have no excuse. 

There's of course also the issue I need to try and figure out in the fact that my boss nor anybody else really should know about the fact I have found Arya. 

It was hard to accept that this was the same girl I am currently dating at first and that she grew up in the lifestyle she did then one day just left. She just doesn't seem the type really. Normally those kind would be tougher. Then again, she could just be putting on a persona but yet I don't feel like she is neither. 

Instead of trying to analyze her, I decided to just let it go for now and try to figure out a way to make sure her ex doesn't find her. 

I must have been daydreaming because I heard Arya say my name as she seemed to be trying to catch my attention from across the table. 

"Hey, you okay?" She asks me. "You've been acting weird nearly all night." She points out. 

"Yeah. I'm fine, thanks" I reply but then finally, I let out a sigh and decide that before the waiter brings the check, I figured I would tell her. 

"You sure?" She asks with a cocked eyebrow at me. 

"Actually, there's something I've been wanting to tell you the last few days and a few things I have also wanted to ask as well." I began admitting. 

"Okay...." She replied unsure of what I was about to tell her. 

"I don't work on software or anything like what Ferris does. I don't do websites or any of that for a living." I started confessing/explaining. 

She set down her fork and stopped eating her dessert. 

"Go on." She says with worry in her voice. 

"You see, I happen to be an agent for the FBI." I mumbled to myself the last part. 

"You what?" She asks. 

"I'm an agent for the FBI." I tell her. 

You could hear a pin drop in the entire room as it seemed as though everything and everyone around us went dead silent while she just looked right at me with what looked to be of some confusion as well as fright a bit. 

"You work for the FBI?" She asks me before taking a huge gulp. 

"Yes." I reply nervously. 

She remains quiet for a few moments before saying anything. 

"Wow." Is all she says. 

I can tell by the look on her face though that something has her worried and she looks a little frightened as well. 

"Technically, I don't normally tell anybody, let alone a girlfriend as we usually aren't allowed to really. But I trust you." I reach for her hand and place hers into mine while gently circling the top of her hand with my thumb and looking at her. 

She looks into my eyes and for that moment, I began to feel something I can't explain other than butterflies maybe? Is that really even real?

"I appreciate you telling me." She assures me with a smile while squeezing my hand a little more. "I promise I won't tell anyone." 

"Thank you." I smiled back at her and raised the back of her hand to my lips and placed a gentle kiss on it. 

"Does Ferris know?" She asks me. 

"No. You are the only other person who knows." I assure her with a smile. 

I felt more relieved than I thought I would after telling her what I did for a living and she seems so accepting. Technically, I am not supposed to say anything to anyone about me being an agent unless to my spouse, just like in the CIA. They don't reveal unless to a spouse about what they do and if they are undercover, not even their spouse can really know about what they are. CIA are not agents like the FBI. We all help people, find information and try to take down the bad guys though. 

I did have a perfect opportunity just then to have her begin telling me about her past but something inside of me felt like it was too soon and I should just have her take in the fact of me being an agent for the FBI. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 
Hmmm........I wonder, will she tell him?

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