They Never Said It Would Be E...

By sssmith95

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They Never Said It Would Be Easy follows Gianna as she navigates through life as a young adult. Her life as b... More

Part 1
September 2012 - December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
April 2014
May 2014
August 2014
Fall 2014
Winter Break 2014/2015
Spring 2015
Summer 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Post Graduation 2016
Part 2
April 14, 2018
April 21, 2018
May 12, 2018
May 18, 2018
June 1, 2018
June 16, 2018
July 14, 2018
July 15, 2018
July 28, 2018
August 3, 2018
August 23, 2018
August 24, 2018
August 25, 2018
September 15, 2018
September 16, 2018
September 22, 2018
September 23, 2018
October 31, 2018
November 22, 2018
December 12, 2018
December 22, 2018
December 31, 2018
January 4, 2019
February 2019
March 2019
April 2019
May 4, 2019
January 2020
Gianna's Playlist

March 2014

114 20 31
By sssmith95

March was the month that a lot of my friends have been waiting for, excited and nervous at the same time. We would be getting our acceptance, hopefully not rejection letters, to the universities we would be transferring to. The whole team had been discussing their top choices, Casey wanted to go to University of California Santa Barbara, Natalie wanted to go to University of California San Diego, Aria decided that leaving California and going to Colorado would be a good change for her, and I was hoping to get into University of California Los Angeles. As for the boys, they were going to be pretty spread out throughout California, some going to UC's, others going to state schools, with the exception of Brett. He wanted to go to a school in Texas. With him and Casey just getting back together, I wasn't sure how that would work out, but it wasn't for me to figure out. I was more interested in finding out where Colin planned on going, even though I shouldn't have been. He made it clear that he wasn't ready for a relationship with anyone, which by default included me, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't care where is going to school, right? I mean he is my friend after all, and friends should care about their friends' future goals.

Practice had just ended and our friend group had met out in the parking lot to make plans for the rest of the day.

"Anyone wanna catch up on some homework at my place? Then maybe watch a movie or something afterwards?" Brett asked.

Aria responded, "Natalie and I have a huge midterm for our chemistry class in the morning so we gotta head to the library and actually get some work done. Sorry guys."

"I'll come over, Brett." Colin said. "Gigi, you down?"

"Oh yeah sure. I'm gonna grab my stuff from the locker room and I'll meet you guys there," I said, secretly surprised and excited that Colin seemed to want me there.

The whole car ride over I kept thinking about Colin's intentions. Why did he want me there? Does he secretly have a crush on me? Is this another opportunity for the two of us to get closer? But then I started thinking realistically. Of course he asked if I was going. I am part of the friend group that was invited over so he was probably just genuinely curious if I was going to go or not. Plus, we have become friends over the past month so I guess it was normal for him to ask if I was going. Oh, not to mention how awkward it would be for him to go study alone with Brett and Casey when she had just recently had a crush on him, but then got back together with Brett. Gigi, you need to stop overthinking everything Colin says or does. We are just friends and that is how things are going to be.

I arrived at Brett's place and joined him, Colin, and Casey in some homework and studying. A few hours later, once everyone completed their work for the day, Casey started on the topic of spring break, which was coming up in a few weeks.

"I think that we need to plan a fun trip for the whole team, you know, considering that this will be our last spring break before we all split up and go to different schools."

"I think that is an awesome idea!" Colin exclaimed. "This is the perfect chance to spend time with everyone before things change forever."

Colin's words, "change forever," kept repeating in my head. He was right. This was our last chance to be together as a group before things really did change forever.

"I say we go on a team camping trip, maybe to Morro Bay by San Luis Obispo? We can camp on the beach and still be close enough to hang out downtown. What do you guys think?" I explained.

"Gigi, that is PERFECT. I am going to send out a mass group message and see if everyone else is down. Get ready for the best spring break of our lives!" Casey exclaimed.

Almost everyone on the team loved the idea to go camping for spring break. Over the next few weeks we planned out the trip, such as what camping spot to get, who was bringing what food and supplies, and who was driving. Everything was eventually planned out and we were all ready for one last trip together.

It was the night before the camping trip with the swim team and I could not be more excited to take a break from school and swim. I had just finished my last midterm the day before spring break started and I really wasn't sure if I did well on it. I promised myself that I would take my mind off of it for the whole break and focus strictly on having fun with my friends for our last spring break together before we went our separate ways.

I had Casey on FaceTime while I was packing to make sure I didn't forget anything and to get a little girl time in before we were with the guys for the next few days.

"Gigi, don't forget to bring a few cute bathing suits. I know season isn't over yet, but we should get a head start on getting rid of these horrendous tan lines. That means NO ONE-PIECES."

"Alright fine. But I know what you are getting at and it's not going to happen."

Casey had this idea that I could hook up with one of the cuter guys on the team, with her only reasoning being that it would be my last chance before I probably never see them again. She was right, it would be my last chance, but I wasn't interested in a single guy on the team, with the exception of Colin, and I was definitely not interested in making things awkward on the team for the rest of the swim season.

"Oh fine. But you know I will be with Brett and I bet some of the other girls will be taking advantage of this trip, especially once they get a few drinks in them.But honestly, don't tell anyone this, not even Aria or Natalie, I would still be annoyed if someone got with Colin. I know Brett and I are back together, but I would still bug me. Maybe it was because he never really showed interest and that was the first time a guy sort of rejected me, " Casey explained.

That was true. I guy had never rejected Casey before Colin. She was a pretty confident girl so that must have gotten to her. Still, I don't think it was fair for her to make Colin off-limits when she was back with Brett. But I wasn't going to fight her on it. This was probably our last trip before we went in different directions in life and I was not about to ruin it.

"I won't tell anyone," I assured her.

The next morning everyone met at Brett's house to drive to Morro Bay, near San Luis Obispo. The team split into about four cars to accommodate everyone. I rode in Brett's car with him, Casey, Aria, Natalie, and Colin. The ride up was pretty relaxing the whole time with everyone just singing along to Casey's playlist. I added a few songs to it, all of them by The Strokes of course, and Colin and I were singing at the top of our lungs to it. We played "You Only Live Once" and "Under Cover of Darkness" and it was the most fun I have ever had in the car. It was so nice to have someone who loved them as much as I did because most of my friends liked different genres and none of them were huge fans of The Strokes. Honestly, and I know how lame this sounds, but singing along with Colin was the best part of the first day of the trip.

After a few hours all of the cars made it up to our campsite, which was right on the beach. I have never camped on the beach before and it was absolutely beautiful. I knew right away that this would be one of the best trips of my life thus far.

We started setting up camp. Brett and Casey brought their own tent to share so I shared with Natalie and Aria. Colin stayed in a six person tent with the rest of the guys and the remaining girls shared a four person tent. Once we were set up, it was pretty much dark so we decided to drive downtown to get some dinner. We settled on a pizza place and ordered a ton of food. Pizza, wings, salad, and breadsticks were all very necessary for the amount of alcohol we were going to consume that night. After dinner we drove back to the campsite and let the night begin for real.

We all decided that we need one group shot to start off the night. The boys did the honors of pouring the girls and then themselves a shot of vodka. On the count of three we all cheersed and threw them back. The shot tasted horrible of course, but the only way to make it easier to drink is to drink more, right? So the team decided to do one more. After our second shot, we decided to play some boys versus girls flip cup. So the girls and boys lined up on opposite sides of the table and everyone had a cup full of beer. The first person on each side of the table had to drink their beer and then flip their cup so it landed upside down on the table. Once the first person gets their cup to flip upside down, the next person goes and so on. Everyone was shouting and cheering when it came down to Casey versus Brett. After a few tries, Brett flipped his cup first and won it for the boys.

"We need a rematch!" Casey exclaimed. "But this time we need to switch up the order. Gigi, you go to the end and Aria you need to go first. You two are our best players."

Since the girls switched up their order, the boys decided to do the same. This time, I would be facing off against Colin for the win. Aria and Brett started it off and the game continued down the line. We fell a bit behind when it got to Natalie because she might have had one shot too many, so Colin got to start his turn before I did. It was finally my turn and by the time I got to start, Colin already drank his beer and was trying to flip his cup. I could not let the girls lose again. No way. So I tipped my cup back and downed it as fast I could. Colin was so close to winning on so many flips but was just barely missing it. I knew that if the girls were going to win, I had to get it fast. So on my first flip, to my amazement, I got it! I beat Colin and won the game for the girls!

"GOOOOO GIANNA!!!" all of the girls cheered, giving me high fives and hugs. 

I was so happy. I know it was just a game, but there's something about beating a bunch of guys at something that they are supposedly better at that really gives me a confidence boost.

"And for that loss, you're gonna have to take another shot. Sorry Colin, I don't make the rules," came flying from my mouth before I had the chance to think about it. I guess the confidence from winning, and maybe from the alcohol too, was giving me the confidence to flirt a little bit.

"Alright fine, but don't complain when you have to take the same punishment tomorrow night when we beat you guys in a different game," Colin said, possibly flirting back a little bit?

After our game a flip cup, everyone was just hanging out, chatting amongst the group. As time went on, people were flirting and starting to pair off, courtesy of the alcohol letting true feelings come to the surface. Eventually, the only people left were Colin and I. By the time it was the two of us, I was pretty intoxicated and I think Colin was too. We started to chat a bit, talking about our shared interests, aka The Strokes, and our plans for college next year. I told him I was waiting to hear back from UCLA and he told me that he was accepted into UC Berkeley.

"Wow! That is amazing! Congrats Colin!" I was so happy to hear that he got into his top school, but then I realized that Berkeley was so far away from where I wanted to go. But that shouldn't matter, right? We were friends, nothing more.

"Thanks Gianna! Where do you want to go?" Colin asked.

"I really want to go to UCLA for creative writing," I stated.

"I really hope you get in Gigi. I bet you could create some amazing stories," Colin said.

"Thanks. I have always been interested in writing and publishing a book one day, I just need some time to figure out what it would be about," I said.

Our conversation was going really well. He actually seemed interested in my future goals and it was so easy to talk to him. I don't know if it was the alcohol or what, but in the middle of our conversation he kissed me. My mind was going crazy. I couldn't think straight. What the hell just happened? I paused for a second.

Colin turned away. "I am so sorry Gianna. I don't know why I did that. I am so sorry."

I didn't say anything back. I just leaned in and kissed him. It felt right. This is something I have thought about since January. Something that I never thought would happen. But it was. Right now. And I needed to take advantage of this moment while I had the chance.

The next morning I woke up in the tent with the girls. What the hell did I do last night? I remembered everything, but why did I do that? Why did I kiss Colin and betray my best friend? She specifically told me, only me, that she would be upset if anyone kissed Colin. And I did. I broke her trust. I had no idea what I was going to do.

"So, how did everyone's night end?" Aria asked with a smirk on her face.

"Okay I wandered off with Peter, but that's all I'm saying," Natalie answered, her face turning red.

"Well you guys know who I was with," Casey said. "What about you, Gigi?"

What do I do? What do I say?

"Nothing. I just went to sleep," I lied.

"Seriously? I guess you stood by your word of not hooking up with anyone," Casey said.

"I guess I did." Not.

For the rest of the trip, I was staying away from Colin. And he could tell that something was up, but I was not about to explain it to him here on this trip. I could not believe that I did this to Casey. I needed to figure out a way to tell her, and fast. Before word got out from someone else.

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