
By MarvelousMaReesha

3.1K 144 45

Amari was abandoned as a baby at a hospital and has spent her entire life in foster care. Ever since moving t... More

Chapter 1 Welcome to My Life
Chapter 2 First day at a new school
Chapter 3: Punishment
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Take me away from here
Chapter 6: I think it's gonna be a great day
Chapter 7: Moon Flower
Chapter 8: Migraine
Chapter 9: A breath of happiness
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

80 3 3
By MarvelousMaReesha

Word Count: 858


Dark clouds filled the sky, drenching the small town in a steady wet drizzle. Goosebumps prickled my body as the cool wet breeze engulfed every inch of me. The gentle scent of winter peaking its way into this fall night.

I clutched my hands in tight fists in my jacket pockets, pulling it tighter around my body as best as I could manage in an effort to fight off the bitter cold. I stepped out into the wet night. Rain poured down from the starless night saturating my clothes almost instantaneously.

Despite the cold and rain I refused to push myself to move at a quicker pace. Every step I took brought me closer to my premeditated punishment. I was grateful I had at least had one good weekend in this town before the inevitable happened.

I walked with my head held high. A trait I seemed to have been born with. Despite the terrors I had lived through the one thing I always had is confidence that the pain, emptiness, and general lack of control in my own life wouldn't last forever. This in turn led me to believe in myself. I was going to make a name for myself. I wouldn't stay a little orphan Amari forever. No, I had dreams and ambitions.

The puddles on the sidewalk became deeper as the cool rain continued. My socks were now drenched. Still, I couldn't bring myself to dodge them. A good puddle was meant for splashing in. Susan had taught me this.

A small smile spread across my face as I remembered the night Susan had come home from a rather grueling shift at the hospital. She had been the best nurse I had ever met. And she had lost a rather young patient that night. A small girl to abuse by her own parents.

It had stormed all day that day. Instead of locking herself in her room and crying the night away Susan had come home with a determination to live in the moment as a tribute to the child. When she entered our cozy warm home that night she had grabbed Tyler and I to go outside with her into the pouring rain. She had said that puddles were meant for jumping in. That night we jumped for what seemed like hours in every possible puddle we could find; laughing and happy.

This time as I began to jump in the puddles I did it for Susan. I lived in the moment for her.

The hood from my jacket slipped down no longer protecting my head from the elements all while my laughter filled the silent night as I jumped spinning in circles on my path to my current 'home'.

The cool murky water entering my shoes and drenching my socks did not phase me. The rain that soaked my hair into icy strands did not phase me. Nor the sharp cool breeze. Water splashed up the length of my body, soaking my clothes. This didn't matter. In this moment I was happy and free.

The cold nipped at every part of my body. Each spot it bit at filled me with pure blissful joy. boisterous laughter left my mouth growing steadily with more conviction with each accompanying puddle.

Tonight was filled with an over joyous vibe that could almost be mistaken as euphoric as I relaxed and relived an immensely cheerful time in my life. A time where I had family, love, and indescribable hope. Tonight I laughed, danced, spun, and splashed with that same joy. The thought of anyone seeing me in such a state never even crossed my mind. Tonight I was free. Free to be happy. A very rare emotion to grace my life these days.

I reveled in the waterfall of rain that encased my surroundings in a magnificent beauty. The heavenly smell filled my mind, adding to the euphoria as I swung my arms out around me in an overzealous jump, spinning into the next puddle.

I ran, jumping into the air twisting my body before my feet crashed into yet another puddle. My knees bending into a crouched position, watching the water burst high above my head before slowly sprinkling back down; further adding to my drenched state. My laughter danced out of my mouth and filled the air with the most beautiful music one could ever hear; happiness.

Rain, the mountains, and pine. These were the pieces that no matter where I was in the world brought me peace and tranquility. When I had no home. When I had no family. At least I had these. Whether in a book, painting, or reality. Home could always be found here.

All too soon my good spirits came to a crashing halt. My new found prison stood before me. Dark and empty of life. At least Lucille and Ray were not yet home.

With my last gulp of the most calming aroma to grace this planet I took a step toward the house, committing the fragrance of mountain rain to my memory. I was going to need it to survive what lay ahead awaiting me in my future. 

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