Why dont we and sway house

By Margotxoxsmith

66.8K 611 245

You (y/n) are Bryce Hall's little sister and he is very protective over you. Because your dad is always away... More

The break up
Pool day
Your birthday 🎉
Bryce and Addison's sex tape
date with Daniel
Josh or Daniel? Smutty ⚠️
⚠️A night with Josh ⚠️
Josh's POV
New beginnings
⚠️alone time⚠️
A pretty average day
Rocky roads ahead?
Personality check
The light at the end of the tunnel
Will everything remain calm?
Don't judge a book by the front cover
Venice 💓
Whats up? 🤷‍♀️
Author's note xxxxx
⚠️Threesome ⚠️😏

The fight

3.7K 38 10
By Margotxoxsmith

Nu: Nurse

M: Maddie


You rise early again to check your phone as Dixie had said that Charli wasn't very well yesterday. You had no messages from her. This was really weird as she normally tells you everything and is a big baby when sick. You don't think much of it and try and bury your head back into the pillows. It was no use you were wide awake. You get up and walk into your bathroom where you strip and take a shower. The freezing cold water is refreshingly nice when its patting down on your back. You lean your head back and allow your face to submerge into the depth of the showers rain. You wash your hair and sit down hugging your knees, still with the cold water piercing into your back. Your head falls down to rest on your knees and your mind is taken back to Josh last night. He was so gentle with you and you felt completely different around him compared to Daniel. You really liked Daniel, didn't you? He was the perfect boyfriend but Josh, no. You couldn't trust Josh. Not with your heart, especially after what happened with Nessa. You didn't want to think about this anymore so you get out of the shower and put your hair up into a towel and walk back into your room. You sit down at your dresser and brush and dry your hair and beach wave it as that best framed your face. You do basic makeup, dewy foundation going for that naturally glowing looking. You look down at the gift Josh had got you and removed the top layer of the tissue paper and see a small box at the bottom. Your heart went heavy and you let out a long sigh. You change into a cut outfit and grab your car keys and purse before you left to go to downstairs.

It was still early and you decided to go and get Starbucks for breakfast so you only had to walk through the kitchen. You walk into the kitchen and notice Josh slumped on a kitchen chair, he looked like he hadn't slept all night. You stand there across the room wondering how he was really doing, not what he told the boys but how he was really doing. It must have been hard leaving Nessa and she believed he did like her, maybe even loved her. You stand there, still with a heavy heart. Josh looks up at you and you notice the black eye and cuts all over his once flawless face. Thats when you notice the ripped clothes and the rest of the injuries on his body. You instantly run over to him.

y/n: OMG Josh omg what happened are you ok?

JR: yeah I'm fine. You shouldn't let yourself get that tired though.

y/n: yeah I'm sorry.

Joshes eye diverted from your face and down to your necklace which was spinning as you were leant over him.

y/n: OMG I'm taking you to hospital now. No excesses. I mean it Joshy

Shit. Why did you just call him Joshy. Wtf were you doing. You help him up and help him into your range rover. You drive fast, but safe to the ER and help him in but he was over a foot taller than you and he was heavy. You made it into the ER where a male nurse came over to help you.

Nu: hey let me help you.

He takes Josh and puts him into a wheel chair and wheels him off. You thought that was very quick but then you remember the state Josh was in. You follow the nurse where Josh was put into a six person ward. The nurse lead him down onto the bed.

Nu: The doctor will be with you shortly as some of the wounds look like they need to be seen to by a doctor. Right I just need a few details from you. Name?

y/n: Josh Richards

Nu: thank you

The nurse continues to ask questions and then finally asked how he got into this state. the question you wanted to ask as well but also it wasn't your place. Josh's face turns away from you slightly when the nurse asked and you notice a tear start to role down his face. This was the first time you had seen Josh cry. It pained you a lot more to see this than you would have hoped.

JR: This is y/n. I got a text from Chase last night saying he wanted to talk to me about why he had helped Nessa get the sex tape of your brother and Addison. I wasn't going for Nessa or chase for that matter but I wanted to be able to tell Bryce why they had done it. He asked me to meet behind this café and I went after I had tucked you up in bed. When I arrived Chase was already there and he was alone. Or I thought he was, or maybe he was at the time.

The nurse was still standing there, a little shocked about what Josh was saying. You heart was pounding and you felt so incredibly hurt.

JR: He started telling me why he had done it. Apparently Nessa wanted me back and she wanted you out of the picture.

Josh now turned his face to look at you. Oh those perfect blue eyes were filled with the ocean and now they were pouring down his face.

JR: Nessa was willing to get Bryce ruined and publicly shamed so he would have to leave the sway house and take you with him so she could have me all to herself and if it hurt Addison too, the so be it.

Josh reached for your hand and you held his, tight.

JR: I still didn't understand why Chase was involved and then it came out that it was Charli had broken up with him and it was an easy way to get to her, through you and also Nessa slept with him. But y/n theres something else. I thought I was alone in this ally.

He took a long pause.

JR: when Chase asked me to meet him he told me to bring you too. So when I went you to your room last night it was to tell you that we had to go and see Chase, but you were already in deep sleep and you looked at peace and I didn't want to wake you. After I had been speaking to him for some time these massive men appeared out of no where and started beating the shit out of me and Chase ran. Once I was on the floor and in so so much pain one of them spoke and he said "wait this isn't the girl that Nessa told us to kill, we were never meant to harm the boy. Only the girl". Y/n, Nessa had sent men to kill you.

OMG you couldn't believe what you were hearing. Josh would take a bullet for you and get completely beat up just to keep you safe. You now noticed that you were crying and looking at Josh.

Y/n:; Josh. I am so so sorry. I am so so sorry.

JR: y/n. shhhh its ok I will be fine I just have a few scratches.

Josh looked up at you with an emotion in his eyes you had never seen before.

JR: and I would take the beatings every day if it meant no harm would come to you.

You really couldn't believe what you were hearing. Was Nessa right? Was Josh in love with you? No he surely couldn't be.

Nu: Right. That's not what I was expecting to hear at all. Do you want to press legal charges?

y/n: Josh don't answer anything I'm going to call Bryce and we will wait for him to get here ok?

JR: yes ok we will wait for him.

You leave the ward to call your brother and tell him what happened and to come to the hospital. You could still hear the nurse talking to Josh.

Nu: Is she your girlfriend?

JR: No she's not. Nessa was my ex girlfriend who tried to get y/n killed. But it's always been y/n. It always will be. I've always been in love with her but she has just started seeing a different boy and it hurts so badly.

You feel tears well up in your eyes and it wasn't long before Bryce, Addison and the rest of the boys from the sway house appeared. Bryce runs up to and sees that your eyes are stung red from crying so much. He gives you a big hug and tells you everything will be ok. You walk everyone to were Josh was.

B: shit man you look rough

A: Omg what did she do!?!?!?!?

JR: guys I'm ok y/n made me come here I wasn't going to come

JH: thanks y/n

you smile but you still couldn't believe what was going on.

JR: the doctors just been and told me I'm going to be fine its just a few cuts and burses and the nurses will put a few stiches in me and then I cane go home.

The same nurse who had been with us before reappeared.

Nu: Good news for you then Josh. No serious damage. I'll get you cleaned up and then you are free to go

He looks over at Addison realising she was the only other girl with us.

Nu: are you Nessa?

B: God no. This is Addison. My girlfriend. It's our sex tape

he said it with such an awkward face

Nu: righttttt this is all making some sense now

The nurse cleans josh up and sticks some stick on stiches on his forehead where the worst of the cuts were. He then left and returned with some paperwork.

Nu: right I just need you to sign to say that you can go home

Josh signs and then we help him up and get him into my car. I drive us both home and meet Bryce and the rest of them at home.

y/n: Josh I am really sorry

JR: It's ok and you should eat something by the way

y/n: will you stop worrying about me for one second and focus on getting yourself better for once

JR: nope I will never stop worrying about you

JR: I will always put you first. You are my life

He said the last thing under his breath, muttered into the car window but you just about heard it. You arrive back at the house before the boys.

y/n: hey is it ok if we say here till the boys come back because there is no way I can carry you upstairs to bed

You said it with a slight giggle in your voice. Josh also finding the funny side;

JR: yeah yeah that's cool. Hey y/n?

y/n: huh? yeah Josh?

JR: I hope he does make you really happy. I truly mean that

y/n: I know you do Josh. Thank you

It was at that moment when the boys came back and gave you a confused look as to why you were still sat in the car. You get out the car and shout across to Bryce.

y/n: Bryce theres no way I can carry Josh upstairs to bed he's way too big

B: oh shit yeah. Coming. Boys come on

All the boys helped Josh into the house and you shouted back to them that you were going to get food and see Charli and they shouted ok back. You get back into your car and finally go to Starbucks. You knew the boys would be sat with Josh all day so you knew you wouldn't be missed much. You order a coffee as it had been a really stressful day and some food and a pink drink for Charli. As you were waiting for your order to be ready Daniels name pops up on your phone. You answer the phone call:

D: hey y/n you ok?

you sigh

y/n: yeah I am are you?

D: yeah I just wanted to talk to you about something. My Instagram is blowing of you and Josh this morning. You had your arms around him? WTF

You explain everything that had happened with Nessa and Chase and that you had to take him to hospital. You really didn't have time for Daniels insecurities right now.

D: OMG y/n I'm so sorry I had no idea. Are you ok? Do you need me to do something? And I'm sorry over reacted I just got scared because I know how close you are with Josh and I've never liked anyone like this before

y/n: yeah Daniel its ok I understand. Josh is fine the boys are with him now. I'm just at Starbucks as I haven't eaten yet today and Charli wasn't very well so I'm just getting her a pink drink then going over to see her

D: oh ok. Let me know if you need anything babe

Your insides went to mush when he called you babe.

D: Do you want to hang out later?

y/n: erm I don't think I can today. I think once I'm back from Charli's I will be on 'looking after Josh duty'. Knowing the boys they will be nice to him for about 30 seconds and then they will be a dick to him again. I'm sorry I probably can tomorrow though if you want?

D: We are recording a new song. You can come and listen if you want and then we could go on the Hollywood hike or dinner or just chill and watch a movie?

y/n: yeah that sounds perfect shall I meet you there?

D: No I will pick you up at 8AM as it will take a few hours to record the song and we start at 9. Is that ok?

y/n: yep I look forward to it hunni

you hang up and collect your order and head over to Charli's house. When you park up you notice a different car in the drive which you didn't recognise. You were so close with Charli that you don't even knock when you go to her house, you just walk in. You walk in and hear noises from the back of the house. You walk into the glass room and see Dixie and Charli and joggers.

C: hey girl

y/n: Dix said you weren't well yesterday so I got you a pink drink. You feeling any better

C: yeah I am thanks. Wait bitch OMG Addison has just rung Dixie about what happened to Josh. Is he ok are you ok?

y/n: yeah hes ok now hes back from hospital and yeah I'm completely fine I just worry about him. Who's the car out front?

Charli and Dixie started laughing with each other

y/n: hey! tell me guys

Di: It Jonah's

y/n: Jonah who?

Di: from Why Don't We. He's out back with Maddie our cousin. She spent the night with him last night... you know...


C: yeah they were in the guest room.... thank god our parents are out of town for the weekend because they were going rooooounds. They were soooo loud all we hear was dadddyyy it was completely disgusting

y/n: omg ewwwww I've never met the girl. Wait how long has she been with him?

Di: Erm I don't know she didn't tell us. I don't think long though

You guys carry on chatting and then Maddie and Jonah come in and sit down with you guys

J: hey y/n

M: wait you know her?

J: yeah the band performed at her house a few nights back now for her birthday and Daniel is also obsessed with her

You look down and try to refrain from smiling so big

M: oh shit yeah I saw on Instagram

y/n: how long have you been together?

M: oh we aren't publicly together as I don't want all the hate from the band. Your one brave girl

y/n: hahah Daniel hasn't asked me out yet

J: oh don't worry he doesn't shut up about you. He has something really big planed

y/n: ok it sounds good. I have to go back to the house now as they boys wont actually look after Josh

J: oh shit I heard about that. I'm sorry about that

You stand up to leave and turn to Jonah

y/n: yeah me too. It looked really bad.

C: is it alright if I stay over tonight?

y/n: yeah for sure grab some stuff I'll meet you in the car

C: thanks hun

You go back to your car and its not long before Charli appears in the car next to you. It doesn't take long to get home and when you get back you see all the boys in the pool making tiktoks.

y/n: hey guys... when was the last time you checked on Josh?

G: oh shit we haven't done in a while

y/n: its alright I'll go. Hey charli why don't you go outside I'll be out in a sec

C: alright yeah sure ill see you soon I'm just going to put my bikini on

You walk upstairs and to Josh's room. You pause momentarily outside before knocking

y/n: hey its me. Can I come in?

JR: yeah

you walk in and see that he's led on top of the covered in just his boxers. You didn't know where to look. It was a really hot day in his defence. You walk over to where hes lead and sit next to him on the side of his bed as he had done last night.

y/n: are you ok? is there anything I can get you?

JR: No I have everything I need right here

You smile at him

JR: hey did you open the gift I got you?

y/n: no it's still unopened on my dresser

JR: Go get it

you leave his side and get the gift. When you walk back through his bedroom door you realise how beautiful your best friend was. You sit back where you were.

JR: open it

you take out the box and put the bag on the floor

y/n: what is it?

JR: just shut up and open it

you lift the top of the box and inside was a single photograph.

y/n: I dont get it

JR: just look at it

you remember the day it was taken very well. It was the day you had first met Josh, the first time he had been to LA. You were smiling for the photograph and Josh was meant to be stood with you looking at the camera. You had never seen this photo as it had been taken on his phone, your first photo together. But Josh wasn't looking at the camera. He was staring at you. His big blue eyes were staring right at you. He was smiling softly with so much love in his eyes.

JR: I wan't you to have it. It's my favourite one of us. It's always been you, Nessa was right. You have always had my heart but your happy with another and that's fine because I put your happiness above mine and all I want is you to be happy.

you feel tears  well up in your eyes

y/n: im so sorry Josh I really am. About everything. Nessa. The fight. Daniel. Im sorry

he takes your hand.

JR: I know you are but I will never go away. I'll always be here for you.


It was night now and you were in bed looking at the photograph. You were going to get it framed to go on your night stand. Your mind is racing on everything that had happened that day. Charli was asleep now in another room. You started to feel yourself drifting as you had your last though; you wondered how it would feel to sleep next to Josh and to wake up to his embrace.

Thank you so so much for all your support

please share and stay tuned for the next chapter


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