Billionaire's Ex-Wife

By XxClothesOverBrosxX

197K 4.7K 539

"You have everything you ever wanted. I show you I love you, I tell you everyday too. Moneys not a problem, y... More

Chapter 1
Authors Note Please read.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

8.8K 196 25
By XxClothesOverBrosxX

"Mrs. Evans it appears you are not pregnant" said Ava as she looked closely at the sonogram. I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding in.

"I'm not pregnant?" I whispered to myself. "I'm not pregnant!" I let out a small laugh and said it once more. Ava looked at me and chuckled,"Happy are we?"

"You have no idea," I responded smiling. Don't get me wrong, I love kids and I would like more in the future but I would rather be pregnant by someone I love than a careless one night stand I had weeks ago.

"Is that all for today?" Ava asked as she grabbed a towel and wiped off the rest of the gel from my stomach. "Yes thank you." I said as I pulled my shirt back down and stood up. "Your welcome," she nodded.

I walked out the room and made my way to the exit as I texted Jarred asking if he wanted to go get lunch. Just as I was about to send the text I bumped into someone causing me to drop my phone.

"Sorry," I muttered as I went down to grab my phone but it seems the person had the same idea as they went down too and our hands both went to the phone. Our hands lightly brushed against each other and I looked up. I froze and so did he. perfect. just perfect. I thought.

"Nathaniel," I said letting out a nervous laugh. "Natty hurry we're going to be late for our appointment," said a female voice as she walked into the room. We got up from the ground and I looked in the direction of the voice and there stood the lady from the news, Talia. Her pregnant stomach popping out. I felt a slight sting in my chest when I seen it.

"Uh yeah I'm going, you go ahead I forgot something in the car," Nathaniel said still looking at me, he looked down to my stomach before looking back up to my eyes. His eyes showing a mixture of pain and anger. Talia paid no attention to me and continued to walk more into the room.

She was even more beautiful in person. We stood there quietly until I decided to break the tension and speak. "So how's the weather today," I said trying to break the awkward silence between us."It's quite hot if you ask me."

I then realized what I said and I wanted to smack myself, the weather. Really? That's the best I could come up with. He continued to stare at me going back and forth from my stomach to my eyes. Way to make a girl feel insecure.

"You're pregnant?" he said his voice slightly cracking but he covered it by clearing his throat. I didn't answer. "Who's is it?" he spoke again looking into my eyes for any hints. Again I stayed quite. Even if I was pregnant it's none of his business. He should be worrying more about Talia who's carrying his child. "Lily," he said this time more softly.

"I'm not pregnant so calm your tits. Your fiancé on the other hand is and she is waiting for you, go to her. She is carrying your child after all." I said looking at him dead in the eyes. He rolled his eyes at the mention of his fiancé.

"I could care less about her." he said, no emotion in his voice before he walked away in her direction leaving me confused. He sounded like he meant it. His words replaying in my head. He could care less about her? Whats that supposed to mean? Maybe I should hear what he had to say.

"Nathaniel!" I called out to him, he looked around until his eyes landed on me. He looked confused and walked back towards me, "Yes?". I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. She's still pregnant with his child, I told myself. I can't get in the way of that no matter what. I felt myself getting cold feet. I can't do this. I can't be the reason his child grows up without a father, maybe I'm thinking way to ahead of myself but I couldn't risk it. No child deserves that, they haven't done anything wrong.

"Nothing." I said holding back what I wanted to say. "You sure? It doesn't seem like nothing," he responded. I nodded,"I just wanted to say that you can spend the day with Rose on saturday, if you'd like. She has this event and I'm sure she'd like you to got with her" He looked at me, he could tell something was off. He always knew when I was lying about something, I just hoped he didn't this one time.

"Okay, I'll pick her up early in the morning," He said giving me that I know that's not what you wanted to tell me but okay look. I nodded and gave him a small smile before walking out the clinic and towards my car.

"Hey!" a voice said from behind. I turned around and there stood Talia a few feet away from me. She looked at me up and down before giving me a dirty look. What's her problem, I mentally scoffed.

"Listen I don't know who you are," she looked down once more,"Clearly no one but that guy you were talking to back there is my husband and I seen the way you were looking at him and I just want you to know that someone like you has no chance with someone like him so I would appreciate it if you'd stop trying to get into his pants you whore." She spat giving me one last dirty look before turning around and walking back inside. I just stood there, shocked by what had just happened.

not really sure what this chapter is but i hope you guys liked it. three updates in one day now that's a record. Sorry if the chapters seem messy or if you guys find them messy i'm trying to make up for lost time. writing these chapters reminded me how much i enjoyed writing so i think i'll be updating more frequently and i do hope you guys are enjoying them as well

so she's not pregnant.. talia was introduced. thoughts on talia?

goal for this chapter:
30 votes and 40 comments?

*not edited so comment if you see a mistake*

please do commentttt i love reading what you guys have to say about the characters or the story in general. if you have any questions i'll be sure to answer them in the comments or you can private message me.

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