By SaskiaSnow

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The lone survivor of a terrible tragedy, sixteen-year-old Ashling Shields is living like she's already dead... More

Message for new readers
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Endings and Beginnings
Author's Note & Sequel
Character Bios
The Fable Quiz

Chapter Five

19K 928 113
By SaskiaSnow

"Hey Ghost." A familiar voice pipes up just behind me.

I steel myself for a moment. I'm so tempted to ignore her, to just close my locker and walk away.

I turn around already knowing who I'll see. Beth, Bailey and Becca - or the Three Bs, as they're known at Huntson High.

Beth is the Queen Bee, and Bailey and Becca are sort of like the worker bees. They do everything for her; they even carry her bag and her phone.

Jamie says the reason people call them the Three Bs isn't because their names all start with B, but actually because they are all "Blonde Brainless Bitches". She's wrong though - Bailey gets good grades and she's sort of nice, and Beth and Becca aren't really blonde.

They only started dying their hair blonde last year after they became obsessed with Fable and Alastaire said in a TV interview that he only dates blondes. 

Alastaire's elite fans, or "Alastaire's Angels" as the media calls them,are like an exclusive club, and having the right look is a must. That means blonde, skinny and pretty.    

Maybe it's because I fit the description that on my very first day at Huntson High, Beth actually tried to recruit me into her little clique. I was sitting alone in the cafeteria, feeling totally out of place, when she introduced herself to me.

The first thing she said to me is that I'm really beautiful, "like a model" but I'd be "sooo much hotter with a tan." She also said that I was waaaay skinny and she wanted to try whatever diet I was on.

The truth was that I hadn't been eating properly for months. I was still so wrapped up in everything that had happened. Of course, I didn't tell her that. I just shrugged, said thanks, and started to walk away.

Then she told me they had space for me at their table.

I guessed it was probably a big deal to be invited, but I'm not even remotely interested in being friends with someone like Beth.

Popularity is seriously overrated.

After I turned Beth down that first day, the taunts started. I guess she figured that if I'm not going to be on her team, I'm a threat.

She played around with stupid names like "Trashling" and "Ashtray" before she settled on "Ghost".

I guess it's because of how I look. Ashen. Airy. My hair is long and straight and whitish-blonde; my skin is way too pale, and my eyes are the same light green as both my parents.

Besides my appearance, I was so quiet and detached in those first few weeks at Huntson High that I probably did resemble a lonely spectre wandering the corridors.

I didn't talk to anyone. I drifted along in my own world. I wanted to be invisible, to fade away. Until Zee and Grace and Jamie rescued me.

I can see what Beth was thinking with the name, but she probably doesn't even realise how close to home it is. Some days, especially on days like today when I'm thinking about the bus and Mia and Evan, I really do feel like a ghost.

Most of the time Beth and I avoid each other, but sometimes when we pass each other in the corridors or in the cafeteria, the Three Bs make spooky noises.

Beth's standing in front of me now, arms crossed in front of her.

"I heard a rumor about you," she says, twining a long strand of GHD'd blonde hair around her finger as she stares intently at me. She's ignoring my friends and staring only at me, as if they aren't even there. "I heard you're bailing on the concert tonight."

I just shrug, trying to act like it's no big deal. "So what? Why do you even care Beth?"

Beth's jaw literally drops. "Oh my god. So it's true?"

I'm starting to get irritated. I swing open my locker so that the door is between her and me, hoping she gets the message.

She pokes her head around the side of my locker.

"No way," she says. "I guess you couldn't get a ticket, huh? They sell out so fast. You poor thing. You must be devastated."

Her voice is as sweet as honey. She's loving this.

"She had a ticket," Zee says, stepping in front of me, "she's choosing not to go. For... um... personal reasons."

I cringe a little. I think Zee's trying to help, but she's just making it worse.

"Seriously?" Beth is now smiling so hard she looks like her face is about to split open. Something about her makes me think of a cobra about to strike.

"Wow Ghost. I thought you were such a big fan. You seemed so dedicated." She draws out the words, eyes glittering with glee.

"I am dedicated," I say. "There's a reason I'm not going, it's just... personal."

I'm sure that must sound extremely stupid.

Beth's eyes twinkle. "Well, I guess not all Enfablers are for life. There are always gonna be wannabes".

It's ironic that Beth would say that. She and the other Bs only really got into Fable at the end of last year, but since then they've made up for lost time.

The Three Bs are the kinds of girls who give Enfablers a bad name. Sending threats to the boys' girlfriends on Twitter. Hating on other fandoms. Turning fans against eachother.

I just stare at Beth, trying to keep myself composed until Becca starts giggling behind her.

"Let's go Beth," she says. "She's a lost cause."

Beth shakes her head and turns her gaze finally to my friends.

"Have fun tonight girls," she says in a sugary voice. "Try last the whole show, ok? I'm sure you're gonna get tired standing around in general admission."

"You're not in general admission?" Zee asks, taking the bait.

"We're in a suite," Bailey says from behind Beth. The sound of her voice always surprises me a little - she doesn't usually talk. Beth does all the talking for her.

"Seriously?" Zee asks, innocent and wide-eyed as ever. "Aren't suites, like really expensive?"

"Yeah, I guess they are," Beth says. "But that's what makes us real fans... as opposed at posers like you freaks. Money's no issue when it comes to getting close to our boys."

"I think you're forgetting that technically we'll actually be closer to them if we're standing on the floor," Grace says. "We're going early to get a spot near the stage."

"Whatever," Beth says. "You and twenty thousand other fans. Good luck with that."

"You probably won't see them at all," Becca chimes in. "It's a cesspit on the floor. You'll be lucky if you can even see them on the screens."

"You might as well stay at home and watch the show on YouTube," Beth taunts.

"So what?" Jamie's getting angry now. "They're sticking around Portland for a few days. They'll probably be checking out all the tourist attractions. It's not like tonight is our only chance to see them."

"Yeah," Zee says brightly. "We're all gonna see them. And meet them even. You too Ashling." She reaches for my hand and gives it a quick squeeze.

"Actually, they're flying out tomorrow, so no," Beth says.

"And how the hell would you know that?" Jamie asks.

Beth flashes a victorious smile. "My mom works for the limo company the boys are using here. They're getting driven out to the airport tomorrow."

She could be lying, but she knows we'd find out on Twitter soon enough anyway. I'm guessing there's no point in asking what time they're getting driven out, so that we can meet the boys at the airport - Beth wouldn't tell us anyway.

"Anyway, I'm done mingling with the riffraff," Beth says, turning her back on us and heading down the corridor. "TTYN bitches".

"Let's go," I say to Jamie, Grace and Zee.

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