By quirkynoha

545K 23.3K 3.6K

-UNEDITED BOOK 1 : | KING SERIES | MAFIA LOVE STORY... "P-plss leave me! " she begged him, while stuttering... More



9.8K 490 59
By quirkynoha

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy.....

A very long chappy for you guys;)..

Get ready some things gonna change;)..


Third person's pov :

It was a chilly day in the morning as the winter season was on its peak, soon snow would start to fall making the temperature to considerably fall in minus degrees...

It was a pleasant morning as the sound of birds chirping can be heard from afar, Sun peaking through the clouds making the chilly atmosphere tolerable and nainas winter holidays had started so both munchkins were happy and playing all day with each other or always wrapped around their mothers embrace....

The morning was pleasant but not for the two lost souls who were lost in their own world! nothing made sense to them as their heart was not in peace, both were restless, tired! fighting against each other, both wanted to be free from misery and pain but unfortunately fate was not in their favour...

Amaan was out for his usual morning jog around his estate with his water bottle in his hand, he was running in an extremely fast pace the feel of wind gushing against his skin caused his adrenaline to pump in and he was running as if someone is chasing him but that was not partially lie because his past was chasing him like his shadow! not leaving him in peace even for a second...

It was a Sunday morning, so Amaan had not gone to his office! It was a rare thing for him because he even works on Sunday, poor ilham always shaking in fear from facing the devils wrath! Being his secretary for years had not reduced his fear towards him, it's not easy to tolerate such a hot headed and insensitive guy....

Aina was talking to zoyi as she was not aloud to work anymore as per the devils order, she was getting updates about her patients health and conditions, she was sad because she felt like She has abandoned them, she felt so bad because treating patients give peace to her soul, taking care of someone made her content....

But Amaan didn't budge to her requests of letting her to go to hospital, he didn't want the unsuccessful abduction to happen again though he'll not let that kind of thing to happen again in the first place but he wants to be sure first that until all the threats are eliminated, she can't step out of the house...

He can't afford to lose her at any cost but Aina was unaware of her surroundings, after talking to zoyi for about half an hour they hung up the call and she drank the orange juice which the Butler placed in front of her...

" Madame you need to eat something at least eat your favorite pancakes, you've not eaten dinner too last night! " Ben pleaded Her but Aina was not in the mood to eat anything, she was pissed off at him...

" No Ben I'm not hungry! " Aina protested both Ben and Maria sighed they know their madame is sure the stubborn one but both cared for her deeply, they sensed that their master and madame are not in good terms but they also knew both can't stay mad at each other, their love was visible to everyone except them...

" Madame try to understand you're getting weak! From these past weeks you've been eating very less we're concerned about you! " Maria tried to make her understand but she shook her head again...

" why my aini is not eating anything? " came a voice and Aina instantly smiled and turned to see Marta standing there with a raised brow, Her eyes instantly watered seeing the women whom she considerd as her mother figure, she directly ran and embraced her in a tight hug and sobbed in her shoulders...

" Mar I missed you! " Aina cried in mars embrace and Mar just rubbed her back in comforting manner " Shhh... Enough baby girl, I'm here and I missed you too and my munchkin! " Mar stated while Aina pulled away wiping her tears...

" it's good that you came back, how's everyone in New zealand ! " Aina asked as Marta visited her sister family in New zealand for the past couple of weeks...

" everyone is doing good but why are you not eating anything huh? " Mar asked while making her seat on the kitchen bar stool, while she sat on the other and began to cut the pancakes in pieces and feeding her despite her protest..

" finally she agreed to you Mar! " Maria said while grinning and Marta smiled at her..

" I'm only eating because it's tasty not because she's feeding me! " Aina said while trying to be annoyed but she was happy that Mar was back, at least now she will have someone to talk to wholeheartedly! after all she was the one who was with her almost all the time since she lost her family...

Mar smiled she really missed Aina and her little munchkin, she was gone to New Zealand for a month because her sister persisted to spend sometime with her and Mar agreed because she too has missed her niece and nephews...

After feeding her, both the ladies walked in the living room and began to catch up on what they missed while she was not here and they lost the track of time by chatting anonymously! at least it kept her distracted Her from her current problems...

Naina entered the living room while munching on her hazelnut bar and on seeing Marta naina squealed and ran in her direction, she engulfed her in a tight hug and kissed her cheeks yelling Granny...

" easy there munchkin you're granny is back! " Mar said as she ruffled her hair and she was not able to control her excitement, she dragged Mar along with her to her room so she could show her what she painted and learned in school, she was a chirpy kid who captures everyone's heart...

Aina smiled seeing her munchkin happy then she made her way towards their room, she did the ablution and started praying her duhr Salah after completing her obligatory, sunnah and supererogatory prayers she started doing dikhr while counting on her fingers....

While doing dikhr, she remembered the some Hadees regarding chanting..

Hadhrat mu'adh ibn jabal said that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also said " the people of paradise will not regret one thing except one thing alone; the hour that passed them by and I'm which they made no remembrance of Allah ﷻ "

-- Naratted by Bayhaqi

Shu ' ab Al iman .

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said :

" count (tasbih) on your fingers for they ( The fingers) will be Questioned and asked to speak ( on the day of judgement) .

-- Sunan Abi Dawud 1501

Aina continued Her dikhr counting on her fingers and she thought that how we forget to do dikhr after our prayers because of our busy and hectic life, that we forget that it's for our own benefits in the remembrance of Allahﷻ and even in our free time we don't do it, not knowing how these small deeds will weigh in the scale that will help in the life hereafter...

We are living in a world! where we think it's our final destination but we tend to forgot our real reason for being sent in this world, it's a place to prove ourself worthy because for a believer this world is a prison and for a disbeliever this world is heaven but we bow down in front of this world either by the whispers of shaytaan or in the hands of our own temptations or desire...

Indeed we are humans, we are bound to make mistakes but the key is in sincere repentance and asking forgiveness from الرحيم The all- merciful ...

After completing her dikhr, she made dua wholeheartedly while crying she knew she was hurting and asked Allah to ease her pain because he's the only one who can comfort her heart! after completing her prayers, she folded the prayer rug and kept it on its place...

Then she took her laptop and began to see the patients reports which zoya had mailed her, though she's not working in hospital but she wants to know the details because she's going to the hospital either early or late...

Amaan in the other hand was busy in his business meeting through video confrence to his staffs in Russia, where the whole team was present showing him the success rates of their current business and the ways to improvise their refinery and they mailed him the ideas and their meeting continued for about two hours....

Though he kept himself busy but his mind was still replaying her hurt face and those eyes which expressed how hurt she was because of his actions still haunts his sleep! he never wanted to see the look on her face, he was sure he'll go crazy....

He came out of his study and went towards the garden in the front yard of his mansion, it was past afternoon when he stood on the porch what he saw made his blood boiling that fu*ker was coming inside their mansion with the same white tulips bouquet in his hands and Amaan didn't liked him coming to meet his wife...

" what are you doing here? " Amaan asked bluntly as his fist was curled into a ball but he was more pissed off at his security guards, that how they allowed him to enter his estate? he need to have a word with them later he thought...

" what a warm welcome but I didn't came to see you, I came to see my aini and naina! " miraj told him equally annoyed, how on earth his sister married this jerk he thought silently! he was still mad at her but he couldn't stay mad at her for long, he's the only caring family she has...

On hearing how he called his Queen and princess his jaw ticked, if looks could kill then mir will be six feet buried deep right now " loo- " Amaan was about to yell at him but a loud high pitched scream stopped his words..

Both their heads turned in the direction of the voice and it was none another then Aina's, all the guards were shocked and running, Amaan ran as if his life was in danger indeed it was! mir too ran behind him the voice came from the lush green garden where Aina stood frozen in fear...

Two venomous reptiles were in front of her and that too not any ordinary snakes but DEXTER it was the most venomous snakes than others...

After completing her works, Aina came to take some fresh air and she aimlessly strolled around the humongous garden, which was planted with all kind of flowers giving the mansion some homey feelings...

As she was walking deep inside the garden, she heard the sound of something hissing, at first she thought that she was imagining but the sound got louder then she turned around only to come in face to face with venomous snake, fear consumed her entire system she stood frozen then she screamed at the top of her lungs! she didn't avert her eyes from the snakes, the fangs were very deep...

Before she can comprehend what was happening? the snake was about to bit her, when one of the guards placed the hook on the head of the snake with enough force to halt it's movement and another guard put the sack on top of the snake to stop it from moving and the other snake crawled and hid inside the bushes...

Both the guards released a sigh that their Madame was safe and Aina was still in her trance trembling and Amaan rushed to her side and he released a breath of relief when he looked at the guards who had captured the snake and others trying to capture another one...

" hey... Aina you're safe, look at me! " Amaan shook her trembling form and she jerked and looked around to see what happened? where the snake was? no words was enough to describe how frightened she was at the moment and In a swift Amaan hugged her tight to his chest and she sobbed while clutching his shirt..

" I-I -- the sna-" she was unable to form a sentence in fear and Amaan tightened his hold on her...

" Hush... Aina you're fine! I won't let anything happened to you! " Amaan tried to assure her, god knows how scared he was for the very first time in his life when he heard her scream! if anything happened to her today he would have never forgive himself he thought and the fear of losing her shook him to core, how could he live when something happened to the love of his life!..

Love of his life?

Then realization hit him hard like a thunderstorm! he loves her! he had loved her ever since he laid his eyes on her! he would die a hundred times if it was the only way to make her live, he was ready to sacrifice his life why would he thought he will do, when he didn't loved her ?..

He was such a fool to not realize it sooner, in the process of making her hate him he actually fell in love! if he didn't love her? then why her every reactions? her every tear? her every smile? either make or ruin his day....

Mir also sighed in relief when he saw Aina standing there safe in his husband's arms and mir noticed Amaans expression carefully of how scared he was for sisters life, then a small smile made its way on his face, indeed she has got a true love as her husband...

Amaan pulled back and cupped her beautiful face in both of his hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs " Don't cry angel... You're OK now! " he smiled at her weakly and Aina noticed that the warmth for her was back in his steel eyes, which always made Aina weak in her knees...

" thank Allah! you're safe aini! " mir said interrupting their moment then Aina noticed her cousin and he pulled her to a brotherly hug but Amaan didn't liked anyone hugging his wife whether he's her brother or not, she's his alone!...

Aina nodded " but when did you come? " Aina asked him while looking forth and back between Amaan and mir...

" let's talk inside its not safe here! " Amaan said while pulling Aina back in his embrace, he led them inside the mansion and the inmates where unaware of the incident happened in the garden, when Maria and Marta looked at her dishelved form both got shocked then Amaan explained them everything..

Marta made her sit on the couch in the living room and Maria made her drink water then Amaan led them to take care of Aina for a while! Mar was happy to see mir after a long time they chatted for sometime and kept Aina busy then he bid them goodbye and left after seeing naina! Amaan had to talk to the gardener and the security guards, Liam had ordered everyone to assemble in the patio and all the guards were beyond tensed and were shaking in fear of what their boss will do?...

Amaan was suspicious how could it be possible that the most venomous snake were in his garden? the exact time when Aina was strolling in the garden? he gritted his teeth because it was a planned attack! he snarled at the thought of someone harming his Aina, when he just realized what an as*hole he was to her this entire time, when she even didn't deserve it....

All the guards had their head hung low in shame, when Amaan walked inside the patio with Liam and Nathan, all paled in fear! his vein in his forehead was popping showing how much angry he was....

Aina was able to calm herself down then Mar suggested her to take rest so she took Aina back to her room and naina was taking her nap she was unaware of everything around her! Mar pulled the duvet over Aina and she dimmed the light, she kissed her forehead and closed the door behind her silently....

Aina was unable to sleep, she couldn't she was two seconds away from her death if not for the guard she would've been dead by now! just the thought shook her! was she ready to face her creator? She asked herself! if something have happened today then what about naina who will take care of her?..

But the most confusing thing was her husbands behavior! one minute he is in all alpha mode saving her from anything the next minute he's the cold devil hurting her badly! she can't understand him, he was the biggest puzzle to solve but she can't live like this fearing when he'll be happy or angry on her...

Amaan sat in the singlet sofa in front of them and the 10 gardeners were in front of him, bowing their heads in guilt & shame..

" How did the snake entered my garden? " Amaan asked in his most calm yet deep voice! which send a chill down their spine, everyone gulped because they had no answers they were also shocked as much as him...

" Sir.. Sir .. We didn't know! we always make sure if any reptiles or any poisonous insects is not in the garden but we don't know ho-how it came! " one of the gardener explained him while stuttering in fear...

" so you all don't know huh? Then why do I keep you here to work? you all are fired! " Amaan roared and they all looked at him in shock but no one dare to defy kings order...

" Liam settle them with their payments and I don't want to see any of their faces ever again in my life, understood! " he looked at them in pure rage and he dismissed them in a flick of his fingers..

" now I want you all to be extra alert and check the CCTV footage thoroughly and report me, if any abnormal activities happens then you're all dead! " he said In a dangerous tone and all the guards gulped in fear and nodded their head...

" leave! " he growled and everyone scattered in seconds, no one wants to bear the wrath of Devil then he exhaled heavily and ran his fingers in his hair, now he had to clear everything with Aina but will she forgive him? after whatever he had done.....

The skies had turned dark but the moon was illuminating, it's light brightening the darkness, dinner was served but Aina was not there to eat though Amaan didn't ate anything except his 3 expresso which he drank throughout the day but he had no appetite! because she was not here, Mar took care of naina she fed her cleaned her and then tucked her to bed, Mar missed taking care of naina despite the protest of Aina that she'll do but Mar shooed Aina away...

Amaan entered his room and saw his Queen deep in her thoughts, while sitting on the sofa and the maids entered behind him and placed the food tray on the tea table and left silently...

Aina was thinking what he'll do now will he again yell and insult her? She looked at him, that why he was here? then she looked at the food but her appetite was lost! she felt suffocated he neared her and stood in front of her " you need to eat, you didn't had dinner! " he said, Aina seemed shocked because his tone was surprisingly soft..

" No! I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry! " she said dismissively she was angry on him, he can't treat her like crap! she's human with feelings! she's not something to toy with...

Amaan was uncomfortable because he was finding it difficult to talk to her, he knew she'll never forgive him, in fact she hates his guts now but he didn't want her to hate him now but it's too late the damage has already done! ...

" No! you're going to eat, that's it! " he ordered her, because trying to be polite was not working and Aina was beyond angry! he was back to his cold self, tears brimmed her eyes but she held them back, she stood up still she was so small in front of his intimidating height! he felt a pang in his chest seeing moisture in her eyes, she tried to walk past him but he caught her hand in his firm grip, he pulled her in his embrace her back to his front and he looped his arms around her waist pulling her close to himself..

She struggled to get free but he tightened his grip, her heart was beating rapid fast she longed to be in his arms but she was hurt! he hurt her badly!..

" Aina please and I'm sorry! " Amaan said in her ear nuzzling in her neck, Aina stilled because the mighty Amaan Daniel king said " please and sorry! " if it was another time she would've mocked or laughed at him but it was different! it was the first time Amaan ever said those words which was foreign on his tongue because it was always the other way around...

" I'm sorry but please don't leave me! " he pleaded her, it was the first time she heard him so vulnerable! his voice was pained, she felt weak! it just took a sorry for him to melt her! she felt so ill about herself, she hated being weak in front of him but what she'll do? he was her weakness...

" I know! I hurt you a lot and I was such an as*hole to treat you like sh*t! you don't deserve any of this, I was a jerk! but please don't leave me! " Amaan felt so vulnerable at the moment, he always schooled his emotions! he never showed others his feelings openly, he always acted mighty and strong, he showed the world that nothing can crush him...

Ainas heart pained seeing his broken voice! even if he hurt her she doesn't want him to be hurt! thats how much she loved him! she turned around in his embrace and she looked at his eyes which expressed his exact state! he was like a open book in front of her for the first time, she was able to read him openly! he looked broken...

He cupped her face in both of his hands " I'm really ashamed of myself, I know you hate me -" but he was cut off by Aina, when she hit his chest with her small fist " yes! you hurt me, you hurt me like no other, you're so mean! you don't care about my feelings, you're the biggest jerk I ever met but no matter what you do, I was never able to hate you! for that I hate you! " she cried while hitting his chest Amaan never stopped her, he let her hit him how much she wants! if it was the way to let her frustrations out, he stood silently after hitting him continuously she felt tired, she laid her head on his chest while sobbing, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him, when she said she was not able to hate him even after what all he did to her, he felt undeniablely lucky to have her but now he can't take advantage of her innocence and purity....

He already feel like sh*t! but he want to rectify his mistake, No matter how much angry she was but she wanted him! Her heart longed for him! she detached herself from him suddenly he felt cold as her warmth slipped away from his arms, he made her sit on the couch and kneeled in front of her he took her hands and kissed it gently...

" I can't do this Amaan! I don't think things gonna ever change between us, I'm afraid of your reaction! one minute you're so caring the next minute you insult me! hurt me! treat me like trash! I can't live walking on eggshells fearing when will your mood change and you'll hurt me again! " Aina said her heart out, because if they wanted to solve their issues, proper communication is needed..

When Amaan heard her thoughts, his heart broke! how much he has put her through, he felt so ashamed of himself! she was right " I'm sorry! I'm really ashamed of my actions but I did all this so you can hate me! " Amaan let it out from his heart because he has to be honest with her....

Aina was shocked to hear his reasons but she was more confused now " what? why you'll do such things? " Aina asked confused he squeezed her hand " because I'm not the right man for you! I don't deserve you, you deserve someone better than a complicated Man like me! " he said looking at his hand, he didn't want her to see his pain..

Aina gasped because of how low he thinks of himself " but I don't want any otherman but you ! " Aina said cupping his face and making him look at her, then she noticed how broken he looked! her heart pained seeing him like this, Amaan was dumbstruck would be an understatement! he don't know if he should be happy that she chose him despite all his flaws or sad that she deserves much better than him...

" what did you say! " Amaan asked in disbelief and she again repeated " I want only you! " she smiled at him, with watery eyes...

" why? " he asked like a lost child, his heart was beating dramatically fast..

" because I can't live without you! "....



Phew! Any update how was the chapter guys?

Don't forget to vote and comment

See you soon sweethearts

- love Noha

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