Take Me Home || Larry Stylins...

By xxSweaterWeatherxx

16.1K 274 265

*COMPLETED IN 2020* Each one shot will be inspired by a song from the album Take Me Home. More

Little Things
Back For You
*Rock Me*
Change My Mind
Over Again
Last First Kiss
I Would
Kiss You
They Don't Know About Us
Heart Attack
Live While We're Young
C'mon C'mon

Summer Love

1.1K 20 30
By xxSweaterWeatherxx

{Harry's the new counsellor at Camp Kayak for the summer and Louis just so happens to be his bunk mate}

Louis: 20
Harry: 17

Word count: 15228


Harry stepped out of his car and squinted as the hot sun hit his face.

Reaching into his backseat, he grabbed his bag and sunglasses, placing one on his shoulder and the other on his face.

As he looked around the camp to figure out where he needed to go, he locked his car behind him and started walking towards what looked like the main building.

Once he walked inside, he pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head and looked around at all the other teenagers/20-somethings who would also be counsellors these next two months.

"Hi there! What's your name?" A girl with brown hair asked him with a smile.

She was holding a clipboard and Harry assumed it had all their names on it, as well as where they'd be staying and who they'd be staying with for the summer.

"Uh, Harry Styles," Harry spoke quietly. The girl almost didn't hear him over the chatter of everyone else.

"Okay, awesome! You're in cabin 6 and your bunk mate is Louis. Lucky you, you only have to share with one person instead of two," she giggled adorably and then handed him a pamphlet, which he assumed had all the info about the camp in it.

She looked around the room and then waved someone over, while Harry just stood there awkwardly, having no idea what to do now.

"Hey, El, what's up?"

Harry turned and watched as possibly the most adorable boy he'd ever seen walked over and stood beside 'El'.

"This is your bunk mate, Harry," 'El' introduced, pointing to Harry with her pen with a grin.

And then the cute boy, who must be Louis, looked right at Harry with the brightest, most captivating blue eyes that made Harry's knees feel weak, and offered a smile that really just put the sun to shame.

"Hey, Harry, I'm Louis," Louis introduced himself officially and then extended a hand to shake Harry's.

"Nice to meet you," Harry said, then cleared his throat, and he hoped Louis couldn't see how hot his face had gotten when their hands touched.

"You too. You want me to show you to our cabin?"

"Yes, please, I don't know where anything is."

Louis laughed and oh my god, could Harry have that as his ringtone?

"Alright, c'mon, my stuff's already there."

So Harry followed the boy out of the building and the two started to walk through the empty camp to get to their cabins.

"So, our cabins are a bit further away than the kids' are, so they can be closer to the main building, just in case. And we're one of the last cabins 'cause of our last names, so we're like really far away," Louis laughed and Harry nodded in acknowledgment with a small smile.

"It's your first year, yeah?"

Harry nodded again. "Yeah, my mum and I moved to the area a few months ago."

"That's cool, where did you live before?"

"Uh, a small town a few hours from here, called Cheshire. Holmes Chapel to be exact." Harry looked over to see Louis already looking at him intently, like he was actually interested in what Harry was saying.

Harry really wasn't used to people caring about what he said, and he honestly sucked at small talk, but he could already tell Louis was different. He seemed really nice.

"Why'd you move?" Louis ended up asking, immediately regretting it when he saw fear flash across Harry's face.

"Um," Harry cleared his throat and turned to face forward again, adjusting his bag on his shoulder, as he lied, "My mum got a new job here."

Louis just nodded, realizing that was definitely a soft spot for the boy, so he'd leave it alone for now.

"Um, how long have you been coming here? You seem experienced," Harry asked after a few moments of silence. He felt bad for making it tense.

"This is my fourth year counselling, and I used to come here as a kid too. So pretty much have been here every summer for about 10 years," Louis let out a chuckle. "Well, minus the year when I was 16 and wanted to stay at home with my boyfriend at the time instead."

Boyfriend. So he was gay, or bisexual maybe, but it wasn't like Louis would want someone as self conscious and fucked up as Harry was. A boy can only dream.

"Oh, wow. How old are you now?"

"I'm 20, you?"

"I'm 17."

"Just graduated from high school, huh? That's always exciting." Louis nudged him slightly with a grin.

Harry just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"Okay, we're here!" Louis exclaimed, once they reached the last cabin before it broke off into the wooded area.

Louis walked in first, Harry following right behind.

Right away, he noticed a set of bunk beds off in the right corner, a sitting room to the left and a door just behind it, which he assumed was the bathroom.

"Okay, so I took the top bunk, unless you really want it. I don't mind. Uh, this area right here is kinda just to chill," Louis pointed towards the table and chairs. "And then this is the bathroom," Louis went to open the door and Harry peaked inside curiously.

"We have a meeting in a half an hour or so, to find out which kids we'll have and to get our schedule for the week, so we can just hangout here till then," Louis explained, plopping himself down in one of the chairs by the table. "Also, all the girls' cabins are just across the volleyball field. They're all like super hot, but try not to get distracted, yeah?" He joked.

Okay, so he must be bisexual, just like Harry was. 

"I'll try not to," Harry let out a small laugh, and walked over to put his bag on the bottom bunk.

How could Harry possibly get distracted by anyone else when Louis existed?

..And was sharing a cabin with him for two months.

Oh, boy, this will be interesting.


After their counsellor meeting, Louis took Harry on a tour so he'd know where everything was, and by the time the two had wandered around the whole camp just talking, it was getting dark.

Louis had also introduced Harry to all the counsellors, all of which were here for the second or third time, so he was the only new one. That definitely made him feel like an outcast, but that was pretty much normal for him anyways.

If Harry remembered correctly, the boy counsellors were Michael, Calum, Niall, Luke, Ashton, Zayn and Liam, and the girls were Eleanor (the one with the clipboard), Sierra, Gigi, Bryana, Crystal, Hailee, and Lottie (Louis' younger sister) - and Louis was definitely not lying when he said they were all hot.

One of them ended up suggesting they all go swimming and then have a fire that night, and Harry spent the entire walk back to their cabin trying to figure out an excuse not to join in, or to casually keep his shirt on.

And as he stood in the bathroom, holding his shirt up and staring at the scars on his stomach, he really just wanted to go home.

Maybe this whole thing was a mistake.

Harry jumped when there was a knock on the door and let his shirt fall back down, as he called out, "Almost ready!"

"Okay, hurry up!"

Harry took one last look at himself in the mirror and let out a soft sigh before he grabbed his towel and threw it across his shoulders and left the bathroom.


Harry had decided he was just going to sit by the fire and not go into the lake. Even if everyone was laughing and sounding like they were having a blast.

Eventually Louis came out of the water and Harry had to resist drooling at the sight of him in just swimming trunks, and dripping wet.

"Hey, you gonna come in? Everyone's asking if you're alright," Louis said and sat down next to Harry.

"Um, no, I'm good. I don't really like swimming."

Even if they had only met earlier that day, Louis could tell he was lying.

"C'mon, Harry!" One of the boys shouted from the water and everyone murmured out something similar.

Okay, it was dark. There's a strong chance they wouldn't even see the marks on his stomach, but what if they did? They'd think he did it to himself.

Louis simply waved them off as he looked at Harry intently. "C'mon, you should come in."

Harry instinctively put a hand on his stomach and shook his head. "Really, Louis, I'm okay just sitting here."

Louis noticed all the little things Harry did. He was a victim of bullying or some type of abuse, he could tell.

So Louis stood up and went over to grab his own shirt, pulling it over his head, then returning to stand in front of Harry.

"C'mon," Louis said with a small smile, extending a hand down to him.

Harry felt himself smiling too as he grabbed Louis' hand and tried to ignore the tingling feeling it gave him, and was pulled up off his chair.

"Thank you," Harry whispered softly, as the two walked towards the water, their hands at their sides now.

Louis just gave him a smile and reached over to rub his back quickly, before he bolted into the water.

Harry grinned and followed right after him, exclaiming when realizing just how cold the water was.

"Shit, cold!" He yelled, as everyone laughed.

And as Harry started to get more comfortable with everyone, splashing around and having a good time, Louis just watched with a small smile on his lips.

"You've totally got a crush on the new kid," Lottie said to him as she came to stand next to him in the shoulder-deep water.

"Pfft, I do not," Louis finally pulled his eyes away from Harry. "That's crazy."

Lottie laughed and splashed water at him. "Alright, dummy. Be in denial."

"I'm not in denial. I just met him."

"Oh yeah? Is that why you put a shirt on just so he'd feel more comfortable with his on too?" She teased, pulling at the collar of his wet tshirt.

Louis smacked her hand away, scoffing. "I'm done with this conversation."

With that, Louis swam over to where Harry was floating on his back as Liam, Niall and Ashton chatted around him.

Louis' smile immediately got brighter when he started talking to the boy and was met by his toothy grin.

Lottie just rolled her eyes as she watched them.

She was so right.


Harry groaned as yet another arrow fell out of the bow, barely making it across the field.

Apparently he was awful at archery, even worse than most of the kids in his and Louis' group.

It was embarrassing enough in front of a bunch of 7-8 year olds, but in front of Louis? It was terrible.

To be fair, he'd never even held a bow and arrow before, but he seriously didn't think it would be this hard.

"Wow, you suck."

Harry groaned as he looked over at Louis with a pout. "I know."

"Do you want me to show you? I've had four years of practice, so I'm pretty good," Louis grinned proudly.

"Please do. I'm sick of these kids laughing at me."

Louis laughed and came closer, which made Harry's palms start to sweat. He already regretting saying yes, even more so when Louis touched his hands to move them into the right position.

"Okay, you just have to hold it like this," Louis explained, then moved an arm up to Harry's shoulder. "And pull it all the way back. You really just have to focus on the target and nothing else, helps if you close one eye."

God, he was so close, Harry's heart was about to beat right out of his chest and there's no way Louis couldn't hear it.

"Okay, now try." Louis took a step back.

Harry did exactly as told, pulling it all the way back and squinting an eye as he focused on the target in front of him. And when he released it, it actually flew across the field and landed on the outer edge. It was outside of the target, but it still stuck in the foam.

"Oh my god, it worked!" Harry looked over at Louis with a happy expression and the boy was already watching him, smiling.

"Okay, now keep trying until you actually get it in the target, Haz," Louis winked, and Harry felt weak in the knees at the nickname.

Needless to say, the two spent more time talking to each other than the kids that afternoon.


"Wake up! It's canoeing day!"

Harry groaned and rolled over so he was facing the wall and pulled a pillow over his ears to drown out Louis' yelling.

"Come on, Hazza!" Louis ripped the covers off the tired boy, who immediately curled into a ball and Louis had to resist to urge to coo at the action.

"'m tired, leave me alone," Harry mumbled.

"I refuse to because it's canoeing day!"

Harry finally rolled onto his back and looked over at Louis, who was basically bouncing on his feet in excitement.

"Why are you so obsessed with canoeing? And how do you have so much energy in the morning?"

"Because canoeing is awesome - now get up!"

Harry rubbed at his eyes,  yawning as he sat up, and Louis nearly melted at the sight, but he managed to contain himself for the time being.

"Okay, I'm up," Harry dragged himself out of bed, nearly bumping into Louis on the way to the bathroom, due to his eyes being half open.

Once the zombie-like boy was finally ready and way more awake, the two made their way to get breakfast.

They ended up just eating with Lottie and then bidding their goodbyes to meet their kids at the docks.

"I hope you know I don't know how to canoe," Harry told Louis on their way there.

"Geez, do I have to teach you everything?" Louis rolled his eyes and Harry playfully hit him in the arm.

"You should be honoured to be teaching me things. I'm a great student."

Louis looked over, a small smile at the corner of his mouth as he admired the boy walking beside him. "Yeah, you are."

Harry turned his head towards Louis, who looked forward again, not wanting to get caught staring.

And well, the two had smiles on their faces for the rest of the walk.


"Harry, you suck at this."

"You are such a mean teacher," Harry pouted, switching his paddle to the other side and gliding it through the water, just like Louis had told him to do.

"Tough love, baby, get used to it."

Harry was glad he was facing forward as a blush creeped onto his cheeks at the use of the pet name. Surely, Louis was just joking, but Harry still felt his stomach fluttering from it.

"Can we take a break soon? My arms are tired and there's no way we're gonna catch up to the kids," Harry whined, as he watched the kids and a few other counsellors nearly disappearing from their sight across the lake.


"Yay." Harry laid the paddle across the inside of the canoe and then turned around to face Louis, who was a few seats back. Apparently he was steering the canoe or whatever.

Louis stood up to move closer, the canoe shaking as he did so, and sat down in the seat in front of Harry.

"So," Louis started. "How are you liking it here so far?"

Harry rested his hands on the edge of the canoe behind him and leaned back slightly to be more comfortable, as he gave Louis a small smile.

"The first two weeks have been pretty awesome actually."

"Yeah? What's your favourite part?" Louis leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

"Well, you know I'm amazing at archery, so probably that."

Louis let out a laugh at that and Harry couldn't help but smile at the sound.

Harry let his head fall back, just taking in the sunshine and warm weather, as his eyes closed.

Louis was still watching the boy, nervously playing with his hands as he contemplated the move he was planning to make.

"Fuck it," Louis mumbled.

Harry tilted his head back down, wondering what Louis was on about, and couldn't even process anything before Louis' hand was on the side of his face and their lips were together.

Harry let out a noise of surprise, placing his hand over Louis' and sitting up slightly as he kissed him back.

Louis was pretty much standing up in the canoe, leaning over Harry, which was making it quite wobbly, but neither of them seemed to notice as their lips moved perfectly together.

Louis eventually pulled back so he could sit back down and steady the canoe and Harry still looked like he was in shock, as his eyes slowly fluttered open.

Neither of them knew what to say as they stared at each other, Harry moving to wipe his thumb across his bottom lip.

"I, um," Louis started, averting his gaze down to his shoes. "Sorry."

"No, uh, it's okay, really," Harry felt his heart rate picking up to possibly an unhealthy pace, as he moved to rest a hand on Louis' knee, causing him to look up.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, trying to bite back a smile.

"Yeah," Harry had his own smile starting to form.

"Can I do it again?"

Harry licked his lips and nodded, Louis wasting no time before he leaned forward and kissed the boy again.

Harry couldn't believe this was really happening, his head was spinning and he was trying so hard not to smile, as Louis' hands were on his face and their lips were fitting together like a puzzle.

Louis' lips were thinner, yet still so soft, and Harry's were more plump and chapped from biting them so much, but they worked perfectly with each other. It's almost like they were made for one another.

Harry pulled away first this time, needing to catch his breath and steady his pounding heart.

The two just smiled at each other, as Louis reached up to brush some hair from Harry's forehead.

"You ready to keep going?" Louis asked softly.

God he felt like they were in their own little bubble. No one else existed but them in this moment.

"Yeah, I think I'm a little more motivated now," Harry grinned.

Louis smiled and shook his head, as he started to move to the back of the canoe. "Didn't realize that was all it took to get you motivated. Should've tried that sooner."

Harry let a giggle slip out, before he grabbed his paddle and turned to face the front. "Yeah, maybe you should've."

Louis just smiled.


"You kissed him?!"

Louis slapped a hand across Lottie's mouth, glaring at her. "Keep it down. God, you are so loud."

She pried his hand away, a grin making its way onto her face. "So you obviously like him then, and he likes you back. That's great, Lou!"

Louis sighed, leaning against the side of the cabin. "I don't know. He's been all awkward since we got back yesterday and I don't know what to say to him. He makes me all nervous and shit."

Lottie awed at that and hit his arm lightly. "Aww, you're like a little schoolgirl with her first crush."

Louis let out a groan, rubbing his hands over his face. "What if I moved too fast and fucked everything up though?"

"Well, you know how you can find out?"


"By talking to him, instead of being here with me, you twat!" Lottie flicked his forehead and he pouted as he rubbed at it.

"Fine, I'll go back and talk to him," Louis let out a nervous sigh.

"You'll be fine. Just be honest with how you feel."

"Thanks, Lott," he pecked her cheek quickly before he turned to walk away.

"Use protection!" She shouted cheekily and he just flipped her off as he kept walking, hearing her laugh behind him.

Once he made it back to his and Harry's cabin, he stood outside for a few minutes, just trying to gain the courage to go in there and pour his heart out.

Taking a few deep breaths in, he opened the door and walked in, immediately catching the attention of Harry, who stood up from his bed and stared at him, biting his lip nervously.

"Hi," Louis breathed out and closed the door behind him, taking a few steps closer to the boy.


"Okay, um, we kissed. And I feel like you either regret it or just didn't want me to do it, or I don't know, but you've been really awkward and distant since yesterday and I want to know how I can fix it, because I like you a lot, Harry, and I really hope I didn't fuck anything up," Louis let out in one breath, Harry's eyes widening at the rant.

"Um, sorry, I just, I didn't know how to react after. I've only kissed one boy before and I've only had one girlfriend and she kinda screwed me over really bad and I guess I just have trust issues and I do trust you, but I don't know, I'm just an awkward person. Um, I like you a lot too, and um, you didn't fuck anything up," Harry rambled out, looking between Louis and the floor constantly.

Louis started to smile. "I'm glad you trust me. I, uh, I trust you too."

Harry grinned, but it dropped pretty fast when he realized he needed to tell Louis about the incident. He had to know.

"I, um, I want to tell you something then," Harry moved to sit back down on his bunk and Louis walked over to sit down beside him, grabbing his hand when he noticed how nervous he was.

"What's up, love?"

Harry squeezed Louis' hand and took in a deep breath, keeping his eyes forward as he started to speak, "So, um, last year, when I was dating my ex girlfriend, I realized I was bisexual, and I trusted her and loved her, so I told her about it before anyone else. And um, basically she freaked out. She told me being bi wasn't a thing and that I was obviously just gay and confused. And.." Harry stopped, trying to will away his tears.

"And she told everyone at school after we broke up. Um, I started getting bullied a lot, getting called a faggot and other names, and getting pushed into lockers and stuff. And then one day after school.." Harry's lip trembled and a few tears rolled down his cheeks, and Louis just held his hand tighter and used his other hand to wipe away the tears.

"Um, one day after school, these boys followed me when I was walking home.. and they dragged me into an alley and they hit me. They just kept hitting me no matter how much I was begging them to stop, but apparently me choking on my own blood wasn't enough, s-so, um, the one guy pulled out a knife and.." Harry trailed off and stood up, as Louis watched him with sad eyes, trying hard not to cry at the thought of Harry being that hurt.

With shaky hands, Harry lifted up his t shirt to reveal the scars all over his stomach, more tears falling from his eyes.

Louis let out a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, before he looked at Harry's body, where he had been marked up with several jagged X's.

"Fuck," Louis breathed, and reached out to rest his hands on Harry's hips, rubbing his thumbs across the skin in a comforting way. "You didn't deserve this at all, Harry, I can't believe someone could possibly do this to you.."

Harry sniffled, shaking his head as he lowered his shirt and grabbed Louis' wrists.

"This..This is why you didn't want to go swimming the first night? You-You didn't want us to see?" Louis looked up through blurry eyes from trying to hold back his tears and Harry just bit his lip and nodded.

"I didn't want everyone to know what happened.. I can't have them look at me differently, like everyone at the hospital that night and my mum.. everything's different now and I'm gonna have these scars forever, I don't know how to live with them.." Harry looked away, as his eyes glazed over again and he was biting onto his lip as hard as possible to avoid crying again.

Louis stood up then, fully wrapping his arms around the boy's waist to pull him into a tight hug. Harry couldn't help the sob that escaped his lips as his arms went around Louis' shoulders and he buried his face in the older boy's neck.

"It's okay, love," Louis whispered, rubbing a hand up and down the boy's back as he cried.

And as he stood there in Louis' arms, Harry - for the first time in a while - actually felt safe.


"Where are we going? I can't see anything, Lou."

"Shh, you're fine. We're almost there."

Louis was currently dragging Harry through the forest, a blanket in one hand and Harry's hand in the other, with nothing but the flashlight on his phone to guide their way.

Soon enough, they were in a small clearing, which was almost lit up from the moon outside.

"Okay, we're here. It's kinda boring, but I thought we could just lay here and watch the stars," Louis said with a shrug, finally letting go of Harry's hand to lay out the blanket he brought.

"That doesn't sound boring at all," Harry grinned.

So the two laid down beside each other, facing the sky and Louis reached over to grab Harry's hand again.

"It's so pretty," Harry said in awe.

"You're prettier."

Harry immediately started blushing and he was glad it was dark so Louis couldn't see.

"Shut up," he mumbled.

"No I refuse. You're too pretty to not constantly tell you."

Harry's cheeks felt even hotter as he rolled on his side to bury his face against Louis' shoulder.

"I can feel that you're blushing and I love it," Louis laughed.

Harry just groaned.

"Adorable," Louis whispered, squeezing the boy's hand.

The two were silent after that, Harry eventually laying down on his back again and just resting his head against the side of Louis' arm.

"A shooting star!" Harry gasped, moving his free hand to rest on Louis' chest. "Make a wish, Lou!"

"Don't need to."

Harry turned his head to see Louis already looking at him and he felt himself blushing under the gaze yet again.

In one swift motion, Louis' hand was on the side of Harry's face and their lips were together for the third time.

Harry basically melted into the kiss, grabbing Louis' shirt in his hand to pull him as close as possible.

Louis eventually moved to hover over Harry, letting go of his hand but not breaking their lip lock. Both of Harry's hands went to Louis' hips, one of them underneath his shirt, while Louis had his hands on either side of the boy's head.

Their innocent kissing soon turned to hot opened-mouth making out, their tongues meeting in between.

Harry moved one of his hands up to the back of Louis' neck, making sure he stayed as close as he was now.

But Harry's thoughts started to creep in, reminding him of his scars and the pain he'd felt from his ex. And he realized he really wasn't ready for this with Louis yet.

He pulled away, breathing heavily, as he stared up at Louis, who looked confused as to why Harry stopped.

"I'm not ready to have sex with you," he blurted out, looking away immediately after.

Louis let out a small laugh. "Love, that's okay. I wasn't expecting us to have sex."

Harry looked back up at him with a sheepish expression. "Really?"

"We just kissed for the first time two days ago, sex right now would be way too fast."

"Okay, um, sorry."

"Don't apologize, love. I want you to tell me these things so I know when to stop."

Harry nodded. "Okay. It's just, um, I've only had sex with a girl before, so um, I don't know how it works at all."

"That's okay. When the time's right, then I'll show you, yeah?"

Harry smiled and nodded. "Okay, yeah."

Harry still kept looking away nervously and fiddling with the hair on the back of Louis' head, like he wanted to say something else.

"What is it, love? You look like you wanna say something," Louis questioned.

"Um, how many people have you slept with?"

"Five. Four guys and one girl."

"Oh, um, okay."

"Haz, I'm three years older than you and I dated each of them for several months. Don't feel bad."

"Did you meet any of them here?" Harry asked before he could stop himself. His jealous side was on the verge of puking.

"No, I didn't. I typically try to not mess around with the other counsellors but I just couldn't help myself with you."

And when Harry smiled and pulled him back down into a kiss, he didn't know that Louis wasn't exactly lying, but he was leaving out the truth.


Another week had passed and Harry and Louis were completely inseparable - I mean, they kinda had to stay together for their group of kids, but still.

They'd get every meal together and sit beside each other when they ate, always smiling and laughing at whatever they were talking about.

All the counsellors noticed, especially Lottie, who knew about their whole relationship to begin with, and they tried to poke fun at the boys every chance they got.

Of course Harry would get all shy and embarrassed every time and Louis would just kiss his forehead if no kids were around, which made everyone 'awww' at the cuteness.

Currently, it was just after breakfast and the kids had all gone to get ready for the day. Louis had run off to go help them clean up, and the other counsellors went to get everything set up, so Harry was just sitting with Eleanor, Sierra and Luke as they all drank their teas.

Harry was mostly watching Louis though, as he helped out with the kitchen staff and even changing a garbage can that was full. God, he was just so kind and selfless. Harry couldn't believe they were, like, together.

"He's a good one, eh?" Eleanor nudged him with a grin, and Harry blushed slightly when realizing he'd been caught staring, but nodded nonetheless.

"Yeah, he is."

"I don't know what you did to him, but he's such a love struck puppy for you. I swear he was never like this with me."

Harry looked over at her in confusion, and her face immediately changed to worry.

"Oh my god, did you not know we dated? I'm so sorry, I thought he would've told you."

"Um, no he didn't."

"It was only for like two months and it was years ago-"

"Sorry, uh, I'm gonna head out, go get ready," Harry cut her off and stood up, avoiding Louis' concerned gaze as he basically ran out of the pavilion.

Louis lied to him last week.

Completely and totally just looked him in the face and lied.

He dated Eleanor - this perfect, skinny, gorgeous girl, who he most definitely met here at camp, and made Harry feel all special, as if he was the only one.

Louis probably did this with every new counsellor.

Harry felt more and more saddened by the thought as he got closer to their cabin and as soon as he got inside, he broke down.

He wasn't special. These marks on his stomach would forever remind him of that.

Harry ended up ignoring Louis for the entire day and tried to avoid being alone with him any time there was a chance of it. For once, he actually focused his full attention on the young kids they were in charge of.

On the other hand, Louis had no idea what was going on. He couldn't figure out what had happened in that 5 minutes he was gone for, or why Harry stormed out all of a sudden.

So once the day was over, Louis looked around for Harry, and when he couldn't find him, he assumed he'd gone back to their cabin.

Once he said goodbye to his friends, he started walking back to the cabin, being as quiet as possible when he noticed the lights were off.

The moon was bright enough coming in the windows that Louis saw Harry in his bed, facing the wall.

Figuring he was asleep and just had an off day, Louis kicked off his shoes and climbed in right behind the boy. Which is when he realized Harry was crying.

"Love, what's wrong?" Louis asked worriedly.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you," Harry cried, trying to move even closer to the wall.

"Haz, what did I do? You've been ignoring me all day, and I want to fix it, please."

Harry wiped at his eyes and climbed over Louis to get out of bed, trying to retreat to the bathroom but Louis stopped him.

"Harry, c'mon! What did I do?"

"You lied to me, Louis!" Harry shouted as he spun around to face him. "You dated Eleanor and didn't even tell me!"

Oh. Now it made sense. Harry stormed off after talking to Eleanor. Obviously she must've said something.

"Harry, I didn't lie-"

"Yes you did! You made me feel all special like you've never met someone here before and you have! And-And she's tall and pretty and skinny and nothing like me!" Harry furiously wiped at his eyes again, annoyed that he couldn't just be angry without crying.

"Okay, yes, I dated Eleanor," Harry let out a small cry and Louis just reached for the boy's hand. "But I did not meet her here. We went to school together, and it was three years ago we dated. And it was only for two months, before we both realized we just really weren't working," Harry's face softened and he looked almost guilty now. "And of course she's nothing like you because you are possibly the most perfect boy I've ever seen in my entire life, like holy shit," Harry let out a small giggle at the compliment, his cheeks going pink, as Louis pulled him in closer. "I don't want her, or anyone else, because they're not you."

Harry closed the space between them then, grabbing Louis' face as he kissed him.

Louis' hands immediately moved to Harry's waist, fully wrapping his arms around his body and keeping him as close as possible.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Sometimes I honestly forget," Louis whispered once they pulled away.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I freaked out before I talked to you. I'm a little bit crazy sometimes."

"I like crazy," Louis grinned and kissed his nose, receiving a giggle in response.

"So, we're good?" Louis questioned after a moment and Harry nodded with a smile.

"We're good."

"Okay, great," Louis sighed in relief, "'cause today was awful without talking to you and I thought I was gonna have to sleep in my own bed for once and I didn't want that at all."

"Don't worry, we can still share mine. It'd be too cold without you," Harry admitted.

Louis just smiled and leaned in for another kiss.


Harry let out a small yawn, his eyes slowly blinking to adjust to the bright room, the sun just starting to shine through the windows.

He went to adjust in Louis' arms and - Oh. Louis had a friend.

Harry felt a blush creeping up his neck at the feeling of Louis' hard on pressed right up against his lower back. They'd shared this bed for over 3 weeks now and somehow this was the first time either of them had morning wood. Or maybe Louis just always woke up first and took care of it before Harry noticed.

Either way, Harry felt his nerves kicking in, even more so when he heard Louis stirring and then press a soft kiss to his neck.

"Morning, love," Louis whispered, his voice raspy.

"Morning," Harry responded, lacing his fingers with Louis' that was placed on his stomach and then rolling onto his back to face him.

Louis propped himself up on his elbow to look down at the boy, a small smile making its way onto his face.

"You're so cute," Louis said and leaned down to kiss Harry's forehead.

"You're cuter."

Harry moved his free hand up to play with Louis' shirt, nervous for what could potentially happen in the next few moments.

"Literally no one is cuter than you but good try, baby," Louis grinned and Harry let out a little laugh.

"Okay, then you're definitely hotter than me," Harry argued.

Louis scoffed, shaking his head. "No way."

"Yes way."

Their eyes met and Harry let his tongue run across his lower lip in anticipation.

Then suddenly their lips were together and Harry's hands were holding him close by the back of his neck.

Harry felt Louis' hard on against his leg now and his heart was nearly beating out of his chest. He loved kissing Louis, but was he ready for anything else?

Their tongues were in the mix now, heavy breathing coming from both of them as they kissed.

Louis shifted so he was fully on top of Harry, their crotches just barely brushing together and making Harry crave more.

Louis pulled back all of a sudden and Harry let out an embarrassing whine as he chased after Louis' lips.

"This is okay, love?" Louis asked breathlessly, looking at Harry as if he was the most important and precious thing in the world.

There wasn't a single doubt in Harry's mind as he stared up into those perfect blue eyes.

Louis wouldn't hurt him, especially not the way his ex did, he was sure of it.

"Yeah, yes," Harry nodded frantically, his fingers holding tightly onto Louis' shirt.

"Yeah? What do you want?"

Harry didn't take his eyes away from Louis', as he tugged at his shirt in a silent way of telling him to take it off.

Louis got it off and tossed it on the floor, one of his hands moving to rest on Harry's hip.

"You wanna leave yours on?"

"Um, yeah."

"That's fine, love, whatever you're more comfortable with," Louis smiled before he leaned in for a quick peck, then moved his lips down Harry's jaw and neck.

Harry let one of his hands trail down Louis' toned stomach, his eyes landing on the very obvious tent in the boy's boxers.

"Lou, can I give you a blowjob?"

Louis sat up to look at Harry then, a mixture of concern and excitement on his face. "You want to?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Okay, yeah."

Louis leaned in and attached their lips in another heated kiss, their tongues meeting right away.

They kissed for a while and eventually Louis ended up on his back with Harry straddling his waist.

Harry pulled away from the kiss, trying to calm his breathing as he moved down the bed and hooked his fingers under the band of Louis' boxers. Taking in a deep breath, he yanked them down and off the boy's body, tossing them on the floor with his shirt.

Louis' dick was thick and hard, laying flat on his stomach, as he stared down at Harry in anticipation.

Harry pushed his nerves aside and leaned down to lick a long stripe up the side of Louis' dick, causing him to let out a small noise of approval.

Harry then took Louis' length into his hand, giving the tip the softest lick before he sucked it into his mouth, his tongue flicking against the slit.

"Shit," Louis whispered out and reached down to grab a fistful of Harry's hair, his other arm behind his head.

Harry slowly started to take more and more into his mouth until his nose was pressed against Louis' skin and he could feel him down his throat.

He pulled off a bit and just started to bob his head up and down, jerking off what wasn't in his mouth.

"Fuck," Louis let out a soft moan, trying so hard not to buck his hips against Harry's movements.

Harry used his free hand to fondle Louis' balls as he kept doing the same motion with his mouth and other hand, causing the older boy to moan a bit louder.

Harry then took the entire length in his mouth again, which made him gag this time and his eyes water slightly, as Louis let out a gasp.

As Harry moved his head up and down again, Louis couldn't help himself, as his hips bucked up, his dick hitting the back of Harry's throat and making him gag.

Harry looked up, as he moved his hands away, giving a short nod, as if to say 'do that again'.

Louis took in a deep breath, his hand still in Harry's hair, as he started to thrust into the boy's mouth.

Now that his hands were free, Harry reached down to get his own dick out, slowly starting to jerk himself off as Louis fucked his mouth.

Louis knew he wasn't going to last much longer, feeling his dick hit the back of Harry's throat every time, seeing the spit dribbling out the side of Harry's mouth, and the way he was jerking himself off as he let Louis use this mouth like this.. God, he was so hot.

"Fuck, baby," Louis groaned, his head falling back briefly as he felt himself nearing his climax.

He held Harry's hair tighter, as he kept thrusting and hearing the sound of Harry gagging, staring down at the boy, who was looking right back at him with watery eyes.

"Shit, Haz, I'm gonna come."

Sure enough, just a moment later, Louis' hips were faltering and he was letting out a moan, as he came down Harry's throat, who swallowed every drop.

Harry eventually pulled off, letting go of his still hard dick, while Louis attempted to catch his breath.

Harry moved up so he was straddling Louis' waist again and leaned down for a soft kiss.

"Can I return the favour, love?" Louis asked, his hands on Harry's thighs.

Harry looked down at him, and wow, he trusted this boy with his entire life.

"Yes, please."

They were definitely late for breakfast that morning.


Louis and Harry were sat at a picnic table just by the lake, while their kids played in the water.

Harry was watching the kids, and Louis was simply staring at him. He was just so pretty.

"You're being creepy," Harry told him and looked over with a small smile.

"Well, you're being perfect, so who's really to blame?"

Harry rolled his eyes, but Louis caught the slight blush on his cheeks.

"I literally cannot stop thinking about this morning, like, my god," Louis let out. He couldn't get the image of Harry's mouth around his dick out of his head.

"There are children around, Lou," Harry said in a hushed tone, his cheeks getting redder by the second.

"They can't even slightly hear us," Louis waved them off. "That was literally the best blowjob I've ever gotten. There's no way that was the first time you've done that. Was it?"

"Yeah, it was. Kinda learned from porn."

"So you're telling me your mouth is really just that talented?"

Harry shrugged with a smirk. "I guess so."

"Damn, I'm so lucky. In more ways than just that."

"I keep wanting to hold your hand or kiss you when you say stuff like that and then I realize I can't in front of people," Harry pouted.

"Don't worry, love. Once camp is over, we can do whatever we want in public and not be worried about people seeing."

Harry was a little shocked at that.

Louis still wanted to be with him after camp?

"You want to, like, really date after this?" Harry questioned and Louis looked confused.

Before he could respond, a high pitched scream was heard and the two boys jumped up to go over to the screaming child.

"There's something stuck to me!" Sally wailed, as the other kids crowded around here.

Louis and Harry both crouched down to see her leg, only to see a leech attached to her ankle.

"Get it off!" She cried, flailing her legs.

"Okay, we can't just pull it off, hun. We need to get salt, so let's go to the nurse, yeah?" Louis told her in a calm voice, while Harry went to grab her towel, which someone had told him was the one with unicorns on it.

"Okay," Sally sniffled and wiped at her eyes.

Harry wrapped her towel around her, then Louis lifted her up.

"Okay, kids, go find Luke and Ashton, they're right over there doing archery, okay?"

The group of children scurried off and Luke and Ashton both waved at Harry and Louis in acknowledgment, as the two walked towards the nurse's office.

"What's it doing?" Sally asked curiously.

"Well, uh, it fell asleep on your leg here, so we have to pour some salt on it to scare it awake and then it'll come right off and leave you alone, okay?"

Harry couldn't help but watch with a smile at Louis interacting with Sally. He was so good with kids.

Sally sniffled and nodded, leaning her head on Louis' shoulder as they walked.

Once they got to the nurses' office, Nurse Janet greeted them with a smile as Louis set Sally down on the bed, then sat down beside her. Harry pulled a stool over and Sally immediately reached over to grab his hand, causing Harry to smile.

"We got another leech? I'll grab the salt," Nurse Janet said and rooted through the cupboard.

Once she got it, she came over and crouched by the bed to look closer at the creature.

"Wait, can Louis do it?" Sally asked.

"Sure thing, hun."

"Okay, I promise it won't hurt, but you can squeeze Harry's hand as hard as you want," Louis said, sharing a smile with the boy.

Sally nodded and held onto Harry's hand even tighter.

Louis poured a pile of salt onto the leech then, and it slowly started to shrivel up until he could grab it safely.

"All done! Just like that," Louis told her as he tossed the leech in a nearby garbage.

"It didn't hurt!" Sally exclaimed.

"No it did not. Now what kind of bandaid do you want? I think we have unicorns, mermaids or Disney princesses," Louis asked her, as he went over to the bandaid cupboard.

He knew this place just as well as the nurse did.


Louis got her a unicorn bandaid, and grabbed the disinfectant.

"Okay, Sally, I know you're super strong and all that, but when I spray this on, it's going to hurt, and this time, you need to squeeze Harry's hand wayyyyyyy harder, okay?"

Sally looked scared again but nodded anyways.

As soon as Louis sprayed the disinfectant on, Sally let out a cry and closed her eyes and squeezed Harry's hand as hard as she possibly could. 

Louis put the bandaid right over top, then said, "Okay, now we're all done!"

Sally slowly opened her eyes and looked down at her leg.

"My mummy always kisses my ouchies better.. Can you guys kiss it better?"

Louis and Harry shared another smile, before Louis leaned down to softly kiss the covered up wound.

"Your turn," she said to Harry.

Harry got up and crouched down so he could repeat Louis' action, and Sally was finally smiling.

"It feels better already!" She giggled.

"Good, now do you want to stay here for a bit or go back to the group?"

"Go back to the group!" She exclaimed, attempting to get off the bed while also keeping her towel on.

"Okay, let's go then."

Louis and Sally started to walk out, but Harry stayed behind.

"Uh, one sec. I have to go to the bathroom. You guys go ahead."

Louis blew him a kiss when he knew Sally wasn't watching and Harry blushed as he pretended to catch it and put it against his lips.

Once they left, instead of going to the bathroom, Harry went over to where Nurse Janet was sat.

"Hey, um, this is probably a really stupid question, but um, do you happen to have condoms here?" Harry asked her nervously.

She let out a laugh and nodded, as she got up to go through a cupboard in the back.

"In the non-kid stash," she said as she handed him two packets.

He thanked her with a blush and shoved them in his pocket, as he basically ran out.

After this morning, he knew he fully trusted Louis, and he was definitely ready to have sex with him.

And especially after Louis said they'd still date after camp. Harry didn't want this to be a summer thing, he wanted it to be forever.

Sure, it had only been just over a month now, and 3 weeks since they've been together, but Harry was sure he felt love for Louis.

Scratch that - he definitely loved Louis.

And later that night, when they were finally alone, Louis pulled him in close and gave him possibly the most passionate kiss he'd ever received.

When they pulled away, they both smiled, unable to hide how happy they were.

"To answer your question from earlier, yes, I want to be with you after camp," Louis told him and Harry felt his heart skip a beat.


"'course, love. I fell pretty hard for you, and yeah, I've dated a lot of people but I've honestly never felt this way about anyone before."

Harry knew if he didn't kiss him, he'd profess his love, so he chose the first option instead.

He just didn't realize that Louis was on the verge of admitting the same thing.


This was it.

This was finally the night that Harry was going to have sex with Louis and he was going to tell him he loved him.

Ideally not in that order because that's just bad timing, but you get it.

It had been a week now since Harry realized how he felt, which meant there were only 3 weeks left of camp.

Harry was terrified for it to end though, because things would be different. He wouldn't get to see Louis everyday and he wouldn't share a bed with him every night.

Plus, he'd applied to quite a few college programs all over the country, and even in Australia and he hadn't chosen one yet. So that could definitely change things too.

Either way, Harry didn't want things to change. They were so good right now.

And well, tonight it'd get even better.


"I'm so tired," Louis groaned, as he kicked off his shoes, stripped off his shirt and basically collapsed on the bed.

Harry closed the door behind him, wiping his sweaty palms on his shorts, and took his shoes off too, before he went over to Louis.

"What do you wanna do tonight, love? Watch another movie? I don't think we ever finished-"

"I want to have sex," Harry blurted out, cutting Louis off. "With you. Obviously."

Louis sat up in bed and looked at Harry in shock. "What? Really?"

Harry felt really embarrassed now, just spitting it out like that. He could feel just how red his face had gotten as Louis stared at him expectantly.

"I, um, yeah," Harry shifted his gaze to the floor now, shuffling his sock-clad feet nervously against the hardwood.

Louis stood up from the bed and walked over to Harry, tilting his head up so he could look at him.

"You're sure?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah, um, I, uh, I like you a lot and I trust you," Harry admitted, silently cursing himself for not being able to say love instead. "And also you're really hot," he added with a nervous laugh, which made Louis grin.

They stared at each other for a few moments, until Louis put both his hands on Harry's face to pull him into a deep kiss.

Harry immediately wrapped his arms around Louis' bare waist, keeping them as close together as possible.

Their kiss turned heated quickly, their lips moving together desperately as Louis started to walk them towards the bed.

Harry ended up on his back with Louis on top of him, their liplock never breaking.

Tongues were soon introduced, heavy breathing filling the quiet room as they kissed, and Louis' hands moved under Harry's shirt.

Louis, unwillingly, pulled away, his lips red and swollen already, and stared down at Harry, whose pupils were blown in excitement.

"Do you want to leave your shirt on?" He asked, and Harry just wanted blurt out how much he loved him, but he figured now would be a very bad time for that.

Instead he shook his head slowly. "No, take it off."


"Yeah, I, um," Harry started, thinking maybe now would be a good 'I love you' moment, but he chickened out. "I trust you, remember?"

Louis smiled, leaning in for a soft peck, before he started to get Harry's shirt off, the boy sitting up slightly to make it easier.

Louis suddenly attached his lips to Harry's collarbone, making him let out a surprised gasp and reach down to grab Louis' hair.

Louis kissed softly at first and then bit down, sucking a dark hickey into the skin.

Harry bit his lip to hold back a moan, as Louis repeated that action a few times all over his chest.

"Mine," Louis mumbled, going back to soft kisses and trailing his way down Harry's stomach.

He made sure to pay extra attention to each scar, being as gentle as possible, but trying to show just how much he cared for the boy.

"So fucking perfect, baby," Louis whispered. The word was on the tip of his tongue. God he loved Harry so much, but he didn't want to rush him.

Harry wanted to cry at how much love he was feeling for this boy, who didn't judge him at all. He had never felt so accepted and appreciated before in his life.

"Can I take these off?" Louis asked as his fingers looped under the band of Harry's shorts and he looked up at the boy for approval.

"Yeah, yes," Harry nodded desperately. "Do anything, please."

Louis moved up to give him a quick kiss, which made him bite his lip again to hide his bashful smile, before the older boy pulled down his shorts and tossed them aside.

Harry moved his hands from Louis' hair down to his waist, pushing at his shorts to try to get them off.

Louis ended up just getting them off himself, so the two of them were just left in their boxers, both very obviously hard.

"God," Louis breathed, as his eyes scanned down Harry's body then back up to his face.

"C'mere," Harry whined, yanking him down into a kiss.

He just wanted Louis' lips on his all the time, for the rest of his life honestly.

Louis reached down to palm Harry through his boxers, causing the boy to moan into his mouth.

"W-Wait," Harry panted and pulled away from Louis, who immediately looked worried as he retracted his hand.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?" He asked frantically.

"No, no, definitely not. I just - I need a second to breathe and wrap my head around the fact that I'm about to have sex with the sweetest, yet hottest guy alive."

Louis grinned and brushed a curl from Harry's face. "I dunno, I'm pretty sure that you have that title."

Harry scoffed and shook his head, his arms wrapping around Louis' neck and pulling their faces closer. "Definitely not."

"Let's just agree to disagree, yeah?" Louis grinned, his lips hovering over Harry's in a teasing manner.

"Or we can just-"

"Oh shut it so I can kiss you, you fool," Louis said and finally attached their lips again.

This time, Louis ground their crotches together and they moaned in sync.

"Wait, shit, I don't have a condom," Louis let out as he pulled away again.

"Oh, uh, I do."

Louis raised his eyebrows questioningly. "May I ask why or how?"

Harry wiggled out from underneath him and went over to his bag to grab one of the condoms he'd gotten a week ago and held it up with a shy smile.

"Kind of got it from the nurse's office last week," he admitted in embarrassment, as he got back on the bed and straddled Louis' waist.

"Oh yeah?" Louis grinned up at him, his hands on the boy's hips. "Honestly didn't even know we had those here."

"It was very embarrassing, and it would've been even worse if I asked and she didn't have any, because y'know, this is a children's camp."

Louis let out a laugh and pulled him down into a kiss, both of them trying to stop smiling.

Harry built up the nerves to start grinding down against the boy, surprising him and getting a moan in return, which was swallowed by their lips.

Louis moved his hands to Harry's ass and grabbed it, pushing him down harder so they rubbed together even more.

"Okay, fuck, this needs to happen now," Louis mumbled and switched their position so he was back on top.

He wasted no time in getting Harry's boxers off, before his hand wrapped around the boy's length.

"I need to prep you first with my fingers, yeah?"

"Okay, um, I've never done any of this before.."

"I know, love, I'll be super gentle and I promise I'll make you feel so good," Louis kissed at his jaw.

Harry nodded, though he was still extremely nervous. "Okay okay, I'm ready."

Louis gave him one last kiss before he sat up on his knees and Harry moved his legs so he had better access.

"Well, usually I have lube, but uh, I guess I will improvise," Louis said, before he spit on three of his fingers and looked up at Harry.

And he kept their eyes locked as he slowly pushed in the first finger, loving the way Harry's face contorted.

"How's it feel?"

"Kinda good actually."

"Yeah?" Louis smirked and leaned down to nip at his inner thigh, which made him gasp.

"Yeah," Harry breathed out and fisted the sheets in his hands when Louis added another finger suddenly.

"Shit," Harry mumbled, head tilted back and eyes closed.

Louis moved his fingers in and out, scissoring them every once in a while to get Harry stretched out as much as possible.

Once Louis curled them upwards, Harry moaned and arched his back, his dick twitching against his stomach.

"Third, third, please," he begged.

Louis did as told, repeating the same motions with his three fingers and soon Harry was biting his lip to hold back moans and basically grinding down against Louis.

"You are unbelievably hot, my god," Louis muttered, as he stopped his fingers and just let Harry move against them.

"Lou, fuck, I'm ready."


"Yeah, yes, definitely."

Louis pulled his fingers out and wiped them off on the sheets, before he finally got off his boxers, sighing in relief.

He found the condom by Harry's head, trying to get it on as quickly as possible upon seeing Harry sprawled out, naked and ready for him.

Once he had it on, he positioned himself at Harry's hole and looked down at the boy with a smile.

"Hi, you're cute. You ready?"

Harry nodded and pulled Louis down into a passionate kiss.

Louis kept their lips together, as he started to slowly push inside, causing Harry's lips to immediately stop moving and for his breathing to increase.

"Shit," Harry mumbled, just letting his lips hover over Louis', one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his back.

"You okay, baby?" Louis asked and nuzzled his nose against Harry's.

"Yeah, hurts a little, but it's okay. Go in all the way."

Louis moved his hand to rest on the other side of Harry's head, as he pushed in further until he was all the way in and trying so hard to ignore just how tight Harry was for the time being.

"Shit," Louis whispered, then leaned in to attach their lips.

They kissed softly as Harry adjusted to the stretch and tried to get used to the feeling. He was pretty much losing his virginity again, just in a different way.

"Okay," Harry said as he pulled back. "You can move."

As soon as Louis thrusted for the first time, they let out simultaneous moans and Harry's grip tightened on the older boy's hair.

Louis rolled his hips into the boy slowly, their breathing getting heavier by the second as pleasure coursed through their bodies.

Harry stared up at Louis, his fingers threaded in his hair and his nails scratching down his back, his mouth wide open as let out soft moans and curses.

"Fuck, you are so perfect, baby," Louis mumbled, attacking Harry's lips in a kiss and muffling his moans.

Once they pulled away, they locked eyes again and Harry could feel his heart in his throat, love spreading through his entire body as Louis thrusted into him so gently but so amazingly.

"Shit, Lou," Harry cried, wanting to just scream out how much he loved this boy.

Louis started to pick up the pace then, intent on finding just the right angle to make his baby moan the loudest.

And when Harry's back arched off the bed and he tugged hard on Louis' hair, letting out a loud gasp, he knew he'd found his prostate.

"Right there, shit, oh my god," Harry moaned, then pulled his lower lip between his teeth, biting it until it was raw.

Louis kept thrusting in that same spot, absolutely loving the way Harry could barely even form words at this point and how his eyes were closed in pure bliss.

"Sound so good right now, love," Louis groaned, before he attached his lips to the boy's neck and started to suck on the skin. He knew he shouldn't leave marks where people could see - especially the kids - but he couldn't help it. He was drunk off the way Harry tasted and the way the boy pushed Louis' head closer to his skin every time he bit down, showing just how much he liked it.

After making a few very successful marks on Harry's neck, Louis sat up slightly to look at his work, unable to hold in his smirk when he saw nearly a dozen hickeys, starting at his neck and all the way down to the middle of his torso.

"Look so perfect all marked up by me, baby," Louis mumbled, his lips hovering over Harry's, as he slowed the movement of his hips slightly.

"Want everyone to know I'm taken by you," Harry managed to get out, letting out a surprised moan when Louis suddenly did one hard thrust.

"Yeah, love, that's right. My baby, all mine," Louis panted, as he started to pick up the pace again.

Harry went right back to being a moaning mess, his nails dragging down Louis' back once again and most definitely leaving scratch marks behind, but Louis loved it.

"L-Lou, I'm close, touch me, please," Harry let out, not loosening his grip on the boy at all.

Louis moved one of his hands down to wrap around Harry's length, which was dripping with precome, jerking him off perfectly in time with his thrusts.

"O-Oh god, fuck, shit," Harry moaned out loudly, his back arching and his head tilting back, exposing his marked up neck.

"C'mon, baby, wanna see you come," Louis encouraged, feeling awfully close to his high as well.

Louis thrusted only twice more before Harry's entire body was seizing as he came all over his stomach and Louis' hand, with a loud shout of, "Lou, I love you, fuck!" his eyes going slightly wide afterwards.

Louis' hips faltered slightly at the confession, but he kept his pace, wanting to get himself there too.

Harry's body was extremely oversensitive now as Louis kept fucking into him at a fast pace, and all he could think about was the fact that he just shouted 'I love you' as he came. Possibly the most embarrassing thing he'd ever done.

Just a few thrusts later, Louis was letting out a low moan, capturing Harry's lips in his, as he came into the condom.

They kissed lazily for a minute, until Louis fully sat up and pulled out as slow as possible, which still made Harry wince at the feeling.

"Be right back, love," Louis said before he retreated to the bathroom to throw out the condom and get a damp towel to clean up Harry.

He washed his hands first then got the towel wet, wringing it out a few times before he looked up at himself in the mirror.

Harry just said he loved him. Did he actually mean that, or was he just really in the moment?

Louis shook his head with a sigh and went back into the main room, giving Harry a soft smile as he started to wipe down his sticky chest.

Once Harry was clean, Louis tossed the towel on the floor for now and then climbed over the boy to join him in bed.

Harry immediately scooted over to bury his face in Louis' chest, trying to think of the best way to apologize for confessing his love mid-orgasm.

Louis let his fingers run through Harry's hair as they laid there together silently.

Neither of them knew how to bring it up, it was definitely an awkward topic.

"So, uh," Louis started. "You meant what you said?"

Harry felt his cheeks get hot right away and he refused to move as he answered, "I, um, yeah. Sorry for saying it at the worst time ever."

"Well.. if it makes you feel any better.. I've been wanting to say it for well over a week and I almost said it several times just now."

Harry finally lifted his head up to look at Louis, a shy smile on his face. "Really?"

Louis just pulled Harry into a deep kiss that had them both breathless afterwards.

"I love you so much, Harry," Louis breathed out, unable to keep his feelings bottled up anymore.

Harry let a big smile take over his face, his eyes sparkling with pure happiness. "I love you so much, Louis."

Louis couldn't help but smile so wide that the crinkles by his eyes appeared, which was one of the many, many things Harry loved about him.

"You wanna sleep now, love?"

Harry yawned instead of answering and moved his head to rest against Louis' chest again.

"I'll take that as a yes," Louis laughed.

Harry lifted his head up and puckered his lips, silently asking for a kiss.

Louis leaned in and gave him several soft pecks, both of them smiling afterwards.

"Goodnight, Haz, I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight, Lou."

And well, they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.


Louis woke up first the next day and immediately smiled when he saw Harry, even though his back was to him.

Louis reached out an arm to pull Harry in closer, which made the boy roll over and snuggle against Louis' chest, still asleep.

Louis nearly 'aw'ed out loud at that. Harry was possibly the cutest boy - no, cutest person to ever exist.

Louis laid there for a while before he looked over at the clock and realized they had to get up soon.

"Hazza, baby," Louis whispered, as he kissed the boy's head. "Time to wake up."

Harry stirred and mumbled something in coherent, but still didn't wake up.

So Louis had to pull his head away from his chest and started to peck at his lips, hoping that would wake him up.

Sure enough, Harry started to kiss back and then whined when Louis pulled away, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Good morning, my love," Louis grinned.

"Good morning," Harry smiled too, then let out a yawn.

"I need to shower before breakfast, you wanna come with?" Louis asked.

"What kind of shower, mister?" Harry teased with a playful grin.

"A completely innocent one, I promise."

"Okay, yeah I'll come with."

Harry went to get up and pain immediately shot through his lower back and ass, so he let out a groan.

"Sore?" Louis smirked, unable to not feel pride from that.

"Yes," Harry pouted. "Stop smiling."

"Sorry, love," Louis pecked his lips quickly, before he climbed over him to get out of bed first.

"Alright, c'mon," he held his hands out for Harry and the boy reluctantly grabbed on to them, groaning again as he was pulled to his feet.

"How am I supposed to walk normally all day?" Harry asked, pouting again, as he basically limped towards the bathroom with Louis.

"Well, you can't. So you're gonna have to tell the kids you hurt yourself, so they don't question it."

Harry just groaned in response, leaning against the counter as Louis went to turn the shower on.

"Now, the other counsellors though, they will definitely know why you're limping, especially since you're also covered in hickeys."

"I kind of hate you right now."

Louis laughed at that and moved to stand in front of Harry, putting his hands on the boy's bare hips.

"Do you now? That's not what you were saying last night, quite the opposite actually."

"I'm getting in the shower now."

Louis just laughed as Harry limped towards the shower and struggled to get in.

He joined him soon after, wrapping his arms around the boy from behind and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Hi," Louis whispered and kissed his shoulder.

Harry turned around with a smile, the water hitting his back now, as he moved his arms to Louis' shoulders.


"Have I ever told you how cute you are?"

"Only about a million times."

"So definitely not enough then."

Harry let out a laugh, shaking his head. "I love you."

Louis smiled, as his thumbs started to rub against the scars on Harry's hips. "I love you too."

Harry looked down and bit his lip nervously, as he watched Louis' hands on him. "You're sure the scars don't bother you at all?"

"What? No, of course not. Why would you think that?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know, 'cause they're ugly."

"Hey," Louis frowned, grabbing Harry's chin and tilting his head back up so their eyes locked. "Don't say that. Scars show you went through something hard, and you survived. You should be proud of that. And I would never ever call them ugly, nothing about you is even slightly unattractive, okay?"

Harry's eyes watered and he bit his lip to attempt to control his emotions. "I am so lucky to have you."

Louis smiled, brushing back Harry's wet hair from his face.

"Where have you been all my life, Harry Styles?"

"I was thinking the same thing about you, Louis Tomlinson."


The next two weeks flew by, which meant there was only a week left now.

Today was computer day, which meant the kids got to spend some time inside and play some board games and video games, and the counsellors got to check emails and messages from their families - while also playing with the kids, obviously.

And well, Harry ended up checking his email, only to find an acceptance letter to The University of Sydney, which yes you guessed it, was the one in Australia.

Even if it was the furthest one away, it was his number one choice and he always said he'd drop everything to go there.

Which meant him and Louis would have to to do long distance, or breakup. Harry didn't want to do either.

But Harry couldn't ruin their last possible week together..

"Hey, love, what's up?" Louis grinned, sitting backwards on a chair next to the younger boy.

Harry clicked out of his mail and turned to him with a smile, shaking his head.



Two days left and Louis still didn't know.

Every time Harry looked at him or kissed him, he just couldn't do it. He looked into those perfect blue eyes and he couldn't possibly imagine not seeing them every day, and not holding his hand.

And before he knew it, 5 days had passed and he'd managed to chicken out on telling Louis this really important thing several times.

So when the two were finally alone on their second last night together, Harry decided it had to be said now.

Clearly Louis had other plans though, as he kissed the boy and backed him towards the bed, hands on his hips.

Harry, once again, got lost in the moment, as Louis laid him down and hovered over him, their lips never breaking apart.

Harry gripped onto Louis' shirt like his life depended on it, keeping him as close as possible as they kissed.

Maybe he could wait until after..

No, shit. He had to do it now. He knew Louis would probably be mad at first, since he kept it a secret, and it'd be much worse if he waited until after they had sex.

So he unwillingly pulled away from the kiss, placing a hand on Louis' chest as he took in a deep breath.

"Lou, I need to tell you something."

Louis looked confused, but moved off of Harry anyways to sit with his back against the wall.

"What is it?"

Harry sat up too, unable to look at Louis and playing with his fingers nervously, as he finally admitted, "I-I got accepted to a school in Australia."


Harry looked over at Louis to see him staring down at his lap, and all he wanted to do was hug him forever.

"When did you find out?" Louis asked.

Harry already felt tears forming. Louis was going to be mad.

"Almost a week ago," Harry whispered out so quietly Louis barely heard him.

"Are you kidding me?" Louis let out, staring over at Harry who couldn't possibly look up right now.

Louis scoffed and got off the bed, heading straight for the door, but he stopped himself when he heard Harry let out a soft cry.

"I-I'm sorry, Lou, I-I didn't want our last week to be full of sadness," Harry told him as he wiped at his eyes.

"You kept this huge secret from me for a week, Harry. And what, you were about to have sex with me too?! Maybe just break the news after?!"

Harry finally stood up off the bed to face Louis, as he said, "I didn't want us to just be all sad for our last week together. Don't act like you would've been normal if I had told you then."

"Fuck," Louis swore and turned to face the door again, letting his head rest against it, as he debated leaving or not.

"Louis.. I-I.. I don't want to go if it means I can't have you.. I-I don't know what I would do without you, I don't want to live without you," Harry let out, tears already falling down his cheeks as he stared at Louis' back.

Louis himself couldn't hold it in anymore, as he started to cry. He didn't want to live without Harry either. No one had ever made him feel this way before.

Harry didn't know what to do as he watched Louis cry against the door. He'd never seen the boy cry before.

"Is-Is that the only school you applied to?" Louis finally managed to get out, as he wiped at his eyes and then turned around.

"I, um, I applied to a couple nearby, but they never got back to me, and this one has been my number one choice for so long.."

"Fuck, Harry, you have to go.. I-I can't be the reason you don't go to your dream school."

"I would do anything to be with you, Lou," Harry stepped closer.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you did that.. This is your education and your future career, Haz, you-you need that."

"B-But I-I need you," Harry was basically full on crying now.

"Harry," Louis' voice cracked as he looked over at the boy, tears in both of their eyes and streaming freely down their faces.

"Louis," Harry said back and held out his arms for a hug.

Louis didn't waste any time before he walked over and wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's waist, the younger boy's arms going around his neck.

"I love you so much, Harry," Louis muttered out, unable to loosen his grip at all. He was terrified Harry would slip away forever if he let go.

"I love you so much, Louis," Harry cried, his face buried in Louis' neck.

The two stood in the middle of the room hugging for what felt like a lifetime, but somehow it still wasn't long enough.

Louis eventually pulled back so he could look at Harry and admire every inch of his face, even if his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were red and tear-filled.

Neither of them spoke, as they stared at one another, Louis' hands moving to Harry's face, one of them brushing through the boy's messy curls.

Harry closed his eyes, his lower lip trembling, as he leaned his head into Louis' touch.

Louis just watched him. He never wanted to forget his baby's face, or anything about him.

And then Louis leaned in to press their lips together, Harry immediately moving closer and kissing him back with everything he had.

Harry moved his hands to rest over Louis', holding onto his wrists tightly and honestly never wanting to let go.

Louis pulled back slowly and Harry immediately bit his lip to control his tears that were ready to fall again, and all Louis wanted to do was hold the boy forever and make sure he was never sad.

"Baby, please stop crying.." Louis started with a shaky voice. Seeing Harry cry made him cry.

Harry couldn't help it as he let out a quiet sob at the pet name, fully realizing that after this week, Louis would probably never call him that again.

"Fuck," Louis mumbled, his voice cracking, and looked up to try to stop his own tears.

"C-can w-we just get i-in bed, please?" Harry managed to get out with a sniffle.

Louis took in a deep breath and nodded.

With that, the two got back into bed, both lying on their sides and facing each other.

Harry had his hand against Louis' chest, while the older boy put his on the side of Harry's face, rubbing small circles along his tear-stained cheek.

"Here I thought we'd be having sex tonight, this was definitely less fun," Louis attempted to joke and Harry gave a toothless smile.

"Sorry," Harry's voice cracked and he bit his lip to stop himself from breaking down again.

"Hey, I'm sorry, don't cry again, please. I make stupid jokes when I'm sad," Louis pulled their faces closer together so their noses were touching.

"Louis, what are we gonna do?" Harry whispered out after a while.

"Why don't we sleep on it, love? Talk tomorrow night and figure it all out?"

"Okay," Harry nodded, before he moved to bury his face in Louis' chest.

Louis kissed his head and wrapped both of his arms tightly around the boy, holding him as close as possible.

"Goodnight, Lou, I love you more than anything," Harry mumbled out.

Louis had to take a second to respond, as tears formed in his eyes at the thought of never hearing Harry say that again. Or never being able to hold him like this again.

"Goodnight, baby," Louis let out. "I love you so much."

Needless to say, neither of them really slept much that night.


The kids were officially gone.

They'd just left in the afternoon once the busses came to pick them up, so it was now time for the counsellors to just have the best last night possible.

And for Harry and Louis, this last night meant more than anything. Whether they decide to break up or do long distance, they wouldn't see each other for a long time, after spending two straight months together, so it was going to be hard.

They both kept happy faces on, as they hungout with everyone for most of the night, and for a while, they almost forgot what was going to happen the next day.

Until they got back to their cabin and realized they had to have their most serious talk yet.

To stay together or not.

The two stayed silent for a few moments, as they stood in the middle of the room, both waiting for the other to say something.

"I think we should break up-"

"I think we should do long distance-"

Louis' face dropped, feeling his heart fall into his stomach, while Harry looked shocked at what Louis said.

"Oh," Louis let out.

Harry wanted to break up.


"No, it's fine, I get it, Harry," Louis snapped, trying to hide how hurt he was by being angry.

"Louis, please don't be mad. This-This is already so hard for me, I-I don't know how I'm gonna do it without you, but I have to. Long distance almost never works and I'd much rather us end on a really happy note, being able to remember we had it all, instead of us drifting apart in a few months and ending it then. I know that would make it worse for me, wouldn't it for you?"

Louis couldn't even look at him as he nodded. Harry was right. It probably wouldn't work out, especially since he'd be so busy with school.

"Harry.. I.." Louis couldn't form a full sentence. All he could think about was that by this time tomorrow, him and Harry would be leaving and possibly never seeing each other again.

Harry moved closer, taking both of Louis' hands in his and holding them close to his chest. Louis let out a small sigh, biting his lip to control his oncoming tears, as he rested his forehead against the younger boy's.

"I'll probably come back next summer, y'know? We'll see each other again," Harry spoke softly and Louis just closed his eyes.

"I swear to God, I'm one second away from moving to Australia with you, Hazza.. What if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend next summer? Or what if I do? I can guarantee I'd drop anyone for you and that'd just be so unfair because you'd just leave me at the end of the summer again.."

"Do you believe in fate, Lou?"

"I guess so, why?"

"If we're meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other, and I really believe that's true. Maybe this just wasn't our time."

Louis didn't say anything, just tipped his head in so their lips met softly.

The kiss picked up, Louis moving his hands down to the boy's waist and Harry's going up to Louis' neck.

Louis tapped Harry's thigh, then mumbled out, "Jump," so Harry did as told, wrapping his legs around the older boy's waist to hold himself up.

Louis' hands were on his ass now, as he walked blindly to the nearest wall, pressing his and Harry's body against it.

Their tongues met in between hot open mouthed kissing, Harry fingers' tangled in Louis' hair, and Louis' hands underneath Harry's thighs to keep him up.

Harry trailed one of his hands down Louis bicep, basically moaning when he felt the muscle clenching under his fingertips.

Harry was breathless as Louis moved his kissing down his neck, not leaving any marks this time.

"You know, I do have another condom.." Harry let out suggestively.

"Breakup sex?"

"I guess you could call it that. Or two boys who love each other more than anything want to be intimate one last time."

"Fuck, Harry, I love you. I'm gonna miss you so much."

Harry kissed him quickly, running his fingers through the boy's hair. "I love you. Gonna think about you every day.."

"Me too, baby," Louis said before kissing him again.

He moved them away from the wall then and walked them towards the bed, setting Harry back on the ground to avoid smacking his head off the top bunk.

Harry grabbed Louis' shirt, as he laid down, pulling him in bed with him and keeping them close.

All their movements were so gentle, yet frantic. So loving, yet so sad.

Every touch was so passionate, you could feel the love in the air.

Even as Louis was thrusting into him, all that could be heard was heavy pants and whispers of 'I love you' back and forth.

And this time, they came together, both mumbling out their love for one another, a mixture of sadness, yet pure honesty in their voices.

They laid beside each other afterwards, not talking and just enjoying what little time they had left.

"Hey, Harry?" Louis eventually spoke up and Harry just hummed in response, distracted by playing with Louis' fingers.

"Earlier you were talking about fate and if we're meant to be and all that and I just needed to say something."

Harry stopped what he was doing then, and looked over into Louis' ocean blue eyes with his own forest green ones.

"Yeah? What is it?" Harry questioned.

"I definitely think we're meant to be."


Harry had managed to keep it together all morning without breaking down.

How? He had no idea, but he knew when he went in for that last hug from Louis, it would all come pouring out.

When they first woke up together, they barely spoke. Even when they showered, they just silently washed each other's hair and tried to enjoy all the little things until their departure.

Throughout breakfast, it was easy enough to be distracted by all the other counsellors and staff that were around.

And while they packed, they shared quick glances and sad smiles, but still, neither of them were quite showing how they felt.

It really wasn't until they were standing in the parking lot with their bags sat on the ground beside them, that the emotions really kicked it.

"So this is really it, huh?" Louis let out a bitter laugh and shoved his hands in his front pockets, as he kicked at some gravel by his feet.

Harry basically threw his bag on the ground and pulled Louis into a tight hug, unable to help it as he started to cry.

"I love you," he sobbed against Louis' shoulder.

"Fuck, baby, I love you," Louis held his arms tighter around the boy's waist than they had ever been.

"I-I don't know how I'm gonna possibly walk away right now," Harry whispered, his breathing shaky and uneven.

"I don't know how I'm gonna let you."

Everyone else was leaving, getting in their cars near the two boys who refused to let go of each other, but they understood. They'd seen these two fall in love for the last two months, of course it was heartbreaking that they had to say goodbye.

"I think someone might have to pry us apart honestly. I can't see either of us ever letting go," Harry sniffled and Louis let out a laugh, tears forming in his eyes now.

"I definitely can't," Louis told him, holding him so tight and keeping his face buried in the boy's curls. He just had to breathe in his scent more, he didn't want to ever forget what Harry smelled like. Or how it felt to hold him. Or kiss him.

Damnit. Now Louis was biting his lip raw to stop himself from bawling his eyes out right here in this parking lot.

"I don't think I could ever forget the sound of your laugh, but I'm so scared I will. I never knew what an angel sounded like until the first time you laughed," Louis muttered against Harry's hair.

Before Harry could respond, someone cleared their throat, then Lottie spoke up from behind them, "Louis, we gotta get going.."

"Lot, you're going to have to pry me off him. I physically can't move," Louis said and Lottie couldn't even laugh, though she normally would. It was just so fucking upsetting for them to end this way.

Lottie let out a soft sigh as she walked over to grabbed Louis' arms, pulling him away from the younger boy.

"The longer you stay, the harder it'll be. C'mon," she said, as she tugged on his arm, but he wouldn't let go of Harry's hand.

Louis couldn't tear his eyes away from Harry's glossy ones. He didn't want to.

"She's right," Harry said and wiped at his eyes, before he looked back over at Louis again. "Bye, Louis."

"Bye, Harry."

Louis finally took a step back, their hands parting and dropping sadly at their sides, as Louis turned around and started to walk away.

He only took two steps, before he realized that wasn't enough. That wasn't a proper goodbye.

Louis spun back around and in one swift motion, had his arms around Harry's waist again and their lips were together.

Harry put one hand on the back of Louis' neck, keeping him close, and the other on the side of his face, as they shared possibly the most passionate, yet most heartbreaking kiss either of them had ever experienced.

When they pulled away, they both had tears rolling down their cheeks, but they still managed to smile at each other.

"Meant to be, yeah?" Louis reassured, as Harry wiped at the older boy's tears.

"Meant to be," Harry confirmed with a nod.

"Okay, goodbye for real now, baby. Good luck in school, I know you'll kill it."

Harry closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as he rested their foreheads together.

"Goodbye, Louis."

Louis couldn't help it as he pressed one last kiss to Harry's pretty pink lips, before he released his grip on him and stepped away again.

With their final goodbyes shared, they each turned around and went their separate ways.


Hey, guys!

So that's the end of Take Me Home! Next is Midnight Memories so keep an eye out for the first one to be uploaded!

And I know y'all tend to hate angsty endings (even though I thrive off of them), so here's how I imagined it for Harry and Louis; Louis tried to move on and all that, but after 6 months, he decided he couldn't. So he ended up going to Australia, surprising the shit outta Harry, and confessing his love for him. Harry of course said he loved him back, and Louis ended up moving there while Harry finished his schooling. And after a few months, they got a place together and yay, they lived happily ever after :)

Anywho, thanks for reading!


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