Take Me Home || Larry Stylins...

By xxSweaterWeatherxx

16.1K 274 265

*COMPLETED IN 2020* Each one shot will be inspired by a song from the album Take Me Home. More

Little Things
Back For You
*Rock Me*
Change My Mind
Over Again
Last First Kiss
I Would
Kiss You
They Don't Know About Us
Heart Attack
Live While We're Young
Summer Love

C'mon C'mon

863 13 11
By xxSweaterWeatherxx

{Louis Tomlinson is a famous pop star and one night he goes out to a club and meets Harry, a high school student with a fake ID}

Louis: 23
Harry: 17

Word count: 3681


"ID, kid?"

Harry handed over his fake to the security guard, and his gaze shifted between the card and Harry several times before he handed it back and nodded for him to head in.

Harry grinned and stepped into the club, immediately met by a wave of heat and loud music. He loved it.

He went straight over to the bar to get himself a whiskey sour, sitting down and observing the crowd as he sipped on his drink.

There was an unbelievable amount of skanks with next to nothing on and Harry rolled his eyes. They seem to multiply every time he comes here and he gets hit on by them way too often. Yeah sure, he could go to a gay bar and actually meet someone he was attracted to, but he has met a few guys here that have been interested in him - mind you, he's only slept with one, plus the boyfriend he had last year.

Harry was trying to find anything even slightly attractive that didn't have boobs and let out a sigh at the crowd of what seemed like 90% women.

And that's when he saw him.

Average height, brown hair swooped perfectly to the side, stubble decorating his perfectly sculpted face, and bright blue eyes that seemed to glow under these lights.

He was perfect, Harry swore he had butterflies just looking at him.

So Harry downed the rest of his drink and walked over to him.


Louis needed to get drunk.

He was going to be starting his tour in just a month and he was just so busy all the time. He felt like he didn't even have time to think about anything that wasn't his music or his fans.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his fans and he loves what he does more than anything, but it was just exhausting. He needed a break sometimes.

So that's how he ended up at some club his friends told him about, his manager thinking he was fast asleep in his hotel room.

Louis wasn't planning on taking anyone home tonight, he wasn't that type of person and as he looked around, he noticed they definitely weren't the type he was looking for anyways.

But then he saw him.

Long legs, brown hair that came past his ears and a hat on top to contain the curls, and the most gorgeous green eyes Louis had ever seen.

And judging by the way the boy looked at Louis like it was the first time, he didn't know who Louis was. Which was perfect.

Louis didn't move as he saw the boy walking towards him.

God, his legs were heavenly, Louis wanted them wrapped around him.

"Hey, I'm Harry!" the boy leaned over to shout in his ear.

"I'm Louis!"

Harry smiled and Louis nearly passed out. He had dimples too? That couldn't be fair.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Louis ended up asking with a toothless smile, and Harry nodded.


Several drinks later, the two were out on the dance floor, Louis' jacket discarded by the bar and Harry's shirt unbuttoned more than it was before, and he had no idea where his hat ended up.

Harry had his back to Louis' front and the way he moved was fucking angelic. The way he kept moving up and down and the way his ass perfectly ground into Louis' very obvious bulge. Fucking perfect.

The music was so loud, but the two could only focus on each other and how close they were. The way Louis' hands were basically glued to Harry's hips, the way Harry kept leaning his head back on Louis' shoulder.

Louis couldn't help it when his lips met the skin on Harry's neck, him breathing out heavily at the contact.

"You wanna come back to my hotel?" Louis mumbled in his ear, then lightly nipped at the lobe.

"Fuck yes I do."

Louis grinned and reached for Harry's hand instead, both of them retrieving their lost clothing items before they left together.

Luckily Louis managed to keep his head down on their 5 minute walk and didn't get noticed by anyone, which he was extremely grateful for.

They basically ran to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed, their lips were together and Louis had Harry pressed against the wall.

They got to the 5th floor in what felt like ages, both of them unbelievably hard in their skinny jeans, and Louis fumbled to get his key card from his wallet as they neared his room.

And as soon as they got into Louis' room and the door was shut, Harry's hat was thrown to the side, Louis' jacket was off and Harry's shirt was fully unbuttoned.

"Fuck," Louis breathed out and then leaned up to kiss the boy again, his hands now on his bare hips and their crotches pressed right together.

Harry pushed Louis towards the bed and fully discarded his shirt before he straddled his hips.

And as he stared down at him, he couldn't help but think he recognized him a little, seen his face before. And the name Louis..

Oh well.


Harry was gone when Louis woke up and he knew he shouldn't feel sad from a hookup, but he was.

He thought he really connected with the boy and it was the first new person he'd met in so long that didn't recognize him as a famous pop star. It was nice to be just like everyone else for a night.

But now as he laid in his bed that wasn't really his, all he could think about was a tall boy with curly hair and green eyes.

And as he sat through meetings with his crew, his thoughts stayed the same.

Even when he returned to the hotel that night, Harry was all that he could think about.

Needless to say, Louis ended up sleeping on the couch because at least that didn't remind him of the boy who stole his heart.


"You fucked Louis Tomlinson?!"

Harry looked over at his friend, Eleanor, with clear confusion on his face. "What?"

She shoved her phone at him and his eyes scanned over the article and pictures of him leaving that club two weeks ago with Louis. Wait, what?

Harry was speechless as he read through more articles, his heart sinking to his stomach.

Louis Tomlinson. The famous pop star.

Harry thought he recognized him and this was why. His face was plastered everywhere, his music was on every radio station.

"Well? Tell me everything!" Eleanor exclaimed, snatching her phone back.

That's when Harry noticed all the stares from his fellow classmates in the hallway, them looking between their phones and him. They saw the articles too.

No one knew he was gay, except Eleanor.

Everyone was looking at him differently, he could tell.

"Harry?" Eleanor snapped her fingers in his face, her face softening when she noticed the look on his face.

"I-I'm sorry, uh, I need to go."

Harry shut his locker and Eleanor couldn't even stop him before he put his hood up and retreated down the hall.

Everyone continued to stare and whisper.

Harry tried to ignore it.


"Gay rumours confirmed; Louis Tomlinson dating high schooler; Pop star into teens?; I mean, these are just some of the article headings. Do I even need to go on, Louis?!"

Louis couldn't even look up at his manager. He was hurting enough, and the fact that someone had caught him that night with Harry made everything so much worse. Harry's life was going to be blown up and it was his fault. He shouldn't have taken him home.

"There's nothing I can tell you to fix this," Louis sighed, leaning back in his chair and finally looking up at Tom.

"This is an absolute mess, Louis. Did you know he was 17?"

"No, of course I fucking didn't. He was at a club, he obviously had a fake ID."

"And what? He had no idea who you were?"

"No, he didn't. And it felt fucking great, for once, actually. To just have fun and not be known as Louis Tomlinson."

Tom just sighed.

"Are we done here? I clearly can't change what happened now."

"Louis, you need to do something to deny the rumours - again, might I add."

Louis rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why? What's the point? No one believes me anymore when I deny that I'm gay. Everyone knows I am, especially my fans, who still support me."

Tom sighed again. He didn't know what to do at this point.

"Okay, so can I go now?" Louis asked impatiently.

He wanted to spend his next 2 weeks before tour just sulking in his bed.

"Fine, just go."

"Great. Thanks."

With that, Louis left Tom's office and made his way back to his empty hotel room.


Harry couldn't stop thinking about Louis.

He ended up following him on Instagram - even turning on post notifications - and nearly messaged him every day, but chickened out every time.

Harry assumed Louis got millions of DMs every day, so his would just get lost in that pile.

He still couldn't believe the Louis he met and went home with was a big celebrity. He was so down to earth and genuine, Harry couldn't believe that he'd been exposed to the Hollywood life and still acted that way. It was a rare thing, but Harry was glad Louis hadn't been affected like that.

Just before Louis' tour started, Harry found a date in Liverpool for the second week, which was less than an hour from where he lived.

Should he go? Would Louis even notice him?

Even if he didn't, it would be nice to see Louis perform.

Harry had basically been listening to nothing but Louis' album for the last two weeks, so he wouldn't mind hearing them sung in person.

Before he could even process it, he was buying two tickets for him and Eleanor and then texting her to let her know.

To: Harry
From: Eleanor



To: Eleanor
From: Harry

I hate you, now come over and help me pick out an outfit

To: Harry
From: Eleanor

On my way slut❤️


Two weeks flew by and Harry was unbelievably nervous to see Louis in person again.

Would other people recognize him from the paparazzi photos? He really hoped not.

Apparently Louis wasn't out and it seemed like his management team was trying to hide his sexuality, and Harry really didn't want to be the reason that it all blew up.

But what if Louis wanted to blow it up? What if he knew the cameras were around when they were walking to his hotel?

"Earth to Harry?"

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Eleanor, who was rooting through his closet.

"Sorry, yeah?"

"You haven't even picked out an outfit yet and we have to leave in an hour!"

"I did pick out an outfit and you decided to make me change."

"That's because it was awful. What were you wearing when you met Louis? You should wear that! He'll definitely notice you!"

"I haven't even decided if I want him to see me or not," Harry mumbled as he started playing with his fingers.

"Well, what if he's been trying to find you but doesn't know where to look? Have you gone back to that club since?"

Harry shook his head. "No, haven't wanted to."

Eleanor ended up sitting cross legged in front of him and grabbed his hand so he'd stop picking at his nails. "You never told me why you left before he woke up. If you liked him so much, why didn't you stay?"

Harry wanted to cry. He was so angry with himself and he hated that Louis wasn't just some random guy. It made things so much harder.

Harry simply shrugged, as his gaze stayed on his sheets. "I don't even know.. I wish I stayed."

"Hey, it's okay," Eleanor squeezed his hand. "Let's pick out a super hot outfit, even if he doesn't see you, okay?"

Harry sighed but forced out a smile and nodded.

"Let's do it."


The minute Louis stepped onto stage, Harry couldn't breathe.

It's almost like he forgot exactly how hot the older boy was - even if he'd been non stop following him on social media and constantly replaying that night in his head.

Him and Eleanor had gotten there decently early so they weren't too far back from the stage. Louis could definitely see him if he looked hard enough - Harry still hadn't decided if that'd make him happy or absolutely terrified.

When Louis started to sing, Harry's knees felt weak and he felt himself dancing alongside Eleanor with a giant smile on his face.

Halfway through the show, the lights went down and the crowd got quieter as Louis got ready to speak.

"I hope you guys are enjoying the show so far," Louis said into the mic and the crowd cheered loudly.

"Now, I wrote this new song these last few weeks about a very special person I met, so I hope you like it. It's called Home."

Harry felt his stomach flip.

Louis wrote a song about him.

Someone nearby whisper-shouted to her friend, "Oh my god, it's about that Harry guy," and Harry wanted to crawl into the floor and disappear.

What if they recognized him? They'd definitely scream and then Louis would see him.

Harry had officially decided he didn't want to be seen by the boy on stage.

"Are you okay?" Eleanor asked him.

Harry slowly shook his head, as he stared up at Louis, whose eyes were sparkling as he sang the song he wrote for Harry. The song that was making Harry close to tears in the middle of a crowd of teenage girls.

"I'll make this feel like home."

That line was all it took for tears to fall down Harry's cheeks, as he watched Louis pour his heart and soul into his singing.

"Okay, we're leaving," Eleanor decided once she saw Harry's state, and grabbed his arm to start pulling him through the crowd.

Harry kept looking back, hoping that maybe, just maybe Louis would see him then. See him as he was walking away.

But he didn't.

Or at least Harry thought so.


Harry had basically just been dragging himself around for the entire week after the concert.

He felt like he wasn't even in his body. His thoughts were nothing but Louis Louis Louis, and he was sure he was now flunking most of his classes because of it.

Even Eleanor didn't know how to help him at this point. She'd never seen Harry get like this about anything, especially not over a boy. Even when him and his last boyfriend broke up, Harry was a little off for a while, but then he was okay. He was never like this - so out of it, so upset. Him and Louis clearly had something special, even if it was just one night.

So that's how Harry ended up back at the same club that following weekend to get as drunk as possible, and hopefully forget about Louis for just one night.

He didn't even want to attempt to flirt or dance with anyone, he was just here to drink. Though that is exactly what he said before he met Louis.

Harry shook his head before he downed another tequila shot. He had to stop thinking about Louis.

"Another, please," he mumbled to the bartender before he ran a hand over his face.

God, he was exhausted.

"Is this seat taken?"

That voice. Harry knew that voice. And he definitely wasn't drunk enough to be imagining it.

Harry was speechless as he turned his head to look over at Louis, who had a small smile on his face and a baseball cap on his head - probably to avoid being seen.

Harry nearly forgot how pretty he was this close up - or in general, really.

"Well?" Louis asked again, upon Harry's silence.

Harry simply shook his head and so Louis sat down next to him and ordered himself a drink.

Harry looked down at the counter then, as Louis started sipping on his beer. He didn't know what to say.

"I saw you at my concert last week," Louis ended up saying and Harry wanted to throw up.

"What? How?" Harry looked over at him in confusion.

There was no way Louis noticed him in that crowd of pretty girls.

"I could spot that smile and those dance moves in any crowd, Harry."

Harry didn't know what to say, once again, as he stared into those blue eyes he'd missed so fucking much the past month and a half.

And he found himself standing up and walking away before he could stop his legs from moving.

"Harry, wait!"

Harry felt like he could breathe much better outside, as he walked down the street with Louis jogging behind him.

Once Louis caught up to him, he grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around.

"Why didn't you tell me you were some big celebrity?!" Harry ended up shouting angrily, pulling his arm from Louis' grip.

"Why didn't you tell me you were 17?! I'm 23, Harry!" Louis was just as mad.

Harry's shoulders slumped, his anger slowly fading away.

"I-I didn't think it would matter, especially if we never saw each other again."

Louis had so much hurt in his eyes, as he opened his mouth to speak several times, before finally asking, "Why did you leave that morning?"

Harry couldn't believe this was happening. That he was really about to admit his feelings to Louis.

"Because I-" Harry sighed, then took in a deep breath. "Because I liked you a lot and I didn't want you to wake up and kick me out. So I just left and avoided the rejection."

"Why the hell did you think I would kick you out?" Louis was in disbelief.

So it wasn't in his head this whole time. Harry felt the same connection he did, but he just got scared.

"I don't know. Because I'm a self conscious idiot?"

"Harry.." Louis started. "I wouldn't have kicked you out.."

"I didn't know that."

The two just stared at each other and Harry ran a hand through his hair, getting nervous under Louis' gaze.

Fuck it.

Harry took two steps towards him, hitting the hat off his head onto the ground, so their lips could meet. Louis' arms immediately wrapped tightly around Harry's waist, one of the younger boy's hands in his hair and the other around his neck.

The kiss was needy and desperate, both breathing heavily through their noses so they didn't have to pull apart anytime soon.

Their lips moved together almost perfectly, as if they were meant to be exactly where they were.

Louis was holding onto Harry's shirt desperately tight, scared that if he let go, the boy might disappear again. And Harry was doing the same with him, his fingers knotted in Louis' now-messy hair, as their bodies were pressed impossibly close together.

Eventually they had to pull away, but kept their faces just inches apart, both of them panting from the intensity of the kiss.

"Please don't leave again," Louis whispered, his eyelashes fluttering beautifully against his face. Harry couldn't believe he could be this close to an angel.

"Lou," Harry whispered, moving his hand from Louis' hair to his cheek, which made the boy lean into the touch. "This will blow up your life."

"I would fucking love for you to blow up my life, Harry Styles."

Harry felt himself smiling at that and he wanted to kiss Louis to show him just how happy he was, but he couldn't wipe the goofy grin off his face long enough to do that.

Louis started to smile too when he noticed the appearance of Harry's dimples, which he honestly wanted to be buried in when he died.

"You definitely feel like home," Harry said, referring to the song, and Louis' already big smile intensified, pulling back slightly so he could look at Harry better.

"Yeah? Wasn't sure if you heard the song since you were too busy leaving," Louis teased.

"Shut up," Harry mumbled, "I wasn't ready to see you and I didn't think you even saw me."

"'course I saw you, love, look at you."

Harry's stomach did an entire gymnastics routine at the pet name and his cheeks suddenly felt very hot, so he pulled Louis into another kiss, which didn't calm down his flipping stomach at all. But it was honestly the best feeling.

"Maybe we should stop kissing in the middle of the street," Harry muttered once they pulled away again.

"Do you have to go home? Or do you wanna come back to mine? I have a flight in the morning and I won't see you for a few months, so I'd really like to spend the whole night with you."

"My mum thinks I'm at Eleanor's for the night, I can go wherever."

Louis grinned and moved to grab Harry's hand, before they started walking towards his hotel.

"Ah, shit, my hat," Louis groaned once they were down the street. "I'll be right back."

Louis jogged back to where they were and as soon as he reached down to retrieve his hat, he heard the clicking of a camera and looked up to see some paparazzi standing over near the club.

He just nodded at them with a cheeky smirk, before he put the hat back on his head and went back to Harry.

"Ready now?" Harry asked as he held out his hand and Louis nodded, lacing their fingers together.

"Yeah, c'mon."

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