Eyebee ( 50's AU Yandere 2p!H...

By WikedWitchOfTheWeebs

3K 123 10

(Y/N) was born and raised in a foster home by a wonderful caring man named Mr. Kirkland. Eventually (Y/N) is... More

In the mirror, Prologue
Fairies and Fireflies
The Fairytale of the Mirror
A Toast To The Middle School Orphans
The Heated Brawl
Quick confusion/Quick Victory
Everything that happend before Recess
April trees
"Only to get stabbed by a knife"
A Waltz For A Certain Secret Breaker
The Other Side Of The Mirror
Little Red Dots
Non-Family Dinner
Back the way I came
Thrill Of The Kill
A Letter In A Can Of Root Beer
Back To My Roots
Pond Frozen Over
Taking back The Good Life
Eyebee Act II now now

To Summon A 2p

139 6 4
By WikedWitchOfTheWeebs

The Aftermath of the situation to be blunt, Miss Bonnefoy was sent to the hospital and (Y/n) was suspended for a month. After (Y/n) got a good lecture, spank and may or may not have had a chair thrown at her, news spread fast and practically everyone in school was talking about it, also kind of giving an explanation on what happened to (Y/n) during recess, on top of all of that the cigarette burn left (y/n) with a scar next to her right eye, she didn't know whether it was permanent or not but it hasn't gone away, Françoise gave (y/n) a (f/c) sticker in the shape of a heart to cover it art, it looked pretty enough, how she got that scar was another story.

Lovino sent (Y/n) a letter in the mail that the group was gonna meet at the playground on Saturday with new information gathered during the two weeks. All five of them were terrified but excited as hell.


Mathew had been thinking about what Lovino said to him a week ago and you know what, he was right. Mathew was kind of a doormat, Mathew confronted his papa about it and his advice was to keep a journal or make a list of ways to stand up for himself without letting Alfred overpower him and maybe help him get respect. The list looked like this:

*Remember to say NO

* If you don't want to do a favor, you don't have to

* Alfred doesn't control you, you do

* You can always leave Alfred whenever you want

* Show Alfred how strong you can be

Mathew tried everything except the fourth option. He showed Alfred how strong he could be- keep in mind Mathew isn't very STRONG, Alfred laughed at him. He tried to not let Alfred control him, Alfred gave him puppy dog eyes and Mathew just HAD to say yes. He decided to not do Favors for Alfred, he just nagged him about it for two days straight until he complied. Mathew told Alfred no, Alfred called him a jerk and 'Accidentally' made him trip and fall. The only logical thing to do next would be to leave Alfred and call off the friendship.

Mathew brushed his blonde hair back with his curl ticking out and fixed his glasses carrying the 103 pages of notes in his Green tote bag from his mom, he put of a casual grey overcoat over his white shirt and red shorts, before leaving the house Mathew made sure to have sine leftover pancakes with REAL maple syrup and to hug Kumajiro - his secret teddy bear. before he left to go to the school.


Pearl was pissed at Alfred, like seriously pissed. Not even 24 hours after she declared herself OVER him he decided that right after (Y/n) was suspended that he would start flirting with her, leaving her gifts and writing 'poetry'. Pearl was too nice to discard anything so she hid everything in the attic however when it came to the poetry- she just had to destroy every piece of it for how BAD it was.

"Roses are red

I like Coca Cola

You are hot

Go out with me now"

Okay, sometimes it was funny but after a while it just got plain annoying. After a couple days, a part of Pearl wishes these notes were genuine but deep down somewhere in her girl scout cookie loving heart she knew they weren't. If he just wanted someone to take to the middle school prom he could have just told her but now he's sending mixed signals and, oh god this was making Pearls head hurt. Pearl was already walking down the sidewalk to Rosemary Middle School wearing three coats because her mother was ALWAYS overprotective of her, a little extra weight to match the weight she was carrying from Alfred. Pearl was pissed


Alfred Wished he never witnessed the mirror, ever since then he formed a kind of forced bond with three other people. Pearl was kind of cute, Mathew was practically his little brother, he didn't have an opinion on (Y/n) and then there is Lovino, fucking Lovino. After all that things just started getting weird.

For starters Mathew had been acting like a complete jerk and getting offended at the dumbest things, If he asked him to let's say help with his bags he would start going on a rant or something about how Alfred was 'using him', yeah no. Oh no, the evil manipulation of asking someone to help with bags full of books his teachers force him to bring, the horror of wanting someone to play soccer with!

Pearl hadn't responded to any of his notes or signals he was ending her way for no reason, Yeah Pearl was cute and he wanted to take her to the Middle School prom. The thing that surprised Alfred was that pretty much every girl in class liked him but the girl he was actually interested in, but why. What about Alfred isn't appealing, he is tough, good at sports, funny, agreeable, what's not to love?

Oh yeah, how can I forget, (Y/n) poured boiling water over Miss Bonnefoy and got suspended for an entire month, Alfred tended to view (Y/n) as some boring quiet weirdo but after hearing miss Bonnefoy scream in the halls, Alfred would be taking extra measures he never gets HER angry ever again, to top it off Miss Bonnefoy is still in the hospital,

' Dude,I guarantee you by the time Miss Bonnefoy recovers that girl is totally dead.'

Lovino on the other hand had been shit talking behind his back to all his friends for no reason, I guess Lovino can't handle being called out.

Alfred put on a green and red bomber jacket with gold outlining the pockets and zipper with Rosemary on the back in neon gold. He wore red sunglasses with his hair slicked back to impress Pearl and scare off Lovino from ever talking shit about him again. As he walked onto the concrete in the cold April weather realizing he should have dressed warmer, however Alfred being the awesome hero he is decided he was too much of an awesome hero to dress warm, then he went back inside and put on an extra layer.


Lovino was taking weekend detention so he had already arrived at school and was just sitting on the yellow painted slide with it's paint almost completely chipped off waiting for the others to arrive. He was drinking a sugary slushie from 7-11 not really caring how bad it could affect him at that point.

He didn't realize how much he missed (Y/n), he admitted it, she was practically his only friend and going a week without her was difficult, Despite the normal's, sitting at lunch alone, getting yelled at by teachers, sitting alone chewing a pack of gum. All of those normal's felt better when done with his only friend, it was not like he was miserable and couldn't handle being alone now that he tasted a life without loneliness. It just felt worse, like she was a part of him that vanished or like she completed a part of him that was missing, it really sucked, why couldn't he get her out of his head. But her smile, her beautiful (h/c) hair, her cute sense in fashion, intelligence, sense of humor, everything about her was amazing.

Lovino blushed and repeatedly pushed himself in the head.



20 minutes passed and everyone had arrived, of course (Y/n) and Lovino were sitting on the slide and (Y/n) was telling the story about what happened with Miss Bonnefoy and why the hell she has a (f/c) sticker next to her right eye.

"No way, you actually did that? I heard her scream all the way from detention, damned witch, she deserved it for attempting to literally burn you, forget everything I said about you kid, you are stronger than I thought." He pat (Y/n) on the head and she blushed, hard.

Pearl on the other hand was not pleased, at all. She dragged Lovino by the hand all the way to the rusty swing set to lecture him with the rest of the group following, Everyone made a circle around the two.


Lovino sighed, holding back his great urge to slap a bitch. "Pearl shut up, I found something insane in one of the books in the school Library-"

Alfred separated the two and interrupted Lovino in the middle of talking

"Shut up Lovino and let the HERO do the talking"

Lovino mocked Alfred under his breath and commented something about his ridiculous attire until Alfred elbowed him in the gut almost starting a fight. Alfred continued talking

"I'll do the explaining, so there is the mythology of 2ps, demons that are like the opposite versions of people or our second plays who are exactly the opposite of us with our worst qualities...They are known to manipulate and kidnap people from the over world and take them to the land of 2ps. They are part demon but look eerily human. Here is the interesting part. They can only come to this world through mirrors but if it can be used as a mirror it counts, so you aren't even safe from windows or silverware."

Mathew raised his hand and Alfred called on him. "I-If you happen to get kidnapped by a 2p, where do you go, by the way can I talk to you later? It's very important...."

Lovino Answered instead of Alfred making him slightly boil up inside. "I couldn't find anything on that, that doesn't matter, let's get this over with and pray we don't go there"

Alfred butted Lovino in the arm so hard he fell into the dirt. "However apparently if you want to communicate with the 2ps you have to kind of summon them like demons, There is a certain chant you have to do and they are supposed to come out and only then can you ask them stuff, in this instance we want them to not attack or hurt anyone in Rosemary."

Mary Jane grew pissed but held Lovino back from beating the absolute crap out of Alfred struggling in her grip. "You realize the risk we are taking, we have no weapons."

Lovino stopped struggling and made eye contact with Pearl. "What do you mean you didn't bring a weapon? That was specifically part of my note, I brought two hand rifles so if you forgot one you can have mine."

Mathew commented "I brought a kitchen knife."

Alfred added, "I brought a wicked awesome baseball bat!!"

Lovino passed Pearl his gun "What about (Y/n) though? What will she use, can she even use a gun?"

(Y/n) sat down on the dirt. "No I can't, and I didn't bring a weapon."

"Damn that sucks, but it is unsafe for you to COMMUNICATE WITH DEMONS if you don't have defense, I'm sorry but I don't make the rules, you need to sit out because we can't have 11 years old kids up in here defenseless while trying to summon demons, sorry." Alfred said.

(Y/n) was vastly disappointed but understood, she nodded her head and hid behind the large hedge and watched as Lovino, Pearl, Alfred and Mathew got to do the fun stuff.


Once the entire group except (Y/n) prepared the space being the swing set to summon a demon, they were ready, lyrics in their hands each and every one of them scared not even sure this was going to work.

Lovino looked at the rest of the group. "Our final step is to chant."

Mathew started freaking out. "CHANT TO THE DEMON PORTAL?!"


"You must be insane if you think we can actually do this?!"

Alfred was pissed. "For Christ sake Mathew, of course we are doing this, we came all this way and It's now or possibly risk multiple lives, I'm ashamed to even have you as a friend!!!"

Before Mathew could Finally tell Alfred he doesn't want to be his friend anymore Pearl screamed.


Everyone immediately nodded and breathed in, (Y/n) couldn't believe what she was watching, this was actually happening.

And soon enough it happened.

"Creep into the blackened voids

Hearing the sharp grasp noises of torment

Creatures from another world Enter at will

Scream in bloody agony, Hear my feeble cries..

Chained and shackled to my end's meet

Look and stare at the other colors in awe

Realize your last hopes are fading away

Grim and Forbidden corpses drag you down

Become one with the demons,

Drink his blood and celebrate your downfall

Witness your spirit lift up with hidden magick

Witches and demons await your call in the night

Brimstone and Fire surround our secret keep

Come to us, in the night.. Blood and Fire..

Keep your knife towards your palm,

and practice forbidden magick!

Set yourself free in the wild once the Ritual is complete

Powerful and Wise you will become..

Free from illusion and weakness.

Strong and mighty he will become under Shadow..

Honor the other colors, Honor the other colors.

Angel of Darkness and Light will overlook your presence

Gods have waited for eons to hear your tongue

Seek us when your time is nearing, hearing our voice in the wind

Invisible yet we are lurking in the background..

waiting for your call..

Come to us...

Come to us..

Come to us..."


(Y/n) could barely watch, a couple minutes passed yet nobody moved, nothing came, no weird distorted sky or anyone. Just silence and confusion along with disappointment. Alfred turned to Lovino

"Hey genius, your little satanic poem didn't actually work, now what?"

"Yeah, maybe I picked the wrong book for this, maybe we are dealing with completely different demons." Said Lovino

"Yeah whatever, me and Mathew are going home."

Alfred attempted to put his arm around Mathew, Mathew slapped his hand and in reflex Alfred jumped back.

"No we aren't Alfred, I don't want to be friends with you anymore, you you me and manipulate me and treat me like a doormat while I'm supposed to except nothing in return, you don't care about my problems unless it gives you an excuse to me a 'Hero' yet alone listen to how I feel. You are a terrible friend Alfred and I am walking home alone, go creepily put your arm around Pearl or someone else because I am not dealing with your shit anymore."


"Go fuck yourself Alfred"

Mathew ran home and Alfred ran after him trying to get him back, Pearl just sighed and picked up everything and left as well leaving Lovino and (Y/n).

(Y/n) and lovino chatted on the grass. "The funny thing about the whole incident is when Miss Bonnefoy asked for someone to pour some freezing water on her to cool her down, no one moved"

Lovino was drinking a now melted slushie."That is because everyone in your class took chemistry except you, if you pour boiling water on someone then freezing water, the immediate change in senses is too much for the body handle and it goes into shock and dies."

"Oh my god, that is gorier than I imagined"

"Since the whole summoning a demon thing was a disaster, you wanna go and get Cabot's ice cream tomorrow?"

"Yeah, you're a friend to me"

"but...I do nothing for you and I don't even do anything in the investigation and I am a kid and the experiment failed and-"

"Don't say that, you're a good listener and you don't have to do anything for me, You don't try to buy my friendship, you just wanna be my friend for no reason other than you want to hang out with someone. You are clever shown by the boiling water incident a week ago, you are just silenced by the group so you don't get to do things often. The experiment failed because our group was full of people who didn't know what they were getting into, and I suck at research."

(Y/n) turned away but Lovino put his hand on her shoulder and smirked, he packed up all of his thing and started heading out, before he made his way to the hard pavement he turned back at (Y/n) and she blushed almost hiding her face in her Overall brown and green dress.

"You know, you are the only person who hasn't tried communicating with the mirror."

Lovino threw a fresh sheet of lyrics and the baseball bat Alfred dropped.

"Let's see if you can make magic happen."

And just like that, Lovino disappeared and he made his way home, (Y/n) stared at the sheet of lyrics and thought to herself:

'Can I really do this?'

(Y/n) walked to the border and sat on the soft dirt next to the swing set, she took a deep breath and place the baseball bat behind her, she knew that chances are this wasn't going to work even in the slightest but at least maybe she can discover something or at the very least feel like she was apart of this whole investigation. She took another deep breath and began to chant.

"Creep into the blackened voids

Hearing the sharp grasp noises of torment

Creatures from another world Enter at will"

Not even the wind responded to her call.

"Scream in bloody, bloody, bl- oh who am I kidding I am talking to no one. But if anyone hears me 2p or not, I just want you to know I don't mean trouble, I just wanna feel like I'm connected to someone. Go on an adventure and live like I'm in a book, too much to ask for?. I also wish I could make my friends, especially that Lovino boy happy in some way, I you are out there, please let me make my dream come true."

The lack of response was all she needed to hear for her to stand up, as she attempted to the ground started shaking and she fell back down as the mirror began to shake, she could make out those same familiar faces from the first time she saw the 2ps, the man with a dragon tattoo, The Russian with the black trench coat and the man with the Japanese imperial outfit. All three stared back at her as she stared in horror, alone in a dress she could barely walk yet alone run in. They had there own poem to sing to her.

"Little Foster child

Goes into the wild

and takes the leap of her life

She leaves for a while

Journeys for miles

Only to get stabbed with a knife

Freezing and alone

Price she has to atone

For meddling in an affair

She could only stare and nod

Last moments she prayed for god

but god was never there

Let's keep this a secret

How long can you keep it

Or will murder happen to a woman so fair"

The ground stopped shaking and a huge beam of light came out Blinding (Y/n). when she opened her eyes everything was back to normal, well sort of. How did she even manage to make it work?

Alfred came running back in tears shamefully coming to get his bat, it was pretty obvious he just got lectured by either Mathew, Pearl or both at the same time.

"(Y/n) are you gonna give me back my bat or what?"

"It worked, I managed to make it work!!"

"I don't see any demon or 2p or whatever it is?"

"The same three 2ps we saw weeks ago appeared in the mirror.they only flashed a light and told me a really creepy poem."

"Yeah ...I doubt that, I just went over the mythology with the rest of the group, and they just straight up kidnap you when you are alone or give you a vision of how you die. I always find it funny how you contribute the least yet everyone has a soft spot for you, maybe if you stopped pretending to summon demons and actually treat this seriously Lovino wouldn't talk shit behind your back"

Alfred laughed and stole the bat from (Y/n)'s poor hands and hurried into the sunset. (Y/n) didn't even care about what Alfred just said, what did they even mean, is that her future, is that how she is going to die? Did you already mess up by telling someone, what even just happened?


Hi, I just want to say i am changing my upload schedule to once every two days now so I have more time to work, hopefully you all still love it anyways, that is all I have to say and hopefully I can set realistic limits for myself 

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