Female Frisk and Chara x Male...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

208K 4.9K 2.5K

I can't believe I'm doing this Cant get this out of mind no matter how many days passed Welp hope you will b... More

A distant memory
Chapter 1-Past Events
Chapter 2 Oh no
Chapter 3 Little visitor
Chapter 4 Glow
Chapter 5 Falling Angels
Chapter 6 Caretaker
Chapter 7 Sins of the Wicked
Chapter 8 Judgement
Chapter 9 Falling into Place
Chapter 10 Monsters
Chapter 11 New Playmates
Chapter 12 Magic?
Chapter 13 Trouble
Chapter 14 New Roommates
Chapter 15 Order up
Chapter 16 Just Vistiting
Chapter 17 Outcomes
Chapter 18 Reload
Chapter 19 A Fight
Chapter 20 Conversation
Chapter 21 Training
Chapter 22 Secrets
Chapter 23 Determined
Chapter 24 Another
Chapter 25 Cook
Chapter 26 Story
Chapter 27 Glass
Chapter 28 No Mercy
Chapter 29 Hidden Room
Chapter 30 Morning
Chapter 31 Shopping
Chapter 32 Normal
Chapter 33 Movie Night
Chapter 34 Red
Chapter 35 Honesty
Chapter 36 Unexpected
Chapter 37 Nightmare
Chapter 38 Bad Timing
Chapter 39 Trapped
Chapter 40 Gift
Chapter 41 Plan
Chapter 42 Trip
Heads Up
Chapter 43 Flowers
Chapter 44 Accomplish
Chapter 45 Sweet
Chapter 46 Hot
Chapter 47 Spar
Chapter 48 Gossip
Chapter 49 Basket
Chapter 50 Call
Chapter 51 Dream
Chapter 52 Settle
Chapter 53 Kingdom
Chapter 54 Dress Up
Chapter 55 Clone
Chapter 56 Tux
Chapter 57 Special
Chapter 58 Conversation
Chapter 59 Form
Chapter 60 Original
Chapter 61 New Underground
Chapter 62 Greetings
Chapter 63 Castle
Chapter 64 Surface
Chapter 65 Blaze
Chapter 66 Chat
Chapter 67 Family Reunion
Chapter 68 Ink
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 Error
Chapter 71 Truce
Chapter 72 Forgiveness
Chapter 73 Crystals
Chapter 74 Touchy
Chapter 75 SS!Chara
Chapter 76 Door to Door
Chapter 77 Dance Lesson
Chapter 78 Round Two
Chapter 79 Bath
Chapter 80 SS!Toriel
Chapter 81 King Bonely
Chapter 82 King Bonely Part 2
Chapter 83 Bright Sky
Chapter 84 Blackout
Chapter 85 Blind
Chapter 86 Humming Bird
Chapter 87 New Universe
Chapter 88 Unwanted Visit
Chapter 89 Temmies
Chapter 90 Temptations
Chapter 91 Smut-SF!Chara
Chapter 92 Tems
Chapter 93 Couch
Chapter 94 Babe
Chapter 95 Crown
Chapter 96 Prize
Chapter 97 Truth
Chapter 98 Properly
Chapter 99 Make-Up
Chapter 100 Dinner with her Parents
Chapter 101 Returning
Chapter 102 Back Home
Chapter 103 Throne Room Meeting
Chapter 104 Judges
Chapter 105 Sleepover
Chapter 106 Grilby
Chapter 107 Sweet Shop
Chapter 108 Meeting Charlotte
Chapter 109 Coffee
Chapter 110 Sweet Shop
Chapter 111 Movie Night again
Chapter 112 Flower Arch
Chapter 113 Invites
Chapter 114 Blood
Chapter 115 Ceremony
Chapter 116 Speech Speech Speech
Chapter 117 First Dance
Chapter 118 Duet
Chapter 119 Birthday Present
Chapter 120 Grey Door
Chapter 121 Black Swarm
Chapter 122 Gatekeeper
Chapter 123 Eyes on Family
Chapter 124 Words
Chapter 125 Trap Door
Chapter 126 Deal
Chapter 127 Materials
Chapter 128 Preparing
Chapter 129 News
Chapter 130 Babum
Chapter 132 Void
Chapter 133 Popo
Chapter 134 Sparring
Chapter 135 Just hanging out
Chapter 136 Date with Frisk
Chapter 137 Ebbot Park
Chapter 138 AMS
Chapter 139 A Long Chat
Chapter 140 Soul Touching
Chapter 141 Answers
Chapter 142 War Cry
Chapter 143 Date with Chara Pt.1
Chapter 144 Date with Chara Pt.2
Chapter 145 Date with Chara Pt.3
Chapter 146 Second Best
Chapter 147 Good News and Good Byes
Chapter 148 Return to SF!
Chapter 149 Bringing Along
Chapter 150
(Y/N) Profile

Chapter 131 Artificial

589 20 0
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

Your POV

*You're all at the the bottom of the Lab.You followed UT!Alphys

"(Y/N) let me see your soul now"Chara
"Oh right"
*You pulled Chara to your right side and showed her your soul
*Your soul is still black with hole filled with determination.But the determination seems to be brighter than before and the swirling Darkness disappeared

"Looks better"Chara
*Frisk leans on your left
"I also want to know something...Can I touch it?"Frisk
"No or you'll accidentally absorb me"
"Don't know..But if you grasp my soul into your palm I'll disappear..Or that's what I read about"
"A-actually you will become one with their consciousness while they absorb your magic abilities"UT!Alphys
"W-well that's what Asriel told me.But I don't k-know if it's true"UT!Alphys
"I don't like talking about it"UT!Asriel
"Hmm Ok..So it's fine if they touch it?"
"Well as long as your health doesn't drop to zero you will be fine"UT!Alphys
"Oh..Do you want to hold it Frisk?"
*Frisk gently touches your black soul and gently caresses it

*You feel..pleasure?From this
"W-wait Frisk don't touch it anymore"
"Did I hurt you?"Frisk
"No..it's something else.I'll tell you later so can you give it back?"
"Oh sorry"Frisk
*You leaned over to Frisk's right ear
"That felt good but let's do that later"
*Frisk looked at you blushing
"Y-you mean-"Frisk
"Yes I mean that"
*Frisk looked to her left
"What did it feel like?"Chara
"Um I'll tell you later with Frisk"
"I can't wait to tell you"
"D-don't say anymore"Frisk

*You all went pass the giant skull looking machine and went to a to hallway with mirrors with faded golden flowers across from it.

<Can't upload a picture for some reason but you can search "True Lab layout" to know what I mean>

*UT!Alphys went to the second mirror walked by and taps the mirror four times.
(Must be a hidden passcode)
*The mirror slides down and reveals a black pane wall
"It's behind here but I can't get through.Undyne can you break this for us?"UT!Alphys

*UT!Undyne punches the black pane and it shatters like glass.You used blue magic to take a shattered piece and unknowingly hid in your pocket of your pants

"It's very narrow so I'll get it for you"UT!Alphys
*UT!Alphys went inside alone
"Undyne how's that gym teacher application going?"UT!Undyne
"It went well with the interview but they said I can start next school semester"
"So we're going to school together?"UT!Asriel
"Home school isn't enough?"
"No mom said that we need a high school diploma to get a job"UT!Asriel
"Asriel, break down what you said"Frisk
"Oh sorry..That's just how the humans grow up.They go to school to learn.They pass their grade level and if they complete all their assignments.Then you can get a diploma to show proof that you graduated from high school"UT!Asriel
"Asgore does this makes sense to you?"

"I'll show you when we go to the surface"UT!Asriel
"Great..Frisk Chara Do you understand what Asriel said?"
"Want us to explain later?"Chara
"Yes please"
"Aren't you a human?"UT!Undyne
"Frisk I thought you told everyone at that time you were eating spaghetti"

"Oh I kept that part a secret so it will be more easier to explain to them"Frisk
"So you're not a human?"UT!Undyne
"Then what are you?"UT!Undyne
"An artificial monster"
"So is the reason you got mad at Alphys was because you felt a connection to the Amalgamates?"UT!Undyne

"...No.Its because mistakes don't go unpunished where I grew up.Especially when it comes to this kind of Lab"
"What do you mean?"UT!Undyne
"This Lab is almost similar to mine..but it had a more..darker history"
*UT!Alphys came back with three vials of Determination

"I-is this enough to create an artificial soul?"UT!Alphys
"Then what else you need?"UT!Alphys
"A tube"
"Ok follow me then and hold this please"UT!Alphys
*You got the three vials of Determination

*You all followed UT!Alphys while Frisk and Chara checked the vials
"So is this what our magic looks like in liquid form?"Chara
"No it's actually from a soul"
"First the body of the soul carrier must be unconscious or..not living.The soul will be kept in a jar to prevent it from breaking apart.Then a needle will be stab into the soul and drain as much as it can"
"That's it?"Chara

"There's another way but some scientists broke it so I couldn't understand how it functioned"
"What was it?"Chara
"A DT extractor"
"What?!"UT!Alphys and UT!Asriel
"I-is that true?"UT!Alphys
"Yeah but I only seen it's outer layout and they scrapped it so I can't show you"
"But it works?"UT!Asriel

"oh that's sounds interesting.can i join in?"Sans
"Sans how do you know we were here?"You asked
"i came here to check on Asgore but he wasn't home.then i notice Asriel,Undyne and Alphys didn't respond to my calls"
(Just as planned)

"But how did you know we were here?"
"i just had a feeling"Sans
"so what are you doing back here?"Sans
"must be something big if you went quiet"Sans
"It is..But knowing how you work.You might complicate things"
"really?so am i not invited to join?"Sans
"If you promise you won't disturb my work"
"promises are easy to break"Sans
"Like you?"
"heh you got some nerve"Sans
"A bonehead like you should know when I'm serious"
"ok..i promise i won't touch anything"Sans
*You walked ahead

"D-Do you know where you're going?"UT!Alphys
"he went down here before"Sans
"the time he first came back"Sans
"D-did you read the monitors?"UT!Alphys
"S-So you know everything here?"UT!Alphys
"T-then why did you need me?"UT!Alphys
"Because this is your Lab after all.Unless it's not"
"I-it is"UT!Alphys
"I needed you because you knew where was the leftover Determination.But I could've found it in another way but that would've been rude"

"You've been nothing but rude to Alphys since you met her.You don't even know her"UT!Undyne
"I know about her past"
"But not the present.She's a different person and she's working hard on making everyone know that.Except you of course"UT!Undyne
"I see"

*You walked into a small room after passing some vents over the doorway.
*You all see one giant tube at the back end of the room and on its left is one big rectangular computer

"Frisk Chara give me those DT vials"
*They did
"Alphys this machine seems to be capable of running to a back up power supply.Is there a way to turn it on?"
"Y-Yes let me get that running"UT!Alphys
*UT!Alphys left and UT!Undyne followed her
"so what you doing?"Sans
*You smiled
"Making an artificial monster soul"
"what's your base?"Sans
"A skeleton"
*You teleported behind Sans and absorb his magic.You pinned his arms behind his backbone

"hey what are you-"Sans
"Because Sans..You are my final piece to get what I need"
"(Y/N) what's the meaning of this?!"UT!Asgore
"To make a stable monster soul you need to sacrifice another part of a monster..But Sans has 1 Hp so this is difficult.So instead I took his magic to make up for it"

"but that would make it unstable!"Sans
"Unless Determination is involved"
"who are you trying to bring back?!"Sans
"You know him very well"
"(Y/N) you're acting like a jerk again"Chara
"And you need to stop acting like one"Frisk

*You let go of Sans and walked next to the tube
"This isn't hurting anyone so it's fine"
"Gaster is dead!I saw him fall"Sans
"Because you didn't know how to revive him correct?..unless you don't know he's still alive"
"Frisk Chara I promise I won't hurt anyone as long as they don't interrupt me"
"kid, you need one more thing to make it work"Sans
"I know"
"and you're willing to sacrifice that?"Sans
"Sacrifice what?"Chara
"he's planning to sacrifice a part of his body"Sans
"(Y/N) don't do it"Frisk
"I'll be fine I promise"
"you might lose an arm or leg or even a memory!"Sans
"So it's two out of three chances I will be fine"
"You're seriously going to gamble on losing your memory?"Chara
"(Y/N)!"Chara and Frisk
"Then I'll use a clone"
*You made a clone,made up mostly with Sans magic, and made it stood in front of the tube

"As long as the machine gets magic it will function"
*UT!Alphys and UT!Undyne arrived
*You created a syringe and place one of the DT vials inside

*You see the lights within the tube light up
"Perfect..Sans would you throw me a bone?"
"here"Sans said and tosses a tiny bone at you

*You caught it and gave it to your clone
*You created a small Gaster Palm and place both your clone and the Palm inside the tube

"What now?"UT!Alphys
"Close your eyes it's gonna get really bright in here"
*Everyone But Sans turned away
"I warned you"
*You flipped the switch and shielded your eyes but still see the floor and walls around you
*Bright White Light fills the room and feel a sudden change in pressure...and absorb the shock to protect everyone
*The light fades away
*You looked at the tube
*You see an artificial monster soul frame...It looks like its about to be cracked

"looks like you failed"Sans
*You quickly took out the created soul and sticked the syringe at the soul gently and fill the soul with DT.

*The cracks stops forming but cracks still remains on the soul.You use another vial and filled the soul with DT.
*You see the cracks disappear but you still feel it being unstable.You use the last vial of DT and feel it being like an actual monster soul

"Hmm I guess this is fine"
*The color is white but had a Gaster Palm symbol in its center
"Very Interesting nonetheless"
"Hey show us!"Chara
*You turned around and showed everyone the soul
"A-amazing you actually made one"UT!Alphys
"Well it did has some flaws but it will work"
"So how are you going to Gaster?"Chara
"Heh I'm going.This is where I leave you"
"not until you give me my magic buddy"Sans
"Oh right"
*You walked to Sans and put your hand on his shoulder and gave him his magic

"now where are you going?"Sans
"He gave me details of the location but I'll find it on my own"
*You floated upwards
"Asgore..Alphys will this satisfy your curiosity?"
"C-can I analyze it a bit more?"UT!Alphys
"You can analyze it when Gaster has it.Asriel I'll check on your training later"
"Wait I showed you already"UT!Asriel
"Oh please I'm talking about stage four"
"Frisk Chara do you want to wait for me?"

"Do we have anything else to do?"Chara
"You can talk to Alphys and Undyne and see if they're similar to mine.If you two don't mind of course"
"I-i would like to know about another me"UT!Alphys
"Me too is she strong as me?"UT!Undyne
(Yup they're the same)

"Alright I'll see you later..Sans I'm heading to Waterfall"
*You teleported to Waterfall..You're In a Crystal filled cave with the artificial soul inside an energy field around it to keep it from cracking.

*You walked forward looking for a grey door
*Sans is behind you.You didn't turn around
"Have you seen a grey door before?"
"nope but you're an odd person"Sans
"Odd how?"
"you act nice and act like a complete jerk"Sans
"That's because I speak honestly.But speaking rudely could make you see what a person truly thinks of you.I wanted to see what you or Alphys thinks of me.Before you came Undyne was completely honest and straightforward to me when I talk to Alphys.If I wasn't rude I would've never seen that side of her"
"And Sans..What do you think of my Universe colliding with yours?"
"colliding..in like making your people come to my Universe?"Sans
"kid that would create many problems.whats wrong with yours?"Sans
"Humans has started a war with themselves at the Surface and we're completely outnumbered and most of my monster people aren't even Royal Guards"

"why can't you take care of them?"Sans
"You can take on 200,000 thousand humans and making the Surface a sight with corpses?I can't kill anyone anymore"
"I was planning on killing every human but my Frisk told me I can't do that"
"And you listen to her?"Sans
"I listen,do,create,kill or even die if they wanted that from me.They gave me a life to look forward to everyday"
*You spot a Sentry post
(So it's close)
*You walked pass a sentry post and see a grey door on your left side

"Here it is"
"Don't think about it too much.I'll come back"
*You open the grey door and walked inside

Next Time

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