Hide N SeeK

By candybandy1

103 8 9

The Hide and Seek Nationals are tonight. You have all the supplies you need, you want something? Just ask. Th... More

Acknowledgements & Rules
I Call It Hell
High And Mighty

Ah, that's more like it.

12 1 0
By candybandy1

Summer's POV:

"Don't try and find me!" He then turns around and walks toward his dorm.

    Shit. He probably thinks I'm a creep now.

He wouldn't be wrong, though.

    I huff and stomp towards the cafeteria.

     "Ale," I pout.

         Alejandro is our lunch man. Most lunch men are really old but he's only 23. A professional chef, as well. He's been my diary ever since I met him. I could really use a ted talk right now.

     "My baby!" He grins. "What're you hungry for?" He grabs his apron and hat.

  "You already know, Ale." I take a seat on the cushion that I brought from my dorm. "On it." He brings out a tortilla bread and cheese. In a few minutes my cheesy quesadilla is ready.

  "Mm, thank you love."

  "I know damn well the reason you came here isn't for my mediocre cheese quesadilla."

   "Huh?! Well, excuse me!" I put a hand on my chest. "You're quesadilla's are NOT mediocre! If anything, they're exquisite."

  "Fine. For my 'exquisite' quesadilla. Now spill." He hops onto the counter.

"Well...I spoke to the one who shall not be named earlier." I smile shyly.

"You're joking." He rolls his eyes. I stare at him.

"Wait- you're not joking?!" His jaw drops.

"I mean-,"

"MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! OMG YES. Y'ALL ABOUT TO HAVE SOME FINE ASS KIDS." He then starts fantasizing about what we'd name them and how they'd look.

"Calm dow-,"

"What'd he say? Was he interested? I mean shit, if he isn't I am. You guys are so cute together, the whole 'i can't wait to dominate you and take the one thing you've been practicing for this whole year and run' love story is so romantic." He gushed.

"Alejandro." I sigh.

"Yes?" He hops down from the counter and starts to pace around the kitchen. "What's his favorite snack? I know I haven't been a fan of his but any boyfriend of yours is a boy friend of mine. Boy friend spelled boy with a space-,"


"Yes, love?" He stops wondering and gives me a meek smile. I raise a brow. "Okay I may have gotten a little carried away."

I snort. "A little?"

"Pfft. Trust me I couldn't done way worse, honey." He ruffles my hair I previously smoothed down. "Now spill."

I smack his hand and lean back into my seat.



"You told him his breath stinks?" He cackles. I blush.

"I was just making conversation!"

"Yes, by making him feel insecure. He probably thinks you're not interested." He then laughs again. And again. And again.

"Oh, shutup. How would he not know? I tracked him down, insulted him, and continuously stepped closer to him!" I exclaim. I can still remember the conversation.

"First of all, you sound like a creep," Ale runs a hand through his hair. "And when you told me you talked to the one who shall not be named I was thinking it would be romantic, you know? You coming up to him and confessing your deepest, darkest secrets. Him, sweeping you into his arms saying he loves you, no matter what. You, gently caressing-,"

"-ooh, a love story! Who are we talking about?"

Lara, Riders roommate and only friend has entered the kitchen. She's dressed in a one of Riders hoodies and shorts you can barely see underneath. Oh, how I envy her. I bet he confides all his big, fat, juicy secrets to her. I wonder if he talks about me to her? Shoot, he better.

There's been a fat moment of silence. I'm stuck in my own thoughts and Ale is loyal so he doesn't say anything further, even though he adores Lara. I silently remind myself to give him a big hug later.

"...And that's my cue!" Lara laughs  awkward  after a while. I shrug, nonchalantly. She then proceeds to exit from which she came.

Ale shoots me a look. A very judgmental one to be exact.

"Fine...you can," I sigh. Ale nods for me to go on. Lara stops and looks back, expectantly. "You can uh, stay...or whatever."

      That took a lot out of me.

Lara smiles, "Thanks but...," she then looks me over, "No thanks. " Smugly, she leaves the kitchen.

My jaw drops. "That m-,"

"-isunderstood and confused girl?" Ale offers. My face is beet red. I turn to him.

"You." Pointing at Ale, I get up.


"You embarrassed me! Now it looks as if I'm needy! First Rider then her!" Crumbling onto the floor, I cover my hands with my face. Ale is the only person I ever show my vulnerability to. With everyone else...it's always a competition.

Forget about that hug.

"I didn't do anything! If anything you should be thanking me, I stayed quiet even though i trust  Lara!" He exclaims.

I stand up, dusting off my clothes. "That's your job as my best friend!"

"But-," he starts.

   "-listen here, Alejandro." I grab his shirt, intimidatingly.

"Ah, see I figured out the trick. Instead of actually listening, grab HER shirt and by doing so you will be the intimidator instead of the intimidated." He gives me his heart stopping smile. "Genius, right?"

"Oh...Rider." I let go of Ale and smooth down his shirt.

Smiling sweetly, I ask. "What are you doing here?"


Riders' POV:

My door flew open.

"Lara?" I sigh.

She ignores me and instead flops down on the bed, face towards the ceiling.

"Lara, who upset you?" I shut my book and face her. Still, she ignores me. But then again, Lara gets hurt by the littlest of things. Stealing one of her fries can make her tear up.

"Your girlfriend." She pouts.

Confused, I wait a second for her to continue. She doesn't. "Are you dumb?" I ask. She turns to me, upset. "Not as much as you."

"I know damn well, you are not talking about Summer Chain." I shudder even thinking about that. Her and I? That would be a train wreck. Not to mention, she's a Seeker and I'm a Hider. Dr. Fate wouldn't allow it. 

"As a matter of fact, I am. She's such a self righteous bitch."

"We know this."

Lara stands abruptly. "Did you just call a female a bitch?" Her eyebrows are raised. She looks more offended than shocked.

"No, see you did. I merely agreed with you." I shrug nonchalantly. She eyes me.

"That's the same thing. I can't believe you." She smacks the book out of my hand and storms out, leaving as soon as she came.

I wasn't lying when I said she gets hurt by the littlest things. Sighing, I rise from my desk and follow her out the door.

"Lara?" I belt.

I hear a footsteps to my left.

I follow the sound and somehow end up in the kitchen.

"Listen here, Alejandro."

  I see Summer and with her hand on Ale's chest. Gripping his shirt, actually. But he's smiling down at her. Not that friendly kind of smile, the 'I'm in love with you' type of smile. I don't know why, but I feel the need to break it up.

"Ah, see I figured out the trick. Instead of actually listening, grab HER shirt and by doing so, you will be the intimidator instead of the intimidated." I smile at her.

     "Oh," she let's go of Ale and smooths his shirt down. Smiling, she grits my name. I guess I interrupted something.

   Ale moves back from her and disappears deeper into the kitchen.

   "I hope you know that sounded very perverted." She steps closer, her hands on her hips.

  "Hmm, but it's not when you do it?"

  "Well-," she starts.

   I step towards her and grab her by the collar of her shirt. And in the girliest voice I can muster, I say, "Listen here, Summer."

   She tries to hide her smile.

     After a second she says, "I'm listening." But her whole demeanor has changed.

  A moment passes.  Is this the part where I kiss her?   
  No, we're enemies.

But enemies aren't supposed to want to kiss each other. Her lips seem so close, yet so far away.

It almost seems as if she's going to make the move. She leans in even closer and goes for it. For a second, I almost give in.

  Slowly, I push her away.

    "Uh..I was just going to say that I um, haven't finished brushing my teeth yet?" I scratch my head. What a lame excuse. But that's what she knows me for anyways, right? The lame excuse guy.

"Yeah, for sure." She chuckles but I can still feel the tension in the air.

"I could tell." She tries lightening the mood but it's been killed.

"Good one," I force a laugh. "I'm just going to...,"

"-Yeah, for sure go and do..," she gives me a thumbs up. Oh my god, what did I start.

"-Thanks for uh...," I give her a weak smile.

   Silence fills the air.

"Rider, just get out." She pushes me out the kitchen and closes the door.

"Bye!" I yell, awkwardly.

"Shut up and go!" She hollers through the closed door.

Ah, that's more like it.

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