The Origin World

By YouzersiF

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Estephan, a 15-year-old fueled by a love for books and unwavering dedication to logic and rules, draws comfor... More

A Lost Bright Mind
Mutual Envy
Henderson's Bookstore
An accident

Prologue: defying logic

351 62 55
By YouzersiF

In the midst of these dense woods, an eternity seems to pass as I navigate their labyrinthine paths. Seeking solace, I find a refuge beside a thicket, my keen eyes meticulously scouring the ground for signs of lurking predators or any nearby creatures. 

Fixated on the earth below, I search for elusive footprints that may guide me closer to the elusive truth. Yet, to my dismay, my efforts yield naught but frustration and a cascade of unanswered questions.

As the sun begins its descent, a creeping uneasiness takes hold of me. 

The enigmatic phenomena that haunt these woods predominantly emerge under the cover of darkness, leaving me ill-prepared to confront this riddle head-on. With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly stow my rifle behind me, murmuring to myself, "I should get back."

Tracing my steps backward, I retrace my path homeward, although the sun's vanishing presence impels me to slow my pace.
 An unexplained transformation unfolds in the air, unsettling and eerie. A gust, growing in strength with each passing moment, lashes at my back, akin to a tempest gathering its ferocious might. "The wind... it's growing stronger... " I notice, "Oh no... is it happening?" I question aloud, bewildered by this sudden change.

Fear invades my heart, urging me to quicken my steps once more, yet it proves futile.
 The wind, now billowing from disparate directions, defies all logic and reason.
It lashes from the north, then the south, and even from above, carrying with it an assortment of malevolent objects—small rocks, dust, branches, and leaves. A shiver of terror courses through me as its force intensifies with each passing moment. "This isn't normal... this isn't normal!" I repeat to myself, grappling with the inexplicable phenomenon. "Why is the wind blowing this way...?" I ponder.

Though I strive to stand steadfast against these forceful gusts, my resistance only seems to fuel their fury. The wind surges and recedes, ceaselessly assaulting me, as if an invisible presence seeks to expel me from this forest sanctuary.

In this disconcerting moment, Mr. Henderson's ominous words echo in my mind, "People are being kicked out by an angry wind cast at them"

Doubt and disbelief entwine within me. "How could this be? How can they manipulate the wind without any visible means?" I question.

I scour the surroundings, noting the distant trees remaining unaffected, their leaves undisturbed, save for those in close proximity. My heart races as a realization dawns upon me, shattering the illusions I clung to. 

"No... This cannot be the work of spirits. There must be a trick... " I mutter, refusing to acknowledge the testimonies I dismissed as mere superstition.

"Reveal yourselves!" I bellow into the swirling currents, my voice dripping with defiance. "Your illusions will not deceive me! You're not kicking us out of this land, no matter what you try!" The wind may be formidable, but I navigate its ferocity with the determination of an enraged bull. "How can you harm an innocent dog? You will pay for what you did to Kori... " My words, distorted by the raging winds, barely escape my lips.

As I push against the relentless force of nature, I sense otherworldly energy emanating from my front—a sensation unlike any I have ever encountered. "What is this...? radiation?" 

I muse, my mind racing to comprehend the invisible devices at work. Struggling to fix my aim, I desperately focus, striving to direct a bullet toward its source. "This... IS FOR KORI!" I roar as I fire, the loud echo of the gunshot reverberating through the once-tranquil forest.

Miraculously, the wind ceases its relentless assault, returning the forest to its customary serenity. The palpable energy I sensed diminishes, becoming almost imperceptible.

 I rise cautiously, confusion clouding my senses. "Did I... do it?" I question, the absence of sound and impact leaving me uncertain. "No collision... only a fleeting moment of blue energy emanating from the place I shot. What could that be?" I wonder aloud, drawn closer to the spot where the blue energy shimmered.

In the distance ahead, a flicker of movement catches my eye. Instinctively, my hand reaches for my rifle, muscles tensing with anticipation. "What... What is that?" I mutter, taking a few steps back, my breath quickening with each passing second. 

A disconcerting sensation emanates from the unseen entity, an otherworldly aura that sends shivers cascading down my spine. Stepping back, my fear escalating, I sense its ethereal presence drawing nearer, yet remaining invisible to my eyes.

Gripping my rifle tightly, I steel myself, words of warning tumbling from my lips. "D-Do not approach! Take another step, and I shall shoot!"

In that instant, I witness something levitating in the air, a deliberate ascent that unfolds with measured grace. "H-Huh...? What is this?" I murmur, fixing my gaze upon the scene before me. And as I focus, my eyes widen in disbelief.

It is the bullet I fired, suspended in mid-air. "The bullet...?" I exclaim, incredulous. Then, with alarming swiftness, the bullet hurtles toward me, narrowly missing my face as I swiftly evade its trajectory. "What the fuck?!" I question, stunned, as I turn to find it still levitating.

My legs quake and the very muscles that once knew the rhythm of movement now falter.

Once again, the bullet moves, and I leap sideways, narrowly escaping its path. It may not match the speed of my fired shot, but its velocity remains perilous.

I flee in the opposite direction, desperate to create distance between this menacing entity and myself. I glance behind me.

And there it is.

The bullet, still in pursuit, is accompanied by the advancing energy. In a fleeting moment, I realize I am slowing down.

Not due to the wind's force,

But as if an unseen power seeks to hinder my every move...

"Is this a spasm? Why do my limbs feel so heavy...? Is it fear gripping me?" I wonder.

My running steps grow leaden, as though an additional burden weighs upon my shoulders. Despite this, I press on, clinging to any sliver of hope for survival.

Suddenly, the weight dissipates, causing me to stumble and nearly face-plant on the unforgiving ground.

"Woah... what is happening to me? What the hell is going on?" I vocalize my confusion.

I become lighter, unnaturally so, propelling myself forward with greater speed than ever before.

The sensation of the ground beneath me vanishes until it is naught but a distant memory. When I gaze ahead, all objects descend, as if I have grown exponentially in stature. "Huh...?" I exclaim. "My legs are not touching the ground, and nothing is touching me either... But how?!"

Without warning, I am propelled through the air, twisting and turning, changing direction abruptly and descending without warning—a hapless plaything in a malevolent game.

 Panic consumes me, and I plead for respite, demanding that whatever force is responsible release its hold. "Stop... put me down...!" I implore, convinced that this enigmatic presence is either human or a creature of some sort.

It turns, directing me to face it, and what I witness leaves me dumbfounded.

Not just a solitary bullet, but an entire barrage of rocks levitating in the air.

"No...," I whisper, my voice trembling. "No, no, no... This onslaught would surely mean my demise!" I utter, anguish coursing through my veins.

I fix my gaze upon the energy's origin and plead, "Please, desist... I swear I will depart this forest..."

Yet, a rock strikes my face, interrupting my plea. "Ow..." I yelp, shielding my head and countenance, curling into a protective ball in mid-air.

The relentless barrage persists, rocks bombarding me from every direction. Each impact inflicts further injury, and I beseech for mercy, yet it falls on deaf ears.

The assault continues until the pain becomes unbearable, causing tears to stream down my face.

And then, abruptly, it ceases, releasing me to the ground below.

"It did not... kill me?" I wonder, barely able to move a muscle, sprawled upon the earth.

 A part of me senses that it has retreated, leaving me be. 

No longer does it assail me with projectiles, and its presence fades until it is imperceptible.

Gradually, I rise, my heartbeat still racing. "I am safe... I am safe," I repeat to myself, a smile playing on my lips—a smile akin to that of a condemned man who has just received a reprieve. I laugh, the sound bubbling forth like that of a delighted child.

Yet, before I can celebrate my hard-earned victory, the energy I sensed before returns, pursuing me from behind.

The smile vanishes.

Replaced by anxious glances cast repeatedly over my shoulder as I flee.

"Leave me alone" I demand.

"I just want to leave this place..." I scream.

Desperation is apparent in my throat.

But it closes in, inching ever nearer, and I know that it is only a matter of time before it overtakes me.

With my rifle clutched tightly, I pivot, firing a flurry of bullets relentlessly in its direction.

Most of my shots miss their mark, halted in mid-air by an unseen force. 

It nullifies my every attempt, yet I persist, hoping to intimidate it into retreat.

It draws closer still, and its influence attempts to suspend me once more, severing my connection with the ground.

This time, it is within arm's reach, directly before me.

My grip on the rifle falters as if an unseen force seeks to wrench it from my grasp.

But I tighten my hold, fighting against its influence.

And in a fleeting surge of courage, I steady my aim, firing with unyielding determination.

A screech pierces the air, emanating from the entity's vicinity.

I collapse onto both feet.

And there, before me, flickering energy surrounds a minuscule object—a tiny, blue liquid seeping forth.

Violently propelled backward, I am hurled several meters, my back scraping against the unyielding terrain.

Gazing upward, my mouth agape and eyes wide, I bore witness to the most extraordinary sight of my life—trees, bushes, and even their branches writhing and contorting chaotically in response to that ethereal presence.

"The trees... the trees are dancing..." I said, in disbelief.

Frozen in place, I watched in awe as the wind and swirling debris coalesced, forming a grotesque countenance—a dust-laden face brimming with malevolence. "Is that a... face?" I wondered, "Am I hallucinating? Maybe this isn't real... maybe I'm still in my bed...? I'll wake up after this... yes, there's no way this is happening for real."

The face, formed by the environment around it drew closer, causing my legs to shake in fear, I got up quickly, sprinting in the opposite direction, my pleas for help echoing through the air. "The spirit! The spirit of the forest! Someone, anyone, save me!" I yelled in fear, as the very thing I plead against existing was chasing after me.




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