Two Sides to Every Love (Gene...

By Shadowlumi

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Sequel to "Two Sides to Every Girl" It was almost the end of summer before Y/n's senior year, and she was hap... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1~ Relationships
Chapter 2~ Sudden Vacation
Chapter 3~ Coincidence? I Think Not
Chapter 4~ Kept Secret
Chapter 6~ Katelyn's Care
Chapter 7~ Heartbreak
Chapter 8~ Breakups Suck
Chapter 9~ Clothes and Soup
Chapter 10~ Big News
Chapter 11~ Work = Fun?
Chapter 12~ The Prospect of Love
Chapter 13~ I'm Feelin' Twenty Tw- Five. Twenty Five.
Chapter 14~ Falling For You
Chapter 15~ Way Home
Chapter 16~ Fireworks
Chapter 17~ Start Anew
Chapter 18~ Oh No He Didn't!
Chapter 19~ Siblings
Chapter 20~ Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21~ Business Proposal
Chapter 22~ Worry About You
Chapter 23~ Healing
Chapter 24~ Smile
Chapter 25~ The End of All Things
Chapter 26~ Nightmare Before Christmas
Chapter 27~ Dear Diary
Chapter 28~ Our Spot
Chapter 29 🍋~ Greedy
Chapter 30~ Maid Café Shenanigans
Final Author's Note
Side Story 1~ OKAY I PULL UP
Side Story 2~ A "Little Bit" Drunk
Side Story 3~ Prom Night
Side Story 4~ New Year('s Eve), New Friend

Chapter 5~ Rekindle an Old Flame

145 1 0
By Shadowlumi

New experiences and new people. That was what I was expecting, stepping foot on Love~Love Paradise. I really only got one of those things so far. Running into Teony and Ivy should make it clear which 'new' I've encountered. Don't get me wrong, they're great people, although I didn't know that in high school, but why? This has been too many people from the past for me to handle! Next I'll meet...I don't know, Gene. My Irene would that be awkward. There's not a chance I'd actually see him here, right? That's just too much high school for about a week on this island! I've also been desperately wanting to escape him and his sudden annoying clutches on my mind. That's what I get for not having serious relationships and letting people in all the way!

At the moment, everyone was in the main room. The girls were talking to Teony while the boys were talking amongst themselves, occasionally joining in on the girls' conversation. I was sitting to the side with Ivy, just listening in. There was obvious friendship and history between the girls, so I wasn't able to really join in. As for Ivy, there was some drama and bad blood between her and Aph, so she couldn't really share the same nostalgia all the other girls felt.

Ivy and I would've stayed in silence, but she caught me glancing at her, causing me to sheepishly laugh. Gosh I hate when people catch my glances! They don't know it was a glance, making me seem like I was staring...

"I don't think I ever got your opinion of me in high school, Y/n," Ivy began. "I remember you'd talk and be nice to me, though. I don't think you really saw my bad sides..."

I shrugged. "I didn't think of you negatively then. All I knew about you was that you liked Garroth a lot, and I didn't get in your way, so..." Rather not make her feel bad about herself, since she's definitely changed and became...humble? "It was high school. Like you said when you were apologizing to Aph, you were boy crazy, and we were all a bit stupid then. I understand, Ivy."

"Thanks. It means a lot."

Our conversation was cut short when Teony brought a query to me.

"So, Y/n, how's life been?" she asked. "I never really talked to you in high school, and the few times I did run into you weren't the best of reasons."

Hah... Teony was such a star student that probably got fed up seeing my face around. She caught me skipping class quite a few times and...showing acts of PDA, even though that only happened when I was skipping, so it wasn't exactly public.

Dante laughed. "I think everyone here knows that Y/n wasn't such a good girl."

"I just wanted to take part in a lot of the high school life," I mumbled. No big repercussions and all that... 

Teony gave a reassuring smile. "Aw, don't worry. I don't hold it against you. After all, you did do quite a bit of good. Plus, if you're hanging out with Aphmau I'm sure you're a good person."

I smiled back. "You won't regret saying that. I look forward to getting to know you better."

"I'd like that," she replied. "Now, back to current life." She beckoned me to reveal my current endeavors, to which I willingly shared, minus a few personal details, like getting fired. I don't want too many people knowing my many turmoils, especially Teony and Ivy, who are almost strangers to me.

"Oooh. So you have a date coming up? Are you looking for anything serious?" Teony asked.

For some reason Dante focused his attention on me with Teony's question. I twiddled my thumbs. Is he expecting a specific answer from me? Also, why are we pressing into my love life? Don't we want to avoid that after Ivy's breakup?

Regardless, I answered, "I mean, I don't expect much from my blind date, but I do want a serious relationship. I had a few relationships through college but nothing too meaningful. I'm not looking to settle down exactly, cause people usually go through a few serious heartbreaks before finding the one."

Unexpectedly, Katelyn chimed in. "I don't think you have to date a bunch of people to find the right one. You meet someone that resonates with you, then it's all clear. Who knows, maybe you even met 'the one' already and don't know it."

Teony giggled. "I'm surprised to hear you say that, Katelyn. Although, I definitely agree. I mean, look at Aaron and Aphmau! They dated each other in high school, broke up, and are now together again."

Dante, as if in wait, pounced on the conversation. "Rekindling an old flame could be a good idea, to maybe point you in the right direction."

Aph gasped. "Y/n did meet her childhood friend recently!"

"The childhood friend cliché doesn't suit Y/n," Dante retorted.

"I don't think it has anything to do with the cliché, but I probably wouldn't date any of my childhood friends..." Why did Dante have to further the conversation on this topic?! How do I inconspicuously change the focus off of me now! Aph is gonna have a lot to say about this...

Thankfully, Aaron swooped in as a saving grace. "Come on guys, Y/n can make her own choices. We shouldn't force her into thinking a certain way."

"Well, whatever happens in the end, I hope you have a good time on your date," Teony concluded.

Finally, the conversation shifted off of me. I sat back, happily just listening to everyone talk until it got dark. Eventually, we all ate dinner and afterwards, Ivy and Teony went to their hotel. Slowly, everyone retired for the night. As for me, I was sitting on the rooftop. For some reason, thoughts of F/n and her girlfriend were flooding my head. What's it like being in love? To be able to giggle childishly without restraint with have someone drop everything to support you, to have safety, to never feel alone, to long for someone and gush about them...

"I miss them already...!" F/n whined as soon as she came back from her date. "How did I find the most perfect person? On time for everything, listens to me psychoanalyze movie characters, is in touch with their spiritual side, adorable..."

I rolled my eyes. "Man, it feels like I'm dating them too, F/n. You've been dating for a month, you're just in the lovey-dovey honeymoon phase. Meeting them at my brother's wedding probably has something to do with it, too."

"Y/n, I love you like a sister, but I have to point out that you're being a sour puss!" F/n sighed. "I think they're the one."

Slumping into an even worse posture as I worked on a body proportions assignment, I pouted. "Miss Psychology doesn't know what she's talking about... I'm not a sour puss, my art is the one. Happily married for many years..."

F/n jumped on the couch next to me. "Okay, Miss Talented Artist, we can take turns talking about our loves~ But can I go first? Sydney did the cutest thing!"

Maybe being in love wasn't all that great. It does blind you, drowning you in bliss, but no pros come without cons.

I gripped the balcony railing and shouted into the night sky, "What do I know? I'm just a jobless moron!" My voice shrunk to a whisper. "Stressing about love is what got me fired. I have more important things to commit to." 


My entire body froze as Aaron's voice sounded behind me. Oh Irene, did he hear my little outburst? I loosened my grip on the railing and turned around, awkwardly waving. "What brings you here?"

"Garroth's snoring has been driving me insane, so I've been sleeping up here," he replied. "I think he was having nightmares about Ivy..."

"Must be rough...for the both of you! He should really see a sleep clinic if it's that bad..."

Aaron nodded in agreement. "What's keeping you up?"

"Oh, just yelling into the sky about my life that's in shambles." Why must I overshare like this?

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Honestly, I'm tired of talking and hearing about it. I don't know why I keep torturing myself... I just gotta put in effort to change things."

"Ah, I think I get what you mean. I'm not sure if this is my place to say this, but I think it's good to take a break while we're out here. Aph has told me about how hard you work, and that you've been seeming burnt out lately. Maybe relaxing will reignite your flame. And hey, a lot of us still don't know you too well. I know you're pretty close with Dante and Laurance, but the others probably want to get to know you too. I know I do."

"Thanks Aaron, I appreciate it... Heh, you kinda remind me of my dad, as weird as that may sound." Nothing like my adoptive parents.

"He must be a great guy, then." A hint of smugness snuck into Aaron's tone. "Anyways, it's getting late. You should try to sleep."

I nodded. "Sounds good. You do the same. It was nice talking to you!" With a wave, I tiptoed to my room and curled up on the couch, waiting for sleep to take me.

A/n: The exposition continues! Kinda...rising action now? Idk plot terms!

Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~ 💖Shadow🎮

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