The Footballer's Sister (Mari...

By paulpogbas

59K 1.6K 325

*Just a disclaimer, I wrote this when I was very young and had absolutely no writing skills at all so read at... More

The Footballer's Sister
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven


3.1K 73 17
By paulpogbas

I pick up my pointe shoes and sit down on the floor of the practice room in the ballet studio. I slip on the pointe showes after wrapping my feet in bandages.

My feet and toes are horrible.

They've got blisters and bruises all over them from going up on my toes all the time in the shoes.

I then take the shoes and bend then so they're looser and hit them off the floor a few times.

I lace up the ribbon laces up my calf and secrue them around my legs. Only wear a leotard and a thin ballet wrap skirt. I then take out my black leg warmers from my sport bag and move them over the laces.

The barre is standing in the middle of the room so I go up on my toes as I walk over. Lifting my legs up onto the barre and stretch forward.

After stretching out all of my body I put on a A Drop In The Ocean

I do a freestyle dance to it and just let myself go to the soft music.

Spinning on to spot I then kick my legs out and go into a leap. Up onto my toes I spin around the studio. My hands hands are moving around as I cover the full floor of the studio.

The music then stop and I hear clapping.

Turning around quickly I gasp as I see who's standing at the door.


I breahte out heavily and glare at him.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I ask and cross my arms over my shoulder and press stop on the speakers connected to my phone.

He goes to speak but Marco then walks into the room with Erik and Andre.

"Come'n sister we are going out to celebrate." Marco shouts.

"Why are we going out to celebrate brother?" I ask.

"I don't know, it's someone's birthday today and we need to celebrate it." Marco answers and makes us all laugh.

"Sure. I need to practice but and I've an hour left in here and I'm going to use it." I sya and they nod.

"Could we watch." Andre asks and I nod and point to the bench at the opposite side of the room.

"Sit over there." I say and they all nod and move quickly toward the bench.

"I'm going to practice one dance for my show and then I'll just do some random dances." I say and press play on my phone and get into position.

The song starts and it's loud and hrash classical music.

For when I'm Black Swan. 

I spin quickly and moves sleekly across the floor.

But the full time I can feel his eyes on me the full time I move.

I try to keep my concentration but I can't help it.

I can't help but think about him. His laugh. His smile. His eyes. I remember one of the times when we were sitting on the couch in Marco's house watching a football game. Maro had left to go to the toilet and left Mario and I on the couch. My head was in his lap as we were watching the game. I'm pretty sure it was an El Clasico game and I was supporting Barcelona. Sergio Ramos must have tackled someone because I was cursing him which made Mario laugh loudly. I remember looking up at him and him smiling down at me. I seen the look in his eyes. I probably had the same look. That was the night I knew.

The night I fell inlove with my best friend.

Mario Götze.

I finish the dance and look at the boys who are all clapping. 

I blush and grab a towel from my sport bag and wipe my forehead and my arms because with all this dancing.

"You were amazing." Andre claps loudly making me smile and blush even deeper.

"Ooo, do the dance you did at the competition last year. The one with a sad song." Marco then tries to remember the name of the song.

"Say Something." I say the name of the song and Marco snaps his fingersand points at me.

"That's the one." I laugh and walk over my phone and search for the song.

"Come in a selfie first." Andre shouts and holds up his phone. I can't be bothered running over to I just stand in the background and wave. Andre snaps the picture so I then go and press play and then run to the middle of the floor and lie down.

As the music starts I get up onto my knees and move along the floor. My hands moving about.

But as the chours hits I get up and spin on the tip of the pointe shoes. The music is loud and I run across the floor and remember when I perfmored this. I had on a ivory spandex leotard with cap sleeves and an overly of stretch lace with gold gitller covering the bodice. An elggant appliqué attatched at the centre just inder my breast. A waist his chiffon skirt connected to it with one layer white chiffon and two other layers were ivory. 

It was a very simple outfit which didn't bring a lot of attention to it.

It was simple so you could focus on the dance.

I choreographed the dance after Mario left.

I know it was probably very predicatable but I had so much emotion running through me and I needed to let it all out. 

And I let it out in the only way I knew possible which was dance.

This song wasn't the tigger I just thought it went nicely with it.

As the song dip down low again away from the chours I stop on the floor and move around until it picks up again. I run and jump landing right on my toe and I spin around. I fall the floor as part of the dance but when tears fall from my eyes all my emotions hit and I can't stop it. But I keep going and continue with the dance.

I know I started crying because he is watching.

The last time I cried over this dance was the first time I actually performd the dance in front of someone.

That someone being Marco.

If he's surpried that I'm crying I really do hope he remembers what this dance was about.

I finish the dance on the floor and breathe out heavily as the song comes to and end and the boys start to clap again.

"That was amazing." Erik shouts as I stand back up and wipe my eyes.

It's a small studio so they can all notice me cring. 

Marco is first off the bench and over to me and wipes me eyes with a look of realisation over his face.

"I'm so sorry. I completely forgot." He whispers and wipes away my tears.

"It's fine, don't worry." I smile and he nods and places his arm over my shoulder and smiles at his friends.

"Who's ready to go party."


"Are you getting dressed at your house or do you want to get our stuff and get dressed at mine?" Marco asks and I think for a minute.

"I'll just get dressed at your house and I'll bring over all of my stuff. And can I stay instead of having to get two taxis?" I ask and Marco nods.

"Mario is staying as well." Marco says and looks at his best friend who is sitting in the passenger seat. He just nods and goes back to texting on his phone.

I'll leave you to guess who.

"Okay we're here, do you need help getting your stuff?" Maco asks and I nod once I think of me trying to carry everything down from my bedroom.

"Sure." I say and climb over Erik and run into my house to quickly tidy up my bedroom before whoever is coming up to help me sees the mess.

I shove most of it under my bed and into the bottom of y wardrobe and then pull out a few dresses to wear.

One of them I a low cut clevage baring black dress which is like a second skin on. But when you're a skinny ballerina with no boobs and no but it's not really a problem.

The second one is a black and white elephant loose dress which goes to just above my knee.

And the last dress is a slim fitting, but not figure hugging dress. It's a baby blue colour with a lace white over it and over the chest is like a crop top over it. It doesn't sound to nice but it's beautiful. 

I hold all three dresses in my hand and look in my mirror and try to decide what dress to wear.

"I like the plain black one." I hear a voice come from behind me making me spin around quickly, almost dropping my dresses in the process.

I look at Mario who is standing in the door way. I scoff and look at the dress.

"Well that's bloddy fucking obvious since it look like a dress Ann-Kathrin would wear." I say and look at the two other dresses. 

Mario coughs and rubs the back of his neck in response. "What do you need me to take down?" He asks.

"Just that make-up box." I say and point to the box sitting on my vanity table. He nods and picks up the box and stops and looks down at my vanity table.

"What is it?" I ask and turn to look at him.

"That picture. I have it up in my room as well." He points to the picture. I don't even have to go to look to know what picture he is talking about.

It's the only picture I kept that actually shows that I knew Mario. It's a picture from a party from like a year ago. I'm sure it's Marco's birthday. I'm standing at one side of the photo with Mats and Cathy. Mario is at the other end with Andre and Marco. But Mario isn't looking at the camera. His eyes are looking over at Mats, Cathy and I. I don't know why. Mats must have said something funny.

"Yeah." I say and move slightly away from him.

"I'll just go take this down." Mario says and leaves my room and I pck all my dresses into a holder and pick out a pair of black heels and a pair of nude heels. 

I carry and my stuff down stairs and put them into the trunk fo Marco's car and then climb bck over Erik and back into the middle of the car.

"Okay here we go. Who's ready to party?" Marco asks shouting once again.


I pick up my towel and go into Marco's room to shower because I prefer his shower and he always has this mint smelling shower gel that he only has in his room.

Once I'm done washing my hair and srubing my body I go out of the shower and wrap my towel around my body and walk out of Marco's bathroom and into his bedroom.

I just walk out casually until I hear a shout coming from the other side of the room. 

I look over and realise Mario is standing naked while gettingdressed.

"Shit, Fuck." I gasp and cover my mouth but I forget that I am holding onto my towel so it falls to the floor making me scream.

Mario scurries to pick something to cover himself and I do the same with my towel and leave Marco's room with a red face.

I get into Marco's spare room where I'll be sleeping and dry myself. 

I decided on the baby blue dress so I slip on a pair of nude spandex underwear and a nude bra.

I pull on the dress and the go to my make up. I pull open my make up box and start my make-up.

"What was with all the shouting about earlier?" Marco asks walking into the room while I start to draw on a line eyeliner line.

"Mario and I had a fucking awkward moment. I seen him naked and he seen me naked." I explain quickly while trying to concentrate. 

"Okay, well I'll leave you t finish but we're going to go in about forty five minutes so..." Marco tells me and I nod and continue to fix my liner.

A few minutes later a knock comes to the bedroom door.

"Come in." I shout and then the door open to reveal Mario.

I look at him for a few seconds before he speaks.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't realise that you'd be out so quickly. I thought I'd-"

"It's fine." I say, cutting him off so he nods.

But he doesn't leave.

I try to ignore him as I pick up my bronzer and move the brush along my cheeks.

"So how are you doing. I've heard a lot about your upcoming shows-" Mario starts to talk but I him off.

"Stop." I turn and look at him, "I don't fucking want to talk to you." I tell him and his face falls. "I don't want to speak to you about anything. I don't want to be your friend anymore Mario because you lied. You hurt me. I haven't spoke to you for a year and a half now and I'm planning on keeping it that way."

"Lia-" Mario tries again and leans forward to touch me but I jump away from him and shake my head.

"No, just no. Mario. Just leave. Fuck. I don't want to talk to you." I move away from him as quickly as I can making me sigh and shake his head.

"I fucking don't understand why you wont talk to me Lia. Everyone else seems to have forgiven me. Marco's forgiven me. I just don't fucking understand why Lia. Marco's tried many time to explain it to me." Mario shouts making me glare.

"Don't try to act like the victim Mario. You left. You left everyone. The moment you got your supermodel girlfriend you changed. Anyone could see it. It wasn't the same. You rpomised me that you'd never leave. You said you stay in Dortmund. You said you'd never go to Bayern. What made you change your mind? Was it Ann-Kathrin? Or was it the money? Or was you ego? Did you want to be more famous all over the world? I'm sure that would have still happened if you stayed here." I shout back at him and he just sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry okay. Lia, I'm sorry and I know you probably won't forgive me but I'm going to try. I'm going to try my best to get your forgiveness because I miss you and I know you miss me too." Mario nods and me and breathes out heavily.

"Please just leave Mario. I don't want to cry before we all go out." I say, barely above a whisper.

He just nods in response and leaves the room quietly and slowly. 

Once he has left and I hear his footsteps go down the stairs, I sit down on my bed and fan my face to keep myself from crying.

I have to breahte in and out deeply before I reapply some marcara and power. I then put on some nude lipstick and I'm ready.

Walking to my bag I pick up the nude heels and a smal nude clutch bag with all nessesities inside and then go down stairs and meet Marco, Mario, Andre and Erik who are waiting in the living room. I lean against the door and pull on on my heels and make sure that I don't flash any of them my underwear.

"Are you ready?" Marco asks me and I nod fixing my sleek ponytail and play with my light blonde hair.

"Yep." I answer and smile. A small smile, just enough to make Marco nod to know I'm okay. They all must have heard Mario and I screaming at each other a few minutes ago.

"Okay then, let's go."


We arrive at the club and there are many paparazzi. All screaming on the players. I get out first and move quickly into the club.

I hate the paparazzi.

They're so annoying.

Once inside the club I wait for the boys. 

Erik is first in so he looks around for the VIP area where whoever else is coming is here.

"They're over there." Erik points to a small booth in the corner just as everyone else walks in. I see Mats and Cathy and I'm pretty sure that I see Matthias.

I hold onto Marco's arm as he moves us through the large crowd and over to the slecuded booth.

"Hi!" Cathy smiles and gives me a big hug.

"Hi, you look great." I reply and hug her tighter.

"Your dress is amazing." I say and sit down next to her. 

I'm then pushed over by Marco to make space on the seat. I expect him to sit down next to me but it's not him who sits down next to me.

Mario sits down next to me so I budge up even closer to Cathy.

"Do you want to go dance?" Cathy asks and I nod and let Cathy do the talking while I look down at the ground and wait for him to move.

Mats comes along and the moment they get onto the floor,they both start making out.

Not wanting to third wheel, I move around on the dancefloor and wave my hands up in the air along to the music.

A few minutes later I feel my hips being pullled back and someone starts to dance with me. I move thier hands off my hips because I felt uncomfotable with them being there but I keep dancing along.

The man obviously gains come confidence as he moves his hands down my body and it must make him more excited than me.

I can tell.

I turn to face him, to tell him I'm going to go, but he takes it differently and leans in and tries to kiss me.

"No, don't do that." I push my hands against his chest but he is clearly too drun to listen to me and tries again.

I push him again and then he falls to the ground, but it wasn't because I pushed him.

Someone pulled him off me.

"That's my little sister you arsehole. If she doesn't want to kiss you then she doesn't want to." Marco pulls me away from the guy and back o the booth were a new guest is now here.

"Why didn't you tell me she was coming?" I ask, whispering in Marco's ear as we get closer.

"I didn't know. She just showed up."

"He must have told her." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Mario acually didn't want her to come." Marco tells me and I look up at him confused but just shrug my shoulders.

Pushing Marco, I make him go in first so that he has to sit next to Erik who is sitting next to Mario.

I'm trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

"So I heard you've got a big part in the ballet show." Ann-Kathrin look over at me with a fake smile and then take a sip of her drink.

I fake smile back and reply, "Yeah, I'm the main part in Black Swan." I tell her and she sets down her drink.

Here we go.

"I always wanted to be a ballerina. My singing coach said that I'm already everything I need to be so he doesn't think that I should. I mean, I have the body of a ballerina, well I have boobs. No offence." She looks don at herself and then over at me.

I clutch onto Marco's hand under the table and try to hold back my glare.

"Non taken." I have the biggest fake smile o my face as I speak.

Andre must notice because he starts to choke on his drink with laughter.

That's the thing with Ann-Kathrin.

Everything is about her.

Me, me ,me.

I bet if I said that I had and STD she's say she had one too just to get the conversation onto her.

"That hurts." Marco leans over and whispers to me and then points down to m hand basically crushing his.

"Shit, sorry." I whisper and let go of his hand.


"Lia was really good today. We all went to see her practice." Erik announces maing Ann-Kathrin look surprised.

"Really. Even Mario?"

"Yep, he was the one who suggested it." Erik tells us and then goes back to texting.

I can't tell whether it's his girlfriend who's name I can't remember because I didn't like her or his best friend Magadalena who I prefer.

Ann-Kathrin clearly isn't happy.

You can tell by her face.

Oh wait, it;s actually just the same bitchy look as always.

By the end of the night I'm drunk as fuck.

I can barely see were I'm going.

Marco and Andre had to guide me into the taxi, but that still didn't stop me from falling.

We get back home to Marco's and one of them is carrying me.

I can't tell her but he has really nice arms.

"Goodnight Mr Strongman." I yawn as they place me down in bed.

"Goodnight Lia, I love you." The way Mr Strongman talks is like he's nervous when he talks, like he's waiting for me to burst for him saying that.

"I love you too. I really do." Before I know what's going through my mind I move towards Mr Strongman and pull his face to him and kiss him.

Well that cancels out Marco being Mr Strongman since he didn't protest.

"Goodnight." I mutter one last time before falling asleep.




My final exam was today. It was history and I was late because my bus was stuck in traffic and I wanted to die.

But there was only sixteen of us doing the exam and they're all my friends so it wasn't awkward.

I love writing Lia's character.

Mainly because she is so different from Magalena and Scout so it's really fun.

I also did my research on ballet. I new most of it since I used to do ballet and both of my cousins go to a ballet school so I do know the basics.

Please comment, vote and follow me

love you xx

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