The Billionaire's Wedding Pla...

By CollateralSunshine

8.9M 338K 109K

Wedding Planner's Golden Rule: Don't fall in love with the groom. Handsome, charming, billionaire playboy, Ai... More



304K 11.8K 4.5K
By CollateralSunshine


Wedding Planner Rule Number 1

Confidentiality is Key.

Ian would not be happy.

Brides who wanted June weddings was one of the biggest causes for his frustration with my job. Brides in general was a cause for his frustration, really.

Planning Caroline Baxter's June wedding would probably mean long nights for the next ten months, meaning that Ian would be extremely irritable.

For the past two days, ever since Caroline's assistant called my office and set up an appointment, I have been sitting on the information, wondering whether I should warn Ian or not. We were already at a rough patch because of my constantly busy schedule, which was an occupational hazard, and this information might push it over the edge.

I watched him on the phone, planning a meeting for the day as he put his tie on. He had spent the night at my apartment because I wanted to make it up to him for being so busy.

He tossed his phone on to the kitchen island and walked over to me, kissing my temple.

"Any breakfast?" he asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Ian, you know I'm not a good cook," I told him, holding my mug with both hands.

He nodded, smiling and picked up his phone again. "I'm going to go after this cup," he said, gesturing with his coffee mug.

"Don't you want to get breakfast together?" I asked, hopeful that he would agree because I knew after today's meeting with Caroline, I'd want to stay back and get started on her preparations. It's never too early to start planning someone else's wedding, especially a pageant Queen's. They tend to change their mind a lot, so, having some extra time is always helpful.

Ian shook his head. "I've got to stop by my apartment and pick up some files," he said, not turning to look at me, "And if I stay to have breakfast, I'll be late for my meeting."

"I don't think I can make dinner today," I told him, rinsing my mug under the tap.

"That's fine, Ro," Ian shrugged, smiling at me, "It's Friday, so the guys and I will hit up some bars tonight. I know that's not really what you like to do."

He was right. I didn't really like sweaty, drunk strangers around me, but that doesn't mean I don't like to go out on a Friday night.

Remembering my work for the wedding I was planning for the next week, I decided it was a good thing that Ian would be occupied.

"I'll see you, maybe tomorrow, okay?" Ian said, coming over to me and kissing the top of my head before he walked towards the door, "Love you."

After he was gone, I got ready for the day and made my way to the office. It was a beautiful, old townhouse that I had transformed into my headquarters. The words "Wedding Dreams" were mounted above the door and the inside was a calm, serene environment that I designed to placate even the most frenzied of brides.

When I walked in, Jenna, my assistant was already there, arranging some flowers at the front desk, talking to Sarah, the receptionist. She looked up at me as I entered.

"Are you ready?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, "For the Queen of all pageant queens?"

I smiled at her comment. "I'm sure it'll be fine," I told her.

"To whom is she getting married?" Sarah wanted to know.

Jenna shrugged. "Her assistant didn't tell me, but I guess it's all hush-hush because there hasn't even been an engagement announcement in the papers."

Jenna loved celebrity gossip, especially since we met many of them in our line of work, sometimes more than once. She kept the whole office up to date on all the goings on of the outside world.

"Jenna, since that's the only meeting I have today is with Caroline, will you please make sure I'm not disturbed, unless the bride for next week's wedding calls?" I said to her, walking towards my office, "I want to finish the details by tonight so that we're fully prepared for next week."

Jenna nodded and I began my work. It was rare when I could have only one meeting for day, so I took the maximum advantage that I could.

Half an hour before the meeting, I got out a new file and labeled with Caroline Baxter's name and did a little research on her, so that I knew exactly how to behave around her. Most celebrities preferred when the people who worked for them just nodded and listened to what they wanted, rather than give their own opinions. According to multiple articles, Caroline was no different. She wanted things exactly the way she said.

I rubbed my temples with my fingertips and finished the sandwich I was having for lunch. I brushed all the crumbs off my desk and tidied up the mess from the morning's prep work, waiting for the couple to arrive.

There was a beep on my phone from Jenna and I pushed the button down and said, "Yeah?"

"You'll never believe who she's marrying," Jenna whisper-yelled to me and immediately hung up.

A few moments later, she tapped on the door to my office and walked in, leading in Caroline Baxter and her fiancé, Aiden Carlisle.

Caroline was wearing a black, A-line, Gucci dress, with her hair held away from her face with a clip, and carried a red Prada bag to match her red Jimmy Choo shoes. She was tall, taller than me, and definitely more slender, being the model that she was. She had a long neck, which she seemed to crane even more to look more poised. She wore the most people-pleasing smile on her face. She was beautiful and glamourous, with her sparkling blue eyes and her winning blonde hair.

"Thank you, Jenna." I said, getting up and walking over to the couple.

Jenna widened her eyes behind both the guests, raising her eyebrows suggestively, so that they couldn't see her and scurried off.

"Ms. Baxter," I greeted her, shaking her hand, "It's so nice to meet you."

"Please, call me Caroline," she told me, smiling sweetly, "And this is my fiancé, Aiden," she gestured to the famous billionaire, "Of the Carlisle family."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carlisle," I greeted him as well, shaking his hand.

Aiden stood behind his fiancée, one hand nestled in a pocket of his trousers. His navy-blue suit was immaculately tailored to fit him and the only accessory he wore apart from his matching cufflinks and tie pin along with his pocketsquare, was a perfectly matched Rolex watch. He was tall and broad shouldered, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was every bit of the picture of a perfect gentleman that he was in the magazines he appeared in.

I was almost amazed that he was getting married with all the stories the world hears about him.

"Very nice to meet you, too, Miss –" he faltered.

"Darling," Caroline practically hissed to him from the corner of her mouth, still keeping her smile.

Aiden turned to look at Caroline, confused. "Yes," he hesitated, "Honey?"

Caroline turned her head to him and gave him a look. "Her name," she clarified, "She's Miss Darling."

Realization dawned on Aiden's face and we all laughed. "I'm sorry," he said.

I shook my head. "That's quite alright. Easy mistake," I brushed it off, "But please, call me Rosalie."

Caroline smiled down at me, so much taller in her high heels and her natural height. "Rosalie."

"Shall we all have a seat and discuss the wedding?" I asked, gesturing to the sofa set in my office.

I picked up my folder and notebook from my desk before sitting down with them.

"First of all," I began, "I'd like to say congratulations on the engagement. I hope you both have a wonderful and happy marriage."

"Thank you, Rosalie. Isn't that nice, Aiden?" Caroline turned to him.

He straightened his jacket and nodded. "Very nice," he smiled, "Thank you."

"I heard from your assistant that you would like a June wedding," I said, wanting to get down to business, "Did you have a date in mind?"

"No," Caroline said, "But I would like a Friday or a Saturday. Better to have it on a party day and people don't have to go to work the next day. And I was really wondering if we should do a destination wedding. I've always thought that Italy would be beautiful in June. What do you think, Aiden?"

"Italy?" Aiden repeated and Caroline nodded, "Sure, if our families are agreeable, it's possible. Of course, if Ms. Darling is up for it."

"Rosalie can do anything, Aiden, haven't you seen her weddings?" Caroline gushed.

"I'm sorry to say that I haven't," Aiden told me, smiling bashfully.

I wanted to tell him it was alright, but Caroline cut in and said, "Aiden, your friend Matthew got married last year to my girlfriend, Lola and Rosalie planned the wedding. Men!" she said, turning to me, "Anyway, I haven't fully decided on that. We would decide to have it here in the city, depending on the guests. I'm going to assume that there would be at least 700. And I want a completely red-themed wedding. Bridesmaids, flowers, decorations; everything should be plush red. I was thinking a theme of passion."

For the next two hours, I wrote down everything that Caroline said, which was a lot. I watched the interactions between the couple and all I could think was that I had seen worse; worse couples who disagreed on everything and fought in my office many times.

Caroline was headstrong and demanding; everything had to meet her expectations, even when she hadn't specified what they were. Aiden seemed to be obliging, trying to keep her calm and placated, rather than truly happy, but it was hardly my place to question other people's relationships.

By the time they left, my jaws ached from smiling for so long. Jenna barged into my office the moment the door closed behind the couple.

"She's marrying Aiden freaking Carlisle!" she exclaimed, her voice going almost ultrasonic, "Oh, God. This means he's off the market and I have to check the list of eligible bachelors again."

Standing at my desk, I looked over at her and smiled, amused. Jenna was such a bubbly, almost hyperactive person and I loved that. She was so enthusiastic about everything.

"I'm sure you'll find your eligible bachelor," I said to her.

"God, he's so tall, isn't he?" she mused, "That suit was so well-fitted."

"Jenna," I said, in a mock warning tone.

"Okay, fine. I'm going, I'm going," she walked away with her hands held up in defeat.

I had poised myself to sit down when there was a knock at my glass door. I looked up.

Aiden Carlisle stood there alone, looking thoughtful.

"Mr. Carlisle, did you forget something?" I asked, shutting the file I was holding.

"No, uh, please call me Aiden," he looked back towards the door and then turned to look at me, "There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

I motioned to the chair in front of my desk. "Please, have a seat."

He came over, unbuttoning his jacket and sat down. "Ms. Darling. Rosalie," he corrected himself, "As I'm sure you know my engagement to Caroline has not been announced to the public yet. In fact, we haven't even announced it to our extended families. Caroline was insistent that we start the planning, which is why we came here before everything."

He paused.

"It's never too early to start planning your wedding," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

He gave me a tight smile. "Well, Rosalie, it is imperative that everything about this engagement is kept under wraps and I am willing to pay you extra to keep it quiet."

"Mr. Carlisle, I can assure you that you do not need to pay me extra. I am in the business of planning weddings, not exposing your life to the public eye. I can tell you with confidence that no information about the lives of any of my clients or their weddings have ever been leaked to the press. My staff works with the utmost discretion. As do I," I told him firmly, wondering whether I should be offended that he offered me money.

"I understand that," Aiden replied, in the most businessman-like voice I'd ever heard, "But I cannot afford any, even the slightest slip, but I can afford to add to your fee to make sure that nothing happens."

"Sir, we will sign a contract at the next meeting," I confirmed, "Wherein I will swear that everything that happens is completely confidential. If I breach it, you can sue me, but I will assure you that it won't be necessary."

Aiden was quiet and scanned my face for a few silent moments. I assumed it's because as a billionaire businessman, you learn to read people.

"Very well, Rosalie," he said, getting up, "Thank you for your assurance. I will see you in a few days."

"Yes, Mr. Carlisle. To me, confidentiality is key." 

*And so it begins!

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!

And don't worry, I will be uploading regularly.

Much love!*

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