A Shelby Mistress

By PeakyGirl

1.3M 34.9K 7.9K

It's 1921, Tommy is left heartbroken over Grace's betrayal and having decided not to follow her to New York h... More

Aurora Hayes
The Shelby's
The Meeting
Prying Stranger
White Tulips
Lee Fire
His Mouse
Small Heath
Aunt Polly
Whiskey Courage
Coin Toss
Torn Apart
Domestic Bliss
Old Friend
Watery Lane
Moving Up
Three Words
Opening Night
Past Meeting
Birthdays and Witches
Family Meeting
Camden Town
White Mare
Boat Trip
May Carleton
Past Love
Derby Day
Broken Soul
Resting Place
Christmas One Shot
Sisterly Love
Birthday Kiss
Field Of Snow
Arrow House
Helen McCrory
Afternoon Tea
Charles Shelby
The Wedding
Wedding Party
Foundation Dinner
First Kiss
Father Hughes
Night Terrors
Alfie Solomons
Soft Moans
Billy Shelby
When Snow Falls
Mrs Shelby
The King
A Baby
Unexpected Visitor
Old Friend


9.2K 275 73
By PeakyGirl

"How bad do you think it is?" Arthur asked looking over at Aurora, completely crestfallen as they tailed Tommy and Polly to The Garrison.
Biting her lip Aurora clicked her tongue before taking a deep breath.
Well...Arthur...The Garrison has been blew up so I imagine...it's...pretty fucking bad" she replied giving him an apologetic smile.
"Who would do this, to my fookin' pub?!"
"I don't know Arthur but we'll find out and destroy the bastards" Aurora nodded, determined to see justice.
She loved The Garrison, everyone in Small Heath loved it which is why she didn't understand how anyone could bring harm to it. Sure the Shelby's had a lot of enemies, it would take them forever to go down the list of suspects.
Aurora was furious.
How dare they?! The Garrison, really?!
Truth be told Aurora would of been less angry if someone had blew up her Granny.

As they turned into the street Aurora caught her first glance of The Garrison and strangely to her relief it wasn't as bad as she had expected. Aurora thought they would get there and see nothing but a large pile rubble and glass. It was still an act of war in her eyes but at least they hadn't lost the pub altogether, they could have it looking new in no time yet the pain of someone attacking their pub was there and it hurt.
Arthur appeared like an upset child and Aurora was half expecting him to fall into her lap and cry.

Tommy and Polly were already stood outside The Garrison when Aurora and Arthur pulled up behind them. Getting out the car Aurora looked up and let out a low whistle as she took in the charred walls.
"I mean it's still in once piece at least" she stated earning her a bewildered look from Arthur who had come to stand beside her "Oh don't give me that look Arthur, it can be easily fixed up"
"Why do you see the good in every situation?" Arthur grumbled making Aurora shrug with a small smile.
"I like to think everything can be mended"

Reaching up Aurora gave Arthur's shoulder a comforting squeeze before cautiously slipping under the rope that shielded The Garrison and standing next to Tommy.
"Got any ideas on who might of did this?" Aurora questioned watching confetti blow across the rubble tainted ground.
"No but I know where to start" Tommy informed them reaching into his coat for a much needed cigarette.
"Where?" Polly frowned taking the now lit cigarette from Tommy lips and making it her own much to the slight irritation of Tommy.
"The Black Lion, I'll be back later"
Kissing Aurora's cheek quickly, Tommy turned and walked away before a single protest could be heard.
"Won't he need help?" Aurora asked looking at Polly in worry.
If they could blow the pub up, they could easily bring harm to Tommy.
"No, he'll be fine, he always is" Polly reassured her "come on, let's get home"

"Pol, we need to get The Garrisons whiskey away from the coppers, the bastards will 'ave it" Arthur growled under his breath, approaching the women as they headed back to the cars and frowning at the police who were hanging around his pub.
"I'll leave that task up to you Arthur, I'm going home" Polly smiled tapping his cheek lightly and getting into the car.
"Can you climb Rora?" Arthur suddenly directed at Aurora, his face both serious and curious.
"You what?" Aurora laughed. Had he gone mad?
"Can you climb?"
"Good, right then come with me" Arthur ordered taking her lightly by the arm and pulling her up the street.
"Arthur, you haven't even asked the poor girl if she wants to help!" Polly exclaimed, watching a helpless Aurora being dragged into danger. Arthur's missions were always dangerous.
"It's ok Aunt Pol, anything for the family" Aurora called back, waving with her free arm.
She wanted some fun today, to feel free for just a moment and helping Arthur would surely be fun........
That's if he didn't get her killed.

"Arthur, the fuck you need that for?!" Aurora demanded watching the man conceal a pry bar within his pants, making sure the hooked end wasn't in sight.
"There's a window on the roof of The Garrison, we need to get through it and slip inside without bein' seen or heard" Arthur explained as he peeked around the street that led up to the back of the pub.
"You want us to climb on the roof?" The idea seemed ludicrous yet Aurora found her stomach bubbling in excitement.
"Like you said it's still in one piece" Arthur mocked turning to give her a grin.
"Orright! Orright! Give me a minute" Aurora demanded ripping the veil from her head before bending town to unfasten her shoes.
"What are you doing?" Arthur wondered, twisting his head to the side as he watched her.
"Well I can't climb the fucking pub wearing heels can I?" Letting her heels drop to the floor, Aurora placed her hands on her hips and looked at him expectantly "You're the boss 'ere, what do we do next?"
"Yeah...erm...right....follow me"
Listening to Arthur stumble over his words diminished some of the hope she had for this being a successful mission. She had never been locked up before, perhaps today was the day.

Still Aurora followed on behind Arthur, their bodies pressed against the wall as the snuck up towards the back of The Garrison. There appeared to be no police around the back which was lucky for them but Aurora also found it incredibly stupid. If they were going to guard the front, why not the bloody back?
It seemed the police in Small Heath were lacking upstairs which is most likely why they were so easily manipulated by the Shelby's. In truth Arthur could of just walked through the front door as well as the back but Aurora wouldn't speak up. This way was much more fun.
"We can't go through the back, if their inside they'll fookin' spot us. If we come down from the roof we can lookout from the stairs" Arthur explained reading Aurora's mind.
To Aurora's surprise, Arthur's plan was in fact logical and for once she found herself agreeing with his ideas.

Reaching the back, Arthur led Aurora up to the drainpipe and smiled.
"Ladies first"
Looking up Aurora frowned, uncertain of climbing it. The thing was rotten and on the verge of collapsing.
"Arthur, what if it falls? I didn't plan on dying today" Aurora grumbled reaching out to tug on the drainpipe and test it's sturdiness. To her horror it was quite loose.
"That's why you're goin' first, if it falls I'll catch you. If I go first and it falls you can't catch me, can you love?"
"Christ fucking almighty!" Aurora cursed silently and taking in a deep breath she did the opposite of what her mind was telling her to do and began to climb.
"You're doin' wonderful sister!" Arthur called out as he scanned the area for any signs of trouble.
"Arthur, shut up!"

She had made it!
She was alive!
Getting onto her hands and knees Aurora crawled over to the edge and looked down at Arthur. She hoped he didn't fall. If the drainpipe could hold her, it could hold him. Aurora knew she weighed more than him, especially as of late. Arthur's frame seemed to be growing smaller and smaller with each passing day. Aurora's mind and heart told her there was something going on with her brother but what it was she hadn't came to know yet.
"Hurry up Arthur!" Aurora hissed out looking around frantically and placing her hand on his back in an attempt to help him on to the roof.

Laying completely flat on his stomach, Arthur looked over at Aurora and gestured for her to do the same. Aurora could feel the bits of gravel and glass on the roof cutting through her dress and into her skin as she did as he asked and like snakes in the grass they began making their way over to the window. Aurora bit down on her bottom lip to stop herself from crying out in pain, she wasn't a child. A few cuts and bumps weren't an issue, she'd had worse. Despite the minor pain Aurora found herself smiling widely.

"What's so funny?" Arthur asked reaching for his pry bar as Aurora giggled and threw her hand over her mouth.
"Arthur, we look so silly" she continued to laugh, snorting quietly through her nose causing Arthur to roll his eyes but laugh alongside her.
Aurora watched him closely, taking notes in her head on how to pry open a window just in case she ever needed to do it herself. Being in two families that Aurora was convinced loved danger, there would come a time when she needed to adopt their skills in order to get herself out of messes, their messes to be precise.

It took a few seconds for Arthur to free the window and pry it open wide enough for them to slip inside. Aurora was greatly impressed and giving him a pat on the shoulder she winked.
"Well done Arthur!"
Soon they would be in The Garrison and saving the whiskey like the hero's in a fairytale except it wasn't a fairytale, it was two adults with the minds of children attempting to steal from their own pub without being caught by the police who were on their payroll.
"Down we go Rora" Arthur grinned before disappearing from sight and into the upstairs office below.
The height of the room was small making it easier for Arthur to land without making a bang. Brushing down his suit, Arthur looked around with a satisfied look, proud of himself.
"Come on then" he chirped holding his arms up to Aurora, intent on catching her knowing her height was a lot less than his and would result in her fall making a noise.

Turning around so her feet were first Aurora slowly lowered herself down, holding onto the window ledge until she felt Arthur's arms wrap around her waist and letting go she allowed him to place her gently back on the ground.
"Thank you" she nodded, pointing up at the window "you'll 'ave to fix that soon Arthur, you don't need anymore damage done to the pub"
"I'll do it tonight when the coppers 'ave cleared" Arthur informed her making her sigh in relief and hope he did come back. Arthur had the tendency to go off track and forget things. Over recent days he had been disappearing for hours and coming back home late looking sweaty and exhausted both physically and mentally.

Nodding to each other in silent agreement, they both slowly and surely made their way out the office towards the top of the stairs. Crouching down they both looked around the area, making sure it was clear before sitting on their backsides and shuffling down the stairs, one by one, keeping hold of the bannister as they went in case they needed to jump up and run.

"All the good stuff is out back" Arthur stated pointing his finger to the door behind the bar.
"Want me to go first?" Aurora offered standing up and looking at Arthur who was still sat on the last step.
"Be careful you don't cut your feet, you've got no shoes on"
"Ok I'll tell you when it's clear to join"
Searching for the clearest path Aurora tiptoed her way around The Garrison, holding her breath until her back was firmly placed against the door behind the bar.
Looking through the front doors she spotted two police officers engaging in conversation facing the other way, unaware of her presence and taking this as their only chance she raised her arm and frantically waved towards Arthur.
"Bloody'ell!" She cursed to herself, hitting her head with the palm of her hand as she watched Arthur stumble his way through the pub, his boots crunching against glass as he went.

"There we go! As beautiful as ever!" Arthur declared holding the crate of whiskey they had put together, surprisingly without a sound.
Finally it was done, now it was time to leave and Aurora couldn't of been more glad. While it had been fun, she was now in need of a cup of tea.
"Time to go Arthur" Aurora chirped throwing open the door and peering outside "The two coppers are still there"
"So we 'ave what we came for, what can they do now?" Arthur smirked pushing his way out the door and heading for the front exit.
"Arthur! Where are you going?!" Aurora bit out, her eyes wide as she watched him walk out, uncaring of the officers.
If he could walk out the front doors why couldn't they of just walked through them in the first place?
Nevertheless Aurora followed on behind him and escaped in the crisp winter air once again.

"Oi!" She heard as she leaned down to slip under the rope and turning her head to the side Aurora saw they had been spotted.
"Lovely morning isn't it officers, run Aurora!" Arthur yelled, suddenly taking off and sprinting away.
"Arthur!" Aurora screeched with a laugh running after him, picking up her pace once she heard footsteps gaining on her "Arthur! Me shoes! They're still back there!"
"Fook your fookin' shoes, run!"

"Look at the bloody state of you!" Polly exclaimed taking in Aurora's the holes in Aurora's stockings and the blood that ran down her knees, all the way to her shoeless feet.
"What's wrong Aunt Pol?" Aurora enquired looking at her in confusion.
"You look like a street rat! All this for some whiskey, get in there!" Polly demanded pointing towards the sitting room before turning her glare on Arthur "You keep that girl out your schemes from now on!"
"Don't be like that Pol she had fun" Arthur scoffed coming to his own defence as Aurora did as Polly asked and walked away, sending him a smirk over her shoulder.
"This family is going fucking mad, I won't be a part of it! And Arthur I want a bottle of that whiskey leaving on my desk" Polly ordered with a sigh and she turned and walked to where Aurora was sitting.

"What 'appened to you?" Esme laughed from across the room. She had been feeding the little one when Aurora walked in looking more than rough.
"Whiskey" Aurora responded with a groan. Her feet were now screaming in protest and the dryness in her throat was slowly starting to choke her.
"Take your stockings off we need to get you cleaned up" Polly told Aurora strictly, appearing in the room and giving her a lazy smile, Aurora reached out and gently patted her hand.
"I love you Pol"
"What is it that you want?" Polly sighed with a roll of her eyes taking in Aurora's cheeky expression.
"A cup of tea please....but only if you want to" Aurora expressed, not wanting to come across as demanding.
"Alright but I want those stockings off by the time I get back"
"Yes Aunt Pol!"

Turning her attention back to Esme, Aurora looked down at the bundle of joy falling to sleep in his mother's arms.
"What's it like?" Aurora whispered softly, smiling at her newest nephew.
"It's the best feelin' in the world, I didn't know I could love someone more than John. I love the others of course but the bond between a mother and her new baby....I can't put it into words" Stroking her baby's cheek lovingly, Esme stared at him in adoration.
"It's beautiful"
Motherhood was truly beautiful to Aurora and one day she wished to have what Esme has now.
"It is, I better go put him down for 'is sleep. I'll see you later" Esme nodded as she rose to her feet and headed for the front door.
"Bye Esme"

Aurora felt uncomfortable and guilty. Polly was currently on her knees, washing Aurora's legs and squeezing out the bits of glass and stone from her cuts. Aurora had insisted on doing it herself but Polly had argued that it was best she do it. Having a queen resting by her feet wasn't right to Aurora, it should of been her by Polly's feet. Her appreciation for Polly could not be measured, the woman was a saint with the wrath of Satan.
Aurora's body ached and the warmth from the water was beginning to put her to sleep. The morning had been an early one and Aurora wanted to go to bed yet it was only reaching the afternoon and Aurora couldn't miss her first family meeting. It was important that she be there for Tommy.

Letting out a huff of air, Aurora slumped further into her seat.
"I shouldn't of done that" she announced closing her eyes with a long sigh.
"Having regrets sweetheart?" Polly mocked smiling up at the woman as she finished cleaning up her legs.
"What if something had 'appened? We could of been seriously hurt or worse!" Aurora shuddered, guilt now eating her up inside. The words she so desperately wanted to get out were on the tip of her tongue, threatening to escape into the world and drop a weight on her shoulders.
Up to now she had denied them, brushing them aside and focusing on everything else but her issue yet today had made that issue smack Aurora right in the face.

"What's happening Aurora? You don't feel guilty about climbing roofs. I know you and I know something is bothering you" Polly frowned as Aurora opened her eyes and looked down at her in defeat.
"M'not sure Polly...I don't know...the signs are there but I don't think....I don't know" Aurora stuttered, her mind and heart racing.
"What signs Aurora?" Polly asked watching Aurora beginning to panic and tightly grip the arms of the chair.

"M'late Aunt Pol"

I really hope Wattpad is back to normal and I can interact it's you guys in the comments again 😩❤️

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