Lost at shore

By insertcoffeetobegin

86 4 2

Mias eyes fluttered open to the sound of waves and seagulls. As she laid on the ground gazing at the clear bl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

21 1 0
By insertcoffeetobegin

As Mia opened her eyes, darkness was all she could see. She couldn't remember where she was. A cold breeze brushed up against her skin, sending chills through her body. There was a dull throbbing in her head. Waves crashed into something, causing her to panic. That's when everything flooded back. The thunder, the lightning, the plane violently shaking, and the sudden drop. The throbbing in her head increased, her heart races against her chest and fear engulfed her. Everything was numb, she couldn't move. She tried to scream but, nothing. Not even a sound. More waves crashed against the plane, causing it to sway back and forth. Mia closed her eyes hoping it was all just a dream but, when she opened them again, darkness was all she saw. How long was she knocked out for and where were they.

The sudden smell of smoke alarmed everyone.
"Fire," shouted a voice from the back.

"Everyone stay calm! Do not panic!" Someone ordered

The emergency exit door was opened in the front. The cabin crew ushering everyone toward the exit. Passengers were rushing to get out. Mia couldn't move as the flames got closer, she sat in her seat, watching everything unfold. The smoke thickened, the plane was heating up and the flames were rising.

"Come on," said a voice next to her.

With shaking hands, Mia unbuckled her seat belt and tried making her way toward the exit. She followed the Man in front of her, tripping over luggages in the process. Another crash of waves brushed up against the plane causing it to sway.  The blazing flames crept closer. Her heart beating faster not know where they were. Could they be afloat in the middle of the ocean?

Once at the exit, Mia looked down and noticed that the evacuation slide was inflated, landing on water. Fear took over. Unable to move just as raging flames approached her. Someone grabbed her wrist, pulling her down the slid. Crashing into the cold water just in time. The hand still holding on to her, tugging her away from the plane. Everyone stood in the cold water, watching everything unfold.

Suddenly, she was no longer stand in water. She looked around and noticed sand and trees. Letting out a breath, she didn't know she was keeping in.
"You okay?" asked the guy who was seated next to her on the plane. Mia just nodded.

They walked up the shore toward the palm trees. Helping her settle down. He examined her wound.

"Stay here, don't move," he said while walking away.
Mia sat, watched the water distinguish the flames.
The left wing of the plane had broken off and drifted away into the ocean. The windows that were near the propellers were shattered and the side of the plane was covered in black ashes. Everything seemed hazy and the pain in her head increased.

The man returned with a medical bag and knelt down next to Mia. She watched him carefully as he whipped the dry blood off her face then, he wet a swap with alcohol.

"This is gonna sting a bit." He told her, while applying the wet swab to her gash. She hissed and he uttered a soft apology. Finally, after patching up the wound. "Just keep pressure on," he told her while place her hand on the wound. His sea green eyes looking into her chocolate brown ones. He lifted his index finger and made her follow it with her eyes without moving her head. She did as he asked.

"Your a doctor?" She questioned.

"Forth year med student, it looks like you have a concussion," he told her. "The suitcase hit you pretty hard," He said, while digging through the bag for something. "Here," he said, dropping two Tylenol into her hand, "This will help with headache."

" Thanks, Mia uttered while taking the pills.

"I'm Nate by the ways."

"Mia." she said while looking out at the water.

Suddenly, A sour taste burnt her throat. Mia got up, ran toward the bushes and threw up. Whipping her mouth with her selves. She felt dizzy and unbalanced Mia felt strong arms wrap around her, trying to steady her.
"Woah!" She heard Nate say. She noticed his lips moving, but she couldn't hear him. Suddenly, Her vision went blurry and everything went black.

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