Embrace the Beauty BoOk 3

By and_thebad_wolfStory

186 0 0

"Her beauty raged with fire that even demons Wouldn't dare to touch" 🔥 ~~Hugh Cofty~~ 🔥... More

Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
Fallen Idols
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
Season 6
Exile on Main St.
The Return 
The French Mistake

Good God, Y'all

12 0 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory

The night before..

Darcey sat in the car, Dean sat in the drivers seat. The comfortable silence between the two filled the car, even though to Darcey she felt it was suffocating. She looked back every once and a whole to see Grayson still sleeping. The aftermath of what just had previously happened weighed heavily on her shoulders. Letting out a sigh, Dean breaks the quite.

"Uh, so, the whole Hepha- whatever thing, what's that about?" Dean says, wanting to talk about anything but what just occurred between the siblings.

Darcey let his question hang in the air, she didn't even know enough about it herself to give him a proper answer. Her mind not even focusing on that new issue at all.

"Darcey?" Dean calls out when it's been quiet for too long. He looked over to her, she looked down at her lap and played with the hem of her sleeve.

"I don't know, really. Zachariah said something about it when were where in that weird, white room before the Lilith killing...then in the storage unit, you heard he said I was a vessel...or something.." her words stop, having just said everything she knew, hoping it was enough for him to at the least leave it alone so they could focus on a more prominent problem they had at the moment. She moved a loose hair stand back in place behind here ear as she waited for a response.

"Okay...this is some Wonder Twins crap I didn't sign up for." Dean says shaking his head. His hands clench the wheel, maybe he was holding it a bit too tight because he could see his knuckles turning white.

Darcey smiles a little. Thankful he wasn't mad at her for keeping the information from him, she guessed because of his tense posture, all his anger was still pointed at Sam..

She hoped things would get better with time, that is, if they survive the devil.
If she were going to die, she would want the three Winchester children to be a whole family, instead of being angry with each other.

The next Day, Hospital...


Darcey leans against the door frame. The Evident awkwardness between the oldest and youngest Winchester made The two just the bit uncomfortable as they stood side-by-side, starring at Bobby who sat in a wheelchair gazing sadly out the hospital window. 
When Dean and Grayson came back with something dangling in Dean's hands as he walked towards his siblings.
Darcey let out a breath. Slightly wishing she took that case with Spencer, choosing to stay with her brothers was her decision though and she stuck with it.
Even if all she wanted to do was be anywhere but.
Upon seeing his mother, the 11 going on 12 year old made his way over to her with a Hop, skip, and a jump and landed at her legs.  Smiling, Darcey bent down and gave him a quick hug.

"It's been, what, like, three days now?" Dean says as Darcey stands up.
She shoos Grayson and tells him to go wander, only far enough so she could still see him from where she stood.
Darcey sighs sadly looking back at her father like figure.
"We have to cheer him up." Dean said "maybe I'll give him a back rub."
Darcey scoffs. "Good luck with that." She says 

"Guys.." Sam said looking at the two, a serious face planted on the youngest Winchester as he was clearly not in the mood for jokes.

"Well, what then?" Dean asks not sure how to make Bobby feel better after being told he can't ever walk again.
"Look, we might have to wrap our heads around the idea...that Bobby might not just bounce back this time." Sam says

"Hey, what's in the envelope?" Darcey asks, trying to change the subject.
"Went down to Radiology, got some glamour shots." Dean says opening the envelope and handed Sam some X-Rays.  "Let's just say the doctors are baffled."

"Holy crap." Sam said
Darcey looked, she stood on her tiptoes trying to see too, Sam looks down and shakes his head as he brings his arms down lower for her to have a better look.

"Wow." She says looking at the engraved symbols sketched on the ribs.
"Yeah, well, Cass carved you two one too." Dean says
Suddenly, a phone started ringing, Darcey reaches for hers, when she feels no vibration, she looks to see Sam answering his.

"Hello?" Sam says

"Huh, speak of the devil." Dean said


After a while, the said angel walked up the the three.

"A cell phone? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?" Dean asks the man in his trench coat.

"You are hidden from the angels now. All angels. I won't be able to simply—-"

Bobby Interrupts from inside the room. "enough foreplay." He says "get over here and lay your damn hand on"

Castiel stays put between the siblings.
"Get healing." Bobby calls out. "Now."

"I can't." Castiel said
Bobby turns his chair. "Say again?" He said to the angel.
"I'm cut off from heaven." Castiel says walking into the room. "And much of the power. Certain things i can do, certain things I can't."

"You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time...to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life?"

"I'm sorry." Castiel says

"Shove it up your ass." Bobby says turning back to the window.
Dean leans back, "at least he's talking now." He says
"I heard that." Bobby calls out.

"We don't have much time. We need to talk." Castiel says
"All right. .." Dean said

"Your plan to kill Lucifer..." he starts

"Yeah, you want to help?"

"No. It's foolish. It can't be done."

"Well, thanks for the support." Dean said

"But I believe I have the solution. There's someone besides Michael, strong enough to take on Lucifer. Strong enough to stop the apocalypse."

"Please don't say Hephaestus.." Darcey says "I'm not mentally prepared enough for that kind of responsibility..."

"No, it's not Hephaestus. The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane. The one who began everything." Castiel paused,

"God. I'm going to find God."


Dean closed the hospital room door closed. He turns to Castiel. "God?" He questions
"Yes. He isn't in heaven. He has to be somewhere." Castiel says
Darcey and Sam share a look as they stand by the window, not chiming in just yet.

"Huh, try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla." Dean said

Castiel squinted his eyes, "no, he's not on any flatbread."

Dean rolled his shoulders and sighed. "Listen, chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead..and that's the generous theory—-"

"He is out there." Castiel Insists.

"Or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us." Dean finishes

Dean walked away from the angel, "I mean, looks around you. The world is in the toilet. We are literally at the end of days here...and he's off somewhere, drinking booze out of a coconut, okay?"

"Enough." Castiel says "this is not a theoretical issue. It's strategic. With God's help, we can win."

"It's a pipe dream, Cass." Dean said

"I killed two angels this week. Those are my brothers. I'm hunted. I've rebelled, and I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. You, your sister and brother destroyed the world....and I lost everything for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself." 

"You didn't drop in just to tear us a new hole. What is it you want?" Bobby says

"I did come for something. An amulet." Castiel said

"An amulet?" Darcey questions

"What kind?" Bobby asks

"very rare. Very powerful. It burns hot in God's presence. It'll help me find him. " Castiel explains

"Like a, God emf?" Sam asks.

Castiel slowly nods in confirmation.

"Well, I don't know what your talking about. I got anything like that" Bobby says.

"I know you don't."
Castiel looks over to Dean, Darcey noticed they were talking about the necklace Sam got Dean for Christmas that one year.
He never takes it off, just like she never takes her's off.

"What? This?" Dean said gesturing to his neck.

"May I borrow it?" Castiel asks

"No." Dean said

"Dean, give it to me." Castiel says

Dean hesitated, for a while.
"Okay, I guess." He says then, he takes off the pendent and hands it over to the angel.
"Don't lose it." Dean tells him.

Dean shivered, "great. Now I feel naked." He says.

"I'll be in touch.," he said and disappeared.

"When you find God, tell him to send some legs." Bobby calls out.


After a while, still in Bobby's room, Darcey stood by her brothers with Grayson at her feet.

Looking up to the hunter when the phone rings, Darcey prepares herself. After the phone call, the Winchester's were off.


Darcey sat in the back of the car. Leaving Grayson with Bobby, after hearing him tell them about a possible demon infested town, she thought it was best she left him there.

When the car dove along the dirt road, Darcey gazed out the window to see up a head there was a half broken bridge stopping them from traveling by car if they were to go forward.

Sam and Dean got out first.
Then Darcey slid out and closed her window just as Dean kicked some rocks, she heard them tumble down and splash into the water below.

"It's the only road in or out." Dean says

Sam pulled out his phone and held it up.
"No Signal." He says

"Well, Rufus was right. Demons got this place on locked down." Dean said

"Looks like we're hiking in." Sam says.

"Awesome." Darcey says With a huff.

"And the hits just keep on coming." Dean said.
The three headed for they're gear and began the hike into the town.


Darcey walked in the middle of her brothers. Her gun dangled in her hands as they crossed the empty road.
She looked around the houses yards, random things lingered and cars sat parked in the driveways.
Not a single human soul to be seen.

The three slow down when they see a flipped blue car in the middle of the road.

Sam and Dean went to each side, checking the smashed windows if anyone was still inside, when they shook their heads, they continued moving forwards.

A little ahead of the blue car, a tan one. Sat running, it's front door wide open and the radio playing loudly.

Darcey raises her gun as she walks around the car,
Sam slowly reaches in and turns the car off.
Still moving forward, they pass more open cars.
When the brothers stop, Darcey noticed the blood tail.

The Winchester's turn suddenly around when they head a gun cock behind them.

"Ellen?" Darcey asks recognizing the Roadhouse owner.

"Hello, boys and girl." She says She put the gun down and moved forward.
"Ellen, what the heck's going on here?" Dean asked

Darcey finches when she all of the sudden having water thrown at her face.

"We're us." Dean says wiping the liquid from his face. Not saying anything else, she walked passed the three and they followed.

Ellen opens a door and they stop over a trap and a salt line.
She stopped the three.
"Real grad to see you, kids." She says embracing Dean with a hug.
Then, Dean turns his head at the sudden impact Ellen's hand had with his face.

"The can of whoop-ass I ought to open on you. Well, you can't pick up a phone? What are you, allergic to giving me a peace of mind? I have to find out you're alive from Rufus?"

"Sorry, Ellen." Dean said
"Oh, yeah, you better be. You better put me on speed dial, kid." She says. She then turned to Darcey. "Speaking of kids, where's that little one of yours?"

"Uh, he's with Bobby." Darcey says

Ellen nods. "Good. No place for kids here."
With that, the three continue to follow the huntress down some stairs.

"So, what's going on, Ellen?" Dean asks

"more than I can handle alone." She says

"How many demons are out there?" Sam asked

"Well, pretty much the whole town...minus the dead people. And these guys." Ellen says as they reach the last step.
"So." Ellen says turning to the three. "This is it, right? End times."
The siblings share a look.
"It has to be." She said
"Seems like it." Sam tells her.
Ellen nods and goes to open the door.
Darcey looks around the room, the guy that opens the door sands. A pregnant woman and a man who sits with his arms around her at a table.
Other people gather around, all watching as the Winchester's slowly walk in.

"This is Sam, Dean, and Darcey. They're hunters, here to help." Ellen says

"You guys hip to this whole demon thing?" The guy who opened the door says

"Yeah, are you?" Dean asks looking back at him. 

"My wife's eyes turned black. She came at me with a brick. Kinda makes you embrace the paranormal." A man at the table says

"Okay, catch us up." Dean said turning to Ellen.
"I doubt I know much more than you. Rufus called, he said he was In Town investigating omens. All the sudden, the whole town was possessed. Me and Jo were nearby—-"

"Wait, You were hunting with Jo?" Darcey asked noticing the blond wasn't even there.
Ellen nodded. "Yeah, for a while now. We got here and the place—well, the place was like you see it. Couldn't find Rufus, then me and Jo for separated. I was out looking for her when I found you."

"Don't worry. We'll find her." Dean says to comfort her.
"Either way, these people can't just sit here, we have to get them out, now." Sam says
"Oh, it's not that easy. I've been trying. We made a run for it once." Ellen says

"What happened?" Darcey asks

"Well, there used to be 20 of us." Ellen said.

"There's four of us now." Dean says
"You don't know what it's like out there. Demons are everywhere. We won't cover everyone." Ellen tells them.

"What if we get everyone guns?" Sam asks
"What, are you going to arm up baby bump over here?" Dean says nodding to the pregnant woman.

Sam shakes his head, "more salt we can fire at once, more demons we can keep away." He says

"Uh, there's a sporting goods store we passed on Main on the way in. I bet they got guns." Dean says putting his bag down.

"Okay. You stay. We'll go." Sam said to Ellen.
"Well, what about—?"

"If Jo and Rufus are out there...we'll bring them back." Sam said

Darcey put her hand on Ellen's shoulder before she turns and leaves with her brothers.

Stopping them before they moved any further, Dean says,
"Why don't I just go?"

"What?" Darcey said

"Alone?" Sam says

"Yeah, someone's gotta stay, start giving them shotgun 101." Is deans excuse.
"Why don't we go and Sam stays to give the lessons." Darcey gesturing between her and Dean.

"No, no. Why do I have to be the one—"
Sam says pushing forward, Dean stops him by putting his hands on his chest.
"It'll go faster if you stay and help." He says

"While you two go get guns and salt and look for Jo and Rufus?" Sam says
"That's stupid." Darcey said crossing her arms. 
"No, while I go. You stay here too, D." Dean said looking to Darcey
"Uh, no. I'm going, Sam's stays." She said  putting her foot down.
Dean sighs. "I can handle it." He says

"You don't want me going out there." Sam said

"What, I didn't say that." Dean defends

"Around demons." Sam pushes

"I didn't say that." Dean repeats.

"Then Fine. Let's go." Sam says

Dean shares a look with Darcey, she shrugged her shoulders and followed after Sam.

Outside, Darcey walks beside Dean as she holds her gun.

"I'll get the salt, you two get the guns." Sam instructs.

"Uh, no. We'll go together." Dean said

"Dean, it's right there. Can we at least do this like professionals?"


Dean and Darcey walked into the store, she put a bag down on the ground.
"Sammy?" Dean calls out.
When the two don't get an answer, they are quick with their guns to walk over to where they could see Sam.
Looking down, Darcey sees two demons laying on the floor in a puddle of blood.


Darcey Sat at the table, she was showing a few people how to load a gun.
She taught them as Sam taught another few people.
Dean stood by Austin, the man who opens and closes the door.
Dean places the gun up right on the table Darcey was sitting at, she looked up to them,

"So, you know your way around a gun at all?" Dean asks him.
Darcey and Dean watch him as he disabled the gun and placed it in the table. Dean nods impressively at him.

"Where'd you serve?" Dean asks knowingly.
"Fallujah. Two tours. Got back a little over a year ago. Takes one to know one. Where'd you serve?" Austin asks

"Hell." Dean responds

Austin laughs. "Seriously." He says

"Seriously. Hell." Dean tells him.

"Hey." Dean says as he sits down by Sam who sits alone.
"Hey." Sam reply's.
"What's wrong?" Dean said looking to him.
Sam hesitates before answering.

"Just—at the store, those demons are possessing teenagers. I mean, I hat to slit some kids throat." Sam said regrettably.

"Oh, come on, Sam. You had to." Dean tells him.
Sam shakes his head, "I know. It's just—-it used to be like—I just wish I could save people like I used to."

"What do you mean, when you were all hopped up on demon blood?"  Dean asks

"I didn't say that." Sam says

Ellen and Darcey came forward. "I'll be back." Ellen says

"Where you going?" Dean asks

"I can't sit on my ass. My daughter's out there. I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get there's people out of here." She tells them.
Darcey nods.

"No, wait." Sam says stopping Ellen.
The boys stand up.
"I'll go with you." Sam said

"Okay, hold on. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Dean asks

Dean, Darcey, and Sam all excuse themselves as they go through the door for privacy.
Darcey didn't really know what was going on, but she felt the need to be there just in case things were going to escalate between the brothers. She could feel the tension as she walked up to them.

"You would go out there again?" Dean asks
"Uh, well, Crap doesn't hit the fan with coffee breaks." Sam says

"I'll go." Dean said

"No, its fine. You two stay here. Get them ready. I'll go cover Ellen." Sam tells them.

"Okay, what's going on?" Darcey asks

"Why does it have to be you?" Dean asks ignoring Darcey

"Oh, that's right, I forgot. You think I'll take one look at a demon and fall of the wagon. As if after everything, I haven't learned my lesson." Sam says

"Whoa—What?" Darcey says not understanding what was happening, she didn't think that of Sam, she knew how bad he felt and she knew he wouldn't do it again, especially after how much he hurt Dean and her.
But clearly she missed something.

"Well, have you?" Dean asked

Sam raised his arms and placed them on Dean's chest and gave him a shove, Dean's back hit the wall.
"Sam.." Darcey says stepping in front of Dean.
Though dean being taller than her, he could still see Sam as he looked right at him, "if you actually think I—" Sam stopped his words and walked away.
Darcey turned to Dean, "What was that about?" She asks
Dean starred at her, contemplating on telling her or not,
Deciding not to, be shaking his head. "Forget about it." He grunted and Wales back to the others.
Sighing, she follows Dean out.


Darcey sat in one of the chairs. Aggravated and slightly hungry. She still had no idea what happened between her brothers, Dean was being distant as he paced by the door while the group prayed.

Suddenly, a heavy knock at the door was brought to Darcey's attention.
She stood up and waited as Dean looked though the peep hole.
Removing the thing that held the door, Dean opens it and in come Ellen, Ellen without Sam.

"Where's Sam?" Dean and Darcey manage to ask in unison.
Ellen walked over to the table and put her gun down, she turns to them, they walk closer as she shakes her head and sits down.

"They took him? Demons took him?" A girl says. "What if they're in here?" She asks sacredly
"Could they get in?" The Priest asks

"No." Dean says picking up a gun. Darcey grabs hers as well.
"Everyone sit tight. We gotta—-" dean pauses by the door and looks back to everyone..he looks to Darcey and sighs.

"Okay. We need a plan. Tell me everything." Dean said to Ellen.

"Dean, one of them's in Jo." Ellen says.
Darcey sits beside Dean as they sit in front of Ellen. "We have to get it out without hurting her. It called me a bitch."

"You Bruising a little easy, don't you think?" Dean says
"Oh, uh, it's not what I meant. It called me a black-eyed bitch." Ellen clarifies.

Dean shares a confused look with Darcey.
"What kind of demons are these? Holy wanted and salt roll right off." Ellen says "my daughter may be an idiot, but she's not stupid. She wears an anti-possession charm. It's all kind of weird, right?"

"The whole things off." Dean says

"So, what's your instinct?" Ellen asks

"My Instinct? My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help or Sam." Dean said

"Well, tough. All you got is me and all I got is you two. So let's figure it out."

"Okay." Dean says
Darcey nods her head. "Was there a specific omen? Why did Rufus come here?" She asks

"He said something about water. That's what I know." Ellen tells her.

"Padre, you know what she's talking about? The water?" Dean asks over to the father.

He walked over to the three. "Uh, the river ran polluted, all of the sudden." He says

"When?" Darcey asks

"Last Wednesday. The demon thing started up the next day." Austin says

"Anything else? Anything?" Dean asks

"Maybe, but it's pretty random." He said

"Good, random's good." Dean says

"A shooting star. Does that count? Real big. Same night, Wednesday." Austin tells them.

"Yeah, well, that definitely counts." Dean says and gets up. Darcey watches as he goes over to the bookshelf and pulls out the Bible.
"So you think all this comes from outer space?" Austin asks

"This isn't X-Files, pal." Dean says reading.
He flipped through a page and started reading out loud when he ground what he was looking for.
""And there fell a great star from heaven, burning like a torch. And it fell upon the river, and the name of the star was Wormwood. And many men died."" When Dean was done he shares a look with Ellen and Darcey.
"Revelation 8:10." The priest says "are you saying that this is about the apocalypse?"

"If you want to take it that way..." Darcey says.

"These specific omens, they're prelude to what?" Dean asks

"The four horsemen." He answers

"And which one rides the red horse?" Dean asked

"War." The priest and Darcey answer.

Dean turns to Darcey. "That cherry Mustang Parked on main?"

"You can't possibly think that a car is—"

"It's the way I'd roll. I mean, think about it. It all makes sense. If War's a dude and he's here, maybe he's messing with our heads." Dean comes up with.
Darcey nods in agreement.

"They're turning us on each other." Ellen says.
"You said Jo called you a black-eyed bitch. They think we're demons. We think they're demons." Dean says "what if there are no demons? What if we're just killing each other?"

"Wait, just back up." The pastor says "it's the apocalypse?"

"Yeah, sorry, Padre."  Dean says.


Darcey sat, holding her her hands to her head as she rubbed her temples.

"So now you're saying that there are no demons and that War is a guy." Austin says as he paces back and forth with his arms crossed over his chest.
Dean and Ellen stood as they tried to explain what was going on.

"You believed crazy before." Dean says

Suddenly, there's a banging at the door.
"Open up! It's Roger!" The call out.

Darcey stands up and walks over by Dean.
Austin goes over to the door and opens it.
Rodger comes in panting, "I saw them. The demons. They know we're trying to leave. They said they're going to pick us off." He says

"Wait, wait, wait, what?" Dean asks
"I thought you said that there were no demons." Austin says
"There's not. Where did you go?" Dean asks
"I thought someone should go out." Roger exclaims.
"Where what did they say exactly?" Dean asks

"We just sit here, we're going to be dead." Austin said
"No, we're not." Darcey says
"They're going to kill us unless we kill them first." Rodger says
"All right, hold on." Dean said trying to calm everyone down.
"No, we have people to protect." Austin says "Okay, the able-bodied go, hunt some demons."

"Whoa, whoa, slow your roll. This is not a demon thing." Dean says

Suddenly, everyone was looking at them,
"Look at their eyes! They're demons!" He calls out.
Rodger starts loading the gun and Dean is quick to usher Darcey and Ellen our of the room.


"We're all on the same page?" Ellen asks once they were all in the house, Darcey and Dean nod. "Good. Hi, Jo." Dean says over to the blond.
Jo nods "hey." She says

"All right. We have to find War before everybody in—-" Dean's words are cut off by a few gun shots sounding outside. Dean immediately brings his arm around Darcey as they duck down to the ground.

"Damn it" Dean calls out. "Where's Sam?"  He asks

"Upstairs." Rufus says

Ellen hands Jo her gun and the twins and Ellen head upstairs.

Once dean opens the door, Darcey sees Sam sat in a chair tied up.
"Guys, it's not demons." He says "it's War."

"It's War. We know." Darcey says going over to the other side and  starts to untie Sam.
"We just can't figure out how he's doing it." Dean says

"The ring." Sam says

"The ring! Right. He turned it right before he made everybody hallucinate us going hell-Bitch." Dean said

The Winchester's quickly exited the room.


The boys were quick to grab War, stopping him from getting in his red Mustang.
Darcey and Dean held him, Sam pulled out the knife.

"Whoa. All right. That's a sweet little knife, but come on. You can't kill War, kiddos." He taunts.

"Oh, we know." Dean said.
Dean and Darcey then twisted his arm and Sam grabbed it and held it down on top of the car, he used the knife to chop his finger off. The car and War disappeared, Darcey bent down and picked up the bloody ring, she handed it over to Dean.


Darcey sat beside Dean as they rested on a park picnic table. 
She rested her head in her hands as her elbows held her up.
Dean held up the ring.
"Uh, so pit stop on Mount Doom?" He says

"Funny." Darcey says as she observed her surroundings. She's always appreciated the nature and the scenery of the places they ended up.

"Dean—" Sam begins.
"Sam, let's not." Dean says

"No, listen. This is important." Sam tells him.
"I know you don't trust me. Neither of you do." He says looking to Darcey.
"It's Just—Now I realize something. I don't trust me either. From the minute I saw that blood, the only thought in my head...and I tell myself it's for the right reasons. My intentions are good and it feels true, you know? But I think, underneath...I just miss the feeling. I know how messed up that sounds...which means I know how messed up I am. The thing is, the problem's not the demon blood. Not really. I mean, I—-what I did? I can't blame the blood or Ruby....or anything. The problem's me.  How far I'll go. There's something in me that...scared the hell out of me."

Darcey lets his words sink in.

"And in the last couple days, I caught another glimpse. Sam says finishing.

Dean looks over to him, "so, what are you saying?" He asks

"I'm in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back because I'm dangerous. Maybe it's best we just go our separate ways." Sam says

Darcey looks over to Dean, a certain look she can't quite figure out on His face.
Dean nods slowly. "Well, I think you're right." He says.

Sam flinches back surprised. "I was kinda expecting a fight." He says

"The truth is, I spent more time worrying about you..than about doing the job right. I just—I can't afford that, you know? Not now." Dean says

"I'm sorry." Sam said

"I know you are, Sam." Dean tells him.

Darcey reaches over the table and latches her hand with Sam's.
Giving it a small squeeze, he returns one.
The three stay seated and let the sound of the birds fill the silence between them.
After a while, Sam moved to get up.
"Hey," Dean says halting Sam's action.
"You want to take the Impala?" He asks

Sam shook his head. "That's okay." He said.
Dean nodded and Sam gets up. Before leaving, he turns around, "take care of yourself, Dean. You as well, CC.

Darcey nodded. "You too, Sammy." She says
The twins watch as Sam reaches in the back seat and takes out his backpack.

Darcey rests her head on Dean's shoulder as they watch Sam drive away.


Okay, that episode took way too long for my liking.
Just a quick note, I'm honestly writing with for my self. I don't care about the reads or votes (though they are appreciated!)

I just wanted to see if I can write a fan-fiction.

Anyway, thanks for reading if you do,

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