Dream Love: Book 1 - Love is...

By Exitian

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Shin Ryujin and Hwang Hyunjin are each others opposite attracts. They are in their Senior year in Dream High... More

Chapter 1: She exists.
Character Guide
Chapter 2: No way!
Chapter 3: You're late!
Chapter 4: Fire and Ice
Chapter 5: Dance
Chapter 6: Opposites attract
Chapter 7: Phone call
Chapter 8: Falling
Chapter 9: Touch
Chapter 10: Actions speak louder
Chapter 11: Surprise visit
Chapter 12: First kiss
Chapter 14: Eavesdropping in a heartbeat
Chapter 15: Emotions
Chapter 16: Together
Chapter 17: Finale

Chapter 13: Caught in a moment

504 26 6
By Exitian

Ryujin sat on Chaeryeong's bed and watched as her best friend paced back and forth across her room. Every now and than she would see a tear spill over and sigh as Chaeryeong stopped talking a mile a minute and collapse on the ground, crying. She'd been watching this for the past thirty minutes and was secretly getting sick of it. Yes, Chaeryeong was her best friend and yes the fact that she and Felix had broken up really broke her heart, but there was only so much she could take and seeing Chaeryeong collapse in tears for the fiftieth time since arriving and being slightly annoyed with her for ringing up at such a crucial moment caused Ryujin to do something that she'd never thought she'd have to do. She grabbed the glass of water sitting on Chaeryeong's dresser and she threw it over her.

"What? What was that for?" Chaeryeong spluttered after a moments shock.

"Stop crying, because it won't bring Felix back," Ryujin snapped at her, letting her frustration show a little more than intended.

Chaeryeong stared at her in shock. "Okay, I thought you'd be a little more sympathetic, mainly because I got you out of spending more time with Hyunjin, the guy you supposedly hate," she shot back.

Ryujin sighed and closed her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face as the memory of his arm around her waist came flooding back. "I don't hate him, and I am sympathetic, but seriously, you're testing my patience. You can watch somebody collapse in tears only so many times."

Chaeryeong looked at her, studying her best friend carefully. "You kissed him didn't you?"

The question caught Ryujin off guard and she answered without thinking. "Just a peck, you rang up before our lips actually did more than just touched," she replied with a sigh and then her eyes widened as she realized what she had said.

"YOU KISSED HIM?" Chaeryeong shrieked.

Ryujin jumped, her face screwing up at the sudden loud noise. "Ah jinjja, Chaeryeong, you just went from being a mouse to an elephant in the noise department and why do you care? Ten seconds ago you were lying on the floor in tears."

"Whatever, details, I want details, and don't you dare say there are none because you'd be lying to your best friend who really, really, needs her mind to be taken off what happened earlier. Please tell me something," Chaeryeong begged her standing up and giving her a pleading look.

"You're not going to get anything from me, mainly because nothing happened, there are no details and why does my phone keep going off when I get to something important?" Ryujin snapped as her phone rang for the second time that evening. She picked it up off Chaeryeong's bed, which was where it had been sitting for the past half an hour and looked at who was calling. She blushed when she recognized the number.

"It's him, isn't it?" Chaeryeong asked seeing her blush, she glared at her and then answered the phone.

"They broke-up," Hyunjin stated and Ryujin sighed.

"I know are you over at his place?" she asked turning from Chaeryeong, whose eyes had suddenly welled up again, Ryujin could tell she'd guessed who she had been referring to.

"Would 'kill me now' be an answer to your question?" he replied sarcastically.

Ryujin laughed, suddenly forgetting what had happened between them before and falling into a conversation that seemed so familiar. "Depends on how I interpret it."

"No, it depends on whether or not you decide to ignore or take notice of my tone of voice."

She could picture him shrugging. "Hyunjin, that's something that I would say," she stated rolling her eyes.

"Hmmm, you're right, how about this? Ryujin, I was being sarcastic and can you please kill me now because Felix has just started to throw his basketball at the brick wall in his backyard and I really don't want to make an attempt at stopping him," Hyunjin sounded pained.

Ryujin had a feeling that Felix had been doing more than just throwing basketball's at walls. "Wanna swap? Chaeryeong's been crying for the past thirty minutes." She then felt a bizarre rush of emotion as she heard him laugh.

"Yeah, sure, you dodge the balls while I deal with a crying girl. With your coordination and my brilliant ways of understanding the female mind, we'll get them to settle down in no time," Hyunjin said just as sarcastic as before. Ryujin burst into laughter and he joined in.

"Okay, sure, was there a purpose to this call?" Ryujin asked calming down.

Hyunjin was silent for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to bring up what had happened.

"Yeah, there is, I was looking over the project sheet and remember how Master Ailee gave us more work to do, as a punishment? Well, we have to do that movie review on 'Pride and Prejudice'." He said and Ryujin froze as soon as she heard the words.

"Oh my God, you're right. How did I forget about that?" she gasped hitting her forehead.

"You were probably too busy arguing with me."

Ryujin could see him smirking. "Ha, ha you're hilarious. Seriously though, what are we going to do?" Suddenly she felt Chaeryeong tap her shoulder, she motioned 'one second' with her finger and returned to her conversation with Hyunjin.

"Well, there's no point in watching it tonight. Felix's already asked if I can stay the night, what about after practice tomorrow?" he sounded thoughtful.

Ryujin racked her brain, wondering if she really wanted to come up with an excuse to not see him outside of school. "Uhm, sure, that sounds okay, my house?"

Hyunjin blew out a breath. "Yeah, unless you really want to talk to my Dad."

Ryujin laughed, ignoring Chaeryeong who was now signaling for her to get off the phone. "I don't think your Dad and I would get along that well, if he's anything like his son," she teased.

"Probably not, listen Ryujjn, I've got to go, Felix just broke a window." Hyunjin now sounded worried.

"Oh, have fun." Ryujin said and Hyunjin grunted before hanging up. She sighed and hung up, she turned back to an annoyed Chaeryeong. She took one look at her friends face and knew that her best friend was about to blow her stack at her.

"Felix?" Ryujin found herself saying weakly, she then found herself watching in amazement as Chaeryeong suddenly collapsed in tears at the mere mention of Felix. For a moment she didn't know whether to laugh or to try and comfort her friend. She settled for sitting on the bed and silently stroking Chaeryeong's hair. Knowing it was going to be a long night.


For the fifth time since arriving at school, Ryujin yawned. She was so tired. She'd spent half the night up comforting Chaeryeong and trying to find out why exactly Felix had broken up with her and the other half trying to figure out what had happened with Hyunjin. Given the fact that she hadn't had enough time to think about it, Ryujin felt more confused than she had in a long time. Hyunjin was right when he had said he'd won most of the arguments. He was the only one who had ever, really beaten her in an argument and now that she thought about it maybe that was part of the reason she felt so attracted to him. He seemed to know how to beat her and, although she would never admit it out loud, he had her stumped half the time. Ryujin knew that she didn't have Hwang Hyunjin figured out and for some reason, she didn't really care that she had lost most of the arguments. If anything, every time they fought she found out more about him than she'd ever thought possible.

"Hey," Hyunjin's voice pulled Ryujin out of her thoughts and she turned to look at him. He looked as tired and worn out as she did. She made a pathetic attempt at a smile.

"Hi, you look as good as I feel." she stated.

Hyunjin laughed. "Thanks, I never knew that Felix could talk so much." He ran a hand through his hair as Ryujin laughed.

"And I never knew Chaeryeong could cry so much."

"So we still on for tonight?"

Ryujin felt her heart speed up slightly, why had he done that? He'd made it sound like a date. "Yep, who's going to write the review?"

"I dunno, you tell me. You're the smart one."

Ryujin poked her tongue out at him.

"Again with the tongue poking? What are you? Twelve?" Hyunjin laughed making Ryujin hit his shoulder.

"No, I'm just too tired to actually bother getting into an argument with you and tongue poking takes less energy," she said.

Hyunjin grinned at her and than watched as she yawned. "Oh good, I don't have to worry about comebacks now."

Ryujin glared at him. "Yes, lucky you," she agreed as the warning bell rang, they both jumped.

"Okay, look I have to go, so I'll see you at your house," Hyunjin said and Ryujin nodded, only just realizing how close they had become.

"Sure, bye." She agreed and then watched as he jogged off; Ryujin wondered how they had become so comfortable with each other.

Hyunjin sighed in relief as Master Yunho clap his hand, signaling the end of practice. For a moment he wondered exactly how he had managed to stay awake through training and then grimaced as he remembered that if he had stopped his coach would have made him lap the oval. An experience that Hyunjin never wanted to repeat, it had been pure torture, like arguing with Ryujin. He felt a small smile pull at his lips as he thought about her and their first kiss. Suddenly he remembered that he was meant to be at her place and groaned. He was running late. Ryujin was going to kill him. Hyunjin took off, wondering if he should shower and be late and risk getting his head bitten off. Or not shower and risk getting his head bitten off anyway. He shrugged, either way he ended up with no head. At least it could be a clean head.

"Chae, stop crying, I can't hug you right now, no I can't. We're on the phone remember?" Hyunjin heard Ryujin's voice before she opened the door and seriously hoped that Chaeryeong hadn't put her in a bad mood. He really didn't feel like dealing with Ryujin in a bad mood, he'd become adjusted to their playful arguments even if they did end awkwardly, besides he was beyond tired. He jumped a bit when the door swung open and Ryujin appeared.

"Chaeryeong, I've got to go," Ryujin hung up without bothering to hear what she was going to say.

"Don't even try and say 'you're late.'" Hyunjin warned her.

"I wasn't going to. Are you okay?" She really didn't know why she had asked him that, it had made her sound like she cared. He just looked…different. He didn't look like the Hyunjin she'd grown accustomed to, he looked tired and worn out.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I dunno you just look…" she trailed off trying to find the words to describe him.

"Like you?" he guessed.

Ryujin burst into laughter. "Yes Hyunjin, you look exactly like me, cat-like and all," she giggled.

"That's not what I meant; I was talking about the fact that you look completely exhausted."

"Exhausted is a good word for it," she admitted yawning to prove her point. She felt her stomach do a funny flip when Hyunjin laughed.

"Way to be dramatic Shin Ryujin, come on lets watch this movie before we both fall asleep in the doorway," he said and Ryujin nodded, agreeing with him and then laughing as he yawned again.

"So you have a choice between the six-hour version of 'Pride and Prejudice' or the two hour version," she said surprising herself with the fact that they had both versions. She glanced up and caught sight of Hyunjin's horrified look and laughed.

"I, however, will take that look as a definite no to the six-hour version."

Hyunjin nodded in relief when he heard her say that. "Good," he said closing his eyes, Ryujin looked over at him. He was stretched out on the couch and looked incredibly comfortable.

"Ya Hwang Hyunjin, don't go to sleep. You've got to watch this," she half-yelled at him. Hyunjin's eyes snapped open and he stared at her. Ryujin felt herself go slightly red as she met his penetrating sharp gaze.

"Thanks for reminding me Shin Ryujin," he said annoyed at her, he'd just gotten comfortable.

"Sorry, now sit up. Cause I want to sit there," she replied, as the menu for 'Pride and Prejudice' appeared on the television screen. With a groan Hyunjin shifted up so that there was room for her.

"Thank you." Ryujin smiled at him and settled herself down next to him, acutely aware of how close they were and the fact that she'd only gotten two hours sleep the night before. As she watched Keira Knightly walk across a boardwalk she felt her eyelids grow heavy and within seconds of the movie starting she was sound asleep.

Hyunjin jumped a bit when he felt something heavy drop onto his shoulders. Turning his head, he made a strangled noise when he came face to face with a sleeping Ryujin. This wasn't good. He was used to his twin sister sleeping on his shoulder, not any girl, who happened to be the girl that was messing with his head really badly.

Hyunjin winced slightly as her head began to dig into his shoulder, half an hour later. He looked around for a pillow and found none. Closing his eyes, he did the only thing he could do to relieve his shoulder from any more pain. Gently, he lifted his hands and took her face in his hand. Guiding her head, very, very gently he placed her head on his lap. Ryujin shifted slightly and sighed, she rolled to face the television and Hyunjin breathed a sigh of relief, and rubbed his shoulder, glad he had done something before it had begun to really hurt. Almost unconsciously, he draped his arm over Ryujin's side and let his hand rest on her flat stomach. He smiled and tried himself so hard to concentrate on the movie, guessing he would end up writing the review.

Ryujin shifted slightly as she began to become aware of her surroundings. She'd had such a nice sleep. Suddenly her eyes snapped open as she realized that she wasn't in her room and the thing her head was resting on wasn't her pillow and the noise was not the piano music her mother played in the morning. Glancing down she saw an arm resting on her stomach and almost had a panic attack before she finally realized that it was only Hyunjin's. Her eyes widened when she registered what she had thought and that's when she remembered that she was in the living room, and the piano music was coming from the movie that was playing. Slowly she rolled onto her back and looked up.

"Hi," she whispered when she found Hyunjin staring down at her.

"Hi," he replied back meeting her pretty eyes.

Ryujin smiled up at him, and found herself getting lost in his wonderfully sharp eyes. She realized that her head was resting on his lap and found that she really didn't care. She found herself getting caught in the moment and reached up to touch his face again, wanting to feel it again.

Hyunjin gazed down at the beautiful girl on his lap, and found himself getting caught up in the moment. He could feel Ryujin's hand tentatively touching his face and a small smile flickered across his face. He moved his hand to her hair, which covered his lap, and gently ran his hand through them.

Ryujin smiled again as she felt his hands run through her hair, it felt so nice. Like he actually cared about her. Her hand ran from his face down to the hand that still rested on her stomach. Gently she picked it up and entwined their fingers. Hyunjin smiled and both felt so lost in the moment that they didn't hear the car pull into Ryujin's driveway.

"Ryujinie! I'm home!" when Ryujin heard her mother's voice and the door open, her eyes widened and she tried to sit up quickly. Before Hyunjin could stop her, Ryujin lost her balance and crashed to the ground. He stared at her and then burst out laughing, forgetting all about his fatigue as she glared at him.

"Oh that's real funny Hwang Hyunjin, you do know that it hurt right?" she snapped at him.

"Yep, that's what makes it so funny. Haven't you ever heard the saying 'It's only funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's hilarious!' Shin Ryujin?" he replied getting up and stretching.

"Oh you're a funny one aren't you? First you make me bang my knee, and now you laugh when I fall off the lounge. No trying to be nice, just sarcastic comments," she shot back, both suddenly forgetting what had been happening a moment before.

"Hey, I'm not that sarcastic. Only around you, you seem to have a knack for bringing it out in me."

Ryujin rolled her eyes and stood up to face him. "Brilliant, at least I know I can do something around you." Hyunjin gave her a funny look and Ryujin shrugged.

"Give me a break, I just woke up," she said in reply to the look.

"I'll let you off this once Shin Ryujin, now I'm going home." Hyunjin nodded at her and they both turned to face Ryujin's mother who had been watching them curiously.

"Hi Mrs. Shin, I'm sorry to have to leave so soon but your daughter knows how to drive me insane and my head will explode if I'm around her anymore," Hyunjin said nodding at her mother.

"Okay." Mrs. Shin nodded and Hyunjin walked past her shooting Ryujin a soft look as he walked past her. Almost instantly Ryujin went a light shade of red and returned his look with a soft smile.

"What was that about?" Mrs. Shin asked as soon as Hyunjin had left the room.

Ryujin gave her a mother an odd look. "Nothing."

"Yes Ryujinie, the fact that you blushed when he looked at you was nothing."

Ryujin raised her eyebrows at her mother; that had sounded like something Chaeryeong would have said. "It was nothing, eomma. We were just…caught in a moment. That's all," she said and walked past her mother. She knew that she was right. They'd been caught in a moment that was it. But it had been so wonderful to be caught in that particular moment.

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