Chapter 11: Surprise visit

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Hyunjin barely registered what Master Yunho was saying over the phone. His mind was to busy thinking about Ryujin. He still didn't quite understand how he had gone from hating her to not hating her in such a short space of time. He still wasn't quite sure he knew what was happening to him; two weeks ago he could barely stand to be in the same room as her, he couldn't hold a normal conversation with and he'd wanted to murder her in her sleep and now, well now he was finding he liked how they argued, he liked how she constantly challenged him, he liked the way she didn't treat him differently, he liked the way she wasn't afraid to tell him off, maybe he just liked her. Hyunjin shook his head slightly as the thought passed, that was stupid, she was his project partner nothing more. He bid goodbye to his dance coach and pushed the whole subject from his mind.

Ryujin stared at Hyunjin's front door; she hoped this was his place. Felix's directions hadn't actually been that accurate, she'd spent ten minutes on the phone with Chaeryeong, who had been getting the directions from Felix to get here and if Felix was wrong again, Ryujin was going to kill him. Sighing she lifted her hand and knocked on the door. She waited nervously and straightened the skirt she'd changed into; she turned away from the door and bit her lip. She heard the door opened and spun around to face a middle-aged woman looking at her curiously.

"Mrs. Hwang?" Ryujin asked hesitantly.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

Ryujin let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. "Thank god, uh, is Hyunjin home?"

The woman looked at her. "Why do you need to see him?" she asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I have his English book, he kind of needs it we have homework and it has his book report on 'Pride and Prejudice' in it," she replied holding the book up, she watched as Mrs. Hwang's face softened into a warm smile and wondered if she'd passed some kind of test.

"Lovely, I'll just get him." Ryujin nodded as she disappeared into the house.

Turning away from the door again Ryujin ran a hand through her hair and for the first time ever wondered if she looked alright. She bit her lip and straightened her skirt again. She heard someone approach the door and she spun around again, to face a sweaty and shirtless Hyunjin. Ryujin gulped and stared at him, completely lost for words, she could feel herself begin to blush as she stared at him. Yes she had felt his body before, when they'd been dancing, but she hadn't actually seen it. Now she was staring at it.

"Hey Shin Ryujin." Hyunjin waved a hand in front of her face, fully aware of what she was staring at.

Her eyes snapped to meet his. "Hi," she said breathlessly and he grinned at her in amusement.

"What are you doing here?"

She held up his English book. "I think you'll be needing this tonight."

He grinned when he saw his English book. "Probably," he agreed as Ryujin's eyes strayed down to his body again.

"I should get home, I just thought you'd need that."

"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow," he said as his mother appeared in the doorway.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" she asked Ryujin.

Ryujin stared at Hyunjin's mother, unsure whether or not she was serious. She then exchanged a glance with Hyunjin and they began talking at exactly the same time.

"It's okay, thank you for inviting me though," Ryujin said.

"No, she's got homework to do," Hyunjin said and they exchanged another glance.

Ryujin narrowed her eyes at him when she registered what he had said. "You know my life doesn't actually revolve around homework," she snapped at him.

Hyunjin shrugged. "Sure it doesn't and mine doesn't revolve around Dancing," he replied sounding slightly sarcastic.

Ryujin thought she heard a hint of unhappiness and raised her eyebrows at him. "What's this? Do I hear Hwang Hyunjin not really happy with his dance orientated life?" she asked mockingly.

"No you hear Hwang Hyunjin beginning to get slightly annoyed with Shin Ryujin," he shot back.

Ryujin folded her arms. "Slightly annoyed? You don't get slightly annoyed with me, you either get mad at me or you don't, end of story." Her eyes strayed once more to his body, she couldn't help it.

"No I've learnt to control my temper, unlike someone I can think of." Hyunjin smirked at her.

Hwang Mira watched the two teenagers argue with amusement. She had never heard a girl speak to her son like that, and she had certainly never heard her son waste his breath on a girl like this. Normally, the fan girls or other girls that stopped by could barely get two words out of him unlike this girl who seemed to know exactly how to rile him up and get him to talk. She could see that this petite, pretty girl was more than a match for her son, who seemed to be enjoying the chance to rile her up.

"You are so annoying!" Ryujin exclaimed frustrated with the fact that she couldn't annoy him.

"You are so annoying," Hyunjin mimicked Ryujin with satisfaction. He was enjoying this, not only was he annoying her but he liked the way her eyes lit up every time he spoke.

"You're so immature." She shook her head and met his eyes, he looked at her in amusement and she poked her tongue out at him.

"Look who's immature now," he said, laughing.

Ryujin glared at him, annoyed at how the argument had turned playful. "Thank you for the kind dinner invitation Mrs. Hwang, but I think I'll leave your immature son behind and go home," she said turning to Mrs. Hwang and smiling at her.

"Nah don't go you should stay," Hyunjin spoke up before his mother had a chance to reply.

"What? Why?" Ryujin spun to face him again.

Hyunjin shrugged. "Why not? I know enough about your house to know there's no food there." He slipped past his mother and into the house before Ryujin could protest.

Mrs. Hwang watched the girl stare after her son and struggled with her laughter, she could tell that Hyunjin had just gotten better of this girl and she was going to want to get back at him.

"I guess I'm staying for dinner then, I'm Ryujin by the way," she finally spoke up when she could see no way out.

"Well that's good news, I'm Hwang Mira and don't worry we'll get out the baby photos and you can mock him all you want," she said, wrapping her arms to Ryujin.

Ryujin grinned, maybe tonight was going to be fun.

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