Galing kay whippednation

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"I live for the dream that my children will be born free," the princess breathes. "That they will be whoever... Higit pa

Act One.
01. Once Upon A Time
02. A Story Begins
03. Arms Of An Angel
04. The Joy Of Reunions
05. The King's Capital
06. An Unexpected Challenge
07. The Start of a Journey
08. Black Sheep
09. Another Step Forward
10. Quill and Inkwell
11. Criminal's Execution
Act Two.
12. Taste of Abomination
13. Biting Down
15. A Royal Ball
16. The Hunt Begins
17. Heart of Courage
18. Dark Horse
19. A Princess' Woes
20. The Art of Acceptance
21. Before the Storm
Act Three.
22. The Darkness' Beckoning
23. Rise of the Lion
24. The End of a Season
25. Breaking Bounds
26. A Pocket of Fire
Important Notice.

14. Rising Colours

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Galing kay whippednation

"WE'VE ALREADY DISTRIBUTED food out from most of the food stores, but I'm afraid that if this famine drags out longer than expected, the entire kingdom will suffer from food shortage," Namjoon informs evenly, staring down at the compiled report he's been given on all their food stores.

"Any reason as to why this is happening? It's not like our kingdom is experiencing a drought," The king asks, clutching onto the arms of his seat.

Namjoon shakes his head. "According to the report sire, some parts of the kingdom especially the ones in the northern region are overpopulated. The lands are too crowded, therefore there's not enough space for crops to grow. And even if there were food, it wouldn't be enough to feed such a big population."

"Also, based on what commander Kim has reported, some of the people of the village that was destroyed by Mirador crossed the borders in search for food. But apparently King Taeyong has changed his mind about letting our people through."

The king gets up from his seat to head towards the large window beside him. Looking out at the vast view of the Capital's greenery, he says, "There's no way to settle overpopulation. What do you suggest we do, advisor Kim?"

Namjoon raises his head. "It would be better if we transferred some of the villagers from the north to the areas where there are shortage of field workers. At the same time we'll need to expand our farmlands. That way we can ensure that our food supply will always be running."

The king nods in understanding. "Very well, do as planned. In the meantime I will write to the other kingdoms for help and hopefully some of them will have food to spare. How are the preparations for the Annual Gathering going?"

"It's going smoothly, your majesty. The streets are already bursting with colours and the palace has been graced as best as we can," Namjoon answers.

"I expect that King Taeyong will not be attending this year considering the current friction ongoing between us," the king states. So this will be the best time to negotiate with the other kingdoms for military assistance."

Under the light of the afternoon sun, the king looks much stronger, much healthier than he had been days prior. And the advisor hopes that maybe, just maybe, the king is slowly beginning to recover.

"That would be best, sire. I will inform the maids to make necessary preparations in order to provide the best impression of Elios to the other kings."

"Good." The king answers. Looking back out of the window, he adds in a hopeful voice. "We'll only have the Gods to rely on now."

So this is what Jimin meant when he said the Capital really fancies festivals and celebrations.

The streets are bursting with colour, and if possible, they're even more vibrant than all of the the blooming flowers of spring. It's like someone just took all the colours he could find and splashed it right onto an empty canvas.

Jeongguk has never seen anything like it. They never have any celebrations like this back in Moonrock, so it's always the same dull colours. But now that he's in the Capital, watching it come to life with his own eyes, he's truly amazed.

Despite the assortment of colours, he could tell the main one is red. Children run across the roads with red streamers flying behind them. Flags and banners are held up all over the streets with the image of a dragon in the middle, signifying the royal family's emblem.

It feels nice to not walk around in heavy armour. Instead of that, he's wearing one of Jimin's black tunics and a knee-length robe, one of the chamberlain's favourites as he's been told. Although the black is such a contrast to all the colours around him, Jeongguk finds it comfortable.

At the side of the streets, various stalls have been set up for adults to sell their products. As it is the time of the year when a lot of ships will sail in from all the other kingdoms, rare products would be in the markets too. Which really explains why the Capital is bustling more than usual today.

"You'll need to close your mouth if you don't want the flies to get into your intestines."

"What the hell—gross!" Jeongguk shuts his mouth and scrunches his face in disgust, shooting his friend a subtle glare.

Jimin returns it with a teasing grin. He offers the small bottle in his hands to the younger. "Want some?"

"You really abandoned your duties for a bottle of wine?" Yoongi pipes up from beside him, donning an unamused look on his face as he crosses his arms.

"Not just a bottle of wine," Jimin counters, hugging the bottle to his chest like a prized possession. "It's the Bloody Prince. They only sell these during the Annual Gathering week. It comes in straight from the west."

Despite Jimin's excitement, Yoongi still doesn't look impressed. Jeongguk doesn't know how Jimin got a part of his schedule cleared just to come out for a couple of hours, because isn't the royal chamberlain supposed to be one of the busiest people during a time like this?

He guesses that his friend would really do anything to get a drink.

At least the knights weren't given any tasks to do today, so he has most of the time to himself. It's the first time he's actually come down to the Capital in so long. But this time, he wouldn't have to worry about getting shoved to the ground and chained up by wary guards anymore.

Somehow along the way, Jeongguk managed to tug Yoongi along in excuse that he and Jimin should get to acquaint themselves better with each other. The older knight wasn't really keen on the idea, but tagged along anyway because of Jeongguk's persistence.

"Why do they call it a Bloody Prince? That's so... unappetising," Jeongguk comments.

Jimin shrugs. "You still need to have a sip though. I'm not letting you miss out on the best wine in the world." He pops the cork out with practised ease, but before he can even pass it to Jeongguk, a gruff voice comes startles him from behind.

"Not so fast," Taehyung interrupts them as he approaches. He stops by Jeongguk's side to give him a quick once-over before turning to Jimin. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like, commander? Giving my friend a sip of heaven."

Taehyung narrows his eyes, unconvinced. "His wound isn't fully healed yet. Alcohol will hinder his recovery process."

Jimin frowns at that. "Just a sip," he says, raising the bottle to Jeongguk again before Taehyung pushes it away with the hilt of his sword.

"It's fine, hyung. You can just save some for me later," Jeongguk says. In truth, his side still hurts every once in awhile, but it's tolerable. He stopped bleeding through his bandages days ago but it's yet to heal properly.

"You're no fun," Jimin huffs, and then punches Taehyung's arm. Hard. But not enough to cause the latter to stumble back.

Jeongguk furrows his brows at the gesture, confused when Taehyung merely rolls his eyes instead of scolding him.

"You don't know the value of this." Jimin shakes the bottle. "Once you have a taste, you'll be craving for more. It's just that good."

"I know. Bloody Prince. They put something in there that makes it addictive. Obviously business tactics," Taehyung deadpans. "Now don't you have something to do instead of loitering around during the day?"

"Come on, Tae, we don't get these kind of festivals everyday. Just take it easy, loosen up! You have that serious face on you 24/7. Isn't that just tiring? Just drop your weapon and go have a good time with the ladies or something," Jimin says. And then he turns to Jeongguk and mumbles, "I swear he's afraid of women or something."

"Shut up, birdbrain," Taehyung shoots, forehead creasing in insult.

"Single pickle," Jimin counters.

"Noisy dwarf!"

"Constipated giant!"

"Are you done yet?" Yoongi mutters as he clears his throat, finally making his presence known to the group. "People might think we're slacking off."

"We're not on duty, hyung. Let them," Jeongguk chuckles in amusement, seeing the way Jimin and Taehyung's antics have evolved into a mini staring contest.

Jeongguk notes that the way they treat each other is like they're already well acquainted. But how can Taehyung, who always seems like he's one step away from punching someone in the face, handle Jimin, who's like a bundle of sunshine and energy?

Yoongi shakes his head at the sight before turning to Jeongguk. "I just remembered that there's something I need to do. I'll meet you back at the castle later if that's alright with you?"

Jeongguk nods and Yoongi bows as a gesture to take his leave. Jimin finally averts his eyes from Taehyung to Yoongi and gives him a small wave in acknowledgement. And then the older knight disappears among the crowd.

"As I was saying," Taehyung says. "If we don't work, there won't be a festival. Besides, all of the guests will be arriving throughout the week and we don't want to greet them half-sober," Taehyung answers before nodding in a gesture of taking his leave. "If that is all, I'll be getting to work now. Jeon, don't go looking for trouble."

"Yes, sir."

Jimin rolls his eyes. He turns to Jeongguk, hiking a thumb towards Taehyung's retreating figure. "Sorry, he's always like that."

"He lets you call him names and doesn't get mad?"

"Why would he? He's my friend."

"I didn't know."

"Oh, Gguk. I've lived in the castle long enough to know everyone. I'm actually quite popular among the staff. Won most favourite worker of the year a couple of times."

Jeongguk raises a brow, before bursting into laughter. "Wait, you're serious. But you're practically slacking right now though?"

"Hey I deserve some free time to myself," Jimin retorts. "Anyway, Princess Saeron and Taehyung and I grew up in the castle together for years, so we're kind of close. Taehyung and I were the only youngsters there back then, so really, the princess didn't have anyone else to mingle with."

Ah, so that explains why they're close.

"Our fathers are all close so it's only natural we become friends too. Speaking of fathers." Jimin pauses, slapping himself on the forehead. "I just remembered! Mine should be coming around here anytime soon. He's a duke, by the way."

Jeongguk nods. "Shouldn't you be waiting for him at the castle then? He'd want to know where you went."

The older sighs in defeat, looking down at his precious bottle of wine. "I guess." He looks back up and adds, "I'd feel bad if I left you here alone though. Will you be able to handle it?"

Jeongguk chuckles. "Of course, hyung. I survived the kidnapping. I can survive this."

Jimin hums. He pats the younger's back and gives him a fond smile. "You didn't get away unharmed though. But I'm glad you got to meet your father."

"I'm glad too." Jeongguk reciprocates the smile and grabs ahold of Jimin's shoulders, whirling his body around. "Now off you go."

With a relenting huff, Jimin says his goodbyes before prancing off, leaving Jeongguk alone in an ocean of colours.

A smirk tears across Hoseok's face as he carefully trains his eyes on a lone figure making its way towards the entrance of a busy inn. It was easy to spot him—fair blond hair among a dark sea. He sticks out right away.

What a pleasant surprise.

He follows the person inside and waits by the door. None of the people there pay him much mind. They don't even bother to give him a second glance because they're too busy drinking and chatting around like flocks of noisy seagulls.

He tips his hat forwards to cover his face and moves to the corner of the room where he can finally get a sense of personal space. Letting his eyes scan across the room, his focus finally comes to rest on the familiar figure now sitting on a stool in a small bar on the other side of the room.

He doesn't know why he bothers to go after the guy. Maybe it's the way that person moves that's bugging him. Hoseok knows very well when someone is trying to make himself appear small and undetectable. After all, he's an expert in that field himself.

So, in order to satiate the itch at the back of his mind, he keeps his eyes on the figure from across the room. By the looks of it, the person is engaged in a conversation with another man who appears to be his companion. Considering the way his companion dresses—a large trench coat and big black boots, Hoseok can suspect that he's probably not from around here.

He waits a little longer, patient and observing, until the man in the trench coat finally nods and makes a move to leave. The blond haired man finally turns around slightly so that Hoseok has a good side view of his face.

Looking around to check if the coast is clear, Hoseok crosses the room and quietly takes the stool beside the blond, who immediately looks up in surprise at the newcomer.

"If I didn't know any better, Min Yoongi, I'd think you're a spy," Hoseok starts, before waving a finger at the bar owner for a drink.

Yoongi chuckles, swirling the alcohol in his own cup. "Bold of you to say that when you're literally the one spying on me right now."

Hoseok lets out a scoff, but smiles at the bartender when he receives his drink. He's a man of manners. "Sure, whatever you want to believe."

He tries a sip of his drink, relishing in the way the burning sensation when the liquid passes through his throat. He rests an arm on the counter before angling his body towards the blond, who doesn't seem to be paying him much mind. "So," Hoseok starts. "Who was that guy?"

"Which guy?"

"The one you were talking to."

Yoongi stares at him blankly. "Wow, would you like to know," he eventually answers. "My tailor," he adds nonchalantly before raising his drink to his lips.

Hoseok raises a bow, unconvinced. "Why would you be meeting your tailor in an... inn?"

"You seem to be really suspicious about me. Did someone task you to go after me this time?" Yoongi questions, looking him dead in the eye.

The spy stares back at him for a couple seconds, before bursting out into laughter. "You're not that special, Yoongi-ssi. I'm just here to satisfy my curiosity."

Yoongi hums. "Stay curious then," he deadpans before chugging down the rest of his drink in one go. He slaps the cup back on the countertop and waves the bartender for a refill.

Hoseok thinks that's the end of their conversation until Yoongi finally speaks up again. "Why do I somehow get the feeling you're here to pull information out of me so you'll have some form of blackmail just in case I out you?"

The blond's face slips from its stoic expression and a taunting smirk takes its place.

Hoseok rolls his eyes, turning away as a sudden feeling of annoyance washes over him. He does hear the other laughing beside him, and is about to ask what's so funny when Yoongi says, "Come on now, I won't tell anyone. I'm not that disrespectful. In fact I'm really good at keeping secrets."

Yoongi then reaches out to feel the edge of Hoseok's coat with his fingers. "Why are you not in disguise?"

"I am in disguise. I'm being an ordinary person," Hoseok bites back, shrugging the other's fingers off. Yoongi doesn't look offended at the gesture, in fact, he seems really amused now.

"How about I set one condition?" Yoongi suggests, causing Hoseok to raise a brow. "If you tell me your name, I'll make sure I'll take your secret to the grave."

"You've got a lot of guts asking a spy for his name. You might as well sketch my face and name on a poster and hang it all over the streets."

"Or maybe it's nice to have one extra friend," Yoongi replies with a casual shrug.

Hoseok narrows his eyes at him, confused. "Friend? You barely know me."

"Then tell me your name. You already know mine," Yoongi retorts. He sets his cup down on the counter before clearing his throat and putting a hand out for Hoseok to shake. "Considering the last time we met had turned out really awkward, let's start over. I'm Min Yoongi, pleased to meet your acquaintance."

Hoseok stares at the hand for a moment. Friend. He's never really had a friend. When you're a spy you just need to keep your distance with everyone. So that no one can hurt you or make you feel vulnerable to anything.

But for some reason, he gives in to the smile that the blond shoots him.

Maybe it won't hurt to give friendship a shot.

He takes Yoongi's hand in his. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jung Hoseok."

Jeongguk heaves a sigh as he finally stops under the shade of a large oak tree. He's been walking around the Capital for the past—how long has it been? He didn't keep track.

The first place he went to was the stables because well, he left a friend there.

And apparently it's still there. Apparently the owner of the stables just made use of his donkey when Jeongguk never came back to retrieve it. Jeongguk did feel relieved that it was okay, and eventually just decided to leave it there because what use is a donkey at the castle anyway?

After that he managed to explore more of the Capital. He went to a tulip field in full bloom and had the most amazing time with the owner, who enthusiastically introduced him to some of the other species of flowers. He even managed to buy himself a small kite to play in an open field (despite most of the people there being children and teenagers), and watch an intense horse race.

He also managed to buy himself some food to munch on; definitely not from that one rude baker's place though, he'd rather starve to death. He bought beef on small barbecue sticks from a stall he passed and a piece of strawberry pie from a cook-shop. It's honestly the best thing he's had in awhile—and that's saying a lot considering the royal kitchens make the some of the most delicious foods.

It's safe to say that unlike the last time he's roamed around the Capital, he feels more welcomed now. Almost like he... almost like he belongs among these people.

Now that he's used up all of his energy and his tummy is completely satisfied to the brim, he doesn't really know what to do anymore. He fans his hands in front of his face, feeling sweat roll down his temples.

While he's busy fanning himself, he hears a scratchy voice of an old lady calling for him from a stall nearby. "Young man! Why don't you take a look at these pins?"

Jeongguk heads over in curiosity, looking down at the stall table to see several flower pins arranged neatly in a row. There's flowers and patterns of many different shapes and colours, some even with tiny little diamonds on them.

"Did you know that flower pins are a symbol of confession? They're the best gifts to give to a woman. Does a handsome young man like you have someone in mind?"

The woman smiles at him and her eyes nearly sparkle as Jeongguk picks one of them up and raises it up to see better—it's a bright little fire lily, petals glowing in his hand under the sun. He's instantly reminded of someone, and turns back to the woman to ask, "How much will this one be?"

"3 silver coins," the woman answers. "It's a little costly, but that's only because it came directly from the east. You won't find a pin like this anywhere else in the Capital."

Jeongguk frowns, lowering the pin as he traces his fingers over the intricate design. He thinks about the amount of coins he still has in his pocket. He's really going to need his remaining 6 coins to last the week.

He forces a smile and sets the pin back down where it belongs. "I'll think about it," he says before walking away.

He knows that the gift will mean almost nothing to her when she receives silver and gold on a daily basis, but for some reason his mind doesn't seem to want to let go of it. He pushes his hand into his pocket, digging out his remaining coins.

Fuck it, he'll survive.

In the end, he finds himself walking away with a pretty little orange pin in his hands. He raises it under the sun just for the sake of seeing the little diamonds sparkle, smiling to himself in satisfaction.

And maybe the universe just decided that it was the right time, because when he raises his head again he sees a familiar face stand out from among the crowd. He can recognise that face anywhere.

Saeron's eyes seem to flit over to where he's standing, and he almost considers ducking behind a tree to hide but it's too late because their eyes meet. And like an invisible thread has materialised between them, she snaps on the reins of her horse lightly before it trots towards him.

Jeongguk shoves the pin into his pocket, straightening himself up as the princess approaches.

"We're always stumbling into each other in the most random of places, don't you think that's a little odd?" She asks, halting her horse.

Jeongguk lets out a breathy chuckle. "Really starting to think that's fate." He looks behind and furrows his brows at the lack of security around her. "Why are you alone?"

Saeron sucks a breath. "I prefer to go about my business without someone tailing me everywhere I go. It's not like I'm twelve."

Her black horse lets out a neigh and she leans forward to gently stroke the side of its head, cooing soothing words to it like it's a person. She looks back at Jeongguk again and asks, "So what are you up to, Jeon?"

Jeongguk quirks a puzzled brow at her sudden interest. "Just... walking around. Eating, sight-seeing and stuff."

"Sight-seeing huh?" Saeron repeats, and then she looks away as if she's thinking of something. "Have you stopped by the docks to see the ships yet?"

Jeongguk shakes his head. He avoided that area throughout the day because it just looks really chaotic over there—with all the ships coming in and all the people running about.

Saeron looks genuinely surprised at his answer. Twisting her body around slightly, she pats the spot behind her on the horse. "Hop on."

"E-Excuse me?"

"You haven't seen a ship in your life have you? Now is literally the best time since the docks are going to be full of big ships from all the other kingdoms. I'm on my way there to greet a friend so you might as well come along. Unless you want to miss out on a nice view?"

Jeongguk contemplates on whether or not he should hop on the princess horse. Because really, why is she suddenly inviting him on her horse when she's supposed to despise him. They're just a really odd combination.

The princess seems to notice his hesitance, letting out a small chuckle. "No one even knows you. They'll just think you're my bodyguard."

"Bodyguards don't usually ride at the princess' back," Jeongguk counters.

Saeron shakes her head, her smile broadening. "Who cares about that?"

Seeing how she's unusually nice to him today, he lets out a sigh of defeat. Now that he's got nowhere else to go, he thinks, why not go see some real life ships while he's at it?

He slowly takes the hand offered to him and hops atop the horse, getting himself seated as comfortably as he can (because he's experienced a sore bum first-hand). He hears Saeron's breathy chuckle and tries not to make much of it.

She's just offering him a ride. It's just a friendly gesture. Nothing to worry about.

Soon, they move away from the main streets towards the shipping ports, and true to her word, large ships five times bigger than his house line up at the edge of the docks. They were all so terrifyingly huge, yet so beautiful. From the white sails that rustle slightly in the wind like petals, to the rich timbers making up the rest of their bodies, Jeongguk has never seen anything like this.

Men climb up and down, from planks and wooden stairs, carrying boxes and chests on their shoulders. Jeongguk even manages to catch sight of a man that looks very much like what the descriptions of a captain would say. Fancy clothes, long beard, big hat, boots with metal studs.

Jeongguk almost gapes at the scene. And then Saeron snaps on the reins and he lunges forward, bumping into her back. He belts out a series of apologies, to which she laughs off.

Now that they're passing by each of the ships, Jeongguk can see them up close—the tall masts, the carvings on the bows, the pretty linings adorning the edge of it's bodies. He wonders what it would be like to roam at sea in such a ship.

The horse finally stops in front of one of the ships that's just beginning to reach the docks. He deduces that this must be where Saeron is meeting her friend, whoever that is. They get off the horse and she hands it over to a guard to take care off before dusting her clothes.

This ship is a little different from the others. It's not as big, but the majestic way that it's built makes up for it's size. There's a total of three large grey sails, with the masts reaching up to different heights. What catches Jeongguk's attention the most is the carved figure of a beautiful woman with a flower on her head adorning the bow.

Theres a loud sound of chains clinking as the ship's anchor is released into the water, and soon, the ship begins to unload.

A plank is set down, and the first man that appears out of the ship looks like the most extravagant man Jeongguk has ever seen. It takes him awhile to realise that the man is coming straight towards them.

"Your highness," he says, bowing at a perfect ninety degree.

"Welcome back, old friend," she replies before extending her arms with a warm smile. The man wraps his arms around her in a gentle way, and Jeongguk has to take a step back in slight awkwardness.

When the two finally pull back, she asks him, "Has your journey been well?"

The man nods, placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "Even the storms can't stop me from seeing the brightest gem in all of the five kingdoms again. You look as beautiful as always, princess."

"Not as much as you, Seokjin-ah. You're certainly growing younger every year. Did you perhaps stumble upon a fountain of youth during one of your travels?"

The man who now has a name—Seokjin—lets out a cheery laugh. "Sadly no, but I don't need a fountain of youth to look this handsome at my age. All the other princes are now outsold!" He theatrically raises a hand in the air, causing laughter to bubble up in the princess.

It's something about the way she seems so happy around the other man that makes Jeongguk wonder how close they really are. It's like they're siblings, in a way. As he rakes up his over Seokjin's figure, he takes note that he is, indeed, good looking.

Seokjin then snaps his fingers, as if he's finally remembered something. "However, I did stumble upon something else that I'm sure you'll absolutely adore."

He reaches a hand into the collar of his shirt and pulls out a silver chain with a star-shaped pendant hanging from it. It sparkles brightly under the light, and the big blue gem in the middle matches the colour of the oceans.

The princess gasps in awe as Seokjin raises it over his head to show her. It's the most excited Jeongguk has seen her before. "You found it! It's beautiful, Seokjin-ah!"

"One out of the only three in existence. I had to travel all the way to Isledal to find it. Dug around the bottom of the sea for days. It used to be owned by pirates and it's worth two whole ships in the market," Seokjin explains, beaming in pride as he hooks the chain around the excited princess' neck.

"A gift for you. Since you've mentioned that you wanted something like this the last time I was here."

Saeron takes the pendant into her hand, her eyes practically shining. For some reason, seeing her swooning over such a prized gem makes Jeongguk feel self-conscious. Even that chain is worth more than the stupid pin in his pocket.

He swallows down the thought that's beginning to surface, thinking that he's just acting petty.

"I literally love you. Thank you so much I don't know how to repay you. This feels so wrong," Saeron says, a small pout forming on her lips.

Seokjin smirks, tapping his cheek. "Maybe I can have my payment some other way."

Saeron rolls her eyes, leaning in closer to his face. "You don't even have to do anything and I'd gladly do it," she teases before planting a quick peck on the side of the captain's cheek.

Satisfied, Seokjin leans back on his heels, the smile on his face ever so bright. He turns to Jeongguk, who's watching them from the sidelines, and mouths a silent "Who?"

Finally tearing her eyes away from the pendant, Saeron turns to Jeongguk before realisation crosses her face. "Ah! Jeongguk, this is Seokjin. He's a world-class merchant. He's gone everywhere, even past the five kingdoms," she says, putting emphasis on the last part as if she's subtly teasing the man. Seokjin huffs, but he's clearly happy with the compliment.

Seeing the captain flaunt his ship, his money and his status makes Jeongguk feel like a tiny mice under a shoe. Nevertheless, he pulls himself together and tries his best to appear confident.

"He's my knight," Saeron adds as an after-thought.

My knight. My. Hers. That isn't even supposed to make him feel flustered but for some reason he does. Damn it, Gguk.

The captain flashes him a friendly smile before extending a hand. "Pleasure to meet you. I see you're working hard um...?" He trails off, waiting for a name.

Jeongguk shakes his hand firmly. "Jeon Jeongguk."

He doesn't realise that he's said his full name until he sees Seokjin's eyes widen in surprise. The captain turns to Saeron for an explanation, and she looks a little taken aback at Jeongguk's introduction as well.

"Don't ask," she eventually says, looking back down to admire her new pendant.

Seokjin lets out a sheepish laugh before turning back to Jeongguk. And surprisingly, it doesn't seem like he minds it all. "That's a real catchy name. Jeon Jeongguk. I like the sound of that."

"Y-Yeah," Jeongguk forces out an awkward chuckle.

"So," Seokjin says. "I see you have an eye for good ships."

He must've caught Jeongguk staring at his ship for too long. "Oh? Um, yeah. It's really beautiful. It must be nice to ride on a ship like that."

"It really is. Who knows, maybe someday you can join me on a cruise. If her highness permits it of course," Seokjin beams.

Beside him, the princess shakes her head. "Definitely not. I wouldn't want to lose him."

Okay, Jeongguk's heartbeat is literally picking up speed now. He won't be surprised if the organ just decided to punch a hole through his chest.

He lets out another breathy laugh and nods. "What she said."

Seokjin clicks his tongue in disappointment. "Now don't be so hard on your knights," he tells her, to which she just shrugs off with a tilt of her head.

"It's getting hot out here. I'll accompany you to your inn?"

"It would be my pleasure, your highness."

Jeongguk does a slight bow as the two of them walk by him. As they grow further he can hear the princess telling the captain that her father had missed him, and that he should come by to visit more often. At some point she even hooks an arm around his in what appears to be a playful gesture.

Jeongguk turns back to the ship, watching as the other workers unload the sacks and crates and he wonders how different his life is compared to a world-class merchant.

It would be nice if he could see the other ends of the world someday. But as for today, the Capital is all he's got.

For the next few days, more and more guests pour into the castle grounds. The king has been tirelessly greeting every one of them and the workers in the castle too, have been really occupied with making preparations ranging from decorations, accommodations and food.

The palace has never been more alive throughout the year. Of course, security has tripled, as representatives from the other kingdoms usually comprise as high-ranking nobles and their own group of personal guards.

In the throne room, the king leans forward from where he's seated at his throne. Beside him, at the bottom of the royal seat's elevation, Namjoon stands, silently watching as noble after noble walk in to present their gifts.

They're all the same really, and he's starting to get bored. It's the last day before the official celebration starts, and they're welcoming their final guests. Namjoon stifles a yawn when another nobleman from the kingdom of Erest takes his leave.

This year's Annual Spring Gathering will have a much small crowd than before. They don't expect any representative from Mirador to show up, and if they do, then the entire ocean has probably dried up now.

The kings of Erest and Karrstad have made it a few days prior, and the welcoming ceremony was grand to say the least. The march through the streets had thousands of people joining them, and Namjoon would be lying if he said that wasn't a sight to behold.

Namjoon considers just taking his leave to go somewhere and get some air when the young herald standing by the door bellows, "Your majesty, presenting, Prince Jeonghan from Stormhill!"

Wait. Did he hear that right?

All eyes instantly flit over towards the young man striding past the doors, questioning mumbles echoing throughout the room.

Namjoon swallows. Since when did Stormhill send any representatives? They didn't even take part in the Great Revolution years ago and merely ran away from the war like cowards.

The young man that enters carries the exact aura of a prince—soft blond hair rustling on his head, his steps bold and confident, his gaze sharp with authority.

What's so baffling is that not a single person in the room knows he exists.

Until today.

The young prince stops in front of the throne before getting down on his knees to offer a bow of reverence to the king.

"Your majesty, I am Prince Yoon Jeonghan from Stormhill, the first and only son of King Yoon. I have come on my father's behalf, as he is too old to travel."

"Rise," King Han says. "Why have you come?"

Getting on his feet, the prince answers, "Stormhill has been regretful of our past actions and it is true that we had no part in the Great Revolution that occurred many years ago. Our kingdom is a small one, a weak one, so we humbly ask for your majesty's consideration to give us another chance at unity."

"You ask for unity when King Yoon has never even made an effort to inform us that he had a son? It's well-known that Queen Yoon, has been incapable of having children," King Han says. The other members of the court nod in agreement and more indistinct mumblings can be heard.

However, Prince Jeonghan stands his ground and maintains his confidence. "Which is why he thought it would be best that I come here in his place to reveal myself to everyone who is yet to know, your majesty," he simply answers.

"I know you might consider this an act of cowardice. Our kingdom has been running away from wars and troubles for so long instead of facing it head-on. Independency has worked well with us for a long time, but we think it's time we step out of the dark and go for the better cause."

He pauses, gesturing for his entourage to enter with the gifts they've brought. Sacks of fruits, potatoes, wheat and beans follow through, and the prince presents them to the king with pride.

"If that was not enough to convince you of our sincerity, we've heard of the scarcity of food that Elios have been struggling with as of late. I hope this will be able to lighten your burdens. From now on, Stormhill will strive to be one of your greatest allies. All we ask is that you consider concordance."

The king turns to his advisor for his point of view. Namjoon ponders over it for a moment, analysing all the information that had been given on the spot and connecting all existing dots together before giving the king a nod in agreement.

"Very well then, Stormhill shall prove their allegiance by participating in this year's Annual Spring Gathering. However, the decision must be made with the kings of Erest and Karrstad present. I trust you will be able to wait until then."

Prince Jeonghan nods before bowing again. "Stormhill offers you our gratitude, your majesty."

He turns around, cloak sweeping behind him as he exits the room. Namjoon shivers at the tense atmosphere that's fallen on everyone in the room.

A prince that has never existed until now—

"Your majesty!" Another herald comes running into the room at that moment, his eyes blown in panic and his voice trembling. "W-We have just received word th-that..." he trails off, attempting to catch his breath.

Frustrated after getting hit by an unexpected event, one of the officials in the room prompts, "Well, go on with it!"

The herald swallows. His next words send the room into complete and utter silence.

"King Taeyong is on his way with a convoy to take part in the Annual Spring Gathering."

Author's Note:

I'm proud to say that I took exactly one day to finish writing this entire chapter (hahaha my brain is feeling very much like death right now). But I'm glad how this turned out because damn, it's much easier writing the drafted summary than writing the actual chapter itself.

If you noticed any parallels between scenes in this book up until now then you're a real MVP. And brace yourself because there's definitely more to come.

Also, if you had to have a wrestling with any member of BTS, who would you go against and why? I'm trying to see something ( ;

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