Being Claustrophobic // Niall...

By Skaterboyniall

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"I'm quite claustrophobic, and I dont like everyone crowding around and shouting the same questions." - N. J... More

Authors note


895 24 16
By Skaterboyniall

Chapter 8:

Liam's point of view:

[Right after Niall left the boys and went up to the suite]

Right when Niall decided to leave us with the responsibility of waking up Zayn we looked at each other nervously. Who was going to take the chance? I certainly did not even want to try knowing that things would not end well for me.

We all looked at each other quietly until Harry smirked. What the hell? I looked at him confused, yet he continued to smirk. Then it hit me.

"Good luck lads. I'm out!" Harry exclaimed as he bolted up the stairs.

"Shit. Har-" I called out, but it was too late. Harry ran towards the same direction as Niall when he left minutes ago. It was obvious that he ran off to avoid the situation that was about to occur.

I gulped as I looked towards Zayn who was still fast asleep. After observing Zayn, Louis gained my attention as he just stood there smirking.

"Since everyone left I'm going to do the same." He said lifting his leg to start walking away.

"It's just you now, Daddy." Louis winked as he slowly began to step away and run out through the lobby doors.

"No way kid, you're going to help me out." I quickly got ahold of him before he could abandon me like the other two dipshits.

Louis sighed, as he had no other choice but to stay and help me out with Zayn.

"Fine." He whined.

"Good Louis." I said sarcastically, patting his head like a puppy.

"Shut up, peasant. We got work to do." He snapped.

"Okay, chill buddy. I was just being funny." I defended myself.

"That was you being funny?" He questioned. "Wow! Well... At least you tried." He began to laugh at my face.

"Whatever, Louis." I sighed, ignoring him.




After the whole arguing on who should be the one to wake up Zayn, we ended up deciding by playing a game of rock, paper, and scissors.

"On Shoot." Louis said ambitiously.

"On shoot." I agreed.

"Rock, paper, scissors; shoot!" We both exclaimed as we looked at who won.

"Loser." Louis laughed unkindly. I face palmed my face as I knew I had to be the one, since I lost the game.

"Child." I said back as Louis was waiting for me on the couch.

"Go on." He said motioning his hands at Zayn before laying back down on the couch.

I sighed as I began to approach Zayn who was in a deep sleep, and I got to him I poked his shoulder.

"Hmm..." Zayn made a noise before moving around on the couch. I poked him again hoping that he wouldn't go all crazy like he's known to be.

"What?" He shot right at me, opening his eyes all mad-like. To be completely honest I was scared, his eyes were all red from being up too late.

"Nothing mate, we have to go to our rooms. They're all ready for us." I explained anticipating that he would understand.

"Another 10 minutes." Zayn closed his eyes again. Before he could even try to go back to his nap I poked him again.

"What!" He yelled annoyed that I woke him up.

"We have to go..." I gulped nervously.

Louis was just there snickering, waiting for Zayn to explode in front of my face. I looked back at him expecting that he could help me.

"Ten. More. Minutes, Liam." Zayn whined.


"Stop talking, before I make you stop myself." Zayn threatened, now all serious.

I moved away sitting next to Louis before anything bad could happen, but you know Louis. He had to ruin it.

"I got it mate." He smirked taking out his water bottle from his backpack that was on the floor right next to the couch.


"No, what?" He smiled evilly.

"Don't do it. You know how he gets." I warned.

"I know." He said getting up from the couch and walked up to Zayn, who was now back asleep.

"Louis. Get back here." I whispered uneasily, beginning to get up to stop him. He giggled quietly as he removed the cap from his water bottle, and began to tip it so that the water would release down onto Zayn.

Right before any water could be spilt on Zayn I ran to Louis, but since Louis had to be an idiot he dropped it and ran away, hiding behind the couch.

Everything went by so fast. Zayn shot up and held me by his shirt; I was terrified. When I looked right at his face, you could say that he wasn't amused.


Harry's P. O. V.

[On his way to the management meeting with Niall.]

The assistant led us to the room where the special meeting, that involved management, was situated in. We passed dozens of rooms and coridoors till the assistant stopped right in front of the elevator door.

I turned over to Niall to see how he was, but as I looked at him he was looking down at the floor as if he was in some sort of problem.

"You okay?" I asked. He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

"I hope so." He replied scratching the back of his hair messing it up more than it was earlier. The assistant looked over at us a couple of times eavesdropping over our conversation. I was about to tell him to fuck off when the elevator doors opened abruptly before I could say anything to the lad.

We all entered the elevator in our separate ways. Niall and I took one half of the elevator and the assistant the other. We looked at him occasionally awkwardly, and he would look up at us questioning our looks. He then pressed the button to what floor we were going to, floor 17.

The elevator doors closed shut as the elevator elevated. I was still curious about who the assistant was because I've never seen him around before, so I decided to make some small talk.

"Who are you and how come I've never seen you around?" I questioned him.

The assistant faced us and crossed his arms. He let a deep sigh before answering.

"I'm getting paid to do my job which at the moment involves you, and taking you to this important meeting. At the moment, I don't think that who I am is at your importance right now. You should be more worried about your friend."-Points back to Niall-"Because this meeting is about him." He advises and begins to ignore them again.

"Oh." I respond to him.

"Yea... But look." He Suggests. "I'm not trying to be mean. My name is David and as you know I'm new here. All I want is to do good here, so sorry." He apologizes.

"That's okay." Niall spoke up.


The elevator doors finally opened and David led us down the hall. It was different. You could feel a weird vibe around this floor, but I wasn't as worried about that. I worried about what David mentioned in the elevator, and how this meeting was about Niall. What did Management want with Niall and not the rest of One Direction.

We were right in front of a door labeled 17B. Curiosity came to me about what was about to happen in there, so I stepped forward to the door.

I look back at Niall and he seemed out of here. You would look at him and see that he's not mentally here, and that he's overthinking the whole situation. But the thing was that he had surely nothing to worry about, right?

I didn't know what was going to come of this, but hopefully nothing bad happens. I don't want to loose Niall; he's my best mate. I would do anything for him.

"Hey," I say to Niall and he looks up. "Everything is going to be okay." I smile assuring that there is nothing to worry about. I pat his back and pray that nothing does in fact happen, because I will for sure end up bothered.

The unexpected happens as David reaches for the door; it opens. I look in and see that mostly everyone is there including Simon, but as I go in I see our manager, Mike, at the end of the table.

David led us further into the conference room, and showed us to our seats.

"Okay, so now that everyone is here. Let's begin." Mark smirked.



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