My little accelehearts

By Gogeta900

810 1 1

Hi my name is yuki and I am a Displaced. But its not just me but my familey. Me and my family are characters... More

chapter 1.2
chapter 1.3
chapter 1.3 part 2
Chapter 2.1
chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
chapter 2.5
chapter 2.6
chapter 2.7
chapter 2.8
chapter 2.9
chapter 2.10
chapter 2.11
chapter 3.2
chapter 3.3
chapter 3.4
chapter 3.5
chapter 3.6
Chapter 3.7

chapter 3.1

8 0 0
By Gogeta900

Who were those two they sound so familiar. Were have I heard them? While Yuki was talking to him self he felt some tapping in his shoulder. Hey Yuki you ok? Yuki turned around to see sora behind him. Huh? Oh yeah sorry I was just talking to my self. Sora jsut smiled. Hey guys I think we should find the cave now! Zexion said looking at the sun and then looking back to them.

The group agree with his plan they were about to head out but then Nolo remember something that might help them. He use one of his hands and pulled out the letter that discord gave them. He was reading it over again to find it and when he did he tried to remember when all of them were together. What does discord mean that we were all close to it. The only time I remember that we were together frist when we..we.. foun-. Then Nolo figure it out and he was happy. HEY GUYS I KNOW WERE IT IS! the group stop and looked at him. You do were is it? Axel said Nolo then told them to follow him. As they were leaving the castle they didn't know that there were two figures watching them up in the air.

Hmm seems like that we will have some trouble here. Said one of the figures that was speaking in a calmed voice. It's the voices that Yuki herad when he was protecting fluttershy ealier. Then the second one spoke up sounding really upset. Aghh this is pissing me off! We had a easy job to do but no there had to problems! Now we have heros here and they have those wepons that can destroy our army and they defeat that creature that was one of our stronger monsters! I wil-. *bonk* the voice stop as it got hit in the back of the head calm voice. Alright now that's enough we stayed like you asked now we should now tell our master about a "new problem ". Then a portal open up and the voice went in. But what they didn't realized that a certain draconequus was listening to them.

Nolo was leading his familey out of the castle and was heading down to the tree of harmony. The tree was restored and it was full of color as the elements were back in the tree. They saw the chest that has the six keys that twilight and her friends will get later on. Hey Nolo why are we here? I thought you said that you know were our base is. Trao said while looking at the tree.

Nolo look at them and stared to tell them that this is were there base is. Guys think about this is the only cave that we found and they won't find it here. Yuki looked at him and st the cave a realized that he was telling the truth. Guys Nolo right this si the only cave here in the Everfree forest that is close to ponyville. The team then felt something on their necks. They then looked art their necklaces they were glowing in different colors. Then colors stared tongue away from them and went behind the tree of harmony. The group then started case after the lights as it was some going even further. Huh that's strange I dont remember that cave being this long. Porkchop said still caseing the light.

Yeah now you mention it I'm thinking that we might went through a invisible barrier. Zexion said while looking at porkchop. I felt something when we went behind the tree in think that this tunnel is hidden for a reason. As the group was still chasing the lights they all stop and saw that they were in a dead end. As the tunnel wall were now srounding them. Then the light disappeared leaving the them in the dark. Hey I cant see a anything! Wylde said then all of sudden they heard a click from some were. The groud then felt the ground shaking as a light came down below them. Then the group then saterd to feel like they are going down. Yuki look down and saw that they were a metal square and realized that they were on a elevator. Hey guys don't worried I think we found the entrance to our base.

As they were looking to see that they are the floor now was starting to go down. They saw that size of of floor is enough for all of them. As they were looking around they notice the hole that was made stared to close up. After a couple of minutes the elevator then stop the group then saw a door way opening in front of them. They walk out of the elevator they only saw darkness. Alright weres the light switch I can't see anything here. Man i wishes I have a flash light.. wait mybe I do. Monkey said as he pulled out his monkey werch and spined the tightner as the werch transformed in to a flash light giveing the group light to see.

As so the light was turned on all the group saw were a lot of cobwebs and dust. Wow this place needs a clean up bad! Lexaeus said as monkey was looking for a light switch Yuki notice something. Hey monkey  look there. Monkey look were Yuki is pointing to see other flashlights as the group went over them and picked up one each xigbar thought he found a light switch. As he flipped the switch the roof stared to flicker as the group look up the lights just went off and xigbar flip the switch over and over.

Huh seems like we need to find another switch then. As xigbar said that the group then stared to hear beeping and seeing a red light blinking that was next to monkey. Monkey went to it to see a message on it.

* warning warning. Power cells empty please replace power cells.*

As monkey was reading it a chamber open up next to Axel who jump as it sacred him he look in side to see 9 power cells with a blue engery source. "Hey guys look at this!" Roxas who was close to monkey saw what the message was saying and saw the power cells were Axel is and walk to him. "Hey guys I think we need to put these thing some were to get power back." Roxas said while pulling one of them out. "Yeah roaxs is correct it's seems that we need to put new power cells in certain areas to restore power to our base." Monkey said as he was coming up to the ground. It seems that we need to go to nine different locations and I just found a map here.

As monkey was showing them the map were to find cores Yuki looked around with his flash light to see nine hallways and he looked st the map. Alright guys I think we should split up in teams of 3 but one team should be in four. Yuki said as monkey finished showing the map to them the group then decide that they should do that and decide to form their own teams.

Alright then here is our team guys.

Team one
Ven, aqua, and terra

Team two
Sora, Riku, and Kari

Team three

Vert, kurt, and taro

Team four

Karma, Larxene, zexion

Team five

Xehanot, zexion, Xaldin

Team six

Wylde, Tork, and Lexaeus

Team seven

Yuki, marluxia, xigbar, and mickey.

Team eight

Demyx, luxord, nolo.

Team nine

Porkchop, monkey , and Shirako

Team ten

Axel, xion, and Roxas

As the team got into their groups they stared to in to the hallways but Yuki team stayed in the room to find were to put there power cores.

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