When Its Over

By zoe_the_librarian

17.6K 982 93

herophine fan fic When Josephine langford a librarian new to london meets Hero Fiennes-Tiffin a saxophone pla... More

1. The Move
2. Care to Dine with me?
3.Care to Dance?
5. The Past is Haunting me
6. Secrets
7. Im So Sorry
8. Get to know You
9. As the Days Pass
10. Promise Me
11. Going Home
New Story
Hi! Sequal?

4. Please Don't Leave

1.1K 77 5
By zoe_the_librarian

Jo Pov:

The car is coming towards us, FAST. A second later it all goes black

When I wake up, I dont know where i am for a moment. The room looks familiar. No it cant be, I was just in the car with Hero. Why am I in my old bedroom from back in Australia?

I turn over and see on the clock by my bed that it is 9am. "Josephine! We are going to be late, get up." I hear my mom yell. No, no, no. My mom is dead and so is my dad.

How is this possible?

I seem to have no control over my body, no matter how hard I resist. My body carries me out of my bed a d i shower and get dressed. This outfit seems oddly familiar. Until I realize it is the outfit I was wearing, that day. When I get my things, I head downstairs seeing my parents waiting for me by the door.

I cant remember where we are going today, but I know its important. I am finally able to speak. "Mom, dad." I quietly say.

"Yes dear?" My dad responds. Oh how I have missed his voice.

"Where are we going?" I question.

As they lead me to the car and we are inside of it, my mom responds with "home." And smiles. I thought we were already home?

I am so confused, I am staring out of the window trying to figure it out.

Suddenly the car comes to a stop and me and my parents exit the car.

The sun is bright today, too bright. The light seems to be growing larger with every step that I take.

"Come on, this way honey." My father instructs. I start following them to the light. It almost engulfing me until I feel someone grab my hand, holding me back.

I turn around and see Hero. He cups my cheeks lightly in his rough hands.

In a soft voice he says, "no Josephine. It isn't your time yet." I turn to see my parents gone. They left me. I turn back to Hero about to cry, I feel myself slipping into the light.

Hero grasps my shoulder hard and starts shaking me. He is getting more frantic. He starts yelling and crying.

"No Josephine, please come back to me! No, no,no! Wake up!"

I slowly start opening my eyes. My body is numb and my ears are ringing. When they clear a little bit I hear sobs. I slightly turn my head to see Heros eyes screwed shut his hands over his face. Loud crys leaving his lips.

"H-hero." I stutter in a low raspy voice.

Heros head shoots up and his amazing green eyes are met with mine.

As he starts to speak, my hearing fades and I dont know what he is saying. Blackness overcomes me and I suddenly go blank.

Hero Pov:

When the car is heading towards us I quickly turn the wheel turning the car to try and get out of the way. But oh no, when the car turns the passenger side is facing the car and it crashes into us before I can get out of the way.

I take Jo's hand and I shut my eyes to afraid to keep them open. I feel the car crash into mine. But I'm not hurt. My ears are ringing from the loud noise.

When i open my eyes, i turn my head and see jo covered in scratches, gashes and lots of blood. Fuck! She took all the impact! I feel myself starting to cry. I cup her face saying "no Josephine. It isn't your time yet." I start crying even more and now I'm getting frantic. I beg her to wake up.

When she doesn't, I bury my face in my hands and let out loud sobs.

In the middle of my break down, I hear her beautiful voice say my name. I snap my head up and I am met with the most beautiful grey-blue eyes that are now bloodshot.

When I start talking to her, her eyes slowly shut and when I shake her this time there is absolutely no response. All I can hear are loud sirens. And my loud thumping heart. I can only pray, that I see her again as the paramedics take her away.

Note from author❤:

I know, I know. This chapter is really short. But I hope you like it. I still haven't given much info on Jo's parents but I promise I will soon.

But what did you think of this chapter? Love you all! And thank you so much to the people who comment and like this and read it. It means alot! Bye!

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