By walkingmasterpiece

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[book 1/2] Being a Malfoy was hard. Alivia Malfoy was constantly having to meet the standards her parents set... More

Main Characters
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note!!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Thank you!
Other Books
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 44

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By walkingmasterpiece

I had continued to attend the meetings as normal. It seemed no one else knew about the prophecy except Voldemort and his most trusted Death Eaters.

I had been telling James about seeing Dumbledore and he seemed reluctant to let me leave but he trusted Dumbledore.

Today I entered the room where the meetings were held.

The only people there so far was Lucius. The rest would be arriving soon, I was early after all.

Before I could reach my seat I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

Rather, someone. Peter Pettigrew stood by the door leading to the dungeons.

He betrayed us.

"Dear Alivia." A voice hissed from behind me. "I was told by a little bird, or should I say rat, that you are a spy for Dumbledore." Voldemort spoke slowly.

I tensed, trying to remain calm.

"May I ask My Lord, how we can be sure he's telling the truth?" Lucius intervened.

"Well Lucius, while your sister is skilled in the art of Occulemency, Wormtail isn't." Voldemort responded.

He called him Wormtail. How dare he use the name the Marauders came up with together.

Pettigrew was going to die. I would make sure of that.

Before I could do anything Voldemort had uttered a simple word.


I fell to the ground as the spell hit me. It felt as if a thousand hot knives were piercing my skin. Twisting and burning. My body convulsed into different positions to ease the pain but nothing worked it didn't stop.

Until it did. It wasn't much of a good thing.

Voldemort stood above me as I panted in the floor. I glanced to my right to see Lucius, he looked terrified for me but I knew he couldn't do anything. He'd be killed.

"What do you know about the Prophecy? Surely Dumbledore has told his little spy everything about it." Voldemort hissed.

"He hasn't told me about any sort of prophecy." I huffed out, the lie slipping easily from my lips.

"She's lying, My Lord." Pettigrew stuttered.

Voldemort looked up at him, as if telling him to continue.

"The Potter boy and the Longbottom boy are the two children b...born at the...the end of July."

"So it's you're child. The boy. Oh what was his name?" Voldemort cackled. "Oh that's right."

"Harry Potter."

I spent the next two days in one of the dungeons. I received no food, only water. They wanted me alive.

That's why they used the cruciatus curse and other non-fatal methods of torture.

Despite being tortured for two days straight, I refused to tell them anything. I would rather die in the filthy dungeon than give away my son.

James Potter's POV

Alivia has been gone for two days.

Two days passed and she had not returned.

I couldn't even speak to Dumbledore. We weren't allowed to send owls in case they were tracked. He was supposed to make sure she was safe.

I sat at the base of the stairs while Sara and Harry slept. I was right by the door, hoping she's stumble in soon.

There was a knock. On the door.

I shot up immediately and ran to the door. I looked through the peephole, Lily.

I took out my wand and opened the door. I had to be sure it was actually her. She shouldn't have been able to find me anyway.

Lily smiled once I opened the door but it vanished when she saw my wand.

"Is it really you?" I asked.

"Yes James. It's me Lily." She replied.

"What was the real reason we broke up?" I asked. We were the only ones who knew the true reason.

"I broke up with you because I knew you had fallen for Alivia and I wanted you to be with her."

I sighed and let her in. I gave her a tight hug.

"Why are you here? How are you here?" I asked.

Lily sighed, "Dumbledore sent me. He knows of Alivia's disappearance and asked me to help you take care of your children until they can locate her."

I nodded. It was difficult to look after Sara and Harry alone. Most times I just wanted to cry but one of the babies started crying so I had to tend to them first.

"I understand you're going through a lot James. Why don't you go sleep, and I'll go check on the babies?" Lily said gently.

I could use a nap. I nodded and made my way upstairs to my bedroom and passed out on the bed.

It had been a week since Lily arrived. She's been a great help and I'm so glad we stayed friends even after we broke up.

I wanted to storm Dumbledore's office. It was his fault she was gone. He said, he promised she would be safe whenever she went to those strange meetings.

I didn't want to let her go but I did because I trusted Dumbledore to keep her safe.

It's my fault. I should have never let her leave.

She would still be here. With me.

Alivia's POV

It had been two weeks since I had been tossed into the dungeons.

The torture continued but I pushed through. I was going to see my children again. I was going to see James again.

Today I was going to escape.

I knew the guard routines, usually Pettigrew but they swapped him out with other lower ranked Death Eaters every few hours.

During the switches, there was a 2-3 minute break where no one stood guard. I knew this house like the back of my hand, I grew up here.

There was a passageway hidden behind a tapestry in the wine cellar. A door across from my cell led to the wine cellar. The passageway led to an entrance in the Library. From there I should be able to make in out one of the windows and into the garden.

Today many Death Eaters were going to be going on a raid. Voldemort wouldn't be here, he never is unless it's for meetings. The only people in the house should be two or three Death Eaters, including my guards, and Narcissa.

She would be helping me.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Narcissa say something to the guard. He nodded and left.

Narcissa glanced at me and muttered something, before following the guard up the stairs.

Just then I heard a click. I got up and walked towards the cell gate. It was unlocked.

Moving quickly I ran towards the door to the cellar and slipped through. The tapestry hung across the back wall. I ran towards it, making sure I made no sound with my feet.

Behind the tapestry I found the entrance to the passageway, and my wand.

I ran through the passageway, casting a charm to silence any sound I made.

I read the little door and entered the library from behind a bookcase.

I walked to the closest window, and looked outside. It was dark. The moon shone brightly from the inky sky.

Thankfully the Library was on the first floor so I was able to reach the ground fairly easily and quickly.

Once in the garden I ran towards the wall and jumped over it.

I spun on my heel and apparated.


Oohh, what do you thinks going to happen next?

Quarantine has me writing a lot more, mostly because I don't want to do school work. :/

Check out my new story Roses // R.Black!! <3

– mysticpanda xx

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