King Sombra's Return

By higgymcdiggins

627 24 5

Matt is a kid with almost nothing left. Barely any family left. One friend. Only his smarts are left. Matts g... More

King Sombra's Return
Chapter 1 Crossover
Chapter 2 A Minor Problem
Chapter 3 Rising Friendships
Chapter 5 The Siege on Canterlot Part 1
What in the world?!
Chapter 5 The Siege on Canterlot Part 2

Chapter 4 All Aboard the Monolouge Express

45 2 1
By higgymcdiggins

"Before we begin with the most needed story telling I'd like to say that because Matt here probably has nowhere to stay, he can stay at my place with me." Rarity opened up with something I never had expected. "R-really Rarity? Are you sure it's fine, I mean I could be a problem but-" Rarity cut me off so she could reply. "It's fine dear. You won't be a problem. I do have to stay up tonight to work on my dresses and you could most certainly watch. Besides you can meet my little sister Sweetie Belle." "Rarity. Thank you so much. That was very generous [hehehe] of you."

"It's not a problem at all." The other girls were staring in astonishment. "Wow Rarity, I didn't think that you would have done that." Rainbow Dash had spoken up from the silence. "Leave it to Dash to say something that reflects on people's choices in life." Pinkie Pie had muttered leaving Rainbow Dash to only stare at her. "So you guys want to tell me how you became friends?" I spoke up so they could her me. "Oh sure thing Matt", Twilight agreed. "Where to start oh where to start. Well I guess it began when I came here to Ponyville to make sure that the preparations for the Annual Summer Sun Celebration were in order. I was sent by Princess Celestia whom runs Equstria as you probably just figured out. While on my task I met these wonderful ponies because I had to visit them specifically to make sure their task was going rather smooth.

Along the way Spike was trying to get me to make friends which I told him at the time I didn't have the time for that. So when the time came, everything was going perfect until it was time for the Princess to come out." "She wasn't there?" I was starting to get slightly bored of monologuing at this point. "Correct you are! Then out of nowhere Nightmare Moon came out to send Equestria into eternal night!" "Slow down Twilight. Who is this Nightmare Moon?" "She was Celestia's younger sister Luna who was overcome by jealousy and then had turned well into evil with the task to bring eternal night because no pony had cared about it." "Continue."

"Then she flew off and I ran after her. They followed me and we traveled into the Everfree Forest and me had troubles along the way that were solved by what are special qualities were[again hehehe]. After arriving at an old castle I found her and I tried to stop her but no such luck. But, since they were with me the Elements of Harmony which I tried to activate before hand because Celestia had banished her to the moon for a thousand years with it but that failed. So, with them they worked and we kinda blasted her with a magical rainbow." "What!" I started to laugh. "It's true", Rainbow intervened.

"Then afterwards when the rainbow was gone all that was left was Luna back to herself. Then out of nowhere came Celestia and Luna forgave her for what she had done. Finally a big celebration was thrown for her and we had become friends which then we proceeded to have many adventures." "Quite a mouthful there huh Twilight." Twilight took a deep breath to recover from the talking. "Indeed, now how about you tell us about you." "I'd rather not its quite... deep in a sense you know? It's something I rather refrain from talking about." "Oh come on Matt please!" Pinkie was rather excited to hear what I had to say. "But if you don't want to talk about it I respect your decision." I sighed and then told them, "Well might as well get it off my chest while I'm here." "Now where to start? Ah yes how about here." "It all began when..."

[A.N. Wow that cliffhanger. Actually the chapter isn't done yet, I just wanted to say something. Writing that was extremely boring and painful because I basically went over the beginning two episodes of the first season. Now I have to write yet again more backstory that has even more content in it. Enjoy.]

"I was around eight. School was good. I was pretty smart for my age. I had friends. It was really nice you know? Now here was the problem. Around halfway of the school year a new kid came in that was in my homeroom and his name was Adam. He seemed like a great kid. He was smart like me but the difference was his family was rich. He boasted about his talents and just how much better he was at things then most kids at it really caught people's attention. Good attention. Everyone was starting to praise him like he was a god or something and they all started to hang out with him and then I was left alone. Except for Jake who stuck by me through thick and thin although he occasionally went to Adam. But later he forgot about me. Then I was truly alone. That's not all though. Towards the end of the school year something changed my life forever. I was at home on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon around one o' clock. My parents were fighting over something that I really didn't care about. It was just a small argument nothing to bad. But it escalated rather quickly and I had yelled at them to stop.

It got worse and worse with all the fighting until I yelled one last scream saying "Mommy" and then my house erupted into flames for some odd reason. It was coming from the kitchen which was near both my room and my mom and dads room. It quickly spread and I panicked so I ran to the back door of my house and went out. My house was engulfed in the fire but I realized my parents were in there so I started to run back towards the back door when my house exploded in my face and the knock back sent me flying backwards into the ground with my head hitting first. I was knocked out cold.

I woke up in a hospital confused and wondering where my parents were. A couple doctors were standing by and had smiles on there faces knowing I was awake. They had asked me my name and all I could remember was Matt. They had asked some questions to which I don't know and frankly I couldn't remember much. Just jumbled up memories that seemed out of chronological order. They had worried faces and chatted amongst one another. That's when they told me the bad news. I had some sort of permanent amnesia and it was very likely that would be all I could remember. I had asked what happened to my parents but all they could give was a shake of their heads. They said that the police looked everywhere in the remains of the house for them but no luck and they even searched everywhere else but they were gone. They filed them dead and I was to be shipped off to the nearest orphanage.

I started to cry then and I can't hold back the tears now. So I arrived there after they gave me the ok to go. It was very lonely there and I tried to adapt the best I could. No such luck again. After a couple of years they said I was good to go for having another home. What was surprising was that they out me in it all by myself. I was confused and very furious with them but all I could do was agree to what they did.

So now I live by myself trying to make friends and get out of my lonely prison of isolation. I can't stand it anymore just being alone. So before I got here an old friend of mine named Jake had told me of a bet that I could t say no to. All I had to do was cross a rickety old bridge about halfway and back and boom, money was mine. However the bridge broke while I was on it and I fell into the water and now here I am. So that was the very deep backstory of me." I wiped the tears from my eyes to witness that all of them were crying except for Fluttershy who was balling and Rainbow Dash who had a very sad look on her face.

"I'm so sorry for your loss sugar cube." Applejack spoke first seeing as the tears from her eyes were wiped from her face. "Hey I got used to it over these five years." "Is there anything we can do to help?" Twilight asked but a gave her a response of, "I'm not sure." "If there's one thing we can do its to help get your memory back." Rarity sounded confident in what she had said. "Thank you Rarity." "We'll get them back don't worry." Fluttershy spoke with a calm tone to make it more sympathetic. "Oh and one thing Matt." Rainbow Dash spoke up loud and clear so that I could hear. "Your a total egghead." She started to laugh as did the others except for Twilight. "Rainbow that's not funny. He and I aren't eggheads." I had started to laugh uncontrollably from this. "See he thinks its funny." "The laughter died down and I had said, "I haven't laughed like that in so long. Thanks for that." "No problem sport."

The train came to a halt as the conductor said "here we are girls and Matt, Canterlot." "He had overheard my story I guess", I thought. "All right time to get serious everyone. We don't know what's ahead but we gotta be ready for it. We boarded off and Canterlot had looked like a big mess." I guess it's time to save the Princess's now. Just like every other story." With that we walked together side by side and ventured off into the first battle that would start a whole journey for us all.

A.N. Hey all you wonderful people! Thanks for sticking through with that. Now how about that backstory? Did it make you sad at least a little? Post a comment telling me. Next chapter is the action one that doesn't have much talking and starts off a mystery. Can't wait to start writing that. Anyways guys thanks for the reads and until the next update have a good time. -Higgy

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