Milk & Cookies || MariChat...

By sxdastraws

49.6K 1.1K 896

One day turns into a daily routine for the infamous Chat Noir dropping into the Dupain-Cheng Bakery for pastr... More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
⚠️ F o u r ⚠️
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
⚠️ N i n e ⚠️
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n

F i v e

3.5K 84 44
By sxdastraws

The following morning, Marinette woke up feeling dizzy. She mumbled some words that even she couldn't decipher, but she looked at the clock which read nine o' clock.

Surprised she actually woke up before eleven this time, she got out of bed feeling like she could take on the world. That was until she saw that she was naked. She frantically scrambled to find her daytime clothes, putting them on as quickly as possible.

She strolled downstairs, just to find Adrien sitting near the cash register again. "Wha—" Her eyes widened in surprise, quickly striking a pose to impress him. "Oh, hey."

Adrien sipped a cup of coffee, looking at her in slight confusion, but replying with, "Hey, Mari. How are you on this fine, lovely morning?"

"I'm fantastic!" She nervously chuckled, the blond haired model looking at her in curiosity.

"You don't look fine." He commented, sipping his coffee once more. "You look miserable, did something happen last night?"

Marinette froze with various thoughts running through her head. Well, Mr. Model, I'm not sure about my discerning feelings for you, because I got it on with Paris' male superhero last night. I ain't telling you, I just don't know what to—

She interrupted her own thoughts with a completely different topic. "So, where's my parents?"

"Oh," he got up and put his cup delicately in the sink. "They told me to watch the bakery while they went to run an errand."

"Oh." She didn't know how to respond to that. "Great."

The silence between them was menacing to Marinette, as she felt both guilty and suddenly awkward around Adrien. She gave in, saying, "So, I went on a date with Chat Noir last night."

That comment she made seemed to get his attention. "Oh really? How did it go?"

"Well, heheheh.." She didn't want to go in depth about the closet scene, but she explained the entire thing the best she could. The walk down the sidewalk, the exquisite restaurant and their mega discount, and lastly, how he cruised down the Parisian River with her.

"That sounds amazing, Marinette! I'm glad you enjoyed each other's company. Would you two go on a second date?" He asked, curious once again.

Without skipping a beat, she said, "Of course!" She didn't realize it at first, but once she did, it was too late.

"Fu—" The bluenette was cut off by her parents walking in. The little bell above their door jingled, her parents seemingly filled with joy.

"We're home!" They exclaimed and noticed Marinette standing next to Adrien.

"You're finally up, sleeping beauty!" Tom hugged her tightly, putting her down after ten seconds of her nearly being suffocated.

"You bet," She said nervously, rubbing the back of her head, still feeling guilty for whatever reason.

Her parents thanked Adrien, but before leaving, he said to Marinette, "Oh, by the way, I know what—" Their conversation was delayed for now, due to the fact that they had both heard screams coming down the street.

They saw a man, thorns loaded in a cannon, which was substituted for one of his arms. He had an afro filled with thorns, but it was green like grass or, in this case, it looked like a bush. "I'm Épineux!" He announced, targeting any citizen in his line of sight. He found a target in particular, hammering them with thorns, and enclosing them in a box that looked like a cage with no escape.

"Run, Adrien!" Marinette whisper-yelled to the blond haired boy, pushing him in the opposite direction of the Akumatized victim.

He was a bit thrown off by the semi-aggressive push, but he knew she was trying to protect him. He gave her a thumbs up, running off into an isolated alleyway. "Plagg, it's time to transform."

On the other hand, Marinette isolated herself in her room, slamming the trapdoor shut. "Tikki, it's time to—" she was cut off by the fairly annoyed kwami.

"Marinette, I've been getting neglected by you for three days now because of that cat! Any apologies?" She seemed impatient, narrowing her eyes at her holder.

Marinette sighed, cupping the palm of her hand for Tikki to sit on, in order for her to let off her steam built up. "I'm so sorry, Tikki. I swear I'll feed you a huge load of cookies after this battle. Here's one for now, I'll bake some after we get back." The red kwami glanced at the cookie, looking back at Marinette for validation. Marinette nodded and Tikki chomped down the cookie faster than you could say, "Transform me."

"You ready?" The bluenette asked her kwami, her kwami nodding back in approval.

"Alright!" Marinette pushed her hair back to reveal her earrings. "Tikki, transform me!"

On the other end, Adrien said, "Plagg, transform me!"

In just seconds, they were both the superheroes of Paris: Ladybug and Chat Noir.

The spotted heroine launched her yo-yo and used buildings to navigate her way towards the Akumatized villain. Chat coincidentally met by her side, leisurely humming a small tune, but not making any gestures towards her. More specifically not saying, "Good afternoon, M'Lady".

She raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but focused her mindset on the target, Épineux. The thorn-covered villain let out a ferocious cackle, making both Chat and Ladybug flinch. "You really think I'm going to let some snobby superheroes take down my precious garden? Try again!" He used his arm cannon and fired a barrage of thorns at the Parisian superheroes.

They both managed to dodge his thorns, tumbling to the opposite sides of him. His only useful weapon for the very least seems to be his thorn cannon, Ladybug thought, trying to analyze their options on how to defeat him. An idea finally came to mind and she immediately whipped her head around to the feline hero.

"Chat Noir, Cataclysm!" She yelled, pointing at the cannon. The spotted heroine was standing behind the villain, so that Épineux was confused about what she was referring to.

He nodded and yelled, "Cataclysm!" The destructive power formed in one of the palms of his hands in just seconds, ready to destroy anything it touches. He sprinted towards the villain at full speed, kicking him down to the ground.

Épineux fell with a thud, the wind knocked out of him, for he wasn't expecting that move. He attempted to recover and Chat gently pressed his palm that contained his Cataclysm on the Akumatized villain's cannon.

"NOOO!" Épineux yelled, clearly in defeat. He fell to his knees dramatically, but his head shot up immediately.

"I'm not giving up that easily," he muttered, using his afro to create branches that looked like cat's claws. He summoned those branches to scratch at the duo, them trying to dodge it the best they could.

Ladybug looked at her surroundings, got an idea in the midst of being bombarded with branches, and yelled, "Lucky Charm!"

The item she received was a fork and she looked at it in confusion. "A fork?"

"Hurry, Ladybug!" Chat was trying to hold Épineux off and protect her while she used her Lucky Charm to hopefully defeat the villain.

She used her spotted x-ray vision to look around. Her vision highlighted the villain's head, Chat's staff, and the branches on the villain's head. "Chat Noir, your staff!" She yelled and he tossed her his weapon. Ladybug launched herself onto the villain's head with it and ran the fork through his afro, prying all the branches out.

"NOOO!" This time, Épineux's defeat was genuine. He dropped to his knees and Ladybug crushed all the branches in one stomp, finding the one that contained the Akuma.

"No more evildoing for you, little Akuma.." she murmured, getting her yo-yo ready to prepare her yo-yo to capture it. "Time to de-evilize!" She captured it and purified it. "Gotcha."

She released it, murmuring, "Bye bye, little butterfly.." Ladybug tossed the fork in the air, shouting, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Paris was reset back to normal and the victim was confused. "W-What happened?"

"Pound—" Ladybug held out her fist, but Chat declined politely.


Edit: If this says my book updated just now, it's because I had to correct one thing, which was just taking out a repetitive word. Regardless, thank you for reading!

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