~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)

By Nightstar246

54.5K 2K 4.2K

First time posting so try to work with me people. Error now lives in the Creepypasta AU world after jumping i... More

Puppet Master Story Idea/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

4.4K 153 210
By Nightstar246

Hello everyone!

Apologize of the late update was debating on certain parts to be updated and how long the Chapter was going to be. So, cut parts apart that'll be in Chapter 6 instead!

Thank you @1234567aph again for helping me out and part of this story with me.

Hope you enjoy!

Voices speaking  ""

Flashback ""

Slight warning about panic attacks.

Chapter 5

"Any last words Ben." Slenderman stared at Ben.

"I want Jeff to have none of my shit. Oh and tell Lulu she cu-gawkk!" The tentacle squeezing his neck harder.


Ben closed his eyes and waiting for his death. But nothing happen. The tentacle was no longer choking him.

"Dammit stop doing that!"

"Stop wasting my time. You can kill him later or punished him."

"Why you-Jeff put that phone down!"

Ben open his eyes and blink. Slenderman hand and tentacle being grab by strong coming from the newcomer he just now scene. Damn he never scene someone's, a skeleton at least, have the many cracks and chips on their skull. Glance at Slenderman who looks completely annoyed and sighs.

"Error let go and I will put Ben down. But he is punished for what he supposed to be doing."

Watches the one called "Error", found that as a cool name, lets Slenderman go with those strings. Slenderman put him down, small drop at the bottom, and he grunted. Rub his neck and held back a complaint. Notice Jeff finally by the skeleton. "Where the hell you been?''

"Living my life with him."

"You make it sound like you're a couple."

"Jealous EJ?"


"Aww EJ don't be jealous you still got us."

"No, never mine im jealous."


"Anyway who this one?'' Error asked as he study the guy he swear scene somewhere. The blond was at least 5'6. Wore a black shirt with little character designs, green pants, and wore a familiar green hat. Black eyes with red pupil with blood going down his face.

"Come on pile of bones use what brain you have in there."

"Your one to talk."

"Shut it!"

"He not wrong."

"Who side are you on?"

"Since when were we ever on your side."


"Oh he Zelda."


Ben being held back by Masky and EJ to not attack Error. How dare he called him Zelda. It been many damn years and people should know who he looks like. "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE HER!"

"You sure?" Look at the others and the kids giggles and Jeff, Toby laughing away. Slenderman shaking his head. Hoodie just looked amused from what he can tell so far.

"He the one that looks like Link expect shorter and not as ugly."

"Fuck you Jeff- "

"LANGUAGE!" Slenderman shouted and voice was mad

Ben stopped and cowered a little at the line he crossed.

"Now everyone calms down. I want the rest to come in the living room to be introduce to our new-"

"Im not your new member."

"Annoyance to the group."

Ben amused hearing annoyance on his face and the skeleton honesty. Watch Jeff nudge Error to follow him with Smiley loyally next by him. EJ close to them. Sally and Lazari chattering with the guy, he thinks guy from the voice and clothing, and just listens to them. Toby following long happily. Hoodie and Masky close by as they follow them. Slenderman just standing and rubbing his forehead.

Well this will be a new game with a new character in the mix.

Few minutes later.

"Is this everyone?"

"The rest are still on missions but should be back tonight or tomorrow."

"Hmm fine and he doesn't need to see the others unless they visit."

"Im right here you know."

"On that note everyone this Error." Slenderman move a bit for everyone to introduce themselves.

First, person Error sees come up was young woman who was 5'8. Wore a long sleeve black sweater and black paints. She has long silky black hair, porcelain pale skin, worse black lipstick, and has solid black eyes.

"So, you're the one the waste of space been staying with."

"Error ignore the witch."

"Why? She talking to me and not going to be rude."

"Your always rude."

"Im not being rude now talking to her." Glance at her. "So, your Jane."

"So, he does talk about me."

"One way to put it." Talking really ranting about her and wishing to kill her. But something happens for the two too have an understanding and at least work together on the Slenderman. What was it Error doesn't know? Then again he remembers Jeff mentioning she has a girlfriend here.

"Oh Jane he the one that made your Cross Puppet!" Sally exclaimed happily.

"Wait. What?'' Jane taken a little back along with now noticing the girl's new dresses. It was too adorable.

"Yeah, he made all our puppets and that you dress too wear on your date."

Error stares and then snap his finger. "xxDONTGOTOSLEEPxx"

"Excuse me." She was a bit taken back he knew her username.

"Yeah you bought that black dress with the black corset, with the red stitching like spirals around along with a black strapless br-"

"Yes, that's me!" Jane blushing bright at the reminder. Glared at a few snickering members in the group. "Have to say im impressed."

"Plus, Jeff says you say Don't Go to sleep to your victims."

"...Fair enough."

"Have to say all your usernames are too connected to you personally once I realized it going through orders and from Jeff. Jeff username no better either."

"I don't buy your stuff!"

"But your PlayStation account says something different."

"Shut up Ben."

"Yeah, yeah." Ben comes up. "Im Ben Drowned not Zelda."

"You both still look the same."

"I don't look like her!"

"Hmm." Narrow his eyes at Ben and lean back. "Oh I see it now my mistake."

"See that wasn't too hard-"

"Your shorter than her."

Ben being held back by EJ to not choke the bastered. Who gave him look like he did nothing wrong. "Have you ever played my games!"



"Wait you seriously never played his game." Hoodie looked at Error with shock. Yeah sure many of them don't like to play video games or don't care much about it. But you at least know something related to it. They all thought Error was just being funny when he was messing with Ben. But now they're really wondering how true all of it really was.

Error shake his head no. "Jeff mention something once he brings a PlayStation he going to "educate me" on it. But he showed me a few videos of stuff to get ready."

Ben just gap at the skeleton and few of them look at Error strangely. How out of touch was he to not even know who he was.

"H-hello my name Lulu." The young girl comes up. She was 5'4. She was wearing a tattered blue uniform with black leggings underneath. Long black hair that were style in twin tails with bangs that covering half her face. He notices the lack of eyes around her face and tilt his head. But then remember Jeff mention about her sockets actually being closed.

"Hello Lulu."

"T-thank you f-for not killing Jeff."

"He started it first."

"Again not apologizing!"

Lulu giggles a bit.

Error look at the girl a bit longer and stare at Slendermn. "Are you poor or something?"

"What? Im not poor!"

"Then why is she wearing a tattered uniform? Look if your poor Its okay. I don't mind making her a shirt."

"R-really?'' Lulu a bit taken back.

Error shrugged. "Why not kid. I did it for those two imps."

Lulu pouted a bit. "Im not a kid. I actually am older."

"Same here but too me you look like a baby bones."

Lulu pouted longer but glance at Sally and Lazari direction and back at him. Well she did see something nice on his sight and she did use her money at the time to buy those cute puppets. Last one was a Dust puppet holding a bone and Core Frisk. She looks at Slendermn permission and stop.

"I...Im not poor. I treat them well. I just didn't think about it." Slenderman in the corner muttering to himself and the choices he made for his proxies. Everyone sweat dropped, except Error, at his direction.

"Um can I get back to you on that." Lulu looked back at Error.


Next up was a guy Error could only describe as a tall clown. A creepy clown but cool. Next, to Slenderman this guy would second tallest in this house so far being 6'1 and next person to not look humanly normal. His outfit colors were all black, white, and dark gray which consist of striped top, dark-grey overalls with a patch on his left knee-side of the overalls, feathered shoulders, stripped socks, and black shoes. His face has a stripped pointy nose, ringed monochrome eyes, black lips that smile and see pair of razor sharp teeth.

"Hello, Hello Error. The name Laughing Jack." He bowed dramatically and produce candy out of his hand. "Candy?''

"LJ don't you think about it."

"Is it chocolate?''

"Seriously Error!"

"Well no but-"

"Not, chocolate won't eat it."

Laughing Jack stare and produce a chocolate bar. "How about now?"

Before can tell Laughing Jack to stop it or put it away. Error took the chocolate and threw the whole thing in his mouth and chewed it. It tasted off and had better. But hey he offered it. Glance and see everyone stare at him in shock, horror and awed. "What?''

"Spit it out!"

"He ate the whole thing!"

"Fuck his stuff effects skeletons too."

"Error spit out that chocolate."

He just stared and swallow it.

"That was amazing but so stupid."

"Oh my gosh!"

"Is Error going to die!"

"I don't want him to die! Bad LJ!"


"Great and I was starting to like this one."

"Well this is a first."

"What you blabbering about clown."

"The kind I give him would just make him sick and twitchy like 30 seconds ago"

"Oh so that was the off taste. You try to poison me."

"One was to put it but yes."

"Yeah my body use to being poison. Im even immune to anything poison base. I even stop counting how many times someone tried to poison me. Hmm it was 345 last time I check? Probably went higher. But a first with chocolate."

Everyone only stared at him in shock and horror. Even Laughing Jack was a bit taken back and starred at the skeleton. He grinned suddenly. "Im going to like you."

"Got any chocolate not poison''


"Enough chocolate!"

"Laughing Jack I'll talk with you later."

Then the last person came up to introduce themselves. Stood by 5'8. HW was wearing black hoodie, black gloves, black pants, and black boots. Around his neck was a black and white stripped scarf. On his face was a split black and white mask. The right side that was black had a happy white smile and white eye look "lit up". He reaches out to shake his hand. "Hello to you Error. Your pretty amazing in both ways. "

"Im not amazing." Notice how he had an accent in his tone but couldn't place it where. Just look at the hand till they finally drop it.

"Come now of course you are. "Clap their hands together. "My name is Kagekao. Do you enjoy pranks?''

Error stared and think for a bit. "It's been awhile I done one."

"Hehehe! Oh so much fun will have."

"Dammit were doom."

"Come on it won't be bad...right?''

"How about wine?"

"Wine? what's that?''

"You're a funny one."

"No, seriously what is it? Is it the same thing like waffles Toby keeps raving about?"

Kageko stared at Error for a while. "Your really are serious."

"Yes, I am." He doesn't know how many times he'll have to say it. Just like he had to keep reminding Jeff he doesn't need to eat but does because he wants it.

"How about you all show him around. Sally, Lazari I do need a few words with you both. You can play tea party with Error later. Ben and Laughing Jack a word with you two as well when you're done showing him around." Slenderman motion the girls to follow him.

"Okay." They waved bye to Error and they follow Slendermn.

"Alright pile of bones lets show you around the dump."

"Your one too talk."

"Wasn't talking to you bitch."

"Go eat a knife."

"He'll enjoy that too much."

"I would pay you to do that."

"Come on Ronald show me the place."



They showed Error around the mansion of the extra rooms that lead down stairs and upstairs except certain rooms, a kitchen, library, Slenderman office that was closed at the moment, basement and backyard.

"Hey I need to go check some stuff in my room so don't cause any trouble."

"No, promises mom."

Jeff flips him off and walks away. Error now with the others. It didn't feel that bad since EJ with him. Masky, Hoodie, and Toby still unsure but they weren't too bad. But the others he staying alert.

"Favorite color?''

"Huh?'' Error looked at Kagekao.

"Your favorite color." Kagekao repeated. "Mine red."

"Just like red from his wine."

"Guilty as charge so what is it?''

Favorite color? Error frowns he thinks it over. Defiantly not white but other colors he can't say. He like them doesn't mean they should be a favorite. Some days he like one color over the other. "I guess today would be Yellow."


"I don't have a favorite. Too many colors too chose and too many to name. Some days I like one color over the other."

"Huh that's one way of putting it." Jane rub her chin.

"Oh so how did you meet Jeff, EJ and they others exactly?'' Lulu asked next.

"Jeff broke my window. EJ broke the same window a week after. Toby chopped my door down and the other 3 were with him at the time." He really hopes their no surprise back at his house or another busted window. Decided to asked questions back to not speak much. "So, how did each of yall meet Octopus?''

So, the next half hour Error learn little bit more about how each meet Slenderman and joined. Quite frankly he didn't expect he get so much information. Could find the codes easily if they lied but this was better and not as lazy. Even when Jeff stayed with him he barely used the code to check the story. He checked Creepypasta in the past and expanded it bit so he can be alert if any turn enemies. Well, so far not enemies but unwanted and surprise guesses.

Error deep into thought till suddenly an arm wrapped around his shoulder and he freezes.

"So, have you killed anyone?''

Error body began to glitch slightly and shaken a bit. Then his mind began to focus on the question.

"Hey are you- "

"LJ stop touching him" EJ immediate got his arm off the skeleton.

"Hey what the heck was that for."

Error could hear them but his mind began to wonder a darker part in his head


Blaster sounds!

"Please have mercy!"

Im sorry.

"Stop it! Please stop it!"


I have to do it for the balance. Im so sorry.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"Stay back you monster!"

Please, please don't look at me like that! Damn you Ink for putting in the spot!


Why? Because Fate didn't take responsibility. Ink stop listening. Fate wanted to favor her child. Ink wouldn't stop creating. They needed to balance. He was forced to do this for the balance. He is so sorry.

A touch on his arm.


His eyes snapped and he jumped far away from the touch. He stared across startled Lulu who look out to him with her arm out. The others were confused, stared at him. Study at him with confusion and concern. Why are they concern about him, they don't know him? They don't know the horrible things he had to do.

"Oh yes they don't know a filthy glitch like you?''

Head spin around and began to search in slight panic. No, no that's not impossible.


Error spun around and ready to attack but freeze to see it was more people coming in. Well crashed in really.

"HEY SLENDY WE CAME FOR A SURPRISE VISIT AND FOUND YOUR OTHER PROXIES!" The one shouting and came in first was tall humanoid. Taller than even Slenderman! He was wearing different color polka dot suit with a big red bow tie. Wore a black top hat with a red strip. Except his face actually have mouth and black eyes brighten with excitement. In each of his he was carrying two people.

"Splendor! You need to knock next time!" Behind Splendorman was another taller being but was shorter than his counterparts. His outfit consist of a brown sweater, a white undershirt, and brown pants. Even though he has no ears he is somehow wearing pair of glasses over no facial face.

"Um who he?" The one behind him glasses was a young man standing 6'1 tall. He was wearing a black sweater, dark blue jeans, and a light and dark gray scarf he tugged a bit. Messy medium brown hair, light green eyes studying the new comer. Multiple scars and stiches across his face and neck. It didn't seem to bother the skeleton as he just stared at them.

"Oh Liu this was the new person that Slender told us about. He said he sent text to yall about it." Kagekao explained while keeping his eyes on Error. EJ and Hoodie staying close to Error but not to close as he flinches and takes small steps.

"I saw that! I didn't know it'll be a skeleton." The one in Splendor man arm spoke and was a female. He set her down and she approach Error a bit closely. She was 5'9 tall. Her clothing consists of greyish-blue hoodie, with white fur lining on the side, black skinny jeans and black knee high boots. Notice the belt similar to Toby but were holding knives instead. Her skin pale peach, long messy brown hair and her right eye was bright green. Her left eyes however was small clock as a replacement. She smiles at him and see black stiches were sewn in around the corner of her mouth. "So, nice to meet you im Clockwork. Well really its Natalie but-"


"Oh hey babe sorry to not saying hi to you first." Runs to Jane and hug her.

"So, bro got another little proxy. Hmm and a cutie too." Finally, to last one to come in was another taller humanoid. Taller than glasses but a bit shorter than Splendorman. Unlike the other two and Slenderman he was built muscular and not slender. He was wearing a black trench coat with a black loose tie, black boots, and a black fedora. He had no eyes but a mouth with a pair of sharp teeth. "The name Offenderman pretty bones."


"Fuck off Trendy. I'm actually being polite."

"I see that. Oh not to be rude I'm Trenderman."

"And I'm Splendorman! Were Slenderman brothers! Nice to meet you! Huh I never seen a skeleton glitch?"

"I'm Liu...Are you-'' Liu took a step till Sully spoke up in his head. "Liu stay back something not right."

"Oh and last but not least meet Helen Otis he is also known as Bloody Painter." Splendorman put him down on his feet.

The guy stood around 5'8 with a nice built. He was wearing a blue jacket with a yellow happy pin, black pants, black gloves covered in red substance. Can see he had a fair skin tone from around his neck and parts of his wrist showing. He had slightly messy black hair. He was wearing a white mask with black hole and red smile on his face. But the smile was dripping red like a bloody smile.

"Hello um what was your name?''

Error says nothing but stared at the mask. No, the smile on his face that was dripping red. Red like paint. Paint exactly like he would have! He took another step back and try to concentrate. He needs to go now! This was a bad mistake. He should have stayed home! Should have told Jeff fuck it and just used a portal to grab his stuff or heck buy new stuff! He needs to go before he gets hurt!

"Aww the glitch still scared about a bit of paint. Well it is red just like Ink attacks that you deserved red you monster!"

Shut up.

"Haha I bet compared to them their like saints unlike you filthy monster!"

Shut up.

"Why don't you just kill yourself already and not give them any trouble!"


Everyone suddenly covered their ears at the glitching sounds intensifies and sounds of "error" spread around the living room. Till one person at a time look at the skeleton.

Error on his knees and clutching his skull. His eye sockets from what the others were able to see look like glitches and errors combined. He can barely see and take in everything all at once happening inside and outside him. With his tear marks added on his face it was hard for them to tell if he was crying or not.

"Jeff!" EJ yells for Jeff.

"What is going on-Sally, Lazari stay back." Slenderman ordered the girl as he sees the mess. Took a step and wobble a bit of the effects Error was making. It was different when he approaches his victims and make them weak. This was like times worse and was feeling it off of him. Tentacles out and ready to restrain Error.

"No! Don't!"

Slenderman turn and see Jeff already down the stairs as he runs passed them towards Error. "Jeff move-"

"You're going to make it worse with those now back off!"

Slenderman a bit taken back as he watches Jeff approaches Error. Same with everyone else of Jeff behavior, except a certain few. Apparently not caring about getting hurt or the sound bursting their ears.

"Error, Error! It's me Jeff! Come on pile of bones try to take a deep breath."

A what? Error barely able to comprehend what Jeff was saying when he got close. Only to tell it was him and not move away from him was the pulse of his soul he began to recognize over the weeks. It helps but at the same time it didn't as he was already too far out of it. "I-I"

The glitches exploded and Error crashed.

Jeff caught Error in time before he fell down to the ground. Wrap his arms around the skeleton and lower themselves to the ground. Muttered out a few words and kept his eyes on him to wait.

Then suddenly anyone close by hear a strange low sound.

Reboot 5%

Another silence till someone finally spoke.

"What the funk just happen?''

~ ~ ~ ~

Guess who said that last part.

The voices will be explained but I will say this. Fate doesn't know where Error is. Along with never getting him back So, Glitch boy is safe still! Yay!

Well I all hope you enjoy the Chapter and that the next one will be out soon.

On that note the OC feature will be on Chapter 7 instead of Chapter 6. So, if you still want your OC features now be a good time to put it down. So, Im giving everyone 1 day left of the deadline. So, got till Thursday, 4/17/2020. Because after a certain deadline they wont be used on the story since ill be working at it by then. But the OC could be use later in a different part of the sory if I can work around it. If not will see.

Till next time! See you soon!

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