Close Your Eyes (Eyeless Jack...

By jessi_54

13.9K 281 125

"She's not yours, you know." More

In The Night
Meeting The Gang
Hang Out
(A/N)..yes another one
Jack (Part 1)
Jack (Part 2)
ummmm... Jack (Part 3)?
She's Mine
Actually She's Mine
And Seek

Love at first sight

341 7 7
By jessi_54

(A/N) Hey guys! It's been a while! Sorry for those who've been waiting for another chapter, I've been working on my other story so I haven't really had time to type this one out. But I'm back! Also I should probably warn you that there is some talk about suicide in this chapter, but of course there will be no suicide. I hope you'll enjoy!

It's been hours since the gang won the fight against Offenderman and it was now the next morning. Everyone was still somewhat shocked about the whole thing, but Ben and Jack felt it the worst. They were so focused on you that they were both still in the pizza delivery disguises. "Guys," Slendy started as he walked through the cave entrance with another slender figure. "This is my cousin Tenderman. I called him over to take care of (Y/N)." Slenderman informed the group. "SERIOUSLY! HOW MANY SLENDER PEOPLE ARE THERE?!" Jeff asked but still didn't get an answer. Everyone present at the moment greeted Tenderman who was walking down the case of stairs with Slendy. "Hello everyone. Like Slenderman said, my name is Tenderman. If anyone needs anything, I will be with the patient." Slendy led Tenderman into Ben's room where you were resting.

~Ben's POV~

Everything felt so surreal. I was constantly beating myself up over what happened last night ever since I saw (Y/N) on the ground bleeding when I came back. 'People usually get each other get well gifts, right? I'll get something to go with the rose.' I told myself. I slowly got up from the couch. "I'm going for a walk." I said heading for the stairs. "Ben? Going for a walk? Man this whole thing must've really got to him." Jeff said mumbling the last part. I heard him I just didn't feel like reacting, but Jane slapped the back of his head hard enough for the both of us. I walked up the stairs and outside, being blinded by the sunlight. I took out the shades that happened to be in my pocket from last night and put them on. I teleported to the ends of the wooded area to save time then walked out into the open.

After 10 minutes of walking, I came across a department store. I quickly walked inside and immediately started looking for cards. "Are you finding everything alright, sir?" A lady asked stopping in front of me. "I- uh- I..."

'Crap! No one's here to speak for me!'

I inhaled deeply and shut my eyes before speaking again. "I'm looking for get well cards!" I blurted out. She looked at me like she was concerned, scared, and shocked, but I could care less. 'I spoke for myself!' I thought, feeling accomplished. "Y-yes you can find them on aisle 10." She replied. I came across an aisle full of cards and began my search. "Get well, get well, get well, get well...." I stopped at the section labeled 'Get Well' and picked up a few different ones and started reading them to find one for (Y/N). "Hmmm... 'Hope each day finds you getting better and better.' Alright." I put the other cards back and picked up an envelope to put the card in, then walked to the register. "Alright, sir, that'll be two dollars."

'Money. I forgot the money. I could just get it from the money Jeff and I have through teleportation.....or....' I quickly grabbed the card and envelope then teleported back to the cave. I calmly walk inside and sit back in the same spot I was sitting in before leaving. I picked up a nearby pen and took out the card, observing it a little, trying to figure out what to write in the empty space. "Whatcha dooooin'?" Sally asked from over my shoulder. "Signing this card for (Y/N)."

"Why?" She asked.

"So she'll know I care about her." I responded as I continued thinking about what to write. "You mean like her?" My eyes widen slightly and I could feel my face heat up then quickly turned around to my little sister figure. "ShhhHHhHh! No! I mean care!" I retorted in a whisper then turned back around to the card. I decided to keep it simple and just wrote my name. "Who's the card for?" Jane asked walking over to me and Sally. "It's for (Y/N). It's to let her know that Ben li-"

"Cares," I quickly covered Sally's mouth already knowing what was going to come next. "That I care about her."

"Oh. Hey do me a favor and put my name up there too." Jane said. "Oh! Mine too! But put a heart by my name!" Sally said in a bubbly tone as she hopped up and down. "Wha– no! Nobody is putting their names up here except for me! Go get your own gifts!"

"Gifts? We're getting gifts!?" Jeff asked peering into the conversation. "Not for us, nitwit! For (Y/N)." I said as I closed the card and placed it in the envelope. "In that case, can you give me some of our money? I wanna buy her that Animal crossing game!" Jeff said with a gleam in his eyes. "No. Go simpler." I told him. If his gift was to top mine, would she even care about mine? I started to think telling them to get their own gifts were a bad idea. I got up and made my way to Splendor's room.

Knock knock knock

"Splendy, do you have any ribbons?" No answer.

Knock knock knock

"Splendy?" Still no response. "He's out right now. Playing with the little girl we saved last night." I looked over in the direction of the voice and saw Jack, and just like me, he still had the disguise on. I honestly didn't know how I should feel about Jack. I strongly dislike him, especially from what he said about (Y/N), but I haven't been thinking straight since she came into the picture. " know when he'll be back?"

"He didn't say." Jack said then let out a long, deep sigh. "Look, about the other day. What I said about (Y/N) was out of line. I feel like this could've been avoided if I kept my mouth shut. It's just..." he let out another sigh before speaking again. "I started to feel like...she'd fall for you. Not that the scars were on purpose, I forgot to eat. Honestly, I got angry every time I saw you two together having fun and talking. I started to feel jealous because I felt like I was back in square one with her." Throughout his whole confession, he didn't look at me once. Was he embarrassed? "I'm...sorry. I knew that (Y/N) was brought here so the two of you could reconnect or whatever, but I stepped in the way. I'll stop hanging around her if it'll make you feel any better." Everything he told me was from pure honesty. In order to keep (Y/N) safe, I'll stay away from her when she wakes up. "Thanks. His door should be open." Jack informed me then walked away. I opened the door then walked to his closet. Once that was opened I pulled an arts and craft box down and grabbed a ribbon. I walked back down stairs and grabbed the envelope with the card inside and walked to my room.

When I opened the door, Slendy was explaining everything that happened last night to his cousin, who was hooking (Y/N) up to machines that magically appear out of thin air. They stopped talking and both looked my way, but once they saw it was me, they paid me no mind and picked up on the conversation. I walked over to my dresser and opened one of the drawers revealing a red rose. I grabbed it and sat down where I was standing. I took the rose and placed it on the envelope and took the ribbon and tied it around the envelope, keeping the rose in place. Slendy walked out the room leaving me with Tenderman and an unconscious (Y/N). "Can you make sure she gets this whenever she wakes up?" I asked as I handed Tenderman the envelope with the rose attached. "A rose? Do you think that's a good idea?" He questioned as he slowly took it from my hand. "Well...I didn't see anything wrong with it. Just a kind gesture." He scanned the envelope and rose as if he were looking for any loose strings then looked back at me....I think. "Alright. I'll give it to her as soon as she opens her eyes."

~End of Ben's POV~

~Two day time skip~

It's been days since the incident and you still weren't awake yet and it was around 10 in the morning. "Let me know if (Y/N) wakes up when I'm gone. And make sure she gets that gift I bought for her." Jack told the posse downstairs in the living room before going outside for a late morning walk. "Roger that, boss." Jeff said.

"I wonder how long she's gonna be out for." Sally pondered as she looked at her beloved teddy bear, Mr. Death. "Yeah, she could be out for weeks. Even months." Jane explained while scrolling through her phone. "All I know is that Jack–" before Jeff could finish his sentence, Slendy came into the room. "She's awake." That was all it took for the three of them to get up. They all ran into the room just to see you. "(Y/N)!" Sally shouted then ran to the side of the bed. "Hey! Where's Ben?" You asked. "Ben? I think he's in the bathroom or something." Sally replied. "Oh we should probably call Jack." Jeff told Jane before pulling out his phone. "Right. Jack wanted to see you, (Y/N)! He'll be happy to know your okay. Speaking of him, he gave you a gift! Did you open it yet?" Sally said crawling into your lap. "No. Only Ben's. Where is he?" You asked again but this time it seemed a bit weird and made everyone stop. Jeff's finger hovered over the call button. "(Y/N)...we already told you where he was."

"Besides," Sally started. "We're gonna have lots of fun! Watching horror movies and–"

"Will Ben be there?" You interrupted. Everyone in the room at the moment looked at you weirdly. "Uhh well he lives here so I think so." Jeff informed you. He leaned over towards Jane's ear, "I'll go get B-E-N." He whispered before stepping out.

"I'm glad you're awake (Y/N)." Sally said sitting in your lap. "Me too. Now I get to go see Ben." Sally looked up at you then at Jane then at Slenderman who was standing by the door. "Ummm (Y/N)? Do you like Ben?" Sally asked confused. "Of course! He is my boyfriend after all!" Your voice suddenly changed into a peppy, but almost robotic tone. "Ben's here!" Jeff shouted from the doorway. Ben stepped into the room causing your eyes to light up. "Ben!" You ran up to him and nearly knocked him over with a hug. "Hey (Y–" Before Ben could complete his sentence, your lips crashed into his.

"I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP!" Jane shouted with a hint of laughter.

"Ooh Jack's gonna be pissed!" Jeff snickered.

"Ben! You weren't gonna tell me that the two of you are dating!?" Sally asked as she slid off the bed. "Dating?! Wait! I'm not–! We're not–!"

"What do you mean we're not dating, babe?" You asked with a slight tilt of your head. "Babe?" A disembodied voice asked from behind everyone. You all turned around to see Jack standing at the door. "Jack! I- I'm not– I don't know what's going on! I just–!" Betrayal. All Jack felt was Betrayal. Without another word Jack teleported out of their sights. Ben saw why he was upset but he wasn't sure how any of it happened. "Ben," Everyone turned their heads towards Slenderman, who was holding the rose in his hand. "Did you give her this rose?" He asked with a gruff voice. "......Y-yeah."

"Did you know that this...was the rose Offenderman tried to give her?" Slenderman was now giving off a strange aura that kind of scared everyone, except for you. "I- no! Well I figured it might've been one of his roses being that I found it the night after the fight but I didn't think it could do anything."

"You Idiot! Do you know what these roses are capable of? It doesn't even matter if that bastard's dead! (Y/N) will be glued to you, willing to do anything you say, anything for you! Even kill herself! She'll die just for you and you wouldn't be able to live with her blood on your hands! None of us would!" Everyone had fear plastered on their faces as they took everything Slendy said in. "W-well..isn't there a way to like undo it or something?" Sally asked. "No."

Everyone eyes grew wider then looked at you latched onto Ben's arm. "Can't we see if Jack could use one of those spells in those books he's been collecting?" Jeff asked stepping forward. Slendy let out a sigh before speaking again. "We could try, but until then, try not to tell her to do anything to bizarre, Ben. Each task gets more dangerous than the last. Show her some love and affection, if you don't, she'll kill herself." Everyone remained silent. Although you weren't an actual part of the group, they still enjoyed having you around. "Alright." Ben said and held your hand. "You're so cute, Benny!" You stated with a smile. "Uhhh...yeah It's gonna take me a while to get use to this." Ben blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you blushing dude?" Jeff asked holding back a laugh. "Shut up, doofus!" Ben shouted.

The day continued and you and Ben were sitting on the couch along with Jeff and Sally watching horror movies. "Is there anything you need me to do for you, Ben?" You asked as you scooted closer to him. "Uhh no not right now."

You quickly stood up and stood in front of him. "Why not? I'll do anything you ask! Just give me something to do, anything! I'll even kill myself for you!" You shouted with a psychotic smile plastered on your face. "Ben..." Jeff said as if he was telling him to fix this. "(Y/N) sit down and relax." Ben warily demanded as he patted the cushion beside him. You calmly sat back down, doing as he said, and the four of you continued watching  the movie.

~Jack's POV~

I watched the group watching TV from upstairs. (Y/N) seemed off a bit, being that she told Ben that she'd kill herself for him, but she's still sitting with him. I hate this. Everything about this. How could He stab me in the back after I told him how I felt about (Y/N)? It didn't matter. I'm too late. Unless... "Hey, Jack. I need to talk to you about (Y/N)." I heard Slenderman speak from behind me, but I didn't want to hear what he needed to say. "I'm busy." I told him then teleported to my room. There's a chance I could cast a spell on (Y/N)– a love spell. I took out all of the spell books I owned and skimmed through them. 'Where is it? Where is it?'

Hours pass and so far I had no luck. I was determined to end what's between them. I continued flipping through the pages until something fell out of the book. I looked down and saw a business card and picked it up.

Hypnotic Hebi- Hypnosis expert

Hebi. There were a few numbers underneath his name and I picked the first one the dialed it into my phone. I pressed call then lifted the phone to my ear and waited for him to pick up. "Hebi, long time no see. How've you been? Great, great. Listen, I have a favor to ask of you."

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