Wild Rose of Ireland

By FaithRuelle

180K 5K 241

Update 6/21/23 Currently being completely rewritten and is located in profile. Have you ever wondered what wo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29- Part One- Two sides of every coin
Chapter 30- Part Two- Two Sides of Every Coin
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42- Part One
Chapter 42 Part Two
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 Ireland Calls
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 Eyes of Ireland {Part One}
Chapter 50 Eyes of Ireland {Part 2}
WROI Story Update

Chapter 44

1K 38 2
By FaithRuelle

Chapter 44

Another day came and went but thankfully Jenny was finally beginning to leave her chamber. Ian fluttered around her like a mother hen, making sure she was alright. Finally by supper she had enough of his hovering and ordered him to leave her be for the remainder of the evening. In his stead Daniea was invited to dine with her upstairs leaving the men to fend for themselves.

The more time Jenny spent with Daniea the more enamored she became with the woman. She found her very relatable in that they both were rough-hewn and crass. Daniea's generally brazen personality and no nonsense way about her made them quick friends; while her quieter side and withdrawn air provoked Jenny's more curious nature. A mystery that Jenny was eager to uncover.


"So Jamie, how was yer outing yesterday? Did ye return the lass's shawl yet?" Ian teased from across the dinner table. Murtagh who had been savoring his stew, looked up, his eyebrows raised.

"It was extremely pleasant if ye must know." Jamie slurred between bites. "And yes, I returned it this morning."

"Lass? Yer courting someone?" Murtagh inquired as he looked upon Ian who seemed to barely be holding in his laughter.

"Aye I believe he is, and if I'm not mistaken it's a seamstress from the village."

"Courting is a strong word, but yes I am enjoying her company...and ye best be keeping yer teasing to yerself tomorrow night. She will be joining us fer dinner." Jamie proclaimed, taking a deep drink of wine as he avoided Murtagh's shocked expression.

"How many times will this make that ye have seen her this week? Must be four at least." Ian retorted, "At this rate we'll be calling her Lady Broch Turach by planting season but I suppose... when ye know ...ye know."

Jamie became rigid in his chair, Ian had a struck nerve that Jamie wasn't aware existed.

"Aye, just like when ye knew with my sister." Jamie gritted back, trying to keep his face void of emotion.

An hour later Jamie made his way to bed, severely drained by the evening's conversation. An otherworldly lullaby entranced him, guiding him to Fergus's cracked door. Peering inside he discovered Fergus crying hard into his hands as Daniea wrapped herself around him.

Her fingers combed through the boy's curls as she soothed him with a french lullaby. She rocked the poor lad back and forth. Guarding him against his night terrors as she had many a night in France. In between his gasps he mumbled incoherently, urging Daniea to hold him tighter.

Feeling as if he was prying into a private moment Jamie began to back away. Once in his own room he could still hear her sweet lullaby from down the hall. It's lingering notes soothing him as he fell asleep, her ring clasped gently against his chest.


Sorcha arrived early the next day so that she could present Jamie with his finished kilt. In appreciation he decided to wear it the remainder of the day; her smile contagious as he strolled with her around Lallybroch until sundown.

Murtagh warned Daniea to stay away that night and share supper upstairs with him; but unfortunately she had to refuse because Jenny was attending and expected her to partake.

To keep busy she worked in the garden with Ian and helped Jenny while she got use to doing her chores once again. When she found a chance, she would sneak into the pasture and spend a few minutes with Raven and his pasture mates. Murtagh, ever watchful as she happily dolled out a few unneeded treats that the horses thoroughly enjoyed; all the while stealing hugs from the stallion.

"It's so refreshing to be out of bed ye kin." Jenny mused as she prepared the vegetables for the table.

Daniea smiled shyly, silently counting down the minutes until she could leave Lallybroch.

"Have these men been feeding ye lass? Now that I see ye in the sunlight ye look..."

"I'm fine." Daniea snapped with a bit more bite than she meant to use. " Yer the one that needs to be looked after, no need to fuss over me." She assured, gripping Jenny by the hand in a friendly manner.

"Well I am not the one covered in mud," Jenny blurted, " Ye best be getting cleaned up, dinner is almost done."

Daniea smiled and took her leave. Thankful for the precious moments alone before dinner.


Jenny being the ever doting hostess was the first to fuss about the table and seat everyone accordingly. Jamie and Murtagh at the heads of the table. Followed by Sorcha on Jamie's right with Daniea directly across from her. Ian and Jenny were the last to take their seats across from one another by Murtagh.

Jenny grasped Murtagh's hand lovingly as the servants laid the platters out before them. The conversation remained light. Jenny and Ian finally getting some time to truly visit with Murtagh while Sorcha zealously fawned over Jamie; her shyness fully dissolved after their many meetings.

Ian being ever observant as he drank his wine; found his internal comparison of the women across from each other humorous.

To Jamie's right was the sun.

Her blond hair swaying as she eagerly spoke. Golden eyes staring intently at Jamie who continually flattered her, resulting in a tint of rouge gracing her bronze complexion giving her a youthful glow.

To Jamie's left was the moon.

Silent and weary she pushed around the food on her plate, never taking a bite. Her ivory complexion stood stark against her pitch black curls which fell around her face. The ringlets carefully shielding her emerald gaze as she tried her best to ignore the conversation before her.

Before too long Sorcha was trying to include the quiet woman in her chatter. It took several attempts to grab Daniea's attention, which was only successful when Jenny kicked her under the table bringing her back to reality.

"I beg yer pardon." Daniea muttered.

"I'm so sorry my dear! We didn't mean to leave ye out of the conversation." Sorcha cooed as her hand rested on Jamie's forearm."Also I'm not sure I caught yer name, mistress."

Daniea swallowed her venomous retort, trying to remain on her best behavior.

"Daniea.... Daniea O'Dowd." She half smiled, looking up at the cheery girl for a split second.

"What an unusual name...beautiful but unusual."Sorcha commented.

"It's Irish."

Murtagh could practically see Daniea's invisible claws stretch across the table to strangle the annoying girl. Part of him felt terrible for her predicament but the other was incredibly amused. Patiently he waited for her vicious streak to finally make an appearance.

"Are ye from Ireland then?" Sorcha asked as she devoured a piece of roast.

Daniea finally had to glance over at Jamie, flashing him a look that only one could only interpret as.... Is she serious!?

Ian bit his tongue so hard he yelped, as he tried to keep from laughing.

Jenny answered, "Why yes she is. She was my midwife."

"What an honorable profession mistress." Sorcha commented, never catching on.

Jamie decided to hijack the conversation away from Daniea. Shifting it to endorse the beauty of Sorcha's handmade creations. Allowing the girl to again prattle non stop at the adulation.

Jenny and Ian after listening for a moment or two made sure to try and include Daniea into their conversation. Feeling truly guilty at their exclusion of her at the table.

The ticking of the clock thundered in her ears as she realized they were barely through the second course of a four course feast.

"Is yer food alright dear?" Jenny asked as she noticed that Daniea once again barely ate a bite.

"Aye, I just don't have much of an appetite."

"Ye didn't yesterday either, are ye ill?"

Murtagh stared at Daniea, a warning look on his face.

"Heaven's no. I'm fit as could be." Daniea assured, forcing herself to swallow a bit of potato.

Once the third course arrived most everyone was well into drink and were once again leaving her be.

"So Jamie? What are yer intentions with Mistress MacNiven." Ian's promise, to not tease the girl, now broken.

Sorcha sat silent, her face red as the wine in her glass.

"Aye brother. I have heard ye have been spending a lovely amount of time with the lass." Jenny joined, happy that her plan had indeed beared fruit.

His eyes flashed for the briefest second to Daniea, the reason he dreaded to answer.

"I think ye make a bonnie couple M'Laird." Daniea declared to his surprise.

"Really, ye do?" Sorcha inquired, pushing her to go on.

"Mmm hmm." She assured as she took a long drink from her barely touched glass.

Sorcha turned to Jamie, her smile stretched from ear to ear.

"It's still early." Jamie answered, "But I greatly enjoy yer company so anything is possible."

Sorcha squealed, entangling her fingers with Jamie's.

By the end of the talk of courting and public display of affection, Daniea had downed her second glass of wine and felt positively nauseous.

Finally dessert arrived and even the lovely Sorcha was now fully plied with spirits.

Bowls of fruits and creams crowded the table. Jamie and Ian already finished, sipped on their whiskey as Jenny and Sorcha dug into the sweets.

"Would ye be a dear and pass me the vanilla cream?" Sorcha asked, not wanting to reach over Daniea.

She plastered a grin on her face as she picked up the heavy bowl and stretched over the table towards the tipsy girl.

Sorcha gasped in horror backing away! "Ye poor dear! How grotesque!"

Daniea's long sleeves had ridden up accidentally exposing her deformed wrists.

The pattern of tightly wrapped rope burned deep into her flesh resulting in hideous scars.

Daniea jerked back her arms, urgently brushing her sleeves down as she flushed with heat. She thought she was quick but it was too late. Everyone had gotten a sobering look at the sight before them.

"I'm sorry I..." Daniea whispered as she fled the table as fast as her feet would carry her.

"I have never seen such a hideous sight!" Sorcha commented half drunk, her head lollying. "I could never go out in public with scars like that, I...I couldn't bear to live."

"Hush yer mouth!" Jenny yelled, the image still fresh in her mind.

"I didn't mean... I just meant... she is braver than I."

"Stop!" Roared Jamie. Rising from his heavy chair with such ferocity it flipped over behind him.

No one spoke as he erupted. Their eyes only followed him as he darted up the stairs after Daniea, spouting fury induced gaelic for all the village to hear.

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