When Its Over

By zoe_the_librarian

17.6K 982 93

herophine fan fic When Josephine langford a librarian new to london meets Hero Fiennes-Tiffin a saxophone pla... More

1. The Move
2. Care to Dine with me?
4. Please Don't Leave
5. The Past is Haunting me
6. Secrets
7. Im So Sorry
8. Get to know You
9. As the Days Pass
10. Promise Me
11. Going Home
New Story
Hi! Sequal?

3.Care to Dance?

1.3K 78 10
By zoe_the_librarian

Arriving home from the store it is only about two in the afternoon. I open my phone to be greeted with a text from hero.

From Hero: Be ready by 5, also dress fancy.;)

I decide to first make some food, then I'll get ready. I'm starving.

By the time I finish eating it's 3, I'm going to start getting ready. I always like to buy cute dresses that I never wear, so here is my chance to wear one of them. I pick out a short, deep red dress with spaghetti staps and a deep v neck line.

I lay the dress along with a pair of nude colored heels, on my bed. I then head to my bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower I quickly blow dry my hair and curl the very ends. I dont like to wear much makeup so I just put on some mascara and chap stick.

When I put on this daring dress, I feel a little bit uncomfortable with how revealing it is. But for some reason I feel like stepping outside of my comfort zone with Hero tonight.

Before I know it, it is already 5 accompanied by a text from Hero.

From Hero: I'm here:)

Right when I get the text I hear a knock on the front door.

Hero Pov:

Standing outside of Jo's door, I'm starting to feel nervous. Why am I nervous? Right a 5 I text her, then right after I knock on the door. I hope she dosent question me on how I knew where her place was. I might have followed her a few times just to make sure she got home safe.

When she opens the door, it seems as if all the air in my lungs have disappeared.

She. Is. Absolutely. Gorgeous.

"You are stunning." Are the first words that come out of my mouth.

She blushes and says "thank you, you dont look so bad yourself." And she giggles. Oh how I could listen to her giggle every second of the day and it still wouldn't be enough.

I stick my arm out and say "shall we?" She hooks her small arm in mine and replies with, "we shall."

We make our way down to my car, once she sees it her eyes light up and she says "oh my god! Is this yours?" She is so excited. "Yes, you know cars?" I question her. "Sort of, I used to help my dad with cars when I was a kid. He taught me a little bit about them." Her mood has slightly changed at the mention of her father. She seems sort of sad now.

Her face completely shuts down for a moment but after a couple of seconds she recovers and says "well let's go." I nod and open up the door for her.

Jo Pov:

He nods and opens the door for me. I just had a little moment back there. I hope he didnt notice how I just shut down for a moment. I haven't thought about my father in a while and I almost let my old feelings consume me and bring me under like they used to.

Ever since that day, I have suppressed feelings like that.

For the time being I plaster my most fake smile on my face. I just realized I haven't even asked Hero where he is taking me.

"Hey, where are you taking me?"

"Its a surprise." He says with a mysterious grin.

"Oh come.on, just tell me." I plead.

"Nope, we are almost there anyways. Just be patient."

"Ugh, fine." I fake pout.

When I do this he grabs my chin lightly, turning my face to him. Smiles and says "aw Jo, dont pout." Which makes me giggle.

A few minutes later I'm starting to recognize the buildings around us. I'm surprised when he pulls into the cafe parking space and says "and... here." "You brought me to the cafe?" I ask. "Sort of but not really, be patient love." My heart flutters when he calls me love.

Hero gets out of the car and comes around to my side to open the door for me. My hand in his, Hero leads me to the back where I assume is a staff only place.

"Are we aloud to be back here?" I whisper to him. He dosent answer me but instead turns down a small hallway until we come upon a door.

"Down here, love." He says a opens the door to reveal a pair of stairs that is covered in velvety red carpet. The staircase is dimly lit but there is enough light to clearly see where you are going.

Hero takes the lead, heading downstairs are hands still interlocked.

When we get to the bottom my eyes widen in surprise at the beautiful room in front of me.

When I look over to Hero, he is staring at me very intently studying my every move.

"This place is absolutely gorgeous Hero! How do you know about this place?" I ask in awe. "I work here." He says matter-of-factly.

I think I might just faint. "Ya dont look so suprised, I play saxophone with the band or sometimes I just play solo." He says chuckling.

Before I could answer he pulls me over to a small table, he pulls out my chair for me. "Aw such a gentleman." I tease withal flirtatious smile.

The low soothing music being paired with the dim light really sets the mood. A guy who I assume is a waiter stops by the table, he leans over to Hero and Hero whispers something in the man's ear. I guy nods and walks away.

I look at Hero batting my eye lashes seductively while smiling. He leans over and says with a low sexy voice, "Keep looking at me like that and I might just have to take you to the bathroom right now." My eyes widen and I can feel the blush spreading in my face. He looks at me and laughs. "Hero!" I scold him in whisper yelling tone.

"Sorry babe, I'm just joking... unless." He wiggles his eyebrows and I cant control my laughter at this point.

A moment later the waiter is back with a bottle of champagne and to glasses. Me and Hero talk for a little bit sipping champagne. Eventually they bring food that we didnt order. Hero tells me not to worry a out it.

A few moments after we are done eating and new song starts to play. Hero rises from his seat and walks over to me. He holds out his hand and asks, "Care to dance?"

"Its would be my pleasure." I reply sweetly.

Hero Pov:

Jo takes my hand and stands up. I walk us over to where a small dance floor lays. I place my hands on Jo's hips and she places her hands on my shoulders.

God I cant get over how amazing she looks in this dress.

We start to sway along to the slow beat of the music. I slowly spin go around in a circle so that I can look at every beautiful angle of her.

When I pull her back to me, she lightly lays her head on my chest. I didnt know how amazing it could feel to have somebody in my arms. I've never had a girlfriend. Never wanted one. I dont know what changed in me but the moment I layed my eyes on her, I knew I wanted her to be mine.

About half an hour later we decide to leave. I have to come back here in a little bit to work. I wanted to ask Jo if she wanted to stay but I can tell she is tired.

Ten minutes into the drive, I'm looking at Jo in the passenger seat and just thinking about how pretty she is, when all of the sudden Jo yells out, "Hero watch out!" When I look back at the road a car is about to crash straight into us...

Note from author❤:
Sorry I'm ending the chapter here. Be prepared with tissues for the next chapter! But I do hope you enjoyed this one.

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