The Forgotten 🐺

By Supreme_Enchantress

10K 370 27

"No ones truly forgotten," - Alice The Beast of Gevaudan was finally dead, for good this time. Theo was lock... More

~ Recap ~
~ Prologue ~
Chapter One: Candid
Chapter Two: Hunt
Chapter Three: Scott
Chapter Four: Missing Friend?
Chapter Five: Party Crash
Chapter Six: Parrish Love
Chapter Seven: Rider Weakness
Chapter Eight: Stiles
Chapter Nine: Canaan
Chapter Ten: Trap & Date
Chapter Eleven: Hellhound
Chapter Twelve: Rift
Chapter Thirteen: Remembered
Chapter Fourteen: Stiles Is Stiles
Chapter Fifteen: Train Tracks
Chapter Sixteen: Price Paid
Chapter Seventeen: The Dead Doesn't Stay Dead
Chapter Eighteen: New Life
Chapter Nineteen: Dead Heard
Chapter Twenty-One: Death Twice Took
Chapter Twenty-Two: Lunch Date
Chapter Twenty-Three: Faceless
Chapter Twenty-Four: Stand-Off
Chapter Twenty-Five: Man With a Plan
Chapter Twenty-Six: Armoury
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bullets
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nemeton Power
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Silver
Chapter Thirty: Halwyn
Chapter Thirty-One: Time of Need
Chapter Thirty-Two: Consume
Chapter Thirty-Three: Eichen Break Out
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Lived
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Chosen
~ Epilogue ~
~ Bonus Chapter ~

Chapter Twenty: Frozen Deputy

188 9 0
By Supreme_Enchantress

Lydia came to stand next to me, as she took her gaze up to the building as this brings back painful memories for her. For us all really...

"Lydia you don't have to come in with me," I told her taking my eyes to her as I know this would be hard.

"No, I'm fine," she states, but I was taking her word on it. I reach out and open the gates, letting Lydia go first and then I came in behind her. She stares up at the building once again, but the gate slams shut, connecting metal to metal, and I see her jump slightly. But we made our way up the stone steps and inside of the building. We both remember our way well...

In no time we got to the Close Unit, Lydia using her torch from her phone as light. We crept around the corner to see the gate to the Closed Unit opened, as we crept closer. Lydia pushes open the gate, as it squeaks. But we walked about a few inches in front and suddenly the gate closes on itself, but it slams and echoes through the hallway. Lydia shot around and looked at the closed gate.

"Lydia it's fine," I told her with a soft tone as she brought her gaze back to me, nodding her head. I went ahead steadily as Lydia lingered behind, hoping that I would find Parrish. "Jordan," I state aloud, my voice echoing the empty halls. Suddenly, I hear Lydia gasp and the sound of her heels running back down the hall and to the gate. Her heart beat was pumping ten-to-dozen, meaning she was scared, but it was more like terror... I vamp-sped to her and placed my hands on her arms to make her look at me. "Lydia it's alright. There's nothing to be afraid of. It's over, this place can't hurt you no more," I told her, but her heart beat was still racing, and she was still scared. "Papilio lux," I spoke as I let go of Lydia and made a butterfly gesture with my hands. A warm glow appeared from them as I raised them up. A butterfly sprung into action, emitting an orange but calming and warming glow. It flutters around Lydia, as her heart beat lowered. But she was staring off in the distance, as she was sensing something.

I reach out to touch her shoulder, and when I did. I hear Parrish's voice echo 'Wait!' and then a gunshot rang out in my head. I jolt back in fright, as he was going to get shot. My gaze went to Lydia as I held a scared expression...

"We need to find him now," I told Lydia with a determined tone, as I grab her and pushed off in my legs, going into vamp-speed as I ran down the hallway, following heart-beats into the distance. I came to a corridor, and halted as I hear voices.

"I can't be afraid anymore," Dr. Fenris states, as I rushed down the hallway just in time to see him hold the gun to Parrish's head, ready to shoot.

"Mittent," I spoke with such force while shooting my hand out to the Doctor. He went flying into the air, before he could get a shot off, and slams into the cell wall with such force. He comes crashing down to the floor, but my gaze went to Parrish to see he was basically frozen. His complexion drained and held a blue tint, his eyes sort of lifeless, frost in his hair, as he was hugging his body as he was shivering so badly. I rush forward as I crouch to Parrish's level, literally plunging him into a hug. "Thank God!" I state to him as I kept hugging the life out of him. "Next time you're having back up," I pulled back from the hug to stare him straight in the eyes. But all he could do was nod his head in agreement...

I was so glad he was safe and not dead...


Parrish filled Lydia and I in as we got him out of that place and into some warmth. Dr. Fernis had murdered all of the Supernatural creatures in the Closed Unit as he couldn't see it any other way. Lydia and I stood in Scott's kitchen, as he and Malia was there. We told them about what happened at Eichen and what happened there.

"He killed every supernatural in the Closed Unit? All of them?" Scott couldn't believe what we told him.

"He said he couldn't see it any other way," Lydia spoke up to answer Scott's question.

"Well, I've got another way. You don't kill everyone," Malia commented her insight on this.

"I think he was afraid," Lydia took her gaze to Malia as I stood in-between them.

"The wolves, the rats," Scott began as he turned around to face us, his gaze flickering between us. "It keeps coming back to the same thing, fear," Scott announce to us.

"But what is everyone afraid of?" Malia asks, but I think I have a wild thought.

"Us," I replied straight off the bat, making everyone look at me. As what Scott told us with the new hunter, and the sliver bullet and everything Lydia had also told us. I was connecting the dots too it all.

"We don't know what fear would do to somebody. I mean, it can change them. They'll look at us differently. They'll do things that they've never done before," Scott pipes up his eyes flickering between us all.

"People can be so stupid," Malia states, though she was true about that.

"They're not stupid, they're scared," Lydia corrected her statement.

"Scared people will do things that you wouldn't believe," I began my eyes going to all of them. "Guys, there's a reason why the supernatural world is kept hidden. Why we hide our powers, because if humans find out about us. They can't handle the truth, they portray us as monsters, and we all know what happens to monsters..." This was the truth, people wouldn't understand the Supernatural world, what was really out there in the shadows. "I know first hand what they can do," my voice got lost and my gaze drifted and stared into space, as I remember the past. I didn't notice the tear that rolled down my cheek, until it was too late...

"Alice," Lydia's voice enter my ears, as I raised my gaze back to her. I gave her a thin smile as she was trying to offer me comfort.

"I need to go," I told the group as I passed Lydia and went out of the kitchen door, feeling their eyes on me as I left. The cold air hit my skin as I came into the drive way, to see Stiles's Jeep. I took a deep breath, as I stopped at the side. Living so long, sometimes you remember the bad over the years. The people you lost, the people you loved as friends. All gone... But there was also good times, the memories I hold onto because the good memories out weigh the bad...

I pull free my phone, and opened it up. I went straight for the contact list and began calling Parrish. I wasn't going to be afraid anymore...

"Hey," Parrish's voice came down the phone within seconds of ringing him. "I'm fine before you ask," he states making me smile.

"Good..." I began as I was kind of nervous to say the next bit, I had in mind. But here goes nothing. "I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want to live my life without any regrets this time. I want us to be together..." I spoke down the phone. "After today and what I saw and felt. I couldn't have lived with myself if you died and the thought scares the hell out of me," my voice got quite as I shook that bad thought from my head.

"I feel the same. Since I've got to know you, and the months we've spent together. Our relationship has grown, and today I could have died and my thoughts went to you... I want to be with you," Parrish states making me smile like a goofy kid. "I love you," he spoke the three words, I never thought I would hear again. But it wasn't too soon nor was it wrong...

"And I love you," I replied back, because my relationship with Parrish grew and blossomed and I'm so hopelessly in love with him. Is this what it's like to feel love? I'm so warm inside, my heart filled with pure joy, my stomach filled with butterflies, I have a goofy large smile on my face...

"I got to go back to work, but I'll talk later," Parrish states to me.

"Bye," I replied back with a soft voice as I ended the call. I held the phone to my chest, as I felt my heart pump faster. Finally, a boyfriend at last...

I put my phone away, and walked down the drive-way but I became stiff as I smell blood in the air, fresh blood. I turn around as I was locating the source, but when I turn back to face down the drive. Lori stood there - Brett's Sister...

"Lori?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, as she was holding a lacrosse stick in her hand, but it was bloody. Scott came outside, his eyes landing on the both of us, and his eyes widen as he didn't know why she was here.

"I found this," Lori states as Scott comes over to stand next to me. "It's Brett's, and he's missing, and I heard gunshots," Lori's voice was so worried for her brother.

"How do you know this is his blood?" Scott asks taking his gaze down to the bloody lacrosse stick - now in his hands.

"Because he's my brother. It's mine, too," Lori replied as that was true.

"Give me the stick," I told Scott as he hands it to me. "I can do a locator spell on it," I spoke to both of them as I place my hand tightly around the stick. I took a deep breath as I began to focus on Brett. "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem," I chant as I closed my eyes, I feel the spell work as I began to receive a vision. I see Brett running through the woods, hurt and bleeding. Suddenly, the vision ended as he was moving I couldn't get an exact read on him. I snap my eyes back open to see Scott and Lori staring at me, waiting for an answer. "He's alive, but hurt. He's in the woods. Go, I'll meet you guys out there..." Scott gives me a firm nod as I vamp-sped away from them and back to my apartment for a change of clothing...

I hope we find Brett in time...

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