The Rose and The Flame : A Da...

By TheOmbreEssence

85K 2.4K 680

"Believe what you want. I'm right and you know it" you didn't have a chance to process anything when he grabb... More

Character Description!
[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]
So here's the tea...
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
Merry Christmas to all!
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]
Taking a break...
[Chapter 13]
[Chapter 14]
~Movie Night~
[Chapter 15]
[Chapter 16]
[Chapter 17]
Just to clear up some of the bullshit...
[Chapter 18]
[Chapter 19]
Quick update
Book 2 is out now!

[Chapter 20]

1.6K 56 9
By TheOmbreEssence

[Next Morning]

"Increase the voltage" labored breaths of pain and exhaustion rendered you incapacitated. Electricity was not your strong suit, and you couldn't imagine anyone who favored it. The mere fact that you were being exposed to enough of the currents to be killed said a lot about your resilience. Though your quirk held strong to the sparking pain being inflicted on you.

"Are you sure? She'll probably die if I maxed out the voltage" Raleigh always had a certain intimidating factor to his personality. No one questioned or defied him, until he met you. And now his lead scientist was doing it? The look in his eyes made young man heed his request with no hesitation. You could feel the cuffs getting hotter by the second but it was as if you paid no attention; h/c hair covering your face and being restrained by metal chains attached to the concrete floors. Little by little, your red aura began to encase the chains, which was something Johess had never witnessed before. Before he could react, the chains and electric cuffs snapped, freeing you from the metal hell you were in.

Darkness... that was what had shrouded you. The screams of agony was the only thing filling the air. Glass shattering, busted light fixtures....all until everything was silent. Peaceful.

You stood to your feet, starting towards the unhinged door where Raleigh and his scientist operated the controls. Slowly regaining your footing was difficult but your state was that of a trance. The crunching of glass underneath your boots and the squeaking of the broken lights made for an eerie environment. Both men were dead, blood spattered on the floors and walls; even the electricity control panel was out of commission and steaming. You silently proceeded, retrieving your red jacket from the corner. Walking the halls of the empty facility felt like a hike that'd last for hours; Something you didn't have the strength for but you continued, overstepping the dead around you.

"Well shit... this is probably your best work yet" when you found you couldn't walk any further, the exhaustion pushed you to collapse.

"Should we take her back?" This time, only Diablo, Nightmare and Dabi were present. The flame user was contemplating the suggestion that Nightmare brought about.

"She doesn't have ties with the heroes anymore" without question, he hoisted your figure into his arms; in both a supportive and protective manner.

"Let's go" Nightmare and Diablo shared a mutual grin before following their partner.

[2 Days Later]

You awoke to find yourself in a small room. Not entirely sure where you were, you didn't have the strength worry about it. The bed you were laid on was relatively comfortable.

"You're awake. And you're at my house, in case you were wondering" Nightmare had already pulled up a chair next to you. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit"

"That's not uncommon. Do you remember what happened?" You weren't sure you understood her question. Sure, you remembered your dream, your mother, the argument with Lucius...and Raleigh's experiment. After that, you blacked out.

"Something bad, I imagine"

"Well...I think it's best you focus on recovering. It's been 2 days since being unconscious. Your quirk must've taken a toll on you. Whenever you feel up to it, I took the liberty of washing your clothes, and there's some other things in the dresser" You nodded as she gave you some privacy. Her house was well organized and dare say, quiet. There was a bathroom you took the liberty of using. Something you didn't notice upon looking at yourself in the mirror were in fact your eyes. Usually when your powers wore off, they'd return to their normal e/c, but they were still red; a darker crimson, which threw you for a loop. What happened to you?

"53 civilians in Hungary and an additional 18 at the scientific research facility...those are pretty big numbers" Your heart jumped at the deep voice that caught you off guard. And he could tell. "Scare you?"

"What do you want?" You catechized the man. Of course his response was anything but serious. Dabi was casually leaned against the doorframe—blocking you in.

"Is that anyway to thank someone who carried you all the way here?"

"So you can get something out of it?"

"We'll talk about your unfortunate betrayal later, but—"

"You want me to say that you were right all along?"

"I think an apology is in order, princess" No moment could possibly prepare you for how utterly annoyed you were that he was rubbing it in at a time like this.

"Fine. You knew exactly what you were talking about. I was too stupid to listen. I wanted to believe my parents were perfect, and that was my downfall"

"What did we learn from all this?"

"Saviors don't exist. Perfect people don't exist"

"Good girl. Nightmare wants to see you downstairs when you get your shit together" on that note, he left. Every word you said was true, there was no doubt in your mind about it. You put on a pair of jeans and shirt Nightmare had laid out for you then proceeded downstairs where she, Diablo and Dabi were waiting.

"There's the star of the show!" You found that their company wasn't so bad; annoying sometimes but tolerable. Despite his loud and energetic behavior, he was a passionate guy. And pretty determined to be friends with you.

"You look like yourself now"

"Thank you for...everything up until this point actually" she returned the favor by smiling, which you'd never seen.

"My pleasure. You were wondering why your quirk hasn't receded from your eyes"

"It's strange. As long as I could remember, it's never stuck around so long as I'm using a percentage of it. But now it's like...permanent almost"

"Raleigh may have been a cruel man but he was strategic about his experiments. Y/N you inherited your quirk from your mother at its earliest stage, and with age came it's maturity. As a toddler, you were able do advanced things with it; levitation for instance. There wasn't any major downfall except immense exhaustion. You got older, things changed...thus operating solely on emotion. Budapest was no exception. Your mother put you through a harsh series of events, you collapsed the building on those people"

"But it couldn't have gotten stronger in that short amount of time, right?"

"It did. Although the chemical changes in your body began to make your powers unbalanced, Raleigh had a cure for that. You've never noticed how at ease you felt when training? No pressure or nervousness?"

"No...I always knew what I was doing, even when I didn't"

"Johess injected you with a serum that prioritized your chemical imbalance over your initial emotional experiences. Now, the serum wore off and your abilities are as mature as they will get. There's so much more you can do with your quirk than you realize, and I'm going to help you" this took some thought, but she was right. You didn't feel nervous or pain. If anything, you were as mentally calm as you could be.

"If we put it together, you've got more power in your pinky finger than all of us put together. You just don't know how to use it yet"

"So," You had their attention now; all eyes on you. "This task to bring All Might to his knees still stands... but I've got one more person on my list"

"Lucius. Good call but tough play. He's gonna be expecting you. As heavily guarded as he is, that's a hands full job"

"It's like you said. Tie my wrists and blindfold me—I'd kick all of your asses. The world's creator, their maker...hasn't seen all of my tricks yet" Diablo was down with your plan, Nightmare insisted that you get some extensive training in first. Dabi was not opposed to your vendetta, but the amount of confidence you were displaying was quite winsome.

"Alright short-stack," luckily your reflexes were on par when he tossed you something hard and small. You opened your enclosed hand to see the jade trinket you threw away days ago. Assuming the chain that held it was broken, you gave him a smug look. "Let's get to it"


There you all have it! Unfortunately, we've reached the end of this book! 😭 But hey, I won't say this is the end because who knows, I might do something in the future.

Thanks to everyone who's made this pretty freakin awesome, I had so much fun with this. I will be making a movie night part 2, so if you were a fan of that, stick around.

The support has been insane, and I love you people! I know I say that a lot but I'm a very happy, caring person and my big heart is gonna drag me under.

On one last note, I'll be editing this book if need be and to suit your liking but not too much because I like my plot. I love you guysss and I'll see you in the next one!

Bye guys! ❤️✍🏾💋

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