[Chapter 2]

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[U.A. High School: Next Morning]

Damn, there are so many classrooms and a ton of students...

You weren't particularly keen on crowds of people. If anything, it gave you nervous feeling of anxiety. Through the turmoil, you found your way to class 1-A. You quickly noticed the different students who'd already arrived and were either seated quietly or talking amongst themselves. You recognized a certain two-tone haired student and planted yourself in an empty desk beside him.

"You must be taking this seriously if you were able to get here on time" he mumbled; casting a smug glance at her.


"Not gonna lie, my bed was pretty comfortable"

"You haven't changed at all, Y\N. However, it's good to see you"

"You too Shouto" truth be told, it was good to have your friend back. You both trained equally hard together back then. And now that you were both in UA on recommendation was enough proof it had payed off. There were some weird students in the room though. You noticed a red haired kid seated a few chairs behind you. He, a pink skinned girl and boy with purple balls on his head were talking among their group. Next you noticed a kid whose features were similar to that of a bird; mutation you figured. A female with lavish black hair that happened to be pulled up into a ponytail, she looked extremely serious. All of the emotions in the room swirled around in your head.

I've never had to deal with this amount of emotions before. Amazing, no doubt. Overbearing, most definitely.

It wasn't until you could focus on your own thoughts rather than everyone else's that a chipper voice dragged you away from it entirely.

"Hi! My name's Uraraka, but you can call me Ochaco! You must be new?" She was quite pleasant and you sensed a large amount of sincerity radiating from her; not one bad intention in her mind. You did promise your brother you'd try to make some new friends, so you figured this was a good place to start.

"I am. F/N L/N"

"First days are a little overwhelming. I can tell you I'm a little nervous" You tilted your head—confused as to why she was. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, you could practically feel the nerves.

"I'm sure whatever they put us up against, you'll do just fine" Ochaco smiled brightly; catching you off guard.

"Thank you! You're such a nice person. I hope we can be good friends at some point. So, are you just a plain Hero course student?"

"Actually I'm here on recommendation..." her eyes widened at your remark.

"Whoa! That must mean you've got a pretty awesome quirk! What is it?"

No. I prefer to keep it a secret as long as possible.

"Uh...I uh—"

"Oh my gosh! I didn't mean to be so forward! You don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable talking about it!" She apologized faster than you could breathe.

"It's ok seriously...I have a habit of not talking about my quirk. I feel it's more of a curse than a blessing" Ochaco nodded; understanding your ordeal without it ever physically leaving her mouth. However, that tranquil silence didn't last for long. The door to the classroom slid open aggressively to unveil a dirty blonde kid with fiery red eyes.


So. Fucking. Loud.

His entire demeanor got under your skin. His voice, his walk, his attitude. Everyone in the class were either terrified or confused at the spiky haired bastard's outburst. Then there were people like you; who seemed unphased and returned to whatever it was you were doing. Quite frankly, you didn't care.

It was stupidity at its finest and his name was Katsuki Bakugou. Wandering over to his assigned seat, he grumpily sat. It didn't help his seat was directly behind yours.

Maybe if I just ignore him, he'll leave me be.

Not likely. "Hey..." he started on in a venomous tone. "Fucking move your head, it's in my space, you shit" It was clear you could pick up on his emotions and he clearly wasn't happy he couldn't stretch out as he pleased. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath; choosing to ignore him completely. The sudden feeling of a rough fist grabbing the collar of your uniform was all you needed to react.

"Let go you delusional porcupine haired freak...." Without even registering you'd gotten out of your chair., you had Bakugou's arm locked behind his back. He was strong, you'd give him that. But all of his efforts to break free were in vein.


"Restraining you" You released his wrist and he fell forward onto the classroom floor. In front of everyone. Just as you were sitting down, Aizawa's voice interrupted the bickering.

"That's enough out of you two..." The class became confused but realized that the voice was coming from a sleeping bag by the front of the room.

What the hell....

"Katsuki Bakugou, there's no reason to be fighting with your classmate. Y/N you settle down as well" You both took your seats as Aizawa unzipped himself from the sleeping bag. "I honestly don't get paid enough for this...so settle down and let's get started"


Dude, that was so hard 😭 ok so our tumblr page is officially up! Please check us out so that we can get to work right away! Mod Whammi and Mod Ombré!

Dude, that was so hard 😭 ok so our tumblr page is officially up! Please check us out so that we can get to work right away! Mod Whammi and Mod Ombré!

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What else do I gotta say?? Till next chapter!

What else do I gotta say?? Till next chapter!

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