[Chapter 3]

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"Pro hero Ali L/N was found dead in her home. You arrived a little too late to save her. With the evidence we've gathered, there's a slight possibility of your involvement. So I'll ask once more, did you play a role in her murder?" The room was dimly lit and every word bounced off of the walls around you. You were strapped down on an old rusted table; clothes and hair soaked as the corrupted military official did his question—his squad not far behind.

"I already told you what I know! Why the fuck would I kill my own mother, you stupid bastard?!" You could barely catch a whiff of air as one of the officers tossed the pre-soaked rag onto your face once more and poured what was left of ice cold water from the canteen.

"Make it easier on yourself, Y/N"

"Fuck you!" They did everything they could to break you. From the chemical shower to the insinuated drowning, you never said what they wanted to hear. You didn't lie and you didn't murder your mother.

That red...it's a curse.


Sweat coated your body as you jolted up out of your sleep from the extremely vivid dream. Counting to yourself like you did when you were younger almost helped ease your anxiety.

One, two, three....it was all a dream. A really realistic one....

You blinked away the memories of torture as you untangled yourself from the sheets and glanced at your clock.

Why am I up at this ungodly hour? Geez, I feel like my head is gonna explode.

Things had been going well for you at UA so far. You'd passed a quirk test Aizawa said you'd fail if you have the lowest score. Of course he was just bluffing, you knew before you'd gotten started. The perks of being able to hear people's thoughts. Bakugou still hated you. You'd overpowered him and made him look weak in front of the entire class. That was bound to have consequences. Thankfully it was the weekend and you'd planned on doing absolutely nothing. But of course, that wasn't going to last. Flopping back down onto your pillow, you at least tried to make yourself go back to sleep.

What seemed like no time at all, your cellphone buzzed from your nightstand. The sun had invaded all personal space in your room now—with it being 8AM already. Groggily snatching it up, you realized it was Ochaco.

From: Ochaco ;)
To: You
Good morning Y/N! I know it's early but I was wondering if you had plans today??

You smiled at the text and responded rather quickly. It was nice having friends.

To: Ochaco ;)
From: You
Nothing but a little R&R. Honestly my body is still sore from that training session with Aizawa. But I'm willing to crawl out of the comfort of my blankets for you.

From: Ochaco ;)
To: You
100% relate to the soreness! It's like my limbs are gonna fall off ha! I wanted to invite you to come and hang out with Deku, Iida and me today. We were gonna walk through the market is all. I totally understand if you don't want to though!

You thought long and hard about her offer before formulating a response. It was hard to say no to her. She was so cheerful and considerate it made you wonder why everyone couldn't be as welcoming as she was. Then again, you weren't as 'perfect' either.

To: Ochaco ;)
From: You
I guess a little socializing wouldn't hurt. What time should I get there?

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