Chosen Paths

By NerdyFalcon

650 38 0

(Book 1 of 5) It's been a few years since the defeat of Vaati and Ganondorf and Hyrule has been in peace ever... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
The Kingdom of Runes

Chapter 7

27 1 0
By NerdyFalcon

Though Wolf and Ghost were glad that their requests were accepted, they expected a little bit of debate or the princess asking for some time to think about what they asked. If there was going to be any immediate answer, they expected no. But here they were, now given permission to do what they wanted.

Still, Wolf felt the need to ask. Just to make sure she was hearing everything right. "Really? This is okay with you?"

"Of course," Zelda said with a smile. "We'll need as much information as we can get regarding these mercenaries. If all Ghost wants in exchange for that is a mentor to teach her sorcery then I'll be more than happy to provide her with that. And for you, Wolf, Hyrule is always accepting new additions to our army. The only question that remains is who would be suitable mentors for you both."

It was then that a knight stepped into the throne room. Green recognized him immediately.

"Valenzuela. I thought you were out on patrol," he said.

"I was just on my way out until I overheard this conversation," Valenzuela explained before turning to Zelda and bowed his head. "May I give my thoughts on the matter, princess?"

"Yes, you are free to speak."

"For young Wolf who wishes to become a knight, I'd suggest Green Link oversees her training." the knight said. "And as for young Ghost, have her do her studies under Shadow Link."

"While I can kind of understand why you would suggest Green as a mentor, I don't see how Shadow would be able to teach someone magic," Vio said. "That could end up in a disaster quickly."

"He's the strongest mage Hyrule has to offer." Valenzuela reasoned. "And with the threat of these mercenaries, not many are going to reveal they're capable of magic. He may very well be Ghost's only option for a mentor at this time."

Suddenly Shadow appeared in the middle of the group. How he got there without anyone noticing or even opening the door was a mystery to Wolf and Ghost. But everyone else around them seemed unfazed by his sudden appearance.

"Right on time Shadow. Our friend here is looking for someone to teach her magic." Zelda explained as she gestured to Ghost. "Will you apprentice her?"

Shadow looked over at the blonde girl. "This one? Sure why not?"

Vio sighed and shook his head. "Do you even know what you're signing yourself up for?" he questioned.

"I'm sure it won't be too hard compared to what we've been through."

Seeing that one apprenticeship was already set in stone, Valenzuela looked over to Wolf and Green. "And as for those two... well all the boys are going to be running the royal army one of these days. That role will include overseeing the training of new recruits. This will be the perfect starting point for Green."

Green seemed to consider the possibility before speaking. "Well, if Wolf is fine with it then I won't object."

Wolf soon found herself facing the knight. Emerald eyes staring into hers.

"What do you say Wolf?" he asked. "Do you want to become my apprentice?"

If Wolf was being honest with herself, this was probably the best outcome that could've come up from this. She already knew and somewhat befriended Green and his brothers. Having a mentor that she was familiar with would likely make learning a bit easier. Wolf nodded.

"Then it's settled. From this day forth, Green and Shadow will be mentors to Wolf and Ghost." Zelda announced. "I'll let you spend the rest of the day gathering everything you need."

Red couldn't help but giggle at the situation his two brothers now found themselves in. "Wait until Blue hears about this."

"Well, filling him in will just have to wait a bit," Green said before returning his attention to his new apprentice. "Let's start out by finding a sword that'll suit you."

As Wolf and Green leave the throne room, Shadow walks over to Ghost.

"You don't have anything that could be used for magic do you?" he asked.

Ghost shook her head. "Nope. Not a thing."

"Guess we're making the same trip as they are. Let's go."

Before Ghost could react, Shadow grabbed her hand and all of a sudden, they were standing in front of a magic shop. She guessed that teleportation was one of her new mentor's things that he just does from time to time.

"Alright, let's have a look around and see what's going to work for you," Shadow said as he dragged Ghost inside.

She looked around to see strange magical items displayed on the walls. The last thing Ghost was expecting to see in a shop like this was so many different types of items. From what she researched, mages could cast their spells without any sort of wand or staff.

"So I'm guessing that these are just training wheels until I get a better handle of magic to freehand it?" she asked.

"Not unless you're looking for a way to get scarred, you'll be using whatever you choose in here for the rest of your life," Shadow said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just like with a weapon, if you're too reckless with magic then you can damage or change yourself. So unless you know an ancestor of yours that was just born with magic, you can't just freehand spells safely."

Ghost stared at the boy. 'This has to be some kind of joke.' she thought.

He's over here saying that no one can freehand magic unless you have a bloodline that allows you to. But here he was, seemingly the only one in his family with magic, and looked normal.

Shadow noticed her skepticism and shrugged. "You're free to find out for yourself if you don't believe me."

Ghost honestly considered it. But then again this was something she never had access to. At least for now, it would be better to take the safer route. She browsed through the magic items before her eyes landed on a spellbook. Flipping through the pages, Ghost noticed that each chapter in this book seemed to have gone over different types of magic.

"I'll just get this then."

"Take these too," Shadow said, placing a set of five daggers on top of the spellbook.

The daggers were clear, practically see-through. Ghost thought they were made of glass at first but taking one in her hand, it was clear that it wasn't. But it did raise a question in her mind.

"Why exactly are there a set of daggers in a magic shop?"

"Cause they're not normal daggers," Shadow said simply.

Ghost deadpanned at her new mentor. Sure they were made out of a strange material but they were still weapons that you cut or stab things or people with. Nothing magical about daggers.

"Since you had daggers when you got here, this will be a step in the right direction," Shadow told her.

She supposed at this point, all she could do was trust his word. Reluctantly, she agreed to take the strange daggers along with the spellbook. When she was about to fish through her pockets for money, Shadow tossed two red rupees to the shop owner before waving and leading his apprentice outside.

Ghost was quick to notice another shop right next to them. She looked through the window to see Wolf and Green inside. Wolf alternated holding a few swords in her hand before holding one that was built in a similar fashion to Green's. After holding it for a few moments, she looked over to her new mentor and nodded. There was a quick conversation between Green and the shop owner there before he stepped outside with Wolf following close behind, the sword left inside.

"So for now, you'll just have to use a wooden sword and we'll come back when that style is back in stock," Green said before he noticed who was in front of them. "Oh hey, you two. Finished already?"

"Yeah. Not like we're going to start off doing anything complicated." Shadow said with a shrug.

"Just try not to blow up anything whenever you start your training."

"If something does blow up then it'll be her fault."

Ghost was mildly offended when a finger was pointed in her direction. "You're the mentor here." she shot back. "All mishaps fall on you and your teaching methods."

"We'll see about that."

"Anyway, you two should get some rest," Green suggested to Wolf and Ghost. "You got a long day ahead of you tomorrow. We'll come pick you up in the morning."

Wolf nodded. "See you tomorrow then."

Ghost waved at the two boys as they began making their way home. "Later."

Once their mentors were gone, Wolf and Ghost followed their example and made their way home to settle down for the night.

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