When Shall We meet Again

By blaqkorea22

86.8K 3K 369

Pharm keeps having nightmares he can't comprehend or trace where it all began. He meets a man who he quickly... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 End

Chapter 19

3.5K 136 30
By blaqkorea22

Dinner is served and everyone is seated happily except for Mr Wongnate and Giffy who constantly glare at Pharm.
Mrs Wongnate clears her throat and giggles a little. "Oh the atmosphere here is so thick. Please let's begin eating."
  Everyone begins eating the delicious looking and tasting meal set on the table. But Mr. Wongnate couldn't hold it anymore.
"Pharm, what are you doing in my house?" Mr Wongnate drops the cutlery he is holding.
  Pharm is about to speak up but feels Dean's palm on his signaling him not to speak.
"I have made my decision dad." Dean begins. "I want to divorce Giffy."
  Mrs Wongnate takes a sip of the cold wine in her cup preparing for the drama about to take place.
"Are you out of your mind Dean?" Mr Wongnate yells. "You know what will happen to us if you divorce Giffy, we will lose everything."
"Isn't my happiness important to you?"
Mr Wongnate keeps silence for a while. Dean turns to Giffy who is looking angry.
"I'm sorry Giffy. I never showered you with the love a husband should shower a wife. I don't want to hurt you anymore that's why I want to end the marriage."
"I understand Dean. But there's something that happened."
   Pharm looks at her suspiciously.
"Is there any problem Giffy?" Mrs Wongnate asks.
"I'm... I'm pregnant Dean." Giffy bursts out in tears.
   A crash of a plate can be heard from the kitchen.
"What?!" Dean looks at his boyfriend then back at Giffy. "That's not possible Giffy. We never slept together."
"Stop lying Giffy." Del snaps. "We know you're doing this to get hold of Dean so he won't leave you."
"You think I'm lying." Giffy takes out an envelope and gives it to Del sitting beside her. Del looks at the envelope before accepting it then she opens and unfolds the paper inside the envelope.
"What does it say?" Don asks getting impatient so does everyone.
"She's really pregnant. A month pregnant." Del gives the paper to Don which is passed around to other members of the family.
"You can't remember because you were drunk. It happened during those moments you were drinking excessively. You came back home and you saw me as..." Giffy glares at Pharm. " as Pharm. You kissed me. I tried to hold you back but my feelings got in the way."
"That's final Dean. You can't divorce Giffy, she's pregnant with your child." Mr Wongnate says getting happy. This wouldn't have come at a better time.

Pharm face just saddens. He is tired of crying unnecessarily when nothing can be done. He stands up to leave but Dean holds him back.
"Believe me Pharm. I didn't want any of this to happen. I can't even remember anything." Dean gets scared the man he struggled so hard to get is finally leaving him.
"I just need to clear my head. I will be back. You should discuss with Giffy."
Pharm begins walking towards the door.
"She's lying."
This statement makes Pharm to stop as soon as he placed his hands on the door knob. He turns around and sees the maid nervously standing beside the dining table avoiding Giffy's glare.
"What are you talking about?" Mrs Wongnate stands up facing the maid. "Answer me Moon!" Mrs Wongnate yells making the mid aged woman to startle a little.
"Earlier today when you were talking to your son about divorcing Giffy. Well, she heard you. She was in the kitchen and I was in the store just opposite the kitchen but she didn't know i was in there.. After you both left the sitting room, she called someone and told them to form a fake pregnancy result saying she's pregnant."
Giffy bangs the table startling Del beside her, she stands up and points to the maid. "She's lying. She wants to ruin my marriage."
"Ma'am, you know I would never lie to you. I have done my job diligently and I haven't done anything to question my trust. I just couldn't stay in the kitchen and watch Dean's life be ruined." Moon says smiling at the tanned man.
"Where do you employ such liars you call workers?" Mr Wongnate says to his wife. "Moon, you are sacked. Get out of my house this instant."
Moon without protest start loosing her apron but Mrs Wongnate holds her wrist, stopping her.
"Moon, isn't going anywhere because I believe her." Mrs Wongnate stands by her. "After all, the marriage between..."
"Don't you dare utter a single word." Mr Wongnate threatens.
"It's a fake marriage." Mrs Wongnate yells. "Dean, you are not legally married to Giffy."
"What!!??" The four youngsters gasp in shock.
"I'm so sorry Dean. It was not in my power to do anything. It was Giffy's father idea. He wanted to see your ability in handling a company before getting you legally married to his daughter so he knows you can handle all his riches when the time comes."
"So the wedding, everything was a sham? Why didn't you tell me?" Dean yells.
"I had no choice. I just found the documents with your father not so long and I confronted him about it. Remember that day you came back and saw us quarrelling, it was about that."
"Dean, I love you. I know what my father did was wrong but I'm not like him, I'm ready to spend my life with you." Giffy says as more tears keep pouring out of her eyes.
"You don't love me Giffy. You don't fake a pregnancy and a marriage with someone you claim to love. I'm not scared of your father, he can do what he wants. You should leave this house tomorrow."

     Giffy glares at Pharm who is standing at the door smiling happily.
"It's all your fault. I will make you pay for this." She grabs the knife on the table and runs towards Pharm, not anyone saw this coming as they are all shocked.
"Giffy, what's wrong with you?" Pharm tries to stay away from her but the door is stopping him. Giffy swings her weapon at Pharm who dodges it with a swift move.
"No one come near me or I will kill him." Giffy shouts when she notices Dean coming closer.
"Oh my God" Mrs Wongnate covers her mouth seeing Giffy as a total stranger behaving like she got possessed.
Giffy rushes Pharm pointing the sharp edge to his heart but Pharm catches her wrist. They struggle fiercefully. Giffy keeps trying to push the knife into Pharm's chest but he tries pushing away.
"Just die." Giffy shouts.
With enough strength, Pharm pushes her hand causing the knife to fly away from her to a far distance. Don quickly picks the knife up. Giffy turns back to Pharm where suddenly she receives a hot slap across a face. She slaps Pharm who quickly dodges it then he fists his hand and punches her nose with enough energy he could muster.
  Giffy falls to the ground causing her head to collide with the ground and she faints.

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