The Unseen Beauty of the Ungr...

By SKblind

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First came the heavens, the glistening white abyss of clouds that overlooked the barren land. Then came the s... More

Chapter 1: Ascension Day
Chapter 2: Back to the Ground
Chapter 3: Afternoon Tea
Chapter 4: Fire and Arrows
Chapter 5: Purple
Special 1: A Different Perspective
Chapter 6: Records
Chapter 7: Secrets and Daggers
Chapter 8: Arguments and Potatoes
Chapter 9: The Waiting Game
Chapter 10: The Beauty of Chaos
Chapter 11: Unconscious Thoughts
Chapter 13: Wine and Spilled Secrets
Chapter 14: Stubborn Care
Chapter 15: Broken Walls
Chapter 16: Needy vs Nervous
Chapter 17: Mumbo.exe Has Malfunctioned
Chapter 18: I Promise
Chapter 19: The Price of Peace
Chapter 20: Sentencing
Chapter 21: The Chaos of Free Will
Chapter 22: Do We Have A Deal?
Chapter 23: Into the Unknown
Chapter 24: Confessions and Realizations
Chapter 25: Alone Together
So Here's What's Going On

Chapter 12: Crime and Punishment

695 48 24
By SKblind

I hope you enjoy this chapter brought about entirely by my procrastination!

Left foot. Right foot. Hands- ow! Ok, not broken. Ah- ribs. Deal with that later. Head...

Grian lifted his hand carefully to feel his forehead, which was throbbing dreadfully. He let out a relieved sigh when his fingers scratched the rough exterior of his mask still tightly clinging to his face, most likely using his blood as glue.

He winced as he tilted his chin and felt a stab of pain emanate from the back of his head, curling up to wrap around his temples.

Slowly and carefully he wrenched open his heavy eyelids and took some deep breaths, waiting for the white and purple fireworks popping in his field of vision to fade.

Lying on his back, the first thing he saw was stone.

Ok, I'm in a cave... how did I get here?

Shifting slightly to the right, he was startled to see the slumped form of Mumbo above him.

Did he carry me? Am I... laying in his lap?!

Grian jumped up way too fast, silently cursing under his breath as his burned legs dragged against the ground and his vision swam dangerously.

Mumbo grunted and furrowed his brow but did not wake up.

Thank Gods. Maybe I can sneak away and try and fix myself up...

He sighed and struggled to his feet.

Damned creeper... no no it's not its fault for doing what its programmed to. It's your fault for being reckless. Remember, your injuries are a representation of your own failure, not anyone else's.

Grian limped over to a nearby creek and knelt at the bank. Taking a quick look around, he removed his mask and splashed his face, shivering from the cold as the red dyed water dripped from his chin onto the snow.

I can't believe he carried me. No one has touched me in centuries... unless they were trying to hit me... not that I don't deserve it

Grian gritted his teeth as he pulled his gloves back on, the lacerations and burns covering his hands screaming at him to stop. By the time they were fully covered, he was shaking from the pain and struggling to move his swollen fingers.

Ok, ok. Get over yourself and calm down. Don't be so dramatic.

He moved to his legs, wrinkling his nose at the swollen purulent filled burns stretching from his knees to his ankles.

Ugh, look at what a mess you made. Mindless, destructive, ugly, waste of space-


Grian grabbed his mask and quickly fastened it back on before turning to see Mumbo standing a few feet away, a worry line creasing his forehead.

Grian stood slowly, clenching his jaw as to not show any weakness and crossed his arms.


"Um..." Mumbo fidgeted with his sleeve. "How-how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine" Grian lied, refusing to wince as one of the gashes on his hand split open within his glove. "Are you? Are you hurt?"

He watched as Mumbo's cheeks dusted with pink and he wiped his palms off on his jacket.

How can he be warm? Does he have a fever?

"I'm fine. I'm really more worried about you though. We should really go back to the castle so you can rest"

Grian opened his mouth to argue, but felt all fight leave him at the determined look on Mumbo's face.

"Sure. Whatever"

They walked in silence, Mumbo constantly stealing glances and twitching his fingers as though he was going to reach out and grab onto the smaller God at any moment.

It put Grian very on edge, and by the time they had made their way back, he could feel the blood soaking through his gloves from the intensity with which he had been clenching his fists.

"You should go"


Grian looked at him with what he hoped to be a threatening gaze.

"Winter is rough on the ground and I have things to do down here. You should go back to the heavens. You were saying you wanted to anyways"

"But that doesn't mean-" Mumbo cut himself off, chewing nervously on his bottom lip.

Grian frowned.


"But that doesn't mean I want to leave you"

Grian's jaw dropped slightly in shock and he took a step back.

Please don't leave me, please don't leave me, please don't leave me his own voice echoed in his mind.

He pressed his nails into his bleeding palms.

No. He deserves better.

"Mumbo you have to go"

"But I want to help you"

"I'm fine"

"No Grian, you're not fine"

Grian narrowed his eyes.

He always backs down quickly. Why the sudden will to fight back?

"Mumbo, no"

"Try to see my point of view"


"Please, trust me!"

He took a step forward and Grian took a step back.

"You don't understand"


"I'm not good for you to be around"


He took another step forward and Grian took a step back.

"Can't you just go?"

"No! You're hurt and I want to help you!"

"I'm fine!"

"Why are you so stubborn?!"

"Please!" Grian yelled, everting his eyes as his voice cracked dangerously. "I need to be alone! I need you to leave!"

Mumbo looked down at his hands for a minute, his expression that of a grieving widow.

"Is that really what you want?" He asked in a quiet voice.

No. Never.


Mumbo nodded stiffly and stepped back.

"Ok. Fine, I'll leave for now, but I'm coming back tomorrow"

Glittering particles surrounded the tall God, his wings materialized as he floated into the air.

Grian turned his back and began to leave as the threat of tears became more and more painful to fight off.

Please don't lie to me.

"You're not coming back"


He looked at Mumbo out of the corner of his eye and saw a soft smile on his face.

"I promise I'll see you soon"

With a loud swishing noise, the redstone God was sucked into the clouds and Grian was left standing there, the terrifying sensation of hope brewing in his chest.


"Mumbo Jumbo! Delightful to see you again!"

"You too Langua-um- Joe. C-can I use your library?"


Joe led him back to the massive room, Mumbo chewing on his lower lip the whole time.

"Do you have books on... medicine"

"Of course Mumbo. Taking an interest in healing?"

"Yeah... something like that"

"Here we are"

Joe tapped the side of a glass case holding thousands of books. Mumbo gulped.

"All... all of the them?"

"Yes" Joe said, looking at his collection with a fond smile. "Every book on medicine and anatomy in human history"

"I see..." Mumbo ran a hand across a 14th century encyclopedia on the skeletal system. "Does this... I mean, do these apply... to Gods too?"

Joe crinkled his eyebrows.

"Gods? You can not get injured in the heavens"

"I know, I know, I mean when we're on the ground" Mumbo explained quickly. "We can get hurt right?"

"Yes of course. Corporeal bodies are very fragile" Joe twirled a pencil between his fingers as he spoke. "They don't age, and obviously you can't die, but you can receive every other injury a regular human body can get"

"Ok, ok... how do we heal?"

"We can fully recover from any injury, it just might take some extra time"

"How about... scars?"

"Well, for a God, they should fade after three days of an injury... unless they want them"

Mumbo blinked.

"Want what? The scars? Why would anyone want them?"

Joe gave him a slight smile.

"Mumbo, human psychology is very complicated, and you need to embrace that if you're planning on spending so much time in your corporeal body"

"Ok, but I still don't understand"

"Alright... you have met False the God of War, yes?"

Mumbo nodded.

"She is covered with scars, even up here in the heavens because those scars are from the battles she's won. She's proud of them and wants to remember her accomplishments. Does that make sense?"

But Grian's not proud of his

"So... that's the only reason a God would have scars?"

"As far as I'm aware. It's a very interesting concept though, I've never put much thought into it. Where is all this coming from Mumbo?"

Mumbo felt his palms start to sweat and he everted his eyes.

"No reason-uh-nowhere. Just... curiosity"

Joe narrowed his gaze, but didn't press for details.

"Very well. Please stay as long as you'd like"

"Thank you"

Mumbo sighed and pulled a couple books from the cases, preparing himself for a long night.


He looked up to see Joe peaking out from behind one of the bookshelf's.

"It occurs to me that if our sustained injuries are based on human psychology, then it's probable that scars could remain on a corporeal body if the God in question feels as though they are deserving of their trauma"

Mumbo felt his heart clench horribly.

"Guilt and shame are very strong emotions" Joe continued, unaware of the overwhelming panic overtaking the tall God's body. "So if a God felt that they deserved punishment-"

"Stop!" Mumbo cried. "Um... sorry, I'm sorry... please stop? I-I'm just going to start reading... if that's ok"

He put his head in his hands as Joe left.

Grian... what happened?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, please consider leaving a like and comment to let me know what you think!

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