The Maffias

By Neebysingh

13.5K 338 1.3K

There are four street bad boys, who are Mafias. They steal money from people.And their addiction is taking dr... More

Girls introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

1K 33 171
By Neebysingh

                          Becky's P.O.V

I was in shop with Sasha buying some groceries. Having purchased all of stuffs, we got out of the shop.

The weather was so frosty as well as tempting. The cold wind was blowing hitting my face slightly. I smiled feeling the wind.

My eyes traveld to a couple who was holding each other's hand walking down on the street. The boy whispered something into girl's ear that made her giggle as she softly pecked him on the lips.

I smiled at those two cute couple.

Love is such a beautiful thing which can make you feel heaven on the earth, being with someone who wants you as much as you want them. Who accepts to enjoy your madness, feel your sadness, be the cure of your pain. Who makes you feel you're the queen of his heart, you're the happiness of his life, you're the beat of his heart. You're that thing he's afraid to lose.

The christmas in couple of days, Who knows I would get that one too who light up my world.

I smiled at my own thoughts but then Sasha's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

'Ughh, This all lovey dovey craps around here makes me sick off'. Sasha argued pointing at a couple who was kissing each other.

I looked at her. 'But what's wrong about this'? I asked her.

She looked back at me. 'Dude, love is just useless and the lovers are most useless. They are just bunch of craps. I don't how they can suck each other's mouths, that totally disgusted me'. Sasha exclaimed making annoying face.

I frowned at her. 'Then why are you looking at them just look away'. I said to her.

'You're right, why I'm even looking at them? Oh whatever'. Sasha said flipping her hair.

I chuckled at her.

'Oh my gosh'. I heard Sasha shouted.

'What's wrong now'? I asked her as she was holding off her stuffs.

'I forgot to buy noodles, you stay here. I go and get it'. Sasha said.

I nodded as Sasha walked off.

I was willing away for Sasha looking here and there then suddenly I caught a sight of him.

I was tumed not knowing what to do? I still remember the last moment when he kissed me forcefully and I couldn't stop him. I saw the lust in his blue eyes.

I'm petrified, I couldn't think of anything. I saw him coming to me as a smirk appeared on his lips.

I tried to run away but It felt like my legs were frozen.

Why Sasha isn't even coming?

I don't know what to do anymore. I'm terribly shaking off.

He finally reached up to me as he pulled me roughly to himself. I looked into his blue eyes. They have passion, lust and starvness in it.

My eyes locked into his eyes as I felt him lean closely towards my face. My breath got heavier and I couldn't hold on myself anymore. I felt his hot breath slightly tickles my face.

He's grip on my waist got tighten. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt his lips softly touched my lips. My heart started to beat faster as my every breath got more heavier. He kissed me passionately with lust in it as I couldn't help myself but kissed him back.

He slightly smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck, He pulled me more closer. He asked for entrance which I gladly gave him. Our tongue met each other and he grabbed my ass, I let out a slight moun.

The kiss was getting more intense till he broke the kiss. We pulled away and our eyes locked again. We both lost into each other eyes.

'That was amazing'. He said touching my cheek.

I couldn't help myself but smiled at him.

'That was the best kiss I ever had'. I said to him.

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

'I'm Dean Ambrose'. He introduced himself.

'Becky Lynch'. I told him my name.

'You're so fuckin beautiful Becky'. He said to me.

I blushed as I look down.

'Hey, I gotta go now. Let's hope we'll meet again'. He said.

I nodded. He pecked me on the lips softly and walked away. I watched him started his bike and he pulled off.

What just happened?

I didn't want kiss him but my heart told me to do it.

'Hey Becks, sorry for making you wait'. I heard Sasha's voice.

I turned around and looked at her, She looked at me as she frowned at me.

'Are you ok Becks'? She asked me.

'Uhh.. Yeah I'm fine but what took you so long'? I asked her giving her death glares playfully.

She chuckled. 'Sorry about that, I was arguing with the shop owner'. She told me.

'Why were you arguing'? I asked her.

Sasha sighed. 'You know I always argue with everyone so there's nothing to worry about'. She explained.

'That's the reality of you, always argue with everyone'. I whispered.

'You say something'? She asked raising her eyebrow at me.

'No, anyway what Charlotte is cooking for dinner'? I asked her as we started to walk.

'What a question, She can't even chop veggies let alone cooking'. Sasha scoffed.

I chuckled. 'It means we have to cook'? I asked looking at her.

'So you say'. She said.

'Let's make some spaghetti, I'm pretty sure Bayley is gonna help'. I said to her.

Sasha nodded.

                         Sasha's P.O.V
                        ( 5 days later)

I woke up catching a horrible screamed in my ears that made me jumped out of the bed.

Why Charlotte is screaming?

What I did now?

As I was asking questions to myself, I saw Charlotte appeared in my room. She gave me death glares.

'What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this'? I asked her.

'Aren't you forgetting something'? She asked crossing her arms over her breasts.

'What I'm forgetting'? I asked her getting confused a little bit.

'Try to remember'. She said raising her eyebrow at me.

Then it hit on me.

'Oh my gosh, I forgot to watch the new season of Fairy Tail'. I screamed shockingly.

I looked at Charlotte, she has disbelief look on her face.

'How pathetic you are, How come you could forget the most important work of your day'? She said shaking her head.

I rolled my eyes. 'You're confusing me. Just come to the point'. I said to her giving the sassy pose.

Charlotte sighed. 'Unbelievable, Just get ready as quick as possible you can for your job interview'. She explained.

My eyes widened. 'Oh my god, how could I forget about the interview'. I said covering my mouth shockingly.

'Now you realized, Get ready you still got some time'. She said as she was about to walked off but I stopped her.

She looked at me with raising eyebrow.

'Did you prepare my breakfast cause you know I'm getting late'. I asked her mischievously.

She gave me a bored look. 'Go ask Becky and Bayley for breakfast considering I'm heading on my work'. She said and she walked away.

'Fine Dr. Charlotte'. I yelled at her as I flipped my hair in sassy way and walked in bathroom.

I was all ready as one last time I looked myself in the mirror. I proudly smiled.

'I'm naturally beautiful'. I thought.

I took my purse and phone as I walked out of the room. I went down on the stairs and I looked at my sisters having breakfast.

I walked up to them. 'Good morning beautiful people'. I greeted them taking a sit beside Becky.

'Morning'. Bayley and Becky said at same time smiling at me.

I took the bite of my toast and have a quick sip off my orange juice. I looked at my wrist watch.

Oh my! I'm getting late.

I got up and grabbed a toast. Bayley and Becky looked at me.

'At least finish your breakfast Sash'. Becky said to me.

'I'm sorry Becks but I'm already getting late. I gotta go and thanks for the breakfast'. I said and started to walk away.

'Good luck for your interview'. I heard Bayley and Becky wished me.

'Thank you and love you'. I said to them as I blew a kiss at them.

'love you too'. They both said and gave me a flying kiss.

I chuckled and walked off.


I was on my way when my phone buzzed off. I saw it was Charlotte.

I picked up the call.

'Yeah'? I asked.

Charlotte: I hope you're on the way for your interview.

I rolled my eyes. 'Of course I'm'. I replied her.

Charlotte: (Chuckles) well, good luck. Do it your best.

I smiled. 'Thanks, I'm gonna do it like a legit boss'. I said proudly.

Charlotte: (Smiles) ok bye. My patients are waiting.

'See ya'. I said and hung up.

As soon as I hung up I heard someone whistled at me. I turned around and saw bunch of boys group staring at me. I ignored them and continue to walk.

But then I felt someone grabbed my wrist roughly and made me turned around. I saw those boys who was whistling at me a couple of minutes ago. They were right behind me.

I looked at him furiously. 'let go off my wrist'. I said gritted my teeths.

'Oh baby, come on you're looking hot as hell. Why would I let go off a chick like you'. He said as he leaned towards me.

I got angry too much.

'Come on Kevin just smash her already'. I heard another boy yelled as rest of the group laugh.

'Let's have some fun babe'. He said as he grabbed my ass.

I slapped him hardly. 'Don't you dare to touch me you fucking asshole'. I yelled at him.

He looked at me shockingly and he's boys were also shocked.

'You bitch'. He yelled and slapped me making me fall down on the ground.

'let's get her boys'. I heard him.

Two boys grabbed my hands and other boys grabbed my legs. I tried to push them away but I couldn't. They were too strong.

'Let me go please'. I pleaded as tears rolled down of my cheeks.

'Oh no, This is not possible. I won't let you go until I make a M.M.S of you'. He smirked.

My eyes widened.

'Somebody please help me. Please help me'. I screamed.

He laughed as he leaned closer to me, he stroked my cheeks and I felt him unzipped my pants. I shut my eyes tightly as tears were rolling down on my cheeks.

'Noooooo!! Please help me'. I screamed.

'Shut up you bitch, if you don't shut your mouth, I'll do you harder'. He yelled slapping me again.

                           Seth's P.O.V

I was walking around the road suddenly I heard a female screamed.

I got confused where is it coming from? Then I heard the scream again. I followed it and it was coming from a dark alley.

Then I caught up them. Some freaks were trying to take advantage from a girl.

A one guy was leaning all over her while others were holding her tightly.
And the girl was screaming painfully.

Should I help her?

Why should I? That's non of my business.

I was about to walk away then I heard her scream again. 

'Help me please. Please. Nooooo'. I heard her.

I froze in my tracks, I don't know what is happening to me but a feeling shaking me inside that rescue her.

Something is in her scream that makes my heart shrinking.

What's this feeling?

I thought as I placed a hand on my heart and I felt my heart is beating so fast.

I gotta help her.

I ran over to there and grabbed that guy by his neck roughly who was leaning all over her.

I punched right in his face making him fall down on the ground. The other boys looked at me shockingly and she got up as she stepped back.

Wait, I have seen her before.

A guy tugged me from behind but I elbowed him in the neck. I turned around and kicked the other guy.

'Who the fuck are you? This is non of your business. She's ours'. A guy yelled at me.

'Fine, You can have her but first walk all over me'. I replied as I gestured them to come over me.

They all rushed towards me gathering their all attacks. I grabbed one of the guy by his neck and kicked him in the face.

'Hey, Watch out'. I heard her.

I turned around and saw that guy who was leaning over that girl was about to charge at me with a knife. I dodged it cleverly and punched him on the face making his mouth bleeding a little bit.

They all glared at me. I chuckled and pulled out a gun of my pocket.

Their eyes widened as I aimed my gun at that guy.

'If you're willing to live your life, get the hell away from here'. I threatened him.

Within a second they all ran away.

I put my gun back in my pocket as I saw the girl walked up to me.

I was about to say something but she hugged me tightly catching me off the guard.

'Thank you, thank you so much. You saved my life. You're my hero'. She thanked me and she broke the hug.

A mischievous smile appeared on my face.

I'm a hero.

Seth Freakin Rollins is a hero.

Of course I'm a hero, That's why I made a hero entrance.

I looked at her. 'No worries'. I said and ran a hand though my hair.

She smiled at me.

'Wait, do I know you? I feel like I seen you before'. I asked her confusily.

'Yes, you do know me. Remember the last time we met in the club. You had saved me there from a bald headed man'. She explained.

Then I remembered. 'Oh yeah, I spilled my drink on you'. I said to her.

She nodded weirdly.

'Well I'm Sasha... Sasha Banks'. She introduced herself.

'Bond...  James Bond'. I told her getting all serious as I was holding my laugh.

She facepalmed.

I couldn't hold in anymore and bust out laughed hardly.

'Alright, Sorry. I'm seth Rollins'. I replied disguising myself.

She smiled at me and I don't know why but I smiled back at her.

'Wanna come with and have some coffee'. She asked me.

Wow! No one ever asked me for a coffee. And she's offering, that's a free cost so why not.

'Of course but you're paying'. I said to her.

She nodded and we started to walk.

'So tell me about yourself Seth'? She asked looking at me.

'Well, I'm a business man'. I lied to her.

She frowned at me. 'That was such a lame answer Rollins. I know you're a goon or something cause I remember last time you were fighting with some guys in club'. She explained sassily.

Damn! She's just....  Never mind.

'Yeah, I'm a mafia. And I kill people, sell out drugs that's my living'. I told her.

She looked at me with a shocking face.

'Then why saved me'. She asked curiously.

'Cause I wanted to be a hero. That's it end of the story and let's have some coffee'. I said to quickly.

She shrugged it off and we talk some more.

But why I'm doing this?

                      Charlotte's P.O.V

I was in my cabin being bored just waiting for the lunch break. Nikki didn't even come today and I have no work today.

I'm completely being tedious.

I took my phone and started playing candy crush. I heard a knock on my cabin door.

'Come in'. I allowed and a nurse came inside grabbing something in her hand.

'Dr. Charlotte, I have a file of a patient whom you let go without making payments. That person still have to pay and according to the hospital authority the payment should be made out'. The nurse explained placing the file on my desk.

Which one patient? I don't remember.

'Can you tell me the patient's name'? I asked her.

'Mr. Roman Riegns'. She told me.

Wait a second. I remembered now. As far as I know he's hand was injured. I looked at the nurse.

'Liv, can you hand me out his number'? I asked her.

'Yes, Here's his number in this file that I placed it on your desk'. She told me.

'Okay, thanks liv'. I said to her and give her a warm smile.

She smiled back as she was about to walked off but she stopped.

'And mam, it's lunch time, should I ordered something for you'. She asked me.

'Oh no thanks liv, I'd rather go outside so don't worry about it'. I said with the smile.

'okay mam'. She said and she walked away.

I checked the file and finally found out his phone number. I saved his number in my contact list.

Gosh! I'm starving.

I got up and took my purse and phone as I made my way outside of the cabin.


'Thank you'. I said to shop owner and took my sandwich.

I turned around and saw a familiar face. Then I recognized him.

I made my way towards him, he was talking to someone on the phone.

'Mr. Roman Reigns'. I called him.

He turned around and looked at me as he hung up his phone.

I smiled at him.

'Dr. Psycho'. He said like he just seen the ghost.

Huh. Dr. Psycho?

My smile faded away. 'It's Psychiatrist to you'. I said to him annoyingly.

He scoffed.

'What you doing here'? I asked him curiously.

'I should be asking the same question to you Dr. Psycho'? He asked folding his arms over his chest while giving me a creepy smile.

I gasped. What the fuck.

'I'm the fucking doctor, What the fuck do you mean big guy'. I said getting annoying a little bit.

'I was just walking around, I have nothing to do'. He answered casually.

This dog is lying. As a psychiatrist, I can read he's expression. He's hiding something.

'Come to the point Mr. Roman'. I said raising my eyebrow at him.

He looked at me. 'Fine... I came up here for making out my payments..  Alright Dr. Psycho'. He said not showing any interest.

A smiled appeared on my face. 'So mr. Reigns have a soft heart too. I see'. I said teasing him a little bit.

He looked at me without any expression. 'I never keep someone's favor'. He said getting serious all of sudden.

'Oh'. I said fadly.

Then my phone buzzed off, I looked at it and it was a call from Nikki.

'Umm, I'll be back'. I said to him as he nodded.

I picked her call up.

'Why didn't you come today'? I asked her directly.

Nikki: God chill out girly, I was busy and I wanna tell you a good news.

Good news? Pregnant...... Oh no, She would never.

'What is it'. I asked.

Nikki: Artem and I are moving in together. (exciting)

My eyes widened. 'You can't be serious. You know Nikki, how are all the mens. They just care about girls body, they don't care about their feelings. They are totally assholes......'.

Nikki: (Rolls eyes) Oh god Char, calm down. Artem is not like another mens. He's way better than others... And you MET him before, you know how he acts, how he behaves so CHILL out dude.

I rolled my eyes. 'I know he's a good guy and he cares about you so much but I just have objection for marriage. Never get married Nikki, I'm WARNING you woman'. I explained her.

Nikki: Fine! But why hate wedding?

'It's a disturaction of life, Woman I'll die single. If this was in my hands, I would kill the all motherfuckers with my one gun shot'. I said proudly.

Nikki: (Shock) you're crazy and you're psychiatrist..... Wow. Anyways I gotta go. Artem is calling me. Bye. Love you.

She hung up the call.

This bitch is crazy.

Oh god! I forgot about Mr. Roman.

I turned around and saw there he was gone. I looked here and there but didn't seem to me anywhere.

I sighed. 'What an idiotic person, he just ran away'. I whispered softly.

                         Sasha's P.O.V
                          (At night)

I was sitting on the couch with Bayley and Becky, We were watching a movie named X-men The last stand.

'I just love Storm'. Becky said getting all excited.

'Storm is my favorite too'. I said to her as Becky looked at me and she gave me a high five. I grinned at her.

'I like Thor'. Bayley said out of nowhere.

Me and Becky looked at her weirdly.

'Did someone say Thor'.......

We heard and looked around there was Charlotte with a smile on her face as she placed her bag on the couch.

'Welcome back sis'. Becky greeted her.

Charlotte smiled at her as she sat on a couch with us.

'You're back'. I grinned at her.

She looked at me with bored look. 'No, It's my bloody ghost sitting around with you guys'. She said looking at me.

'Wait, You're the ghost'. Bayley yelled getting baffled.

We all looked at her shrunk like a stone.

Oh god, This girl.

'This little weirdo'. I heard Becky mumbled.

'Nevermind.... How was your interview Sasha'? Charlotte asked me.

Oh gosh! What should I tell her now.

'Uh...  It was great, Umm. They said to me they would call me later'. I lied smiling at her like an idiot.

She nodded.

'I'm going in my room'. I got up quickly and made my way upstairs.


I was sitting on my bed using my phone then I heard a knock on my door.

'Come in'. I said.

The door opened and there was Becky. She made her way towards me and popped out on the bed.

I raised my eyebrow at her. 'You need something'? I asked her.

'Tell me, what's bothering you Sash'? She asked me directly.

I can't hide anything from Becks. I trust her more than anyone else.

I guess, I can tell her.

'What, They tried to rape you...... Oh my god! You aren't hurt tell me you okay right'. Becky asked anxiously.

'Dude, chill out I'm okay. That guy saved me'. I chuckled seeing her worry about me.

Becky placed her hand on her heart. 'God bless that guy, he must be a kind hearted person, he must be belong to a good family, he must be so innocent, he must be...............

'He's not that immense man'. I said rolling my eyes.

'But he saved you'. Becky said.

I looked at her. 'Cause he just wanted to be a hero'. I mumbled.

'You say something'? Becky asked me.

I shook my head.

                         Finn's P.O.V

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hateness cannot drive out hateness, only love can do that......

Those words she told me just reeling off in my mind. As much as I try to get rid of it but I couldn't.

Why I'm shrinking in thoughts about her?

Wherever I go? She comes there too. And that stupid name she gave me.....

A villain...... Is that even a name.

'Hey Finn'.....

I heard as I turned around there was Dean standing beside the door.

I raised my eyebrow at him. 'He's here'. Dean said smiling a little bit.

I got suprised. What. It's been long time not to see him.

Me and Dean went off in living room and saw Roman and Seth standing there all along.

He turned around and looked at us with the smile. 'It's been a while boys. Ready to do some work for me'. He asked taking a sip of his drink.

'Forever'. Roman smirked.

We all looked at him with beatific smile.

I can't believe it, he's here.

Hunter......  Our Dad.


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