All I Want - TH

calliebode द्वारा

1.7M 26.9K 8.9K

Amelia Daniels is Harrison Osterfields best friend. When she leaves her dead end job to become a management a... अधिक

Sequel Announcement


55K 894 366
calliebode द्वारा

The weekend comes, and to actually have an entire weekend off is amazing. I haven't had a full two days in over a year.
I made plans with Haz to go get dinner at Stassie's restaurant tonight, to which he invited Tom without asking me. I can tell he desperately wants us to be friends, and I understand why. Toms the first one of his friends to not want to date me or fuck me. He's never been able to have a friend group with me in it because he's quick to find out his friends are disrespectful pigs.
But not Tom.
Stassie: you'll be here around 6 right?
Amelia: yes. See you then.
To say Stassie is is excited for tonight is an understatement. She's obsessed with the idea of a 'basically celebrity' coming to her restaurant. Yeah Toms well known and he's on a magazine here and there, but he's far from being a celebrity.
I decide it's time to start getting ready, the restaurant is nice, and it's a perfect excuse to dress up. I skip over to my closet, scanning through the hangers. My stuff is okay, but it's nowhere near as beautiful as the dresses in Stassie's closet.
She won't mind..
I open the door to her room, and go in her closet. Where is that pink dress? It's one I've been dying to borrow but never had the right occasion to wear it considering I was working 24/7 and when I wasn't working I was sleeping.
I pull it off the hanger, the silky material sliding onto my body, fitting nicely. I brush out my hair, and finish doing what I need to be ready. My music blasts through the house, Beyoncé is getting me hyped for this evening, Beyoncé gets me hyped for everything,
"Hey!" The boys walk into my room and I scream, jumping up from my vanity and clutching my chest.
"What the fuck!" I gasp, turning my music off. My heart pounds out of my chest at the scare.
"Sorry!" Haz laughs. "I knocked but you didn't answer so I came in"
"Jesus Christ I could have died!" I punch Haz in the arm roughly.
"Don't be so dramatic" he rolls his eyes.
"I'm almost ready, please take a seat since you've already invaded my room" I say sarcastically.
They sit down on my bed and I finish my hair, realizing a need a few Bobby pins.
"Haz. Pins." I say demandingly, holding the piece of hair back.
"Where are they?" He asks.
"I should have a new pack in my closet" I inform him.
He walks over to my closet, opening it up.
"Dude you're such a pig" he says, seeing the mess.
"Pins! Quickly!" I groan.
Tom sits back, smiling at the interaction. We sure are entertaining him.
"Are they in this box?" He asks.
"What box?" I ask, turning to him.
He pulls out a box and drops it on the floor, all the contents spilling out. My mouth drops and I stand up quickly.
"Haz you fucking-" he cuts off my yelling.
"Ooo what are these for?" He teases me, holding up the pink handcuffs.
"Stop it" I say, grabbing them from his hands and shoving them back in the box.
"Oh and look at this" He laughs, holding up my silk blindfold.
"Seriously Haz stop." I say seriously, pulling it from his hand and grabbing the other few items from the floor, shoving them into the box and putting it back into the closet.
"All these guys you call boring are probably just normal" he laughs.
"Yeah well at least I know how to have fun" I stick my tongue out at him, turning around and quickly remembering Tom was in the room. God dammit. As if I haven't embarrassed myself in front of him enough already.
"Can we just go?" I ask, grabbing my bag.
"Mhmm" Haz hums, still holding in his giggles.
On the whole drive there Haz couldn't stop teasing me for what he found, what was embarrassment now turning into carelessness. So what? I have a sex life. I have some kinks. Who fucking cares?
We walk into the restaurant and the man at the front recognizes me, taking us to the best table.
"Could you let Stassie know I'm here" I say to him.
"Of course" he nods, walking off.
I take notice of Toms position, his eyes keep glancing at me and looking away quickly. He probably thinks I'm a fucking creep now. Wonderful.
"Hey guys!" Stassie squeals, making her way to our table.
"Ugh I forgot how cute you are in your little apron and chef hat" I say.
"Oh thanks!" She giggles.
Haz sparks up a conversation with her, I think he has a little crush on her. He always makes a point to speak with her but he also is very shy. I think it's cute, they'd be cute together.
My eyes lift, meeting Toms brown ones, This time he doesn't look away though. His brown orbs burn into mine, a sense of comfort coming from his stare. He trails them up and down once before adverting his attention to the conversation.
"I'm going to make you guys something special!" Stassie says cheerily, skipping back to the kitchen.
"Isn't she hot?" Haz says to Tom, being the gross boy he is.
"Yeah sure" Tom says, absent minded while he sips his drink.
"And yet after all these years you haven't made a move" I shake my head.
"Cause she's your best friend. That'd be weird." He says.
"Not really you're just scared" I tease.
"Am not" he frowns.
"Mate you suck at getting girls attention." Tom says. "All you have to do is make eye contact, touch her arm or face to let her know what's happening, move in closer, and kiss her. Not that fuckin hard"
"Seems we have a pro over here" I comment.
"Please, Tom hasn't had a girlfriend in years" Haz scoffs.
"By choice" Tom says plainly.
"Mhmm. Whatever helps you sleep at night mate"
Our dinner comes and it smells amazing, she made us a beautiful dish that tastes delicious. The flavors all correlating well with each other.
"You two down for some beers after this?" Haz asks.
"Is this your way of asking if you can come hang out at my place until Stassie gets off work?" I ask.
"What? No." He says.
Yeah. He's a bad liar.
"Whatever, I'm cool with you guys coming over" I shrug.
We finish our meal, Haz and Tom chatting while I run back to the kitchen to say goodbye to Stassie.
"Oh. My. God." She mutters, pulling me to the side of the room. "Tom Holland is hot, and he was totally staring at you."
"He's okay" I shrug, looking out the door at him.
Not going to lie, the way his curls fall on his forehead, and the how the white T-shirt clung to his chest underneath his blazer makes him look really good.
"Okay? He's sexy as hell. Play into it a bit." She encourages.
"Play into what?" I ask.
"He's got something going on with you, see what it is" she says. "Go on. Have fun."
"Yeah, I'll have lots of fun with Haz sitting between us" I laugh.
"I could send him nudes, he'd make himself pretty busy with those" she jokes and I laugh.
"Sorry, but I'm not trying to do anything with my boss" I shake my head.
"Oh that's just a formality" she scoffs as the boys walk over to the doorway.
"Ready?" Haz asks me and I nod.
"Thanks for dinner, see you tonight" I say, walking away with the boys.
"We'll meet at your place" Haz says, getting into his car.
I get in mine and play my music, singing along while I drive home.

•Toms pov•
"So what was that mate?" Haz asks as he pulls out onto the road.
"What was what?" I ask.
"That whole heart eye shit you had going on at the restaurant" he says, making a face of disgust.
"I don't know what you're talking about man" I shake my head.
I know exactly what he's talking about, I just didn't realize. She's easy to space out on. Her bright eyes gazing off, not at anything in particular. Her soft pink lip between her teeth as she's deep in thought, Damn. I didn't expect this.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't look at her like that man it's weird" he says.
"How?" I laugh. "Even if I was looking at her in some way how would that be weird?"
"Because it just.. is. Ew." He says.
Ah. My friend is very immature.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't picturing her.. wearing those pink cuffs from earlier.. pulling that ponytail of hers.

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