Secrets & Promises

By FlickaLover00

2.8K 55 48

Three dragons with a secret to be kept. One dragon wanting only to escape her prison. When what was lost is f... More

Jade Mountain Academy
The Friends
Coming Home
The Visit
Back to School
Light in the Dark
Author's Note


149 2 0
By FlickaLover00

Hey y'all! I hope you guys have been enjoying this book so far. How do y'all like the new cover?! Enjoy the chapter!


After they left, the dragonet didn't dare move. If she did, she might pass out from the pain. It was normal, but you never get used to it. Pain had become normal to a dragonet, but it never hurt any less. Bruises and cuts lined her scales. Her sapphire eyes were glossy. The sheen reflecting in the dim light of the cave. They had drug her to the cave with the sky hole after her beating, choosing to remove her from the.. used cave.

She knew no different. The sun was illuminating the cave, shining bright into the cave. Her eyes, not used to the light, watered once more. As she looked up, she watched as the sun rose higher, the sky a vibrant blue. Carefully, the dragonet opened a wing, turning her head to see. Moving into the sunlight, she spread her wings gently, spikes of pain shooting through her back.

Twisting her head, she allowed herself to relax. She watched as different colors shifted through her scales. The only reason she knew color, was because of herself. Swirls and spots of colors scattered through, vibrant in the cave, but dull compared to the outside. She allowed herself to match the rocks beneath her, adding gradients and shadows. The dragonet fell asleep with the sun's rays seeping into her scales.


When the dragonet awoke, it was late afternoon at best. The sky was slowly darkening. Sighing, she prepared herself for another beating. This was her life it seemed. Nothing more than beatings and sparse rations of water and food. The more she thought, the more she hated the idea of living her life like this.

No, she wouldn't. The dragonet knew she had to be strong. She needed to escape, to go home - wherever home was, she didn't know. She didn't care, anywhere was better than here. She would leave as soon as she could. Looking up, she watched as the sky darkened. Not now, soon, the dragonet thought. If she went now, she wouldn't have the energy to run, as she had never learned how to fly.

Shaking her head, she rested the last few moments before they came to her again. Thinking over a plan. She would have to jump up to the sky hole and climb out. Once she made it out, she would blend into her surroundings - whatever they may be - and run. There was no way she'd be able to outrun full grown dragons, but she could hide from them. And then, keep running until she found dragons who would help her find her way home. If there was any home to return to.

Looking up, she found strength within herself. She had to escape. Had to go home and find her parents. They would keep her safe, right? Of course they would, why wouldn't they? The dragonet thought, Oh wait, they did such a great job last time. Sighing, she laid her head down on her talons. She could be strong. She would be strong. She had to be strong. I want to go home.


So sorry for the long wait y'all! If you look at my announcements and the latest chapter of Nonexistent it gives a better explanation to why I was gone for so long. Have a great week!

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