Multiverse Of Midoriya Izuku

By NatashaHannan

563K 8.4K 4.8K

Class 1-A, heroes, Kota, Eri, Mirio and Midoriya Inko appeared in the room where WE show them the worlds wher... More

Oc Characters
Infected (1)
Infected (2)
Female Deku
Please Read This
Hopeless Dream (1)
Hopeless Dream (2)
Hopeless Dream (3)
Not A Chapter
Meet Little One (1)
Meet Little One (2)
Meet Little One (3)
Infected Virus (1)
Not A Chapter
Infected Virus (2)
Infected Virus (3)
Infected Virus (4)
Infected Virus (5)
Infected Virus (6)
Infected Virus (7)
Race Start!
Meet Two Gods
Singer AU (1)
Not A Chapter
Singer AU (2)
Dragon Hero AU (1)
Dragon Hero AU (2)
Dragon Hero AU (3)
Dragon Hero AU (4)
Birth & Continued
Villain Deku AU
Female Singer AU (1)
Female Singer AU (2)
Not A Chapter
Female Singer AU (3)
Left 4 Dead
Bet And Next Alternative Universe
Villain Singer AU (1)
Villain Singer AU (2)
Villain Singer AU (3)
Villain Singer AU (4)
Sleep & Reminder
Undertale AU (1)
Undertale AU (2)
Not A Chapter
Rec (Spanish Horror Movie) Part 1
Rec Part 2
Rec Part 3
Happy Halloween!
Infected Virus (8)
I.V (9) & Explaining
I.V (Final)
Gods Abilities
Meet Neko Izuku!
Thomas Sanders AU
Pokemon AU
The Bells Of Notre Dame
Meet Other Selves
Quirkless Singer AU
Vigilante AU: Curse Mark
Guess Who's Back?
Hellfire (1)
Next Guest
Meet Villain Deku
Rush Hour 3 (1)
Rush Hour 3 (2)
Rapper And Singer (1)
Rapper And Singer (2) ft. Explanation
Rapper And Singer (3)
Rapper And Singer (4) Ft. Announcement
It's Been Awhile!

Hellfire (2)

4K 43 38
By NatashaHannan

Announcement! The requests will be accept until Wednesday. Also, please accept my apology for making all of you waiting so long.


Zero is showing amusement on his face for once and exposed rarely that everyone glanced at him every minutes.

Genocide is snickering darkly with Phoenix recording while covering her mouth from laughing. Pacifist and Reaper are only watched with smile and mild amused.

Inko is woken up and slapped Kaminari and Mineta; both of their cheeks - everyone winced at that - before scolding with disappointment and mad gleam.

Clopin is busily entertaining the kids with his magic tricks as they enjoying the show with awed eyes.

"I hope you two will learn your lesson about your behaviours," Zero said after the woman seems to be finish lecturing them. "Using a person as a bridge to lure girls can only break their trust toward you."

They flinched.

"If Midoriya found out about your plan, he will mostly be upset and distance himself from you two," Kaminari looked ashamed and Mineta looked upset. "But knowing him, he will probably forgive you two once he figure out the pool incident."

"Why...?" Kaminari whispers.

"Because that's who he is."

"We're sorry," they echoed as they bowed at both gods and Inko.

"However..." they stiffened at Zero complete change. His narrowed eyes filled with rage and calm. "... You do that stunt or trick again to my chosen, I will ask someone to twist your paths so both of you will passed to another lives by accident."

They gulped knowing he's threatened them if they're doing another to Midoriya and nodded frantically.

"Yes Zero-sama!"

His cold eyes are now smiling.


Everyone shivered except Nedzu who's sipping his tea calmly.

"Now," Zero waved his hand as the few found themselves sat on their usual seats. "Let's get start shall we? Clopin."

"On it~" Clopin sings and winked as the kids giggling. He stood in front of the audience and bowed.

"Now then!" He clapped his hands. "Let's zoom wayy forward where we will be seeing Judge Claude Frollo where we will see his actions."

An echoing hum across the night sky, a person is standing with stoic expression as he stared at the tower.

"Is that Claude Frollo?" Eri asks.

"That's right little one," Pacifist praised with warm tone. "Well done."

Eri smile shyly at the compliment.

Mirio patted her head.

"Confiteor deo omnipotenti...

Beatae mariae semper virgini...

Beato michaeli archangelo...

Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis."

"Those choirs are singing beautifully," Midnight hums, closing her eyes.

Present Mic nodded.

Frollo walked forward slowly. "Beata Maria," his lips seems to be moving but their attention move to Clopin who sings.

He peeked at them and smiled. "Forgive me for mimicking him," he clear his throat and closed his eyes, seeming to be memerized.

"Please don't mind me~"

The kids giggles and others chuckles.

"You know I am a righteous man of my virtue, I am justly proud."

"He's good at mimicking," Shinsou observed. "Hmm... I wonder..."

"If you want," Power Loader offered. "I will built the device for you."

"Thank you," the teen bows.

"Et tibi pater..." choirs echoed.

"Beata Maria," Frollo turn around to walk inside the room. "You know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd."

"Quia peccavi nimis..."

"Then tell me, Maria!" He stand in front of the fire. "Why I see her dancing there?

Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul."

"What?" The audience blinked.

"A gypsy woman," Nedzu guessed. "He's talking about a gypsy woman isn't he?"

"As expected," Zero let out small smirk.


Then Frollo covered his arms as if he tried to shield himself.

"I feel her,

I see her!" He snapped his eyes open as the fire form into a woman dancing seductively, waving her finger at them as if luring him.

"The sun caught in her raven hair is blazing in me out of all control."

Mineta looked like he was about to drool but caught himself at the piercing gaze from Genocide.

"Verbo et opere!"

Frollo backed away with fear.

"Like fire!


This fire in my skin."

He pull out a purple transparent scarf with yellow stars. Then he rubbed them on his cheeks.

"This burning...


Is turning me..."

Then he clenched his fists in anger.

"... to sin!"

He dropped on to his knees as the shadow figures with red cloaks appeared, surrounding him.

Everyone feel uncomfortable, shifting in their seats.

"It's not my fault!" Frollo looked at them with fear.

"Mea culpa..." the cloaked figures echoed eeriely, looking down at him.

"I'm not to blame!

It is the gypsy girl,

The witch who sent this flame!"

"Mea maxima culpa..."

"It's not my fault!"

"Mea culpa..." the cloaked figures get closer to him.

"If in God's plan..."

"Mea culpa..."

"It starting to make me uncomfortable," Kaminari chuckles nervously with sweat.

"You're not the only one," Sero said with agreedment.

Others nodded.

At least the kids enjoyed it so far.

"He made the devil so much,

Stronger than a man!"

"Mea maxima culpa."

The cloaked figures swarm around him like a wind before disappeared to the fire.

Frollo is kneel down.

"Protect me, Maria!

Don't let this siren cast her spell!"

The flame woman keep on dancing.

"Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone!"

"What's gotten into him?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Tell you later," Zero waved his hand.

Frollo clenched the scarf with one hand and thrust to the air.

"Destroy Esmeralda!"

Then the woman looked like she tied up and scream as the flames engulfed her.

"And let her taste the fires of hell!

Or else let her be mine and mine alone..."

"Esmeralda?" lida hummed, rubbing his chin with deep thoughts. "Is it the name of the gypsy woman?"

"That's correct," Pacifist smiled.

"I was wondering something..." Uraraka speaks. "Judge Frollo... how old is he?"

"Hmm... If I remember correctly," Zero rubbed his chin with elbow on his arm as he's in deep thoughts. "He's in the age of 65? 67? It's been a long time."

'Liar, you definitely know his age!' Genocide, Phoenix and even Pacifist thoughts.

"Then what about miss Esmeralda?"

"Age 34 or 33."

'Once again, you lie that you don't know their ages!' The gods thoughts once more.

"Wait a minute," Midnight realized something. "Isn't Fratello a priest?"

"With the way he dress," Aizawa noted. "He's definitely a priest."

A smoke in form of a woman widened her arms as he reached toward her as if he's drunk then vanished as the smoke hit him.

"Sir," a man wearing an armor swing the door open. "The gypsy has escaped."

Frollo stiffened. "What?"

"Escaped?" Shinsou repeats.

"Will tell you later," Zero promised.

"How?" Frollo then darkened as clenched his fists in anger. "Never mind- oh you idiot!"

"Someone must be helping her to escape," Nedzu said, sipping his tea calmly. "Someone that she knew."

"He's good," Phoenix stared at him.

"He's an highly intelligent animal afterall," Zero smirked faintly.

"I will find her..." his eyes held with dark and rage gleam. "I will find her if I have to tear down all Paris!"

"Dude... he's really pissed off," Kirishima winced. "And so obsessed."

"He's older than Esmeralda!" Mina let out her tongue with disgust. "Eeww!"

"Then you might be very careful," Zero said it bluntly. "There are some people who also act like him."

They couldn't help but gulped and shiver in fear. Phoenix scolded him but didn't deny it. Reaper nodded, remember one or two souls are longing for their beloved and wanting to kill them at the same time.


Dark fire,

Now gypsy, it's your turn."

Frollo narrowed his eyes at the scarf and the fire.

"Choose me or,

Your pyre,

Be mine or you will burn!"

He throw it and watched as it burn with burst of purple flames.

"That guy is crazy!" Mt. Lady gulped.

"Then you should be careful too," Genocide grinned. "Know whose~? Perhaps, one of your fans might end up like him~"

She gulped at that thought.

Even Midnight.

"Hmm..." Pacifist blinked. "Come to think of it, there might be possiblity that their appeals might get over the men's heads since Mt. Lady and Midnight-san showing off their bodies."

The girls blinked.

"T-That's true," Yaoyorozu agreed, remember her hero costume and gulped.

Hagakure sounds like she's trembling and hid behind Ojiro.

"Pacifist." Reaper exclaimed, secretly surprised at his outburst. Maybe Zero was right about Genocide, attempting to tainted the kind god.

"What? I am just stating the truth," he blinked confusedly with innocent aura surrounding him.

"Kuro," Zero growls.

"What!? I didn't fucking do anything!"

"Watch your mouth!" The creator god covered Izuku's ears with others do the same to Eri and Kota.

"God have mercy on her..."

Frollo backed away as the background turn red with shadows sliding through the walls.

"Kyrie Eleison..." choirs sang.

"God have mercy on me."

"Oh god!" Kaminari shrieks.

"Are we in Hell?!" Mineta yelled.

"Urusai!" Jirou bonked their heads.

"Kyrie Eleison."

Frollo spin around to press his forehead against the wall.

"But she will be mine!"

He glanced over his shoulder with eyes full of obsessed and crazed.

"Or she will burn!"

He kneel down with his arms up high.


The screen goes blank.

Clopin bows politely and smiled.

"So! What do you think~?"

The audience are too stunned to say. The kids are clapping and babbling as they gather around him.

"Uhh..." Phoenix glanced at them with worry. "Should we...?"

"Let them be," Zero said. "They will wake up for few minutes."

Needless to say, they did.

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