Shadow (ONC Entry)

By Komfort88

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[Rewriting + Editing + Ongoing] **** Fiction Awards Nominee 2020 Longlisted - in Wattpad's Open Novella Conte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter One | Are You Ready?
Chapter Two | Seat Number 37
Chapter Three | Lucia
Chapter Four | Murder Scene
VII : Part One
VII : Part Two
X : Part One
X : Part Two
XV (Part One)
XV (Part Two)
XV : Part Three
FAN ART..... ARGH!!!!!
The Fiction Awards
XXV : Part Two
XXVII (Part 2)


44 1 9
By Komfort88

A/N:- The quote below is mine. And although not everyone will agree to it, this is what I firmly believe and stand by.

If you've stuck around till this point, I can't thank you enough. God bless you ♥️


Chapter 21 / Unexpected Surprises.

In building expectations, we must also note and understand the risk that tallies with each one of them. They say the biggest risk of all is to not take a risk at all. Therefore, it is better to pass through life understanding the risks that come with expectations and still take that risk. Than resigning to an expectation-less life, which usually ends up bland and dry..."


"The reunion...." Collecting her self back to one piece, Melissa's voice trailed off, decipherable sadness lining her tone. "I forgot about that."

"Well, I just reminded you." Taking a cursory glance at her, Rhoda beamed.

Returning her sight to the road, Rhoda  got ready to pull over as they approached 'Fantazia' which was situated at a close distance to the playground.

Finally getting to the best restaurant known all over Festac, Rhoda voiced, "You had asssured me you'd do this, Mel."

Now, pulling the brakes, her eyes narrowed at Melissa, sternness palpable in her subtlety. "So you can't back but out now."

"Assured, is a big word." Melissa reacted to such rigor. "I'm not even sure-" She attempted to say, right before Rhoda interrupted her.

By pronouncing, "Just like I've always said and will still say, it's time to get your life back on track." In same manner of subtlety, certitude had now replaced the previous austerity. "And you and I, know that the starting point of 'getting your life back on track', is that reunion. It's not negotiable."

"Besides, what is a life without the simple unit of 'family' ?" Rhoda questioned, "What would your life be without your family?"

After hearing these words, speechlessness took over Melissa.

It wasn't new that her greatest desire, at that point, remained to start living life, again! Without all of the pain, fear, and negativities, as a whole.

And it was a truism that she couldn't achieve this, without her family.

Trial to do this would definitely lead to an abrupt failure.

'Family' was the single unit she was birthed from and in ; the very entity her existence took being from.

So, she had to begin from there. No matter how far she went, she would always - eventually - have to find her way back home ; the beauty of that primitive but yet magnificent unit.

So, she uttered, more placid and understanding than before, "Fine."

"Good." Rhoda tightened a smile.

Gesturing for Melissa to get out of the car, Rhoda continued uttering, "Let's go get some food and then we'll be right on our way home - where you'll get some rest. After which, we'll head for the shopping mall. Okay?" At the mention of 'shopping mall', a certain kind of excitement splattered across her words.

Pushing the car door open, Melissa nodded, affirmatively. Though not without a partial cringe to the very words that caught Rhoda ecstasy.

It just wasn't her thing!

Melissa shook it all off and got out of Rhoda's black Toyota Camry.

Then, side by side with Rhoda, they both trudge toward the restaurant.


A simple yet sophisticated restaurant. One whose name echoed in ears of all for it's culinary excellence and exquisite customer service.

Yellow and red paintings were splashed across every part of the two storey building. And written in bold yellow colour, with a turquoise outline, was the word; FANTASIA..

Having left the car park and headed toward the entrance, Melissa unexpectedly slid her fingers into Rhoda's.

And shot her an extra relieving smile.

That smile was another form of reassuring Rhoda that she was completely fine.

But, Rhoda didn't understand any of it.

Thus, she only gave an involuntary beam, in return.

Melissa wanted to explain but stopped herself. This moment was perfect, she wouldn't want to anything to ruin it - not even herself.

Sighting the security clothed in a yellow uniform, who was already forcing the door for them, they both walked straight in.

Just like Rhoda always did anytime they both went out together, she busied her eyes with scanning the tables before them. Of course, her aim was to find the best one that hadn't been occupied.

So, as soon as one particularl table got her eye, she gleamed, oh-so-graciously.

It was at the extreme of the place, a bit close to the stairs that lead to first floor.

And adjacent to the same table, was an extension, in which the TV - that was positioned opposite - was plugged in.

A place to charge her phone plus TV while eating?! Definitely a sweet catch.

Therefore, before a flurry of words could escape her mouth, she heard Melissa wince at the brush of someone's body on hers.

Turning to her side - in reflex response, Rhoda saw a young fair lady with an apologetic look. And the fair girl with the short hair, kept muttering, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

Melissa kept on resting one hand on the shoulder that was hit, in attempt to soothe the pain.

Now releasing her hand from the shoulder, she nodded, "It's okay. I know it was a mistake. You can be on your way now. It's really very fine."

The previous slightly mournful look the stranger had was now replaced by a relaxing smile. Then she said, "Thank you so much!" Her beam got wider, "You just made me remember the forgiving, loving nature of our God and King. He's so patient with us!"

At the mention of God, Melissa face folds back up.

Yet she still watched the girl clothed - in a white chiffon top on a knee-length jean skirt -  speak on, "Have your heard about him? He's like the greatest thing of all! He's ever so loving and..."

Just as she was about saying a lot more, the stranger suddenly pauses and stares right into Melissa's eyes. It looked as if she was trying to read what was going on in her head.

But moments of silence go by, and both of them fail to utter any word.

Instead, Melissa stared back into her eyes. And through those glittery eyes of hers, Melissa could decipher a certain kind of peace. One her words couldn't explain. Even the presence of that girl resonated solace.

Is this what her so-called "God" does for her. Could that aura of calmness be because of Him? Can he truly give that "peace" that even her nose became sensitive to? Was he able to render such?

After a few prolonged gazes, the stranger finally spoke, her tone deep and quaint, "I can see doubt full of so much uncertainties in your eyes. The trouble you've faced has caused you so much pain. Too much, infact. And thus an abundance of equal or even greater yearning for the relief, has been surged, right through your soul."

Now staring even deeper, she continued speaking, "But then there's a deeper tribulation coming your way. One that'd break you beyond repair. And such brokenness would be what would lead you to the relief, you've longed for, your entire life."

Those words caught Melissa off guard, as her face turned pale. And she ran more speechless than ever.

But Rhoda never fancied any of the stranger's mystical sayings. And absolutely scoffed - internally - at every word.

Fed up, Rhoda dragged Melissa, "C'mon Mel! Let's go. No need to give more attention to this maniac's words."

Rhoda might have thought of that lady as some sort of psycho but her mystic words had already gotten right into Melissa's head and already registered itself - somewhat - as warning words of uncertainties to come. Thus, warranting the paled deep semblance her face took up.

Rhoda kept on dragging Melissa toward a corner of the restaurant, while Melissa couldn't take her eyes off the chirpy being as she watched her scurry past the entrance.

Since her view wasn't fixed on where she was heading to, it wasn't a surprise that she was the one to hit another person, this time.

Instinctively, before her eyes even beheld the being, apologies ran out of her mouth, "I'm so so sorry. I wasn't-" It was at the pronunciation of that last word that her eyes turned to see the figure. It beheld a person holding unto to a clothed upper -  the same way she'd tried soothe her shoulder when she was hit previously.

And before she could say the name her eyes had registered the being to be, Rhoda spat out, "Andy!"

It seemed like Rhoda had saw him before her, but was too awestruck to say anything. Well, not until Melissa's mouth opened to speak, did she recover from such awe.

So, Rhoda continued speaking, her mouth slightly agape, "What are you doing here?"

"At least, welcome me first, would you?" He raised he's clothed hands in the air, as a side smile played along his lips.

Standing statesque, Rhoda let go of Melissa's hand and rolled her eyes in response. She later folded her hands in obstinacy.

It was clear that the whole conversation between the couple was already heading toward an unpleasant arena. But then Melissa couldn't help but scrutinize his figure, as the previous suspicion and logic began flowing through her mind.

Prior to what Rhoda had mentioned before, it seemed like he did adore hoodies.

This is because, in this sunny weather, he was clothed in a black one. He must have been an advanced hoodie lover. Because, I mean who would dare wear such heavy clothing in such heat?!

But then, this also - and majorly - resonated with Melissa's initial clothing comparison with Andy and the stalker - in line with her questionings of his identity.

And right below the heavy hoodie that'd covered all of his upper body (leaving only his head open), was a skinny leather jean - also in black.

Indeed, he really was a man in black!

Narrowing her eyes back to his head, something caught her eyes way too soon.

There was a little bandage on his forehead. And she didn't know why, but that bandage sparked great interest in her heart. Like it was some sort of clue to a bigger picture.

And then all of a sudden, with eyes stuck to that side of his forehead, it finally clicked!

Like, it was all right in her face.

Wait. Melissa thought. The last lady the town's hooded villain attacked - according to the news - had hit him on the head with an hammer. I may not know how severe the hit was or how it happened, but mister man over here couldn't have gotten this bandage on his head for and from nothing. Could he have gotten it from that hit? Is this is a sign this he is - indeed - the one that has been incessantly attacking me and the community, at large?

Then, before she could control herself, Melissa blurted out in angered force, "How did you get that bandage on your head?"

"What?" Andy pushed his head backward, almost making him look like he was feigning ignorant to the obvious.

Then he trailed his hand through his face to his forehead. Touching the average size bandage, he gasped, "Ohhhhh...." His finger rested on top of the wound covering. "You mean this?!" His lips then break out into a smile, "I got injured while I was rushing out of the bathroom to answer a phone call I thought was important....." He trailed off, "Unfortunately, it wasn't."

"Foolish me, right?" He let out a slight chuckle, and returned his gaze to not-so-smiling Rhoda, with his lips remaining puckered - yes, you guessed it - like a fish.

He did resemble a fish, a lonely and partially unatractive one at that.

A glare clearly evident on her look, Melissa didn't buy any of it. Not his excuse or his seemingly playful nature.

Just before the gentleman could give the apology (for his and Rhoda's last date's mishap) and a vivid why-I-appeared-from-nowhere explanation, Melissa uttered, disgust dripping her tone, "Let's go Rhoda."

A mixture of disgust and fear dripped her tone. "I don't want to eat here. Or stay here, even for a second."

Now, she was the one to drag Rhoda.

Not understanding Melissa's actions, both of the couple's face crumpled into confusion as they both exclaimed at once, "Wait! What's happening...?"

Still pushing Rhoda - along - with her hand, they both fly out of the entrance. And left Andy both consternated and utterly confused.

Now in front of their car, Rhoda just had to blurt out, "What. Just. Happened?!"

Unwilling to explain herself, Melissa said, "Let's just get going." She opened the car door and entered. "I'll explain everything later."

Peering at Rhoda - who remained standing in front of the driver's seat - from the front passenger's seat, Melissa said, "Just. Trust. Me. Okay?"

Obviously frustratingly puzzled, Rhoda heaved a sigh, got in and immediately started driving. Maintaining her focus on the road, she rejected every urge - to question everything - her instincts threw at her, all through the journey.

In fact, she also way too angry to look at Melissa. How could she just drag her out of there? Yes, she was angry at Andy for what he'd done before. But she had no right to just push her out of such scene - in such horrid manner.

Or could there be some other reason for Melissa's action?

If there was, she really didn't care.

Throwing a compassionate look at Rhoda, Melissa wondered how she would explain it all. Explain the fact that she was both angry and afraid of him.

Angry at the consideration and possibility of Andy being her stalker, and the town's wicked villain. And also fearful of this logic at the same time.

Thus, her abrupt desire - leading to such quick but improperly processed action to get herself and her loved one (Rhoda) out of his sight.


As soon as they'd reached the front of their gate, Rhoda horned loudly. And they watched the black gate being opened by their young green security guard, clad in a green uniform.

Rhoda then drove in and pulled the brakes, in order to bring the car's movement to a halt.

After unbuckling their seatbelts, they both got out.

Just when Rhoda was about to march in, in anger, the reunion she has so much anticipated rang through her thoughts and brought her movement to a stop.

Then she sighed heavily and said, not without a frown, "I'll be waiting for you right here. Go in, freshen up, change your dress, so we can be on our way to the mall." Her face was ever so rigid.

Though Melissa wanted to say something, a lot, actually, but she didn't. This was because anything she'd say, would lead to the demand of a 'suitable' explanation - the exact thing she wasn't ready or willing to give.

"I'll pass through the back door that leads to your room, so I'll get in and out faster." Having said that, she walked into the backdoor, in eccentric silence.

And left Rhoda waiting.

Few minutes later, Rhoda rested her back on the car as the sudden thought of her credit card entered her thoughts.

Since she was already thinking of it, she decided to just reach out for it.

So, she opened her car door and only let her hand do the job. Stretching her hand to where she normally kept it, and even tapping on the spot, she felt nothing.


Thinking her hands didn't do a good job, she tried using her eyes. And looked closely at the same spot. Just like before, she found nothing.

Meaning, she never took it out of her room, in the first place.

Oh my God. So, this is how we both would have been embarrassed - for being penniless - if we had actually eaten over there?

It was obvious that Melissa's action did save them both from embarrassment after all.

That still isn't good enough reason for what she did! Rhoda scoffed.

Sighing, she closed the car door and readied herself for the journey (if you would call it that) inside.

The minute her body passed through the door, her eyes beheld something consternating.

As if she hadn't received enough unpleasant surprises already, her parents were standing there, luggages by their side, ready to move out.

Her eyebrows creased, and a fresh frown overtook her visage.

"Mom? Dad?" Her eyes switched from her Mom back to Dad.

Then she uttered, her tone full of wonderment and a little furry, "What are the both of you doing?" Her look switched to their bags already clutched in their hands, "With your bags?"

"Exactly what you see us doing - leaving." Richard answered.

"Seems like you've made your choice." Statuesque, Stella pronounced.

"So, we made ours."

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