When Its Over

By zoe_the_librarian

17.4K 982 93

herophine fan fic When Josephine langford a librarian new to london meets Hero Fiennes-Tiffin a saxophone pla... More

2. Care to Dine with me?
3.Care to Dance?
4. Please Don't Leave
5. The Past is Haunting me
6. Secrets
7. Im So Sorry
8. Get to know You
9. As the Days Pass
10. Promise Me
11. Going Home
New Story
Hi! Sequal?

1. The Move

3.6K 105 9
By zoe_the_librarian

Josephine Pov:

Moving from Australia to London has been the best thing to happen to me in a while. I was so relieved to find out that I was accepted to a school there and I found a job at a small library. I have always loved books and reading and that is why I am majoring in English. Dont get me wrong I miss the sun and beaches in Australia, but it was just time to leave. To many things happened.

It's been a week since moving to London. I live in a apartment with my two roommates, Khadijah and Inanna. They are the complete opposite of me. They both love to party and come home drunk with random guys. But me Josephine, I prefer to stay locked in my room reading and watching Netflix.

"Oh come on Josephine! Just come with us to the club once. It'll be fun." Inanna pleads with me. "I'm sorry, but I really cant. I have work really early tomorrow," I explain. "You are always in the damn library." Khadijah playfully scolds. But I just roll my eyes and they leave for the club. Well that was easier than I thought. They always put up more of a fight.

Next week I start classes and I'm already two weeks ahead on all my work. I like to keep it that way in case I ever need to miss class. Not that I ever plan on in.

Once they leave I go to my room and take out my favorite books. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and I start reading until I fall asleep. I wake up at 6 am to start to get ready. I have to have the library open by 7:30 am. I dont like to show my body, I have lots of insecurities. So I like to cover up as much as possible, but I can still pick out a cute outfit. I usual go for baggy clothes but today I switch it up. Today I decide on a grey turtleneck tucked into a high waisted black pencil skirt that the hem ends at my knees. Paired with a cropped navy green jacket.(photo above)

Once I arrive at the doors of the library, I notice a figure standing in the alley across the street, staring at me. I try to not pay much mind, but I'm starting to feel nervous and my hands are shaking making it hard for me to unlock the doors. I finally manage to open them and I rush in. By the time I'm finished setting everything up in the library it's time to open. This is the first day that I'm going to be the only one working for a few hours because one of my coworkers had a doctor's appointment and the other workers refused to show up. I hear the front door open when I am stacking some books on shelves. I peek around the shelve I'm standing behind and I see a familiar figure walking in. Once I finish putting my rack of books away I step out from aisle I was in. I dont see the familiar man so I make my way to the front desk. I have a few emails to reply to for work. So i put my glasses on and begin to work on them. Eventually I finish and I just take out a book and start reading. That's one of the perks of working at a library, is being able to read any book I want, anytime I want.

Every once in a while I look up to see him so deep in thought scanning the books in front of him. His eyes fixated on each book he picks up. I cant help but admire the way he walks through the library. That is until he suddenly looks up and catches me staring like a freak at him. God Josephine get it together.

When i glance up next i see the man approaching the desk with a book. Our eyes meet and it is just now that i am realizing how green his eyes are. He has dark brown hair and is very tall.

When he hands me the book is when i snap out of my gawking at him. I ask for his first and last name. "Um, Hero. Its Hero Fiennes-Tiffin" that's an odd name and wow I like his accent I think to myself. Once I scan the book I realize that it Jane Eyre. I smile. When I hand it back to him, his hand brushes against mine and I cant help the goosebumps that flair up on my skin. "Have a good day." I tell him with the best smile I can manage. "Thanks." He says quietly and quickly turns and walks out of the doors.

I get back to work and before I know it, my coworker gets here and I get to leave. By the time I leave it is already 3 in the afternoon. The walk back to my apartment is about a 30 minute walk. But before heading straight home. I decide to stop by a small coffee shop. Sometimes I just like to sit in small places like this and people watch. I like to come up with stories about each person in my head.

I stay here for about a hour switching between day dreaming about the future and reading while sipping my now cold coffee.

When I leave the cafe, its around 5. Wow. The time really escaped me. Since we are in London, its already starting to get dark outside. I cant help but feel uneasy and like I'm being watched the whole walk back home.

I slowly start speeding up until eventually I get back home. I cant help bit be out of breath from basically sprinting home from the cafe.

Hero Pov:

I make sure to wake up extra early this morning so that I can make it to the library. Recently I've seen a new worker there. A girl. Fuck, she's gorgeous.

I get there a few minutes after 7am. Right when the girl gets there. I stand in the alley across from the place. The girl starts looking around frantically. Is she scared? She is fumbling with her keys but at last she opens up the doors. I know the library opens up at 730am. So I am a little bit early.

I wanted to get here early because for one, to see the girl and second, I have to get to the private jazz club that I work for later to help with a few things. Yes I work at a jazz club. What do I do? I play saxophone of course. I used to be homeless but the owner named Jax found me and taught me how to play. I'm actually pretty good if I do say so myself. And it's good pay. Jax also provided a roof over my head and running water.

It's now 730. I make my way into the library. Once I enter I see her standing behind a shelf stacking some books onto it. Oh god, she is beautiful. I saw her a few days ago working but I dont think she noticed me.

When she speaks her head out to see who came in, I quickly point my eyes to the ground a d walk into a aisle. Every few minutes I can feel her eyes on me, when I look up I am met with her eyes covered by adorable glasses. She quickly averts her gaze back down to the book in her hands. Jane Eyre huh? She is into the classics too. So now I specifically pick out that book a d I head towards the desk.

Once I get there I am met with amazing blue-gray eyes. When I hand her the book, I see a small smile creep onto her face. When she speaks to me I am caught off guard by her wonderful Australian accent. I stutter like a dumbass when she asks for my name. At that point I'm hella embarrassed and I just quickly leave.

Why did I just do that?

I should have asked for her number, hell even her name!

I'm so stupid.

Heading to the jazz club, I arrive and all day long I practice the songs I'm going to play tonight. Around 330PM I decide to take a break and I head upstairs to the cafe above the club that is here to help disguise the club. And who do I see? The cute librarian. Her face is shoved deep into a book. Of course. She stays here for quite awhile. I wonder why. When she gets up to leave. I can't help but follow her all the way home. I know, I'm a creep. Bit I wanted to make sure she got back safe. All the sudden she starts spring ting to her apartment complex. Why? Maybe she can sense I'm following her?

That night I go back to the club and play till 2am. When I get home I just straight pass out from exhaustion.

Note from author❤:
This is my first fan fic. I hope you like it. I know I started rushing the story in the end. I'm sorry. Let me know any suggestions!

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