WWE: Ring Around the Love Tri...

By LlamaSuperHero

24.5K 718 39

Jessica wanted nothing more than to finally wrestle in the WWE. But after an unwelcome superstar shows up at... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29

Part 4

854 30 1
By LlamaSuperHero

He held me around the waist. I tried my hardest to keep my smile from looking fake. I wasn’t sure whether or not it was working. I wasn’t sure where to look with cameras all around me. His hand was still around my waist. Was this awkward to him? Or was this something normal? I was unsure about the way I was feeling about him. It was different…mainly because I’ve wanted to meet him for so long, and now he’s standing here taking pictures with his hand around my waist….

“You ready to go in now?” He whispered in my ear.

I nodded. “I’ve never been around this many cameras before,” I whispered back in response.

“It’s okay, you’ll get used to it soon enough. I hope you’ll enjoy being on the front page of the newspaper with me.” He smiled at me and I matched it. It was a dream come true to be on the front page of a newspaper with the man I’ve dreamed of meeting for my entire life!

Brandi was truly the greatest friend I’ve ever had. She was the only one who was ever willing to do anything like this for me. I never did have many friends. A lot of people didn’t like me because they thought being a wrestler made me mean or something stupid like that.

But being here tonight gave me a feeling of absolute happiness. My dreams were slowly coming true, I was finally able to see the greatest (and only) friend that I’ve ever had, and I’m having a night of drinks and not caring about anything!

John led me in through the main doors to Firestone’s. Immediately I looked around at all of the other people staring at us. There were more flashes to more cameras. There were a bunch of people that were even recording us on cell phones. I guess I underestimated how popular John Cena was….

I ignored the surrounding people, and followed John who was following Brandi, who was following Jeff…to a table in the back of the bar. John was right; we did have our own table. We got to the back where we were secluded.

Jeff and John pulled out seats for Brandi and me. I was seated next to John and my best friend! I was hungry.

It took a while for a waitress to come back to us; I guess our arrival here brought in more customers.

We were all engaged in conversation. The highlight of everyone’s day was, of course, me kicking Rosa’s ass! I even felt proud of myself for my accomplishment. John was even telling me, that a stunt like that is going to be getting me into the industry faster than anything else I try to do. He also said that he’s pretty sure someone showed Teddy Long the video, which means that he’ll be coming after me for sure!

The night dragged on with various conversation about the WWE, about our lives, our past, and our biggest accomplishments. It was a good time, and it felt like I’ve known everybody at this table for years. But suddenly I had this urge…and I wasn’t show I could hold it in.

“Brandi,” I said, temporarily halting the conversation. And in a serious voice, I continued, “I really need to use the bathroom.” Everyone chuckled.

“Well then go to the bathroom!” She was laughing at my serious expression, which soon changed to a smile. I was trying to be funny.

“Brandi will you please go with me?”

She looked at Jeff, and he smiled at her, obviously motioning that she should come with me. I really needed to pee at this moment. “Brandi come with me!” I got up from the table and dragged her with me.

I emptied my bladder while she waited for me. “So tonight’s going quite well for you Jess,” she said as I stood there washing my hands.

I nodded. “I honestly feel like I’ve known him for a really long time. It’s weird…but I like it.” I grabbed some paper towels and started drying my hands.

“I knew that you two would like each other, I could tell. He’s honestly that kind of person who’s sensitive, funny, and caring all at the same time. Granted he can be a jackass sometimes, he’s still a person who, behind the jackass things he does, will be there to care in the end.”

I stared at her for a moment before bursting out laughing. “Brandi, it’s really okay! I get that feeling from him already. I mean, not a ‘I love you’ feeling, but you know what I mean. I can sense that.” I calmed down for a moment. “Brandi I really do appreciate what you’ve done for me, and I do really appreciate you getting him to actually meet me!”

She smiled at me. She knows how much my words always mean to her. I know this is a corny moment between the two of us, but as corny as it is, we know how much emotion is really there. “Jess, he wouldn’t stop talking about you after what you did to Rosa. He was also talking about ways to get you to meet Teddy, and he came up with one solution.”

I wasn’t sure what to respond. I wasn’t even sure whether or not I should question.

“We’re bringing you to RAW in a couple of days. You’re going to come with us to tour the backstage area, meet a lot of the other superstars, and you’re going to be part of the show!”

I felt like I was going to faint! It’s always been my dream to be on television! But I’m not sure I’ll be wrestling or not. “Brandi, do you mean that I get to wrestle on RAW? Or am I just going to make an appearance?”

Her smile grew on her face. “You’re going to be taking down Rosa again!”

I screamed and it echoed against the tiled walls. There was a solid sound of “OH MY GOD” and “I KNOW” and “THIS IS SO EXCITING” that were drowning together in our ears. We ran back out to the table, and I’m sure the guys could tell that I finally knew about their secret. Brandi whispered into Jeff’s ear that she told me, and he nodded towards John.

“So Jess, how does that sound for RAW?” John Cena was staring at me with a grin across his face. I couldn’t keep myself from fainting this time, so I crashed to the floor.

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