Bossy Vibes (Editing)

By Angela_salvator

744K 21.1K 928

It was a sinner's suicide for anyone to work at Coopers Incorporation. It was no surprise that people aimed t... More

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Cะฝฮฑโ…Šั‚ษ›ส€ 1 (edited)

34.8K 858 71
By Angela_salvator

Nora's P.O.V

'Think of the money, think about how it'll help your family out, focus on the job Nora', that's how I reminded myself why I'm doing this when I woke up too early for a saint like me.

Cooper's Incorporation was hiring for a personal assistant and knowing that my mom wasn't doing so well financially in upholding the job, the house and, my sister and me meant that I wanted to help her. It was supposed to be a simple job for a simple girl or at least that's how the advertisement made it seem although there were a couple of bad rumours about the Coopers with some quoting, they tortured their workers. Regardless, money had always been money, so when I applied, went through the interview process, and then got a call back saying I start next Monday... Well, who knew how the next few chapters of my life would go?

Now the day had arrived, and I begrudgingly sat up in bed, debating whether it was risk-worthy to get a few extra minutes in bed or whether it'd be best to get to work on time, after all good impressions counted. Deciding I wanted to be professional, I hurried to get washed and dried, placing on a formal white blouse, tight black pencil skirt and a pair of black heels. My hair was tied into a high ponytail and my makeup was kept to a minimal amount of foundation and light rosy lip balm.

'How do personal assistants even look and act? Am I supposed to be strict and high class, or can I just be a regular worker?' I'd never done this before and no amount of googling different styles of the same question would help me figure out this mess.

I was nervous to say the least with jittery fingers and shaky breaths but also excited that I'd finally have my first ever job. My room was a mess, but I'd worried about that later, it was the least of my problems unlike the ticking time that counted down the minutes I had left. After gathering my work belongings which consisted of my phone, some snacks, and a water bottle, I checked I had everything I needed and went downstairs.

My mom, Rosalia Jones, or Rose for short, sipped her morning coffee whilst watching a TV show. It sounded like one of those renovation ones to do with houses and gardens, but I couldn't figure out which one. At the sound of my descent mom glanced in my direction, studying my clothes with an impressive glance as I walked over to the dining table and picked up the sandwich that was left for me, vigorously munching on it.

"You don't have to do this, sweetie. I just need more time, and everything will be fine", mom commented whilst frowning at me.

I sighed in annoyance as she pestered me for the hundredth time about the job, explaining in an exasperated tone "Mom we've talked about this, if we want to keep this house, we have to pay the rent on time, or we'll get evicted and if we want to pay for Nina's education then this is the only way we can be safe."

"I can handle it on my own, my problems are mine alone."

"We're family, your problems are our problems and if you're struggling, we're struggling so let me help", I firmly tell her hoping she'd submit to defeat.

"I would have managed if they'd just extended the rent due date by a week or two", mom replies heavy-heartedly, her fingers tightening on her mug and her eyes watering from the embarrassment she was experiencing.

"Mom, look at me", I beg her as she blinks a couple of times, her head slowly raising to meet my eyes, "Being a single mother is tough and having to look after all the finances and the house chores, and even two daughters makes you a superhero but here's the thing, it's okay to admit you're losing control, you've got me and Nina and we're going to help you."

The words float in silence as mom lets them sink in before she nods determinedly and adds, "I still don't like the idea but alright, just don't work yourself too hard, all we need to do is get through the next few rent payments and save a little money up for the future."

Glad that mom had relented her attack on the job, I returned back to my sandwich, washing it down with a glass of orange juice whilst mom resumed watching TV. It wasn't so much that mom didn't want me to take the job because she thought I wouldn't have a life of my own but rather because she didn't want to admit we were struggling financially and needed more money to get a grasp on things.

Mom was a prideful woman and to have to look at her daughter going to work to help her out wasn't something she wanted to experience. It didn't help that after our dad, her husband, left us, she went into a depressive episode and was fired from her previous job. Now she works as a nurse on the night shift at the local hospital but lately she seemed drained out and sickly pale. I wanted to lessen her burden and earn some money so we could afford everything and not worry about every dollar and cent we spent hence why I took the job.

As I was finishing my sandwich my little sister, Nina, ran across the room and hugged my waist, "Nene! Bring me back some chocolates from that little candy shop we always go to, okay?" She pleaded adorably. Nina was thirteen years old and always seemed to call me by the nickname she had given me: 'Nene'.

"Alright Nina, I'll see what I can do, no promises though", I replied as I tightened my hold on her and chuckled at the wide grin, she gave me.

My little sister ran off to our mom, ungraciously jumping into moms' arms who huffed from the strain and cuddled her little daughter. Nina was blissfully unaware of our struggles, but she was too young to be told anyways and we didn't want the little one to be worried about anything.

Nothing could change my mind about the job and deep down I knew mom was grateful for what I was doing. After all, I wanted to give my family a better life, I wanted to prove to my bastard of a dad that we could live without him and that we didn't need his god forsaken money to manage comfortably but I guess it was in a mother's nature to be worried because as I made my way towards her on the sofa, she looked apprehensive, like nerves were stinging her entire body.

"I'll be going now, be safe and get some rest mom", I tell her with a kiss on her cheek and a warm smile.

"Thank you", she whispers in reply, grasping my hand and squeezing it tightly before letting me slip away. Nina avidly waved goodbye to me as I made my way to the hallway and stuffed a coat on, she had a few more minutes before she'd have to go to school. Once I'd exited the house, the bright morning light beamed in my direction, and I noticed a black SUV parked in front of the house. The name, 'Coopers', was designed on the side of the vehicle which let me figure out that it was a company car.

'They sent a car for me?' I thought questioningly, studying the car with disbelief. I didn't expect that, it was like the company was trying to throw a good impression for me and to some degree it worked, making me pleased and noticed. 'How many other companies provided a car for their workers?'

Walking closer to the car, a handsome man stepped out from the driver's door. He was dressed in a white long-sleeved button up shirt, neatly tucked into blue jeans and they were held in place with a black leather belt looped through. When he finally stood straight, I realised he was taller than me, with grayish eyes and lightly tanned skin, he ran his hand slowly through his messy auburn hair.

"Hi there, I'm Mark Rajowski, a junior worker. Are you Nora Jones?" He politely asked me. It took me a second to reply but as I nodded a yes, he motioned for me to sit in the back of the car.

"Thank you for taking me to work", I added whilst my eyes grazed over the plush inside of the car. There were black leather seats that made sitting the comfiest thing in the world and gold detailing around the rims of the edge of the vehicle that shined in the sunlight. When I looked around and leaned back in the seat, the scent of a brand-new car hit me. I strapped myself in as Mark set off down the road heading towards the office building.

"Do they send a car for other workers as well?" I questioned and then hesitantly added, "You don't have to answer that."

Mark smiled for a minute whilst looking at me through the rear-view mirror. It was like he was trying to figure out how long I'd stay in the company before quitting but he gave up and concentrated on the road again.

'Oh no, did I mess up?' I nervously fretted at the figure in front of me when he hadn't replied straight away then chiding myself at the ridiculousness of it, 'Nora, stop asking stupid questions!'

"Nora, I'm not really experienced or aware about these kinds of things. I've only been working here for a few months", Mark finally replied with a light laugh. He paused for some time and the silence tantalised the awkwardness building up in the car before he spoke again, "But I think it was just for you, because you're officially Mr. Elijah's assistant and I've heard he treats his assistant like royalty".

I raised my eyebrows at that, surprised by the information. 'Like royalty?' I questioned. Rumours mentioned that the Coopers were brats, spoilt and heavily clad in designer outfits just to show off their superiority when they ordered all the workers around like devils with whiplashes. I decided that it was quite difficult to know what was going on inside the company before I'd even stepped foot inside and rich people were unpredictable in the first place.

After a few minutes the car came to an abrupt stop, so I looked around and noticed that Mark had parked the car in front of the office building. It was one massive skyscraper, grey and plain as it loomed over the rest of the towers causing them to shudder from pure intimidation.

It was difficult to look up and see the top floor since the height made it near impossible. Mark smiled when I thanked him before stepping out of the vehicle and taking the first few steps towards the entrance. I tried to walk steadily but I wasn't used to wearing heels and the heels were causing my feet to achingly hurt.

Once inside the building, I couldn't help but to admire the lavishly decorated reception area. It looked stunningly modern with floor to ceiling windows, walls a crisp grey and a select few with turquoise blue along with bright lights overhanging the black sofa's which were placed invitingly around the area. I realised I was gaping as I felt the stares of random people studying my presence like I was some kind of fool.

'Am I wearing an odd dress or is it my makeup?' I nervously fussed as I quickly searched for a washroom and made my way inside. Women were walking in and out of stalls whilst I studied my face in the reflection of the mirrors. They minded their own business and I made note that my face looked fine with the makeup luckily still intact.

I was confused however as to what the problem was when I had overheard some girls laughing just outside the door. 'No, they weren't laughing at me', I convinced myself yet for extra precaution I decided to wash my face and remove the makeup.

Walking back to the reception area, I saw two ladies standing behind the desk and subtly coughed trying to get their attention before one of them looked up.

"Are you the new assistant?" A tall posh looking woman asked. I stared at her and nodded as she looked me up and down before her face contorted in a tight grimace. She spoke to another woman who was standing beside her in a hushed voice before the both of them burst out laughing loudly.

"Is there a problem?" I asked irritated at their rude audacity. When they kept laughing, I raised my eyebrow and silently huffed in anger.

"Oh honey, I think you're late and the boss doesn't like people who aren't punctual", she snidely informed me and then left the desk area with her friend.

I checked my watch realizing I was indeed late. 'Oh no, and those two ladies left! Now who am I supposed to ask for help?' I exasperatedly thought as I ran as fast as possible to a large clump of people hoping they would know the way to wherever it was that I was meant to go.

When all the people started parting and stuffing themselves into elevators, I decided to wing it. Unfortunately I didn't have time to wait for the next elevators and I wasn't about to sweat inside of one, so I took the stairs two at a time. I saw a blonde-haired woman in a tight gray pencil skirt and white blouse handling some files which hid her face as she walked up ahead of me. I hurried towards her, slightly breathless.

"Excuse me, could you tell me which room I should go to? I'm the new assistant, Nora Jones", I asked.

She turned around and her perfect blonde hair cascaded down her spine in soft curls. She looked like a model, with her flawless porcelain skin and brown eyes.

"I'm Anna Brown and you are officially late, you should just go back home because Elijah is very strict about punctuality", she stated sternly, clearly unimpressed with me from the moment I even breathed.

'What? No, this can't be happening! I really need this job', I desperately thought as my nerves jittered ridiculously.

"No, please Anna, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll never be late again", I cried out, clasping my hands together to plead.

This seemed to make her angry as she replied, "Call me ma'am, I am not your friend." She then added, "You know Miss Nora, I think you should learn how to be punctual, but as of right now you can go home."

Those nerves were forcing me to the verge of crying and breaking apart at this point, yet before I could talk to her, she tightened her hold on the files and walked away ignoring me.
I panicked, looking around the now empty stairwell as dread filled my heavy heart. 'What should I do now?' I asked myself in a state of distress.

It was too much so tears started to fall down my face as my shoulders slumped and I shrugged my bag off my shoulder, lazily holding it in my hands. Making my way down the stairs I had an inner battle about my options, 'Should I talk to Mr Elijah Cooper? Maybe he would forgive me, since it's my first day after all', I tried to convince myself.

I had so many things running through my mind that I wasn't paying attention to where I was stepping until I felt the slight shake of being off balance before I slipped down the stairs. My heart lurched into my chest as I waited for the fall to happen, but somebody wrapped their strong taut arms around me, catching me safely into their chest.

As I slowly glanced up sky blue eyes peered at me with concern written on their face. Their soft lips partly opened as tiny breaths reached out and tickled my face and strands of black wavy hair fell over their forehead. I noticed a wing tattoo on his neck and admittedly blushed at the man who still had me encased in his arms, he looked admittedly attractive as I breathed in, and his light lavender scent engulfed me.

"Hello... Are you listening to me?" The man asked.

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