Jellyfish (Styles Triplets)

By LowkeyIndya

33.1K 1.2K 789

"I've always admired the ocean. It can be the most beautiful thing you'll ever see. But when the sea is angry... More

Character list
Part One: The Zoo
Pink Glitter Gloss
Strawberry Whiskey Sour
Secure the fuckin' bag
Strawberry Acai Refresher
Aplastic Anemia
Ugh, boo you whore!
Boo thing
I missed you too, lover
Untitled Part 14

The Golden Girls

2K 89 97
By LowkeyIndya

So what do you get when you say yes to letting three alpha brothers- who look like gods- court you?

One excited sister, a best friend who's already planned your wedding, mama bear Niall on the case, and a very suspiciously ducked off Louis.

I said yes to the triplets about two weeks ago and I've maintained contact with them since, but I've come up with some bullshit ass excuse every time they ask to see me. Hear me out though, I don't know how to act around them. I don't know what they want from me, how they want me to act. So I find it a lot easier to just hide out in my room.

"Hey Lou, its your turn to pick the movie." Thaleia popped her head into my room. Currently, I was watching The 100 on netflix with my laptop sitting on my chest. Is this in violation of some safetly rule? Probably. But the heat from the laptop helps me to feel warm.

"Okay, I'm on it." I pause the show to look up at my roommate. Her hair was up in a sloppy bun, her chocolate curls falling out to frame her face randomly, and her many tattoos on display. Thaleia was probably one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever met. Inside and out.

"I'm gonna go get snacks some stuff to cook dinner. Any special requests? Or is your usual fine?" She asked, jiggling her car keys. "Uh, you can just get my usual stuff. " I responded, cause you can never go wrong with some chips and strawberry fruit snacks. "Got ya." and then she was off. Soon enough I heard the front door close indicating Thaleia had left and I took that as my cue to get up and shower. I hadn't left the apartment in who knows how long due to my introverted tendencies which meant I hadn't gotten decent in a while. After every shower I just ended up in some combination of sweats, a big t-shirt, and socks.

After my shower I decided to put on something comfortable, since we were cooking and watching a movie, but also semi-cute. I settled on a grey crop top, black leggings, a black fuzzy cardigan, and my black UGG slides. I also put on a little touch of makeup to make myself look somewhat presentable, but it wasn't much. Just a neutral shade of eye shadow, some mascara, a bit of lip gloss, and my eyebrows.

If all else fails, do your brows.

I heard Thaleia's keys jingle in the door so I decided to go help her with the groceries but as I got there she stood empty handed, and looking rather guilty if I do say so myself.

"Where are the groceries?" I questioned, hands on my hips. "See...about that. I ran into-"

"Where should we put these?" rang out from the apartment complex hallway and in no time at all, there stood the very three brothers I was avoiding. "-your boyfriends. Surprise?" she spoke like a child who knew they did something wrong.

"Sweet omega. You've been avoiding us." Edward spoke. I decided it would be weird to keep calling him Mr.Styles now that he was actively courting me. Or trying to anyway.




"So were you guys bred for greatness or what?" Hali laughed as I continued to cut the crab meat into sizable pieces. Curently Niall, Hali, Thaleia, the triplets, and I were all in the kitchen. Thaleia had invited them to stay earlier, and I must say that woman has no loyalty. The tradition we all started many many years ago is that twice a month we all gather to cook an unhealthy dish and watch a movie. These three are not included in the tradition. Boyfriends or girlfriends have never been apart of the deal but suddenly everyone decided now was the exception?

Traitors. All of them.

So far, I've successfully avoided confrontation with the triplets but I knew it was coming soon enough if the look in their eyes was anything to go by. But for now, I'll cook this deep friend crab meat lasagna and be silent.

"Uh not necessarily. We grew up with nothing back in England, I guess you could say. So we all vowed that when it was time to settle down and mate that we would have much more to offer. And now here we are years later. Luckily it just so happened that we were all successful in our goals." Harry explained.

"So you guys always knew you wanted to mate the same omega?" Niall questioned. Lets just say he was using this time to get in all his mama bear like questions in.

"You could say that. We never really talked about it. As triplets we naturally have this connection, so when one of us likes an omega the other two kind of lean in that direction too most of the time. We've of course dated others individually but that never really worked. Sharing an omega just makes the most sense for us." Harry answered.

"Have you all gone through a lot of omegas? Have you ever cheated?" Niall's questions suddenly got more invasive.

"Aw Ni! You can't just ask things like that!" I butted in for the first time, and the brothers seemed to find my reaction amusing.

"No, its fine. Harry and I have had our fair share things so to say. Marcel has never liked to participate in such things though." Edward fessed up. So they were players? Big shock that is.


"But don't get us wrong, when we decide on something that a wrap. And we've decided that Louis is the one for us." Harry cut in, looking directly at me. I choked on thin air and Thaleia picked up on my distress being the good best friend that she is.

"How could you be so sure? You've only known him for a little while." She prompted.

"It sounds cliche but when you know, you just do. Some people are just made for others and we know that Louis is made for us as we are for him. We all felt it and we've never felt something like this before. Even though we have only known Louis for a short amount of time, we just know." Marcel spoke for the first time in a while. He was generally quiet. I picked up on that. He only spoke when he felt he needed to speak and when he did, he meant every word from the bottom of his heart.

"Well... the food should be finished cooking by the time the movie is over. So lets migrate to the living room." I suggested quietly. Marcel's confession sent the butterflies in my stomach into a riot no doubt, but I'm not entirely sure what to do about it. So ignoring it seemed like the next best option.

Once I had the movie set up and ready to go, I turned around to find a seat...only to find all spots occupied. Niall and Hali now inhabited the love seat, Theleia made a pallet on the floor like she always does, and the triplets were all spread out on the couch. Marcel and Harry on either side of Edward. "Come sit, sweet omega." Edward motioned to his lap, which prompted a giggle from the peanut gallery to my left.

My moneys on Hali.

Regardless, I sat on Edwards lap, only for him to pull me closer and turn me horizontally so that my head was on Marcel's lap and my feet in Harry's. I couldn't find it in my soul to protest seeing as this was actually comfortable. But given, any physical contact with these idiots made me feel comfortable. "What's the movie called, angel?" Marcel asked.

"It's called Jack Reacher." I told him. "Oh you suck!" Hali exclaimed. "Yeah, you always pick these crazy action adventure movies Lou. Why cant we ever watch a cute romance movie?"Niall whined as well.

"Because I'm not a sap like you guys. Now hush and watch the movie." I rolled my eyes and started the film.

"You don't like romance movies, angel?" Marcel questioned, all three brothers seeming quite amused. "No. They're not realistic. The whole franchise is selling false hope to young omegas if you ask me." I scoffed, folding my arms.

"Such the optimist our omega is." Harry chuckled sarcastically. Their omega. Their omega. Don't tell them, but I actually liked how that sounded.

"Don't worry. We'll change your mind in no time." Edward pinched my bum and laughed. "I'd like to see you try." I challenged.

"And try we will, angel." Marcel chimed in. "Now hush. Let's watch the movie."




"Show us your room, yes?" Marcel asked after dinner. Even though I was criticized for my taste in movies, everyone loved it in the end. I was commended for dinner as well. We can check another unhealthy meal off of our list for movie nights. Everyone talked and laughed the whole time we ate, but I knew the brothers wanted to get me away so we could talk. And I suppose now was the time.

"Okay." I obliged and began to lead them to my room. Once we entered, they began to walk around and examine it as if my room would give them a better idea of who I was. I guess it did though. My room was very Louis if that was a thing. My bedroom walls were littered with various pictures I'd taken that I felt were somewhat important to me. Some paintings were hung in my room too. My bed was noting special though. Just a queen sized bed with whatever sheets, blankets, and pillow cases I found in the laundry that were clean.

"Its very cozy in here. I like it." Harry commented. "Thank you" I shrugged as Edward sat on my bed and pulled me towards him. "Let's lay down, yeah?" He suggested.

And so we all piled on to my bed. Somehow I ended up draped over the three in some awkward position that worked for us.

"Tell us why you've been avoiding us." Edward said.

"Straight to the chase, eh?" I laughed nervously, but they weren't going for it.

"Cut the jokes and sarcastic replies because I know they're already brewing in your head. Just be honest. We won't judge you." Harry said seriously.

"I... don't know what you guys want from me. I've never been in a serious relationship. I suck at commitment. I'm afraid of getting left once people realize how screwed up I am so I don't get to attached. But then here you guys come all confident and making me feel shit that I've never felt before and it sucks because I don't know what to do. And now you guys want me to settle down and be a perfect omega for you but I just don't know how to be that for you." I said as fast as I could with my eyes closed as tight as can be.

It was silent for a while before I felt the bed shift and suddenly we were all sitting up. Then someone's hand was on my chin, and it stayed there until I opened my eyes. "So let's talk about it. You have to communicate your feelings or this will never work." Marcel said and I nodded.

"What do you guys expect from me? I don't know how to be that perfect omega who cooks and cleans and makes babies for a living. I hadn't ever thought about having kids until I met you all so I haven't given any of this stuff much thought at all." I said quietly.

"You've thought about having our kids?" Harry asked, looking like I just told him the best thing he'd ever heard. "...Well....yes. But that's not the issue at hand."

"Everything you're worried about isn't an issue. You're thinking too much. All of us cook and clean behind ourselves. You aren't expected to be our maid. You're expected to be our mate, and the only responsibilities that come with that are giving us your love and unyielding loyalty. Anything else is negotiable." Edward explained.

"So just be honest with us yes? And we'll be honest with you. Communication is essential to this working because without it we're just four people tripping over each other."

And so we stayed up all night asking various questions to get a better feel for each other.

I learned that they had an older sister named Gemma and that she lived back in England with their mom and father. Harry got his first major movie roll at age 19 and the movie was filmed in Italy so he knew a bit of Italian. Marcel knew he wanted to be a doctor ever since they were 10 and Harry climbed a tree and fell out of it, breaking his tibia. He's taken a similar route to Thaleia in the aspect of moving through school quicker than usual. Edward has a bachelors degree in education with a concentration in child development because before he started Styles Enterprises he wanted to be a kindergarten teacher believe it or not. This big tough alpha wanted to teach kids.

I actually opened up as well and told them how it was growing up for me. I told them about my mom's constant revolving door of ain't shit ass boyfriends, I told them about how I dropped out of school and how it led to me becoming a full time artist, and many other things that I've never shared with anyone other than my two friends and sister.

By the end of the night, my fears of not being good enough had majorly decreased as the brothers never looked at me differently once they found out where I came from and what I've been through. They told me they were grateful that I let them in.

We made a group chat in iMessage so it'd be easier to communicate among the three of us and Harry named it The Golden Girls. I'd also learned that Harry thought The Golden Girls was one of the best sitcoms to ever be made, right after How I Met Your Mother. But if you ask me, Friends was undefeated. We all fell asleep at some ungodly hour, tangled up in my bed between each other.

I don't think I've ever peacefully slept through a night like that before.


Breaking down Louis' emotional walls, one brick at a time.

Who's your favorite triplet so far?

Vote and comment. Love ya.


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